
Robert Gould

Overall Ratings
Based on 143 Users
Easiness 2.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (143)

2 of 10
2 of 10
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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 24, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

This is by far one of my favorite Stats classes so far. Professor Gould is an incredible person and instructor. He was able to explain everything incredibly well and was tremendously active on Campuswire and answering emails.

I personally enjoyed his use of participation in the class, it helped me from going insane to have some personal interaction with others during the Spring 2020, COVID-19 quarter. However, if you are anxious about these type of zoom breakout room activities, perhaps this class isn't for you because they happen almost weekly. (Prof gould would put us into breakouts and we'd explore the dataset he gave to us and do regression on it and stuff).

The homeworks were pretty easy and didn't require a lot of R knowledge. It is a lot of repetition in terms of the looking at model adequacy and running lm() tests on data.

There was not a final exam but rather a final project where you and a few other people (i was in a group of 2) investigate a dataset on your own and right a research paper (about 5 pages) on the topic. The project was easy and fun if you choose a fun topic that you're actually interested in. Grades were never a worry in the class, and was strongly right-skewed throughout the course. Even still, Prof gould curved the class on top of this distribution to ensure no one got lower than a C. I can't wait to take another course with him!


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Jan. 9, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B-

I am selling the book text me if you are interested **********


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Dec. 22, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B+

A bit of my background:
Highest math taken in highschool: Pre-cal
Major: Sociology
Taking it as a pre-req my senior year in college

A lot of people say this is high school review (this is why some people consider this an easy class) but for some of us, it is not basic information, it is all new. Because of the fast pace of the class, you cannot fall behind, especially if this is all new material. If it is new to you, I recommend signing up for AAP sessions. I could honestly say that if I didn't attend the PLF sessions, I would have had a hard time.
Chapters 1-4 are easy but don't get too comfortable, after the midterm (5-9), things are turned up a notch.
Professor Gould is great at explaining concepts, however, the majority of the math solving was explained in AAP. So attending lecture is great for the tests, but AAP will help with understanding the homework.
Labs are confusing but doable. It just takes some time to understand how to use the software. FYI, im horrible with technology.
HW is also simple (refer to the examples in the back to make sure you're doing them right) but they are time-consuming.
Midterm was trickier than the final because it had free response which are worth more. But its not solving. It is just explaining graphs which can be tricky. I only missed 4 problems but i missed the ones that were worth more.
The final is cummulative but only checks for understanding.

Grading scale:
1 midterm (multiple choice/short answer) 25%
1 group project (counts as 2nd midterm) 25%
1 final (all multiple choice) 30%
9 weekly HW 10%
5 Labs 9%
Participation 1%

How I did on exams:
Midterm 39/50 (C+) 78% (avg was 74%)
Group Project (A) 97% (avg unknown)
Final (34/40) (B+) 85% (avg unknown)

Do all the work and start on your study guides/cheat sheets as you read each chapter and you'll be fine. :)

Im selling the Stats 10 loose-leaf custom edition textbook and lab book!
Very great condition, and I've already highlighted whats important!
Text me for more info: **********


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Sept. 7, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I personally really enjoyed stats 10, and I hate math but professor Gould made it enjoyable.


SELLING INTRO STATS book and Solutions manual. In prisitine condition!

Email me for info: *************



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Oct. 7, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

I learned a lot, and he is a must-take professor in the stats department. 100A made me skeptical of majoring in stats but this class with Gould reminded me why I love it.


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Jan. 5, 2004
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Gould is very tough. He crams a lot of material into a 10 week period. I easily spent more time on his class than on my other classes combined. His lectures are good and he makes himself available outside of class. Unfortunately, his exams are brutal. The labs were annoying, as they didn't seem to be teaching us anything at all. If you take the class, be prepared to work hard and attend your section.


