Rana Khankan
Department of Life Sciences
Overall Rating
Based on 100 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Tough Tests
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Engaging Lectures
  • Participation Matters

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (77)

3 of 8
3 of 8
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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
March 27, 2020

Took Khankan over Esdin because Khankan Bruincasted and I knew from friends who took the class already that Esdin did not (maybe changed now?). 7C was definitely the hardest class out of the LS 7 series. I did bad on the first midterm, but when I started watching every Bruincast they helped A LOT and I was able to do better on midterm 2 and the final. I'd basically watch every Bruincast again, something I barely did in 7A and 7B, to hear her explanations for every clicker question. A lot of the stuff on Launchpad is NOT helpful, especially when it talks about all the body systems in different organisms, so I would only look at Launchpad for super specific questions about something when studying.
Khankan lived on the Hill so it was super convenient when she held OH/Reviews the night before the midterms and final on the Hill at like 10 pm. I only went to one of her OH though because they were pretty crowded but I went to my TA's before every midterm to ask specific questions and practically no one else was there. Final was weird--it was super easy for all the gene editing/bacteria stuff (Weeks 7-10) but everything else pertaining Weeks 1-6 (30% of questions on the final) was pretty hard. Definitely study Weeks 1-6 for the final.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
July 1, 2024

Khankan as a professor isn't the issue honestly, she rounded my grade up when protests and everything went down and was pretty understanding, but the tests are really difficult, a common theme in 7 series. This one especially, the content in class is engaging and I liked that part, but the tests aren't really about how well you know the content but about reading comprehension and "critical thinking" which really means that there are trick questions and it is frustrating.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 27, 2024

Khankan is a great teacher who is clearly interested and involved in what she is teaching, but this is a hell of a weeder class. This professor did everything right during lectures, going over what would be tested, giving tons of Clickers during class, and supporting us with direct message on Campuswire and detailed Office Hours. Khankan offers 3 points of extra credit and at the end curves the class for a beautiful A distribution, but the work is painfully dense relative to 7A and 7B.

The structure of 7C hurt my grade with scores I didn't feel represented the effort I put into studying for the exams. Here, PCRQs are as long as exams and ask items never tested again. Two reading guides each week lead to 6-8 pages of homework on top of discussions and weekly recommended CLC sheets. I felt that this structure was ridiculous. Studying was like a part-time job. While in-person participation plays a big part of the grade, it does not compensate for getting Cs on exams.

Individual exams are weighed 85% over the 15% of group parts, and the final doesn't have a group portion, so you can only get an A if you do decent on the individuals. Tricky wordings hurt me every time. I got low Cs and low Bs on tests despite strategies from forming study groups to rereading the book to going to office hours to taking practice exams. There's too much supplemental material to go over.

If you're lucky, and pay attention to lecture, you can get an A. I couldn't, even though I could explain everything taught and consider myself a good student. I also know most people in this class were cheating, which I neither condone nor reject. I just wish whoever wrote these goddamn questions would remove all the insane grammatical logic that native English speakers can barely wrap their heads around.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 26, 2024

