Randa Reslan
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Overall Rating
Based on 17 Users
Easiness 4.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.7 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Reviews (16)

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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 13, 2024

Professor Randa Reslan is the best choice for taking 14A with. Her lecture was thrice a week MWF, but attendance isn't mandatory and I'd honestly recommend just rewatching the lectures back at 2x speed. We had "weekly" problem sets on Achieve that kept getting extended that were anywhere from 8-20+ problems that were based on the textbook and lectures. The grading scheme is as follows.
10% Homework
5% discussion section worksheets (you just show up for attendance)
35% midterm exam
50% final exam
There was a bonus LA survey that added 0.5% to your final grade. For the exams, I would recommend going back through the problem sets and making sure that you understand each problem and how to get the correct solution. She records decently long review sessions (two 2 hour review sessions for the midterm and four 2 hour review sessions for the final) and also uploads practice exams that are similar to the actual tests. She is a very accommodating and nice professor (during the midterm, because of the unrest going on on campus, she decided to curve the midterm). Reslan added 6 bonus points on the final (126/120). She truly cares about her students and is an amazing professor, and I would never have taken 14A with anyone else.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Aug. 13, 2023

When I took 14A with Reslan, it was her first time teaching at ucla. So of course, she's not gonna be perfect, and at times she was a bit disorganized and made few errors since it was her first time teaching the quarter system. Many students would hate on her and wouldn't appreciate what she did for the class which pissed me off. However, from her growth and quality as a professor, I would say she is an amazing professor and the majority of the students with a brain would agree. If she is teaching this class again, take it with her! After the first few weeks, she assimilated into the class, became way more organized, and more helpful in our learning. The exams were so fair and similar to the practice in the class. She provides so many practice problems and wanted us to get an A. She tried her best to simplify complex topics and would try to answer as many questions as possible. She was also extremely nice and accommodating (even though she had to deal with some annoying ungrateful students so I felt bad for her throughout the quarter). She might have changed her class structure from when I took it, but overall, she is goated, so take the class with her!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Feb. 19, 2023

I loved this class. I am not a chemistry person in the slightest and have always detested it in the past, and by no means did she dumb the class down, but she made it very approachable and frequently said she wanted everyone to succeed. She is a good, clear lecturer, and provides very good practice exams. She provides outlines for her lectures printed to write on, and would provide a filled version later so you could make sure you had the math worked out right. The content on the exams was never a surprise and never a trick, and matched the difficulty of the practice problems very well. The exams are forgiving in that there were sometimes two long questions worth the same amount where you needed only to choose whichever one you preferred to answer. The final was all multiple choice so did not have that, but it did have extra credit questions to pad the grade. I don't think I've ever learned more from a chemistry course, nor have I ever taken one so low stress.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Feb. 17, 2023

I am not a fan of chemistry, but if you have to take 14A, I recommend professor Reslan. She was slightly disorganized at the beginning of the quarter, but everything was running smoothly by the end. She is very caring, will always admit to and remedy her mistakes, and often sides with students' wishes. I struggled initially, but she took time to hold helpful office hours, which I highly recommended attending. She also curved the final grades, which I believe helped many people.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 28, 2024

If you want to understand Chemistry and pass, take her. She is literally god sent. Her office hours, her lectures, everything, top tier. I only got. B+ because I crammed everything about the final in one night, but i'd say a B+ for that is pretty good. She isn't here to trick you, seriously, her exams are straight forward. The only flaw is that the final is 50%, midterm 35% i think, so exam heavy, but really, her study guides, her review sessions, DUDE she hosts like ALOT of review sessions, they're sooooo helpful. Her practice exams are very similar to the exams. overall best professor ive had at UCLA thus far.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 24, 2024

Randa is a really nice professor and I could tell that she wanted us to succeed. I did super well on our midterm, but fumbled the final (which was my fault). She truly gave us all of the info and made our exams super reasonable based on what she taught us. I’d say she’s a pretty good lecturer too. Def try to take 14A with her if you can.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Jan. 22, 2024

Not a lot of homework/assignments (usually one weekly hw done through the textbook). Depending on your understanding of the material read textbook in advance of class. Her midterms were pretty easy and she would host review sessions the weekend before that were SUPER helpful and those types of questions would be on the exams. The final had a lot of acids/bases on it (more than expected) so review those. Honestly her TA's vary with helpfulness some would put out slides and really help explain the material, others kind of did the bare minimum. The professor is also really nice and if you have a conflict will help you out!


