
Richard Andalon

Overall Ratings
Based on 23 Users
Easiness 4.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (23)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 11, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A

If you're debating whether to take this class or not, I'm a 4th year w hella experience right here letting you know that all his classes are as good as it gets at UCLA. HE IS AMAZING, UNDERSTANDING, CARING. You hardly ever get accessible classes w professors who care but he does. Take it. Workload is reasonable and you learn so much. TAKE IT


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 2, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+

This class was great. Andalon is a great instructor. He cares about the students and it was easy to get an A if you turned in the assignments. He divides the research paper up into 4 parts, and each part leads up to the final paper. He doesn't try to trick you - he just wants the students to learn and be passionate about the subject matter. I would definitely take a class from him again.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 30, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

I feel like Professor Andalon is one of the best professors at UCLA. Although he is a well-known and reputable professor, he is very kind and respectful to his students. He is very organized, and his lectures are very clear. One thing I want to point out is that he always dresses in business-casual clothing (dress shirts and suit jackets) to give lectures. He always speaks to his students in professional tone (as if he is speaking to his colleagues). He never demands respect because he is a professor. All his students love him and highly respect him because of his character. Regarding the grade composition, it is made up by 10% attendance, 20% main exam (OPEN book/multiple choice), 55% group project, and 15% individual assignment. He also gives you 5% extra credit opportunity at the end of the quarter! Professor Andalon wants you to learn and cares about what you will take away from his class. So, instead of assigning unnecessary busywork, a crazy amount of readings/papers, and nerve-wracking exams, he focuses to engage students in the course material by group collaboration work. I wouldn't say it's a super easy class (because you do have to put in extra hours to work with your group members), but it's rewarding. As long as you put in your work, you are guaranteed an "A." I really enjoyed his class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 14, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

This class is so helpful if you are starting to look into your career after UCLA. Professor Andalon goes through everything in detail you need to prepare and anything you could possibly face. I reworked my entire resume and was successful in getting a much-needed internship. I also looked into alternate career paths too, which will be helpful. Great class with material you can definitely use.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 18, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

Super doable light class, plus it can be pretty useful. Final is basically just compiling all the assignments you did earlier in the quarter and submitting it as a portfolio. Sample resumes, cover letters, interview thank you notes, etc and some reflections. Overall would recommend!


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Sept. 14, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: B+

There was no weekly assignments, you just have to submit codes for each of the 2 lectures in the week. The exam was both open note and very easy, you were allowed to take them throughout one whole week. You do however have two pretty large assignments, one being an individual OR group project on an educational policy brief, but it was pretty fun to work (even doing it alone). The final essay is a self reflection on academic journey and it was quite easy as well. I recommend this professor but his lectures were a little slow and so I did not attend all of them. Overall enjoyed the course, and it has an acceptable amount of work for a 5 unit course. Professor is very understanding + lots of extra credit opportunities and extensions granted!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 24, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

Amazing professor who cares so deeply about his students. I would take any class with him. 10/10 would recommend.


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Dec. 16, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

This class is good for the most part! My biggest issue was that Professor Andalon doesn’t teach, and I mean that literally. He started lecturing week one material on week three, and then just kinda stopped? He assigns us a book to read (which he provides) but then never once talked about it in class. I gave up reading the assigned text after he said the only thing that’ll be on the midterm is lecture material, nothing from the textbook.

That being said, his class is an easy A. There is 100 points total for his class, here’s the breakdown:
ATTENDANCE: 20 points total. You don’t have to show up for class to receive these points because attendance is taken on BruinLearn via an “attendance quiz” which he literally provides the answers for in the description of the quiz.
MIDTERM: 30 points total. The midterm is open note/open BruinLearn AND we got three days to do it (we could enter and exit the exam as much as we’d like). 10 multiple choice questions, one essay question.
PROJECT: 50 points total. Broken down into 3 separate assignments, so assignment 1 is 15 points, assignment 2 is also 15 points, and assignment 3 (the final draft) is 20 points. This project is done all throughout the quarter. He always extended the group project dates, so if it was due on Friday, he would change it to Sunday. It can be done either alone or with a group. I recommend a group to lessen the workload.
EXTRA CREDIT: He also offers 4 points of extra credit at the end of the quarter. The only way to get an A+ in his class is to have 101 (or more) points in his class, and you can only get over 100 points if you do the extra credit.

