
Randa Reslan

Overall Ratings
Based on 68 Users
Easiness 3.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (68)

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June 22, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

I really liked Reslan. She doesn't require you to go to lecture and posts her lectures on Bruin Learn after class. I didn't like AP chem in high school, but I found myself pleasantly surprised to enjoy Reslan's way of teaching gen chem. She is also a very understanding professor. She gives us ample review sessions and posts old lectures on bruinlearn for us to watch for extra practice. She really knows chem well and teaches it clearly.


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June 20, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

I went into this class knowing baseline information about Chemistry. I was extremely worried that I wouldn't be able to do well in this class, but Professor Reslan made the information easy to digest and understand. I ended up ditching the textbook halfway through the quarter and focused all my efforts on understanding the material presented in the lecture and worksheets. I did a lot of outside research to help myself learn the material because I felt the textbook was needlessly difficult to absorb the information. I'm not saying everyone should do what I did, but it worked for me at least. The midterm and final were fairly easy, but only because I studied and practiced problems for HOURS. You need to really understand the information in order to properly work out the problems that are given on the tests. Overall, you have to dedicate a good amount of time to this course if you don't have a very good Chemistry background; however, taking Professor Reslan made this class pretty tolerable.


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June 16, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

This is a very easy class! (I think Reslan is the easiest 14A professor there is lol). Overall, the class is extremely fair. Reslan provides her notes for lectures, tells you exactly what will be on the midterm and final, holds extra office hours, and is more than open to slowing down to adjust to student questions/address difficulties. I believe the class structure changed a little this quarter, with only 1 midterm worth 35% and a final worth 50%. Though the exams account for most of the grade, Reslan provides students with practice finals and midterms from previous quarters. The actual exams are identical in format and difficulty. Honestly, the practice final/midterm are the only things you need to do to prep for the actual tests. Reslan even curved the midterm (a curve that was not needed AT ALL since many students scored 100% on the midterm), so she is very generous with grading. The only annoying part of this class is that discussion sections are mandatory, but you are allowed to go to any TA/time you want. I'd suggest going to Kathryn's sections as she is an amazing TA, provides tons of extra resources, and is always ready to help! Overall, definitely recommend taking 14A with Reslan. Easy classes, even easier tests, and getting an A with little to no studying are definitely doable.


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June 6, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Lectures are recorded, however, I think it's important to show up to lecture because she often speaks on what will be tested and other important class details. She gives so many examples in class on what you will see on the exam (midterm and final). She is super kind and goofy tbh, her exam review sessions are so helpful and she gives a lot of insight on what is going to be on the exam. Attendance is mandatory for discussion (and is how you get your grade for disc.), the disc. worksheets often mimic the questions on the exam despite them being not being due for credit. (SO DO THEM ANYWAY PLSS!!). Honestly, my tip is to show up to lecture and do the practice she gives us on slides and discussion worksheets. You're probably gonna see a lot of reviews that say that Reslan is a bad professor and complain about the class and how they got a bad grade. Those are the same people who did not show up to lecture or watch recordings and did not put in time to study for the class. This class isn't supposed to be a free A as for any other ls or pre-med needed course🤦‍♀️ . There's going to be things you have to memorize but it's not hard at all to do so. This class is extremely manageable and as for any class, the grade you get is defined by how much effort you put into the class and studying for the class. Reslan and your TA's want you to do good in the class trust. I hate that the class is only 50 minutes so at times things were a lil rushed but she has old slow in-depth recordings where you can go back and find that part of lecture that was a lil more rushed. Honestly the exams weren't bad AT ALL, the people who say it was did not practice and plsss like I promise if you actually put in the effort to practice you will be fine I PROMISEE!! You are in control of your ability to do well in this class, its diff from the 7 series where they're always trying to trick you, this class is meant to test you on the actual content discussed in lecture, SO GO TO LECTUREEE!!!!! I cant stress it enough. TL;DR, go to lecture (watch old recordings beforehand if necessary), do discussions worksheets, do hw, and PRACTICE!! YOU WILL BE FINE I PROMISEE!! PEOPLE WHO DON'T PUT IN THE EFFORT WILL NOT GET THE GRADE THEY WANT, RESLAN IS GOATED TBH, GL GUYS