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Jan. 16, 2024

#Real Rating

This class is really, really ez. I am pretty sure this was Reslan's second or third year teaching, so she is relatively new (essentially, meaning she will probably be more lenient and easier when grading, which she was). My TA was super helpful (Kat Cordeiro), had really nice slides and the worksheets we did in discussion were really reflective of the actual tests. During my quarter, on the first test, everyone essentially got a 90 or higher, so she made the second test a bit harder, and many people complained about how fast the test was going. However, the final had plenty of time and turned out pretty simple. For this class you do not need to use the textbook at all, just look at her slides (which she provides), her discussion worksheets, and the study guide which tells you which topics to look at. Unlike Lavelle, her class is super math-oriented (not conceptual), and I would highly recommend taking this class over Lavelle since it's a lot easier. However, you may be unprepared for 14B with Lavelle since he is the only teacher who teaches that class right now. The final was 30 percent and I believe both midterms were 20 (don't quote me though).

Summary: It is extremely doable to get an A, however, you may be unprepared for 14B. Focus on doing practice problems and do not use the textbook.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Jan. 7, 2024

Dr. Reslan was a very nice and helpful professor. She hosted multiple OH, always had zoom review sessions before each exam, and often took out material from our exams to make it less stressful for us.

However, her lectures are not very easy to understand. She often goes into detail about conceptual ideas (that we don't need to know that thoroughly) and the 50 minute lecture times were about 90% of the time not enough for her to finish the lecture slides of that day.

But the TAs were super nice!! If you get a chance to have Kat Codeiro as your TA i would definitely recommend taking her section :)) soso helpful and she retaught all the material to be clear and concise.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Jan. 5, 2024

Dr. Reslan is a great professor to have for 14A. I think the only drawback (in my opinion)to her teaching is that she often goes on tangents about conceptual aspects of topics (tip: its usually not on the tests don't waste your time learning about all the topics about the experiments and stuff). However, if you care about really learning the conceptual aspects behind the topics then she's great for that too. Her tests are pretty straightforward and she provides all the material you need. Just look at the powerpoints (not the textbook) for the tests and stuff and pay attention to the reviews she does for the tests. Overall, great professor and I would take this class again.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 13, 2024

Professor Randa Reslan is the best choice for taking 14A with. Her lecture was thrice a week MWF, but attendance isn't mandatory and I'd honestly recommend just rewatching the lectures back at 2x speed. We had "weekly" problem sets on Achieve that kept getting extended that were anywhere from 8-20+ problems that were based on the textbook and lectures. The grading scheme is as follows.
10% Homework
5% discussion section worksheets (you just show up for attendance)
35% midterm exam
50% final exam
There was a bonus LA survey that added 0.5% to your final grade. For the exams, I would recommend going back through the problem sets and making sure that you understand each problem and how to get the correct solution. She records decently long review sessions (two 2 hour review sessions for the midterm and four 2 hour review sessions for the final) and also uploads practice exams that are similar to the actual tests. She is a very accommodating and nice professor (during the midterm, because of the unrest going on on campus, she decided to curve the midterm). Reslan added 6 bonus points on the final (126/120). She truly cares about her students and is an amazing professor, and I would never have taken 14A with anyone else.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Aug. 13, 2023

When I took 14A with Reslan, it was her first time teaching at ucla. So of course, she's not gonna be perfect, and at times she was a bit disorganized and made few errors since it was her first time teaching the quarter system. Many students would hate on her and wouldn't appreciate what she did for the class which pissed me off. However, from her growth and quality as a professor, I would say she is an amazing professor and the majority of the students with a brain would agree. If she is teaching this class again, take it with her! After the first few weeks, she assimilated into the class, became way more organized, and more helpful in our learning. The exams were so fair and similar to the practice in the class. She provides so many practice problems and wanted us to get an A. She tried her best to simplify complex topics and would try to answer as many questions as possible. She was also extremely nice and accommodating (even though she had to deal with some annoying ungrateful students so I felt bad for her throughout the quarter). She might have changed her class structure from when I took it, but overall, she is goated, so take the class with her!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Feb. 19, 2023

