Salih Aciksoz
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - I took this as a GE my first quarter of freshman year. The class setup made it so that you really don't need to attend class. But I attended almost all lectures and found them fairly interesting. Professor Aciksoz is super passionate about his field and has experience on the very subject we were learning about. The papers that make up most of your grade are really self explanatory and I believe all TAs graded these really leniently. Discussions were also chill and fairly interesting. The final exam was super straightforward as well. I recommend this class as an easy GE.
Fall 2023 - I took this as a GE my first quarter of freshman year. The class setup made it so that you really don't need to attend class. But I attended almost all lectures and found them fairly interesting. Professor Aciksoz is super passionate about his field and has experience on the very subject we were learning about. The papers that make up most of your grade are really self explanatory and I believe all TAs graded these really leniently. Discussions were also chill and fairly interesting. The final exam was super straightforward as well. I recommend this class as an easy GE.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - He is one of the most enthusiastic and passionate professor that I’ve encountered so far in regarding to not only teaching the material but explaining it! The class overall is fairly easy if you attend lecture on a regular basis and go to section! The PowerPoint slides are honestly just for him to reference on what he is saying about that weeks subject and relating it back to readings. He does include YouTube videos and a couple movies in lecture as well (talk about fun!) Although the readings are mandatory and are a lot if you miss any he references them in lecture so you have an idea what’s happening but it’s best to go back and skim/read them! There is 1 mid term with 3 short answers and 1 long essay question. There is a paper that’s due but it’s early on the quarter so you don’t have to worry about it during finals. The final is in similar format to the mid term with 4 short answers and 2 long essay questions. Honestly his teaching style and enthusiasm made me excited to go to his class and I would take him again if I could! One of the best anthro professors out there! I highly recommend! He will rejuvenate your excitement and interest in being an anthro major if you’re in a rut on questioning if this is what you wanna do! If you can take this class and introduce yourself to him, especially with going to office hours he appreciates it and invokes new thought!
Spring 2019 - He is one of the most enthusiastic and passionate professor that I’ve encountered so far in regarding to not only teaching the material but explaining it! The class overall is fairly easy if you attend lecture on a regular basis and go to section! The PowerPoint slides are honestly just for him to reference on what he is saying about that weeks subject and relating it back to readings. He does include YouTube videos and a couple movies in lecture as well (talk about fun!) Although the readings are mandatory and are a lot if you miss any he references them in lecture so you have an idea what’s happening but it’s best to go back and skim/read them! There is 1 mid term with 3 short answers and 1 long essay question. There is a paper that’s due but it’s early on the quarter so you don’t have to worry about it during finals. The final is in similar format to the mid term with 4 short answers and 2 long essay questions. Honestly his teaching style and enthusiasm made me excited to go to his class and I would take him again if I could! One of the best anthro professors out there! I highly recommend! He will rejuvenate your excitement and interest in being an anthro major if you’re in a rut on questioning if this is what you wanna do! If you can take this class and introduce yourself to him, especially with going to office hours he appreciates it and invokes new thought!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2024 - Easiest upper division class I've ever taken. There are no exams, just weekly reflections and a final paper. The weekly reflections are just a single spaced paper discussing what you learned from the designated readings, due at the start of each week. There are 9 of them but you only need to complete 6. The final paper was originally supposed to be 10 pages, but towards the end of the quarter he reduced it to 6 pages; most professors aren't that lenient so I admire that a lot. I was able to get a 100 on the paper even though it was above average at best. You don't even really need to attend the lectures since attendance is only mandatory for discussion sections. The grade breakdown was 60% weekly reflections, 30% final paper, 10% discussion attendance. If you're an Anthro major, or if you're not but just need an upper division class with minimal work load take this one!!
Winter 2024 - Easiest upper division class I've ever taken. There are no exams, just weekly reflections and a final paper. The weekly reflections are just a single spaced paper discussing what you learned from the designated readings, due at the start of each week. There are 9 of them but you only need to complete 6. The final paper was originally supposed to be 10 pages, but towards the end of the quarter he reduced it to 6 pages; most professors aren't that lenient so I admire that a lot. I was able to get a 100 on the paper even though it was above average at best. You don't even really need to attend the lectures since attendance is only mandatory for discussion sections. The grade breakdown was 60% weekly reflections, 30% final paper, 10% discussion attendance. If you're an Anthro major, or if you're not but just need an upper division class with minimal work load take this one!!