Like the other reviews have mentioned, this class is by no means easy. It's very fast paced, material dense, and time-consuming. Aside from this, the material is not too hard to digest if you put in the work and don't get behind, but then there are the exams to consider. The first midterm is definitely the hardest, and produced the lowest exam score for me out of the two midterms and final, which seemed to happen with the majority. The issue with the exams is the questions are meant to trick you at a level that I've never had to deal with in my life. You can't avoid this, as the professors don't create the questions. In my opinion, the clicker questions and PALs don't quite prepare you for this trickery, as they're much easier than the actual exam questions. My best advice would be to:
1. have a detailed understanding of systems, processes, and literally all of the main concepts (problem solving sessions help a lot with this, GO TO THEM)
2. study and have a strong understanding of the diagrams/handouts referenced in lecture and discussion (the same ones or very similar ones get used on exams)
3. MOST IMPORTANT: sounds cliche, but read exam questions SO CAREFULLY. Oh my god I cannot stress this enough. They like to change one little word or two to make a statement false, or word things in the most unclear way possible for no apparent reason.
In terms of positives, there are a lot of points available other than the exams to provide some buffer, and I would recommend taking full advantage of them, as you should expect to lose points on the exams. There were also 8 points of extra credit available from feedback evaluations and campuswire participation, so that was also rather merciful of them.
Finally, I'd like to touch on the professor. Okay. Dr. Khankan is an excellent lecturer: she's well spoken, projects nicely, explains things well, and rewards participation in lecture. For these things alone, I would recommend taking this course with this professor. Despite this, I must point out that this woman can be kind of brutal when answering questions. I went to her office hours and listened to her Q&A review sessions, and she will either love or hate your question, and you WILL know if it's the former or the latter. There's another review on here mentioning how she has a condescending vibe to her, and I can say that she can make you feel little if she isn't a fan or doesn't understand what you're asking. At office hours, I've seen this professor respond as if she was almost mad at the student for asking about something... it's weird dude like that's literally your job. Anyway, I would still recommend her for her lecture skills lol.
Overall, I would try to take this course with other easier courses, as it will demand a lot from you. Be aware of wording on exam questions, be willing to work hard, and don't ask dumb questions I guess.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 25, 2024

Professor Khankan is a really enthusiastic and helpful professor.
But for the class itself (standardized across the course, so same for all profs): 7C was so much harder than 7A or 7B, personally. And the exams were pretty hard; on the midterms, especially the second one, I felt really confident with all my answers yet I still did really badly on them. They're very understanding-heavy in a way 7A and 7B weren't. Honestly the only reason I kept an A in the class was because the material for the last few weeks/the final was about gene sequencing/editing which I enjoy and understand easily. Best of luck to y'all


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 24, 2024

listen. you know the hell of the 7 series by now. Dr. K is great: she's funny, she gives EC, she has review sessions before exams, she gives candy when you answer questions in class. All that being said, it is not enough to save you from this class. You can study, you can attend office hours, you can cry and pray and the midterms will ruin you. I took this class during the spring '24 TA strike and the campus closures and there were no grading adjustments despite the normal course being pretty thrown off. The material is interesting though, and I appreciate the point system with easy points to grab.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 12, 2024

I think I'm kind of an outlier on opinion of 7C (or for the LS7 series in general, at least after chatting with my friends), so take this review however you may.
Let's start off with some facts.
The grading scheme is pretty much the same across the 7 series so if you've taken 7A and/or 7B before at UCLA, then there's nothing new. The whole format is more similar to 7A than 7B though, because our tests are online. There is a lot more material in the pre-class assignments though, and instead of 5?10? PCRQs like in 7A and 7B, you'll have 16-40 PCRQs per lecture, which is a LOT (especially if you were just chilling with the easy workload in 7A/B, huge jump I know). Most lectures have ~20 PCRQs though; I guess they just like scaring people at the beginning of the quarter. Extra credit is answering campuswire questions/receiving upvotes and the feedback surveys. And you have gradescope pod assignments like in 7A/B, so nothing new here.
I think people complain about the tests the most. Tests are definitely harder than the exams previous two classes, but for me they were manageable. The majority of questions are still in the format of [given a scenario] [what happens if we change xyz]? and so it requires you to fully understand the system, what leads to what, and kind of like logic games--you trace your way to the answer. To fully understand the material... you will need outside help. TAs/LAs in CLC and Professors in Office Hours are the best resources to go to when you need help. For the CLCs--don't speedrun through the worksheet and leave after you finish it! Try to check every question with a TA/LA to make sure you don't miss any tiny concept.
Onto my review for Khankan... I really like her; she's an excellent lecturer and can answer your questions thoroughly. She gives out candies to people who answer her questions! So raise your hand and participate :) I think the 7 series does a great job in choosing the professors (although some may disagree).
Just be prepared for extra work and get extra help if needed! Good luck and you got this!


