
Rory Kelly

Overall Ratings
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (18)

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July 2, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

This class is cake, and I absolutely miss it. I was having a really tough time this quarter with my mental health and I always looked forward to this class. Rory wants you to understand the material, and he does a great job explaining it. My TA was a film veteran finishing up his degree, so he was a reliable source of information.

Midterm is in-class. You watch a couple of clips and respond to the prompts. Not too hard. Like I said, my mental health was shit, so I was always smoking weed. Pretty sure I took the midterm high, and I enjoyed writing it.

There's a take-home essay. Watch a few clips, respond to the prompts. The final is the best. You get to choose your own film to dissect, using the knowledge you've accumulated all quarter. I wrote all my essays high, and did well.

This class will change the way you view films, and you'll want to take it again. The professor is funny, well-versed, likes Led Zeppelin (doesn't matter but that makes him cooler.)

Also, we got to watch the original Blade Runner, set in Los Angeles, 2019, which is when I took this class :). TAKE THE CLASS IF YOU WANT A BADASS GE THAT YOU'LL FOR SURE GET AN A ON


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Feb. 9, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: C+

I’m a film minor and had a background in film and TV from high school. This class is HARD and it’s REALLY IMPORTANT TO SHOW UP TO THE 3 hour screenings. 1 miss drops you a whole letter grade (guilty) as I didn’t find it necessary to walk all the way to Melnitz from the hill in pouring rain to watch a movie I could watch in the comfort of my own bed. From my memory, 2 papers (1 midterm in class, 1 final) and both are graded pretty harshly. On top of this discussion attendance is important and there’s one Multiple choice test on key terms discussed in class which was relatively easy. Good Luck if you take this’s definitely a doable A but you have to be on it.


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Dec. 15, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Super chill professor with a great teaching style. He's fairly straightforward and extremely helpful. He's almost always available and promptly answers everyone's email. Even though the time of the class (4-6:50pm) totally sucked, the movies we watched were pretty enjoyable. Overall, a good class to take for a GPA booster. Very easy to approach.


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Dec. 7, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I don't know why Prof. Kelly doesn't have an evaluation....he is awesome! The classes are loooong and I took the class at a lousy time of the day (4-6:50), so I would come to class already dragging and would usually get pretty bored. However, I honestly think the only reason I felt this way was due to the class length and the time of day because Prof. Kelly was great...funny, charismatic, and super cool--cracked jokes that were funny and relevant, talked with the class totally naturally, and wore converse with his dress clothes lol...anyways, it isn't necessary to go to every lecture but, with the way the class is run, I would suggest attending most lectures which is what I you have to come every other week for an exam anyways.

The breakdown of the class was this:

4 exams (100 points each) x 15% each= 60%
Final Paper= 40%

All the tests were pretty fair (based on the lectures and readings-which were important to read) but any problems with the test were compensated by a helpful curve, but I definitely advise studying well for them and putting time into learning the material.

Overall, I loved Prof. Kelly. He was super helpful, very understanding of the needs of his students, and did everything with a smile and sense of humor! I put hard work and a good amount of time into his class (probably because the material was interesting and enjoyable to study) so if you do the same, expect a great class and an A!


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April 4, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

LOVED this class with Rory. He is such a funny guy and cares about his students so much. He gives pop quizzes but you only have to pass 3/5 of them to get extra points and to pass you only need to get a 2/3 on them. Yunyi was my TA and she was amazing, so sweet and helpful. I had a fun time in this class and learned a lot about film, it changed the way I viewed movies. The exams aren't very difficult, one is an in-class analysis, one is terms and one is a take-home essay. The final paper was very interesting because you get to pick a movie to analyze. I would definitely recommend this class with Rory and would take it again.


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Oct. 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A+

Engaging professor, interesting content, overall easy GE.


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April 1, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-

Good professor. Selling Writing about Movies and Making Movies (almost new) both for $15. Email *************


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Sept. 20, 2021
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: A

Super chill summer class. Everything was asynchronous and you could watch lectures at your own pace. The Professor Kelly's lectures were exceptionally well-made and although they were often long, they were always interesting enough to hold my attention for the entire duration. My TA, Derek, provided perfect instructions on each assignment to ensure an A. My only complaint with this class is that the 2nd project, the storyboard, can take a while, but you're given more than enough time to do each project. Additionally, Derek and the Professor were always willing to give extensions to those who asked, so no worries there. All in all, great class, would 100% take again.


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Sept. 26, 2023
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+

This class was online a-sync for me during Summer 23, and it was a super fun and chill class. The first assignment is super engaging and fun, you write a short script of your choosing. Loved this class and all of its content but be warned that the second project takes so long and grading is a little harder on this one, or at least that is what I thought. You have more than enough time to complete each project, I just thought that the second project was unnecessarily long. The third project was my favorite. You were asked to create a look book for the script that you wrote for the first project. You could include two extra things in your look book for up to 20 points of extra credit, so great opportunity to raise your grade if you tanked the second project. I think I ended with a 107% because of the extra credit, but loved the class overall. Hope this review helps, but I would 10000% take the class again if I could.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
July 2, 2020

This class is cake, and I absolutely miss it. I was having a really tough time this quarter with my mental health and I always looked forward to this class. Rory wants you to understand the material, and he does a great job explaining it. My TA was a film veteran finishing up his degree, so he was a reliable source of information.

