Ruben Hernandez-Leon
Most Helpful Review
Professor Heernandez-Leon is the worst professor at UCLA. What kind of professor gives 3 surprise quizzes worth 10% each? WTF is that about? Not only are there surprise quizzes, but you're required to do a 10-12 page paper on an ethnic enclaves. The paper itself was too time consuming. He does not care about his students and his lectures are boring. Don't take this class if you don't like reading over a 100 pages a night and spending your free time researching your final paper!
Professor Heernandez-Leon is the worst professor at UCLA. What kind of professor gives 3 surprise quizzes worth 10% each? WTF is that about? Not only are there surprise quizzes, but you're required to do a 10-12 page paper on an ethnic enclaves. The paper itself was too time consuming. He does not care about his students and his lectures are boring. Don't take this class if you don't like reading over a 100 pages a night and spending your free time researching your final paper!
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2018 - Professor Hernandez Leon is a decent professor. The workload (reading load) is way too much. He typically assigns at least 4-5 readings a week all at which are at minimum 20 pages and is expected to be all read by class meetings. He provides slides in lecture (he does not post them on his website), he speaks pretty fast which did not allow me to write down all bullet points along with footnotes he would say. 20 question quizzes/ short essays alternate each week (all based off of the readings and lecture). He allows up to 5 extra credit opportunities. I would not take this class nor another class with this professor. If you do decide to take this class I have the books, email me at *************
Spring 2018 - Professor Hernandez Leon is a decent professor. The workload (reading load) is way too much. He typically assigns at least 4-5 readings a week all at which are at minimum 20 pages and is expected to be all read by class meetings. He provides slides in lecture (he does not post them on his website), he speaks pretty fast which did not allow me to write down all bullet points along with footnotes he would say. 20 question quizzes/ short essays alternate each week (all based off of the readings and lecture). He allows up to 5 extra credit opportunities. I would not take this class nor another class with this professor. If you do decide to take this class I have the books, email me at *************
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - Loved him and the content of this class, which is Sociology of Global Mexico. Class consisted of midterm/final & two short reaction papers. Also super accommodating, as he provided 10 possible extra credit points at the end of the quarter, given the protests and repression of free speech that occurred during the spring quarter of 2024.
Spring 2024 - Loved him and the content of this class, which is Sociology of Global Mexico. Class consisted of midterm/final & two short reaction papers. Also super accommodating, as he provided 10 possible extra credit points at the end of the quarter, given the protests and repression of free speech that occurred during the spring quarter of 2024.