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June 15, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

This class is not necessarily easy by any means but Dr. Reslan understands her students and strives to put in her best effort to make sure everyone understands the material. She is incredibly helpful during office hours and goes to great lengths to explain a concept. One time I told her I was struggling to understand adiabatic vs isothermal processes and she drew an entire diagram on the whiteboard spending like 20 minutes explaining both concepts until I understood. This says a lot about how much she cares about her students. She will also help out with the homework which was not easy by any means (the homework tended to be harder than the exams) but are definitely doable and can be completed within 2 hours (I procrastinated at times so sometimes it took me around 4-5 hours). She assigns a homework assignment per chapter which is every week but allows for one drop and will extend a deadline if needed. As per the content, the class material is a bit challenging and can be similar to AP Chem, though some material is not covered (such as titrations or solubility equilibrium) and other is expanded on (such as pressure-volume work). If you've taken AP Chem in high school this class should be a breeze; If not, don't worry this class is definitely still doable. The midterm, I heard, was about average difficulty with an average of 82%. It had a balanced amount of multiple choice, short answer, and free response questions. The final was straightforward but a bit excessive with 50 multiple choice questions. The average score was an 80%. I think the best strategy to study for this class is to do the homework consistently while also doing extra practice on Owl. Make sure to complete your discussion worksheets too since these were not graded but were very similar to the exam questions. If you're taking this class then you'll be fine as long as you study and do your homework. Either way, good luck Charlie.


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June 15, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B

Professor nice as a person but not the class. Requires online module for hw. Records lectures. Records review sessions but there are 3 and they are all over an hour and a half.

One midterm 35%
One final 50%


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June 15, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

I honestly think Prof. Reslan is the best option to take 14A. She is much easier than the other professors and also provides an abundance of resources for the midterm and final. She assigns weekly homework that is manageable and really helps with understanding the content. Sometimes she would go fast during lectures and not spend much time on certain topics but lectures are not mandatory and you can watch back the recordings on bruin learn. I absolutely hate chemistry and I'm not even a stem major but I made it through and the grading was very fair.


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June 15, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

pretty easy. similar to music 15


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June 13, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

Professor Randa Reslan is the best choice for taking 14A with. Her lecture was thrice a week MWF, but attendance isn't mandatory and I'd honestly recommend just rewatching the lectures back at 2x speed. We had "weekly" problem sets on Achieve that kept getting extended that were anywhere from 8-20+ problems that were based on the textbook and lectures. The grading scheme is as follows.
10% Homework
5% discussion section worksheets (you just show up for attendance)
35% midterm exam
50% final exam
There was a bonus LA survey that added 0.5% to your final grade. For the exams, I would recommend going back through the problem sets and making sure that you understand each problem and how to get the correct solution. She records decently long review sessions (two 2 hour review sessions for the midterm and four 2 hour review sessions for the final) and also uploads practice exams that are similar to the actual tests. She is a very accommodating and nice professor (during the midterm, because of the unrest going on on campus, she decided to curve the midterm). Reslan added 6 bonus points on the final (126/120). She truly cares about her students and is an amazing professor, and I would never have taken 14A with anyone else.


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June 7, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C

I want to preface that the finals really screwed my grades this quarter, but that I was doing relatively well before. I think a lot of positive reviews on Reslan stem from the fact that she genuinely cares about her students and their success. She is also witty and kind which not all teachers are. However, Reslan's lectures can be very confusing. She often is disorganized not knowing where she left off or how to refollow her work. She is also sometimes very slow in explaining content. This was really nice because she ended up knocking off a lot of content that we didn't have time to cover from midterms and the final. Also she often gave extensions on the homework, so that was never too overwhelming to complete. That being said it also made for extremely long review sessions. I remember she had more than 10 hours of review sessions for the final which was great but a little excessive. I really do think her review sessions are helpful in succeeding in her class, but I think she could find ways to make them more concise. I also found her tests to be a time crunch. Especially our second midterm. Overall I would say Reslan is a pretty professor (especially compared to Scerri who I had last quarter), but I would definitely watch out for the disorganized and somewhat confusing lecturing style.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 22, 2024