Midterm is in-class. You watch a couple of clips and respond to the prompts. Not too hard. Like I said, my mental health was shit, so I was always smoking weed. Pretty sure I took the midterm high, and I enjoyed writing it.

There's a take-home essay. Watch a few clips, respond to the prompts. The final is the best. You get to choose your own film to dissect, using the knowledge you've accumulated all quarter. I wrote all my essays high, and did well.

This class will change the way you view films, and you'll want to take it again. The professor is funny, well-versed, likes Led Zeppelin (doesn't matter but that makes him cooler.)

Also, we got to watch the original Blade Runner, set in Los Angeles, 2019, which is when I took this class :). TAKE THE CLASS IF YOU WANT A BADASS GE THAT YOU'LL FOR SURE GET AN A ON


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: C+
Feb. 9, 2020

I’m a film minor and had a background in film and TV from high school. This class is HARD and it’s REALLY IMPORTANT TO SHOW UP TO THE 3 hour screenings. 1 miss drops you a whole letter grade (guilty) as I didn’t find it necessary to walk all the way to Melnitz from the hill in pouring rain to watch a movie I could watch in the comfort of my own bed. From my memory, 2 papers (1 midterm in class, 1 final) and both are graded pretty harshly. On top of this discussion attendance is important and there’s one Multiple choice test on key terms discussed in class which was relatively easy. Good Luck if you take this’s definitely a doable A but you have to be on it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 15, 2010

Super chill professor with a great teaching style. He's fairly straightforward and extremely helpful. He's almost always available and promptly answers everyone's email. Even though the time of the class (4-6:50pm) totally sucked, the movies we watched were pretty enjoyable. Overall, a good class to take for a GPA booster. Very easy to approach.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 7, 2010

I don't know why Prof. Kelly doesn't have an evaluation....he is awesome! The classes are loooong and I took the class at a lousy time of the day (4-6:50), so I would come to class already dragging and would usually get pretty bored. However, I honestly think the only reason I felt this way was due to the class length and the time of day because Prof. Kelly was great...funny, charismatic, and super cool--cracked jokes that were funny and relevant, talked with the class totally naturally, and wore converse with his dress clothes lol...anyways, it isn't necessary to go to every lecture but, with the way the class is run, I would suggest attending most lectures which is what I you have to come every other week for an exam anyways.

The breakdown of the class was this:

4 exams (100 points each) x 15% each= 60%
Final Paper= 40%

All the tests were pretty fair (based on the lectures and readings-which were important to read) but any problems with the test were compensated by a helpful curve, but I definitely advise studying well for them and putting time into learning the material.

Overall, I loved Prof. Kelly. He was super helpful, very understanding of the needs of his students, and did everything with a smile and sense of humor! I put hard work and a good amount of time into his class (probably because the material was interesting and enjoyable to study) so if you do the same, expect a great class and an A!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 4, 2019

LOVED this class with Rory. He is such a funny guy and cares about his students so much. He gives pop quizzes but you only have to pass 3/5 of them to get extra points and to pass you only need to get a 2/3 on them. Yunyi was my TA and she was amazing, so sweet and helpful. I had a fun time in this class and learned a lot about film, it changed the way I viewed movies. The exams aren't very difficult, one is an in-class analysis, one is terms and one is a take-home essay. The final paper was very interesting because you get to pick a movie to analyze. I would definitely recommend this class with Rory and would take it again.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A+
Oct. 30, 2020

Engaging professor, interesting content, overall easy GE.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-
April 1, 2019

Good professor. Selling Writing about Movies and Making Movies (almost new) both for $15. Email *************


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: A
Sept. 20, 2021

Super chill summer class. Everything was asynchronous and you could watch lectures at your own pace. The Professor Kelly's lectures were exceptionally well-made and although they were often long, they were always interesting enough to hold my attention for the entire duration. My TA, Derek, provided perfect instructions on each assignment to ensure an A. My only complaint with this class is that the 2nd project, the storyboard, can take a while, but you're given more than enough time to do each project. Additionally, Derek and the Professor were always willing to give extensions to those who asked, so no worries there. All in all, great class, would 100% take again.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Sept. 26, 2023

This class was online a-sync for me during Summer 23, and it was a super fun and chill class. The first assignment is super engaging and fun, you write a short script of your choosing. Loved this class and all of its content but be warned that the second project takes so long and grading is a little harder on this one, or at least that is what I thought. You have more than enough time to complete each project, I just thought that the second project was unnecessarily long. The third project was my favorite. You were asked to create a look book for the script that you wrote for the first project. You could include two extra things in your look book for up to 20 points of extra credit, so great opportunity to raise your grade if you tanked the second project. I think I ended with a 107% because of the extra credit, but loved the class overall. Hope this review helps, but I would 10000% take the class again if I could.


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