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Oct. 31, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

do not take this guy classes. his classes are too much hw, and also requires too many works too. I regret to take his 101A class. When I visit his office, he always smiled. however, I HATE EVEN HIS SMILING FACE. He is very selfish guy because I could not study other classes since his hw. He gave a Lot of hw even if we are confronted midterm period. I hate hate hate him


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Oct. 31, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

do not take this guy classes. his classes are too much hw, and also requires too many works too. I regret to take his 101A class. When I visit his office, he always smiled. however, I HATE EVEN HIS SMILING FACE. He is very selfish guy because I could not study other classes since his hw. He gave a Lot of hw even if we are confronted midterm period. I hate hate hate him


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June 26, 2004
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

This class is tricky. It starts out okay with a professor who does speak English and with the familiar stuff like mean, median, and mode. Then you're slammed with a MT that looks nothing like the homework or what you're used to.

The next part of the course is about randomness and probability, (harder). It's very step by step - things you learned in the previous chapters show up in the chapters at hand. Another MT (better).

Toward the end you look at large populations and find confidence intervals (harder). It takes a while to become comfortable with this part. Then comes the final (what?). The final has 6 questions with about 5 steps for each question. All of the questions have strange examples you've never seen before. For example, there was a weird question on probability where if the coin landed tails you could either say "no" and tell the truth or "yes" and admit to smoking marijuana. WTF?

I went to his office hours more than a couple of times and it helps (both MTs needed to be regraded). He can clarify some little things but you won't leave confident.

Take this class with him if you want, but I don't trust him.


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Dec. 5, 2002
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

while prof. gould may know how to find standard deviations and z scores in his sleep, he is unable to effectively communicate this knowledge to his students. his lecture were very unorganized; basically, he came to class every day, threw some random examples on the board, and left us confused, to try and figure out the problems on our own using a text straight out of the sixties... while having a good TA would have been helpful, my chico state alumni TA was the opposite of bright. i don't know how he was able to graduate! (hot wheels) going to section was a complete waste of time... the TAs don't even know the answers to the homework because their is a separate grader for the class. there was too much material covered on each individual exam; each question involved multiple parts, and 45 minutes was not enough time to finish either of the midterms. gould might have a love for stats, but his passion for numbers does not equate to good teaching. take this class with lew or davis if you have to take stats 10.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
Aug. 24, 2020

This is by far one of my favorite Stats classes so far. Professor Gould is an incredible person and instructor. He was able to explain everything incredibly well and was tremendously active on Campuswire and answering emails.

I personally enjoyed his use of participation in the class, it helped me from going insane to have some personal interaction with others during the Spring 2020, COVID-19 quarter. However, if you are anxious about these type of zoom breakout room activities, perhaps this class isn't for you because they happen almost weekly. (Prof gould would put us into breakouts and we'd explore the dataset he gave to us and do regression on it and stuff).

The homeworks were pretty easy and didn't require a lot of R knowledge. It is a lot of repetition in terms of the looking at model adequacy and running lm() tests on data.

There was not a final exam but rather a final project where you and a few other people (i was in a group of 2) investigate a dataset on your own and right a research paper (about 5 pages) on the topic. The project was easy and fun if you choose a fun topic that you're actually interested in. Grades were never a worry in the class, and was strongly right-skewed throughout the course. Even still, Prof gould curved the class on top of this distribution to ensure no one got lower than a C. I can't wait to take another course with him!


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B-
Jan. 9, 2018

I am selling the book text me if you are interested **********


0 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B+
Dec. 22, 2017

A bit of my background:
Highest math taken in highschool: Pre-cal
Major: Sociology
Taking it as a pre-req my senior year in college

A lot of people say this is high school review (this is why some people consider this an easy class) but for some of us, it is not basic information, it is all new. Because of the fast pace of the class, you cannot fall behind, especially if this is all new material. If it is new to you, I recommend signing up for AAP sessions. I could honestly say that if I didn't attend the PLF sessions, I would have had a hard time.
Chapters 1-4 are easy but don't get too comfortable, after the midterm (5-9), things are turned up a notch.
Professor Gould is great at explaining concepts, however, the majority of the math solving was explained in AAP. So attending lecture is great for the tests, but AAP will help with understanding the homework.
Labs are confusing but doable. It just takes some time to understand how to use the software. FYI, im horrible with technology.
HW is also simple (refer to the examples in the back to make sure you're doing them right) but they are time-consuming.
Midterm was trickier than the final because it had free response which are worth more. But its not solving. It is just explaining graphs which can be tricky. I only missed 4 problems but i missed the ones that were worth more.
The final is cummulative but only checks for understanding.