I really liked Reslan. She doesn't require you to go to lecture and posts her lectures on Bruin Learn after class. I didn't like AP chem in high school, but I found myself pleasantly surprised to enjoy Reslan's way of teaching gen chem. She is also a very understanding professor. She gives us ample review sessions and posts old lectures on bruinlearn for us to watch for extra practice. She really knows chem well and teaches it clearly.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 20, 2024

I went into this class knowing baseline information about Chemistry. I was extremely worried that I wouldn't be able to do well in this class, but Professor Reslan made the information easy to digest and understand. I ended up ditching the textbook halfway through the quarter and focused all my efforts on understanding the material presented in the lecture and worksheets. I did a lot of outside research to help myself learn the material because I felt the textbook was needlessly difficult to absorb the information. I'm not saying everyone should do what I did, but it worked for me at least. The midterm and final were fairly easy, but only because I studied and practiced problems for HOURS. You need to really understand the information in order to properly work out the problems that are given on the tests. Overall, you have to dedicate a good amount of time to this course if you don't have a very good Chemistry background; however, taking Professor Reslan made this class pretty tolerable.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 16, 2024

This is a very easy class! (I think Reslan is the easiest 14A professor there is lol). Overall, the class is extremely fair. Reslan provides her notes for lectures, tells you exactly what will be on the midterm and final, holds extra office hours, and is more than open to slowing down to adjust to student questions/address difficulties. I believe the class structure changed a little this quarter, with only 1 midterm worth 35% and a final worth 50%. Though the exams account for most of the grade, Reslan provides students with practice finals and midterms from previous quarters. The actual exams are identical in format and difficulty. Honestly, the practice final/midterm are the only things you need to do to prep for the actual tests. Reslan even curved the midterm (a curve that was not needed AT ALL since many students scored 100% on the midterm), so she is very generous with grading. The only annoying part of this class is that discussion sections are mandatory, but you are allowed to go to any TA/time you want. I'd suggest going to Kathryn's sections as she is an amazing TA, provides tons of extra resources, and is always ready to help! Overall, definitely recommend taking 14A with Reslan. Easy classes, even easier tests, and getting an A with little to no studying are definitely doable.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 6, 2024

Lectures are recorded, however, I think it's important to show up to lecture because she often speaks on what will be tested and other important class details. She gives so many examples in class on what you will see on the exam (midterm and final). She is super kind and goofy tbh, her exam review sessions are so helpful and she gives a lot of insight on what is going to be on the exam. Attendance is mandatory for discussion (and is how you get your grade for disc.), the disc. worksheets often mimic the questions on the exam despite them being not being due for credit. (SO DO THEM ANYWAY PLSS!!). Honestly, my tip is to show up to lecture and do the practice she gives us on slides and discussion worksheets. You're probably gonna see a lot of reviews that say that Reslan is a bad professor and complain about the class and how they got a bad grade. Those are the same people who did not show up to lecture or watch recordings and did not put in time to study for the class. This class isn't supposed to be a free A as for any other ls or pre-med needed course🤦‍♀️ . There's going to be things you have to memorize but it's not hard at all to do so. This class is extremely manageable and as for any class, the grade you get is defined by how much effort you put into the class and studying for the class. Reslan and your TA's want you to do good in the class trust. I hate that the class is only 50 minutes so at times things were a lil rushed but she has old slow in-depth recordings where you can go back and find that part of lecture that was a lil more rushed. Honestly the exams weren't bad AT ALL, the people who say it was did not practice and plsss like I promise if you actually put in the effort to practice you will be fine I PROMISEE!! You are in control of your ability to do well in this class, its diff from the 7 series where they're always trying to trick you, this class is meant to test you on the actual content discussed in lecture, SO GO TO LECTUREEE!!!!! I cant stress it enough. TL;DR, go to lecture (watch old recordings beforehand if necessary), do discussions worksheets, do hw, and PRACTICE!! YOU WILL BE FINE I PROMISEE!! PEOPLE WHO DON'T PUT IN THE EFFORT WILL NOT GET THE GRADE THEY WANT, RESLAN IS GOATED TBH, GL GUYS