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
May 28, 2024

I feel like problem solving sessions helped the most, we would look directly at diagrams studied in the exams.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Jan. 8, 2024

Dr. K is a wonderful lecturer and person. She explains things in such a way that makes the material extremely clear and she is always willing to help a student.
7C is the same exact show as before: reading guides, pre-class questions, practice exam questions due once a week, and the spattering of self-reflection assignments. 7C was definitely the hardest in the series, but with enough work, anyone can pull through. The easiest way to succeed in this class is to go to the problem solving sessions every single week and keep active on campuswire (forum for student questions). These two things together allow you to master the concepts and eventually apply that knowledge on the exams.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
July 2, 2023

About the class in general: 7C is undoubtedly the hardest of the 7 series. While I personally found the content more interesting and engaging than what was taught in 7A/B, it is a ton of material that you really have to understand; merely memorising bodily systems and anatomy will not fly.

The required assignments are time-consuming. The reading guides are four pages and are due at the beginning of the week. The pre-class reading questions are not spaced out between lectures; I remember there was one week where there were over 110 questions due on Tuesday and only 10 or so due on Thursday. I never really read back on a reading guide (though I think the act of completing them was helpful) and the PCRQ questions are quite elementary and are not similar to exam questions. However, I will say that the practice exams (PEQs) each week are extremely helpful as they require an actual understanding of the content.

Lectures are required because there are completion-based iClickers to track participation. Dr. Khankan moves a bit fast but it was needed to cover all of the material. She was clear, concise, and was still able to answer questions in lecture. Sometimes, diagrams were printed out on slips of paper and passed out to help students with understanding, which I appreciated.

The exams are take-home, on Canvas, and difficult. Despite not changing any of my work/study habits from the previous 7 series classes, I got around a 75% on the first midterm, which was certainly a wake-up call. I found that going through the clicker questions and PEQ questions and understanding why the incorrect answer choices were incorrect was an efficient and effective way to study, as opposed to rereading the textbook like some may try to do. Just like the exams from 7A/B, some of the questions are ambiguously worded, some convoluted, and a few where multiple answers seem correct depending on how you look at the problem and which time frame you consider. The instructional team may regrade a couple of questions to address this. The group stage is 20% of the exam grade and has two parts: one part uses the same diagrams and the same questions as the individual stage, and one part uses the same diagrams but asks different questions.

Lab sections were helpful. The worksheets really solidify your understanding of the content and it is a good opportunity to collaborate with your peers. However, I will note that when cross-checking with peers in different sections, there were some inconsistencies in the information that was given by different TAs/LAs.

There was extra credit offered and I would take advantage of every single opportunity no matter how time/effort-consuming they may be; every point matters in this class!

Regarding Dr. Khankan herself: she is clearly knowledgeable in the subject and is readily available during office hours and on Campuswire to answer any questions you may have. Before the class started, I requested accommodation for iClickers since I was unable to attend some of the lectures. Despite it requiring extra grading for her personally, she understood my situation and gave me an accommodation which I appreciated very much!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
March 27, 2020

Took Khankan over Esdin because Khankan Bruincasted and I knew from friends who took the class already that Esdin did not (maybe changed now?). 7C was definitely the hardest class out of the LS 7 series. I did bad on the first midterm, but when I started watching every Bruincast they helped A LOT and I was able to do better on midterm 2 and the final. I'd basically watch every Bruincast again, something I barely did in 7A and 7B, to hear her explanations for every clicker question. A lot of the stuff on Launchpad is NOT helpful, especially when it talks about all the body systems in different organisms, so I would only look at Launchpad for super specific questions about something when studying.
Khankan lived on the Hill so it was super convenient when she held OH/Reviews the night before the midterms and final on the Hill at like 10 pm. I only went to one of her OH though because they were pretty crowded but I went to my TA's before every midterm to ask specific questions and practically no one else was there. Final was weird--it was super easy for all the gene editing/bacteria stuff (Weeks 7-10) but everything else pertaining Weeks 1-6 (30% of questions on the final) was pretty hard. Definitely study Weeks 1-6 for the final.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-
July 1, 2024

Khankan as a professor isn't the issue honestly, she rounded my grade up when protests and everything went down and was pretty understanding, but the tests are really difficult, a common theme in 7 series. This one especially, the content in class is engaging and I liked that part, but the tests aren't really about how well you know the content but about reading comprehension and "critical thinking" which really means that there are trick questions and it is frustrating.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+
June 27, 2024

Khankan is a great teacher who is clearly interested and involved in what she is teaching, but this is a hell of a weeder class. This professor did everything right during lectures, going over what would be tested, giving tons of Clickers during class, and supporting us with direct message on Campuswire and detailed Office Hours. Khankan offers 3 points of extra credit and at the end curves the class for a beautiful A distribution, but the work is painfully dense relative to 7A and 7B.