Andalon is super nice too. He always comments on our assignments, encourages students to go to office hours, and is always willing to help if you needed it. He almost always replied to emails the same day. He is also a quick grader, usually getting your assignments back within a week. Overall, I’m grateful that the class was easy, but I still wish he lectured! It was nice not worrying about a class though. I would recommend if you need the units or just want an easy A, but don’t expect to learn much.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Feb. 11, 2021

If you're debating whether to take this class or not, I'm a 4th year w hella experience right here letting you know that all his classes are as good as it gets at UCLA. HE IS AMAZING, UNDERSTANDING, CARING. You hardly ever get accessible classes w professors who care but he does. Take it. Workload is reasonable and you learn so much. TAKE IT


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
Feb. 2, 2021

This class was great. Andalon is a great instructor. He cares about the students and it was easy to get an A if you turned in the assignments. He divides the research paper up into 4 parts, and each part leads up to the final paper. He doesn't try to trick you - he just wants the students to learn and be passionate about the subject matter. I would definitely take a class from him again.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 30, 2021

I feel like Professor Andalon is one of the best professors at UCLA. Although he is a well-known and reputable professor, he is very kind and respectful to his students. He is very organized, and his lectures are very clear. One thing I want to point out is that he always dresses in business-casual clothing (dress shirts and suit jackets) to give lectures. He always speaks to his students in professional tone (as if he is speaking to his colleagues). He never demands respect because he is a professor. All his students love him and highly respect him because of his character. Regarding the grade composition, it is made up by 10% attendance, 20% main exam (OPEN book/multiple choice), 55% group project, and 15% individual assignment. He also gives you 5% extra credit opportunity at the end of the quarter! Professor Andalon wants you to learn and cares about what you will take away from his class. So, instead of assigning unnecessary busywork, a crazy amount of readings/papers, and nerve-wracking exams, he focuses to engage students in the course material by group collaboration work. I wouldn't say it's a super easy class (because you do have to put in extra hours to work with your group members), but it's rewarding. As long as you put in your work, you are guaranteed an "A." I really enjoyed his class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 14, 2021

This class is so helpful if you are starting to look into your career after UCLA. Professor Andalon goes through everything in detail you need to prepare and anything you could possibly face. I reworked my entire resume and was successful in getting a much-needed internship. I also looked into alternate career paths too, which will be helpful. Great class with material you can definitely use.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 18, 2021

Super doable light class, plus it can be pretty useful. Final is basically just compiling all the assignments you did earlier in the quarter and submitting it as a portfolio. Sample resumes, cover letters, interview thank you notes, etc and some reflections. Overall would recommend!


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: B+
Sept. 14, 2024

There was no weekly assignments, you just have to submit codes for each of the 2 lectures in the week. The exam was both open note and very easy, you were allowed to take them throughout one whole week. You do however have two pretty large assignments, one being an individual OR group project on an educational policy brief, but it was pretty fun to work (even doing it alone). The final essay is a self reflection on academic journey and it was quite easy as well. I recommend this professor but his lectures were a little slow and so I did not attend all of them. Overall enjoyed the course, and it has an acceptable amount of work for a 5 unit course. Professor is very understanding + lots of extra credit opportunities and extensions granted!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
Feb. 24, 2022

Amazing professor who cares so deeply about his students. I would take any class with him. 10/10 would recommend.


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CCAS 120
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 16, 2023

This class is good for the most part! My biggest issue was that Professor Andalon doesn’t teach, and I mean that literally. He started lecturing week one material on week three, and then just kinda stopped? He assigns us a book to read (which he provides) but then never once talked about it in class. I gave up reading the assigned text after he said the only thing that’ll be on the midterm is lecture material, nothing from the textbook.

That being said, his class is an easy A. There is 100 points total for his class, here’s the breakdown:
ATTENDANCE: 20 points total. You don’t have to show up for class to receive these points because attendance is taken on BruinLearn via an “attendance quiz” which he literally provides the answers for in the description of the quiz.
MIDTERM: 30 points total. The midterm is open note/open BruinLearn AND we got three days to do it (we could enter and exit the exam as much as we’d like). 10 multiple choice questions, one essay question.
PROJECT: 50 points total. Broken down into 3 separate assignments, so assignment 1 is 15 points, assignment 2 is also 15 points, and assignment 3 (the final draft) is 20 points. This project is done all throughout the quarter. He always extended the group project dates, so if it was due on Friday, he would change it to Sunday. It can be done either alone or with a group. I recommend a group to lessen the workload.
EXTRA CREDIT: He also offers 4 points of extra credit at the end of the quarter. The only way to get an A+ in his class is to have 101 (or more) points in his class, and you can only get over 100 points if you do the extra credit.

Andalon is super nice too. He always comments on our assignments, encourages students to go to office hours, and is always willing to help if you needed it. He almost always replied to emails the same day. He is also a quick grader, usually getting your assignments back within a week. Overall, I’m grateful that the class was easy, but I still wish he lectured! It was nice not worrying about a class though. I would recommend if you need the units or just want an easy A, but don’t expect to learn much.


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