I loved this class. I am not a chemistry person in the slightest and have always detested it in the past, and by no means did she dumb the class down, but she made it very approachable and frequently said she wanted everyone to succeed. She is a good, clear lecturer, and provides very good practice exams. She provides outlines for her lectures printed to write on, and would provide a filled version later so you could make sure you had the math worked out right. The content on the exams was never a surprise and never a trick, and matched the difficulty of the practice problems very well. The exams are forgiving in that there were sometimes two long questions worth the same amount where you needed only to choose whichever one you preferred to answer. The final was all multiple choice so did not have that, but it did have extra credit questions to pad the grade. I don't think I've ever learned more from a chemistry course, nor have I ever taken one so low stress.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Feb. 17, 2023

I am not a fan of chemistry, but if you have to take 14A, I recommend professor Reslan. She was slightly disorganized at the beginning of the quarter, but everything was running smoothly by the end. She is very caring, will always admit to and remedy her mistakes, and often sides with students' wishes. I struggled initially, but she took time to hold helpful office hours, which I highly recommended attending. She also curved the final grades, which I believe helped many people.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+
June 28, 2024

If you want to understand Chemistry and pass, take her. She is literally god sent. Her office hours, her lectures, everything, top tier. I only got. B+ because I crammed everything about the final in one night, but i'd say a B+ for that is pretty good. She isn't here to trick you, seriously, her exams are straight forward. The only flaw is that the final is 50%, midterm 35% i think, so exam heavy, but really, her study guides, her review sessions, DUDE she hosts like ALOT of review sessions, they're sooooo helpful. Her practice exams are very similar to the exams. overall best professor ive had at UCLA thus far.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B
June 24, 2024

Randa is a really nice professor and I could tell that she wanted us to succeed. I did super well on our midterm, but fumbled the final (which was my fault). She truly gave us all of the info and made our exams super reasonable based on what she taught us. I’d say she’s a pretty good lecturer too. Def try to take 14A with her if you can.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B
Jan. 22, 2024

Not a lot of homework/assignments (usually one weekly hw done through the textbook). Depending on your understanding of the material read textbook in advance of class. Her midterms were pretty easy and she would host review sessions the weekend before that were SUPER helpful and those types of questions would be on the exams. The final had a lot of acids/bases on it (more than expected) so review those. Honestly her TA's vary with helpfulness some would put out slides and really help explain the material, others kind of did the bare minimum. The professor is also really nice and if you have a conflict will help you out!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Jan. 16, 2024

#Real Rating

This class is really, really ez. I am pretty sure this was Reslan's second or third year teaching, so she is relatively new (essentially, meaning she will probably be more lenient and easier when grading, which she was). My TA was super helpful (Kat Cordeiro), had really nice slides and the worksheets we did in discussion were really reflective of the actual tests. During my quarter, on the first test, everyone essentially got a 90 or higher, so she made the second test a bit harder, and many people complained about how fast the test was going. However, the final had plenty of time and turned out pretty simple. For this class you do not need to use the textbook at all, just look at her slides (which she provides), her discussion worksheets, and the study guide which tells you which topics to look at. Unlike Lavelle, her class is super math-oriented (not conceptual), and I would highly recommend taking this class over Lavelle since it's a lot easier. However, you may be unprepared for 14B with Lavelle since he is the only teacher who teaches that class right now. The final was 30 percent and I believe both midterms were 20 (don't quote me though).

Summary: It is extremely doable to get an A, however, you may be unprepared for 14B. Focus on doing practice problems and do not use the textbook.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Jan. 7, 2024

Dr. Reslan was a very nice and helpful professor. She hosted multiple OH, always had zoom review sessions before each exam, and often took out material from our exams to make it less stressful for us.

However, her lectures are not very easy to understand. She often goes into detail about conceptual ideas (that we don't need to know that thoroughly) and the 50 minute lecture times were about 90% of the time not enough for her to finish the lecture slides of that day.

But the TAs were super nice!! If you get a chance to have Kat Codeiro as your TA i would definitely recommend taking her section :)) soso helpful and she retaught all the material to be clear and concise.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Jan. 5, 2024

Dr. Reslan is a great professor to have for 14A. I think the only drawback (in my opinion)to her teaching is that she often goes on tangents about conceptual aspects of topics (tip: its usually not on the tests don't waste your time learning about all the topics about the experiments and stuff). However, if you care about really learning the conceptual aspects behind the topics then she's great for that too. Her tests are pretty straightforward and she provides all the material you need. Just look at the powerpoints (not the textbook) for the tests and stuff and pay attention to the reviews she does for the tests. Overall, great professor and I would take this class again.


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 17 Users
Easiness 4.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.7 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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