The structure of 7C hurt my grade with scores I didn't feel represented the effort I put into studying for the exams. Here, PCRQs are as long as exams and ask items never tested again. Two reading guides each week lead to 6-8 pages of homework on top of discussions and weekly recommended CLC sheets. I felt that this structure was ridiculous. Studying was like a part-time job. While in-person participation plays a big part of the grade, it does not compensate for getting Cs on exams.

Individual exams are weighed 85% over the 15% of group parts, and the final doesn't have a group portion, so you can only get an A if you do decent on the individuals. Tricky wordings hurt me every time. I got low Cs and low Bs on tests despite strategies from forming study groups to rereading the book to going to office hours to taking practice exams. There's too much supplemental material to go over.

If you're lucky, and pay attention to lecture, you can get an A. I couldn't, even though I could explain everything taught and consider myself a good student. I also know most people in this class were cheating, which I neither condone nor reject. I just wish whoever wrote these goddamn questions would remove all the insane grammatical logic that native English speakers can barely wrap their heads around.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 26, 2024

Like the other reviews have mentioned, this class is by no means easy. It's very fast paced, material dense, and time-consuming. Aside from this, the material is not too hard to digest if you put in the work and don't get behind, but then there are the exams to consider. The first midterm is definitely the hardest, and produced the lowest exam score for me out of the two midterms and final, which seemed to happen with the majority. The issue with the exams is the questions are meant to trick you at a level that I've never had to deal with in my life. You can't avoid this, as the professors don't create the questions. In my opinion, the clicker questions and PALs don't quite prepare you for this trickery, as they're much easier than the actual exam questions. My best advice would be to:
1. have a detailed understanding of systems, processes, and literally all of the main concepts (problem solving sessions help a lot with this, GO TO THEM)
2. study and have a strong understanding of the diagrams/handouts referenced in lecture and discussion (the same ones or very similar ones get used on exams)
3. MOST IMPORTANT: sounds cliche, but read exam questions SO CAREFULLY. Oh my god I cannot stress this enough. They like to change one little word or two to make a statement false, or word things in the most unclear way possible for no apparent reason.
In terms of positives, there are a lot of points available other than the exams to provide some buffer, and I would recommend taking full advantage of them, as you should expect to lose points on the exams. There were also 8 points of extra credit available from feedback evaluations and campuswire participation, so that was also rather merciful of them.
Finally, I'd like to touch on the professor. Okay. Dr. Khankan is an excellent lecturer: she's well spoken, projects nicely, explains things well, and rewards participation in lecture. For these things alone, I would recommend taking this course with this professor. Despite this, I must point out that this woman can be kind of brutal when answering questions. I went to her office hours and listened to her Q&A review sessions, and she will either love or hate your question, and you WILL know if it's the former or the latter. There's another review on here mentioning how she has a condescending vibe to her, and I can say that she can make you feel little if she isn't a fan or doesn't understand what you're asking. At office hours, I've seen this professor respond as if she was almost mad at the student for asking about something... it's weird dude like that's literally your job. Anyway, I would still recommend her for her lecture skills lol.
Overall, I would try to take this course with other easier courses, as it will demand a lot from you. Be aware of wording on exam questions, be willing to work hard, and don't ask dumb questions I guess.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 25, 2024

Professor Khankan is a really enthusiastic and helpful professor.
But for the class itself (standardized across the course, so same for all profs): 7C was so much harder than 7A or 7B, personally. And the exams were pretty hard; on the midterms, especially the second one, I felt really confident with all my answers yet I still did really badly on them. They're very understanding-heavy in a way 7A and 7B weren't. Honestly the only reason I kept an A in the class was because the material for the last few weeks/the final was about gene sequencing/editing which I enjoy and understand easily. Best of luck to y'all


