Simos Zenios
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - Professor Zenios is fantastic!! He's super helpful, understanding, and intelligent and I found the workload for this class to be super reasonable. There were simple reading reflections (around 350 words) due every OTHER week on CCLE. I skimmed almost every reading assignment and as long as you have the general idea and can contribute to class discussions somehow, you'll be fine. Professor Zenios is big on the class discussions and participation. The group project and midterm were super easy in my opinion. The midterm was basically a short answer quiz on character identification and the big ideas we talk about in class. The group presentation was 10-15 min going more in depth on one of the assigned readings, so just choose an easier text and it'll be fairly straightforward. The final was a 6-8 page take-home paper but he gives very flexible prompts and you can even come up with your own if you don't like any of them! Overall, this class is interesting, fun, and easy if you pay attention and give some effort! I'm so glad I got to be in one of Professor Zenios' classes!
Winter 2019 - Professor Zenios is fantastic!! He's super helpful, understanding, and intelligent and I found the workload for this class to be super reasonable. There were simple reading reflections (around 350 words) due every OTHER week on CCLE. I skimmed almost every reading assignment and as long as you have the general idea and can contribute to class discussions somehow, you'll be fine. Professor Zenios is big on the class discussions and participation. The group project and midterm were super easy in my opinion. The midterm was basically a short answer quiz on character identification and the big ideas we talk about in class. The group presentation was 10-15 min going more in depth on one of the assigned readings, so just choose an easier text and it'll be fairly straightforward. The final was a 6-8 page take-home paper but he gives very flexible prompts and you can even come up with your own if you don't like any of them! Overall, this class is interesting, fun, and easy if you pay attention and give some effort! I'm so glad I got to be in one of Professor Zenios' classes!