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 15, 2024

This class is not necessarily easy by any means but Dr. Reslan understands her students and strives to put in her best effort to make sure everyone understands the material. She is incredibly helpful during office hours and goes to great lengths to explain a concept. One time I told her I was struggling to understand adiabatic vs isothermal processes and she drew an entire diagram on the whiteboard spending like 20 minutes explaining both concepts until I understood. This says a lot about how much she cares about her students. She will also help out with the homework which was not easy by any means (the homework tended to be harder than the exams) but are definitely doable and can be completed within 2 hours (I procrastinated at times so sometimes it took me around 4-5 hours). She assigns a homework assignment per chapter which is every week but allows for one drop and will extend a deadline if needed. As per the content, the class material is a bit challenging and can be similar to AP Chem, though some material is not covered (such as titrations or solubility equilibrium) and other is expanded on (such as pressure-volume work). If you've taken AP Chem in high school this class should be a breeze; If not, don't worry this class is definitely still doable. The midterm, I heard, was about average difficulty with an average of 82%. It had a balanced amount of multiple choice, short answer, and free response questions. The final was straightforward but a bit excessive with 50 multiple choice questions. The average score was an 80%. I think the best strategy to study for this class is to do the homework consistently while also doing extra practice on Owl. Make sure to complete your discussion worksheets too since these were not graded but were very similar to the exam questions. If you're taking this class then you'll be fine as long as you study and do your homework. Either way, good luck Charlie.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B
June 15, 2024

Professor nice as a person but not the class. Requires online module for hw. Records lectures. Records review sessions but there are 3 and they are all over an hour and a half.

One midterm 35%
One final 50%


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 15, 2024

I honestly think Prof. Reslan is the best option to take 14A. She is much easier than the other professors and also provides an abundance of resources for the midterm and final. She assigns weekly homework that is manageable and really helps with understanding the content. Sometimes she would go fast during lectures and not spend much time on certain topics but lectures are not mandatory and you can watch back the recordings on bruin learn. I absolutely hate chemistry and I'm not even a stem major but I made it through and the grading was very fair.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 15, 2024

pretty easy. similar to music 15


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 13, 2024

Professor Randa Reslan is the best choice for taking 14A with. Her lecture was thrice a week MWF, but attendance isn't mandatory and I'd honestly recommend just rewatching the lectures back at 2x speed. We had "weekly" problem sets on Achieve that kept getting extended that were anywhere from 8-20+ problems that were based on the textbook and lectures. The grading scheme is as follows.
10% Homework
5% discussion section worksheets (you just show up for attendance)
35% midterm exam
50% final exam
There was a bonus LA survey that added 0.5% to your final grade. For the exams, I would recommend going back through the problem sets and making sure that you understand each problem and how to get the correct solution. She records decently long review sessions (two 2 hour review sessions for the midterm and four 2 hour review sessions for the final) and also uploads practice exams that are similar to the actual tests. She is a very accommodating and nice professor (during the midterm, because of the unrest going on on campus, she decided to curve the midterm). Reslan added 6 bonus points on the final (126/120). She truly cares about her students and is an amazing professor, and I would never have taken 14A with anyone else.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C
June 7, 2024

I want to preface that the finals really screwed my grades this quarter, but that I was doing relatively well before. I think a lot of positive reviews on Reslan stem from the fact that she genuinely cares about her students and their success. She is also witty and kind which not all teachers are. However, Reslan's lectures can be very confusing. She often is disorganized not knowing where she left off or how to refollow her work. She is also sometimes very slow in explaining content. This was really nice because she ended up knocking off a lot of content that we didn't have time to cover from midterms and the final. Also she often gave extensions on the homework, so that was never too overwhelming to complete. That being said it also made for extremely long review sessions. I remember she had more than 10 hours of review sessions for the final which was great but a little excessive. I really do think her review sessions are helpful in succeeding in her class, but I think she could find ways to make them more concise. I also found her tests to be a time crunch. Especially our second midterm. Overall I would say Reslan is a pretty professor (especially compared to Scerri who I had last quarter), but I would definitely watch out for the disorganized and somewhat confusing lecturing style.


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