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+
June 24, 2024

listen. you know the hell of the 7 series by now. Dr. K is great: she's funny, she gives EC, she has review sessions before exams, she gives candy when you answer questions in class. All that being said, it is not enough to save you from this class. You can study, you can attend office hours, you can cry and pray and the midterms will ruin you. I took this class during the spring '24 TA strike and the campus closures and there were no grading adjustments despite the normal course being pretty thrown off. The material is interesting though, and I appreciate the point system with easy points to grab.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 12, 2024

I think I'm kind of an outlier on opinion of 7C (or for the LS7 series in general, at least after chatting with my friends), so take this review however you may.
Let's start off with some facts.
The grading scheme is pretty much the same across the 7 series so if you've taken 7A and/or 7B before at UCLA, then there's nothing new. The whole format is more similar to 7A than 7B though, because our tests are online. There is a lot more material in the pre-class assignments though, and instead of 5?10? PCRQs like in 7A and 7B, you'll have 16-40 PCRQs per lecture, which is a LOT (especially if you were just chilling with the easy workload in 7A/B, huge jump I know). Most lectures have ~20 PCRQs though; I guess they just like scaring people at the beginning of the quarter. Extra credit is answering campuswire questions/receiving upvotes and the feedback surveys. And you have gradescope pod assignments like in 7A/B, so nothing new here.
I think people complain about the tests the most. Tests are definitely harder than the exams previous two classes, but for me they were manageable. The majority of questions are still in the format of [given a scenario] [what happens if we change xyz]? and so it requires you to fully understand the system, what leads to what, and kind of like logic games--you trace your way to the answer. To fully understand the material... you will need outside help. TAs/LAs in CLC and Professors in Office Hours are the best resources to go to when you need help. For the CLCs--don't speedrun through the worksheet and leave after you finish it! Try to check every question with a TA/LA to make sure you don't miss any tiny concept.
Onto my review for Khankan... I really like her; she's an excellent lecturer and can answer your questions thoroughly. She gives out candies to people who answer her questions! So raise your hand and participate :) I think the 7 series does a great job in choosing the professors (although some may disagree).
Just be prepared for extra work and get extra help if needed! Good luck and you got this!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
May 28, 2024

I feel like problem solving sessions helped the most, we would look directly at diagrams studied in the exams.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 8, 2024

Dr. K is a wonderful lecturer and person. She explains things in such a way that makes the material extremely clear and she is always willing to help a student.
7C is the same exact show as before: reading guides, pre-class questions, practice exam questions due once a week, and the spattering of self-reflection assignments. 7C was definitely the hardest in the series, but with enough work, anyone can pull through. The easiest way to succeed in this class is to go to the problem solving sessions every single week and keep active on campuswire (forum for student questions). These two things together allow you to master the concepts and eventually apply that knowledge on the exams.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
July 2, 2023

About the class in general: 7C is undoubtedly the hardest of the 7 series. While I personally found the content more interesting and engaging than what was taught in 7A/B, it is a ton of material that you really have to understand; merely memorising bodily systems and anatomy will not fly.

The required assignments are time-consuming. The reading guides are four pages and are due at the beginning of the week. The pre-class reading questions are not spaced out between lectures; I remember there was one week where there were over 110 questions due on Tuesday and only 10 or so due on Thursday. I never really read back on a reading guide (though I think the act of completing them was helpful) and the PCRQ questions are quite elementary and are not similar to exam questions. However, I will say that the practice exams (PEQs) each week are extremely helpful as they require an actual understanding of the content.

Lectures are required because there are completion-based iClickers to track participation. Dr. Khankan moves a bit fast but it was needed to cover all of the material. She was clear, concise, and was still able to answer questions in lecture. Sometimes, diagrams were printed out on slips of paper and passed out to help students with understanding, which I appreciated.

The exams are take-home, on Canvas, and difficult. Despite not changing any of my work/study habits from the previous 7 series classes, I got around a 75% on the first midterm, which was certainly a wake-up call. I found that going through the clicker questions and PEQ questions and understanding why the incorrect answer choices were incorrect was an efficient and effective way to study, as opposed to rereading the textbook like some may try to do. Just like the exams from 7A/B, some of the questions are ambiguously worded, some convoluted, and a few where multiple answers