Grading scale:
1 midterm (multiple choice/short answer) 25%
1 group project (counts as 2nd midterm) 25%
1 final (all multiple choice) 30%
9 weekly HW 10%
5 Labs 9%
Participation 1%

How I did on exams:
Midterm 39/50 (C+) 78% (avg was 74%)
Group Project (A) 97% (avg unknown)
Final (34/40) (B+) 85% (avg unknown)

Do all the work and start on your study guides/cheat sheets as you read each chapter and you'll be fine. :)

Im selling the Stats 10 loose-leaf custom edition textbook and lab book!
Very great condition, and I've already highlighted whats important!
Text me for more info: **********


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 7, 2013

I personally really enjoyed stats 10, and I hate math but professor Gould made it enjoyable.


SELLING INTRO STATS book and Solutions manual. In prisitine condition!

Email me for info: *************



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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
Oct. 7, 2022

I learned a lot, and he is a must-take professor in the stats department. 100A made me skeptical of majoring in stats but this class with Gould reminded me why I love it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 5, 2004

Gould is very tough. He crams a lot of material into a 10 week period. I easily spent more time on his class than on my other classes combined. His lectures are good and he makes himself available outside of class. Unfortunately, his exams are brutal. The labs were annoying, as they didn't seem to be teaching us anything at all. If you take the class, be prepared to work hard and attend your section.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Oct. 31, 2012

do not take this guy classes. his classes are too much hw, and also requires too many works too. I regret to take his 101A class. When I visit his office, he always smiled. however, I HATE EVEN HIS SMILING FACE. He is very selfish guy because I could not study other classes since his hw. He gave a Lot of hw even if we are confronted midterm period. I hate hate hate him


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Oct. 31, 2012

do not take this guy classes. his classes are too much hw, and also requires too many works too. I regret to take his 101A class. When I visit his office, he always smiled. however, I HATE EVEN HIS SMILING FACE. He is very selfish guy because I could not study other classes since his hw. He gave a Lot of hw even if we are confronted midterm period. I hate hate hate him


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 26, 2004

This class is tricky. It starts out okay with a professor who does speak English and with the familiar stuff like mean, median, and mode. Then you're slammed with a MT that looks nothing like the homework or what you're used to.

The next part of the course is about randomness and probability, (harder). It's very step by step - things you learned in the previous chapters show up in the chapters at hand. Another MT (better).

Toward the end you look at large populations and find confidence intervals (harder). It takes a while to become comfortable with this part. Then comes the final (what?). The final has 6 questions with about 5 steps for each question. All of the questions have strange examples you've never seen before. For example, there was a weird question on probability where if the coin landed tails you could either say "no" and tell the truth or "yes" and admit to smoking marijuana. WTF?

I went to his office hours more than a couple of times and it helps (both MTs needed to be regraded). He can clarify some little things but you won't leave confident.

Take this class with him if you want, but I don't trust him.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 5, 2002

while prof. gould may know how to find standard deviations and z scores in his sleep, he is unable to effectively communicate this knowledge to his students. his lecture were very unorganized; basically, he came to class every day, threw some random examples on the board, and left us confused, to try and figure out the problems on our own using a text straight out of the sixties... while having a good TA would have been helpful, my chico state alumni TA was the opposite of bright. i don't know how he was able to graduate! (hot wheels) going to section was a complete waste of time... the TAs don't even know the answers to the homework because their is a separate grader for the class. there was too much material covered on each individual exam; each question involved multiple parts, and 45 minutes was not enough time to finish either of the midterms. gould might have a love for stats, but his passion for numbers does not equate to good teaching. take this class with lew or davis if you have to take stats 10.


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2 of 10

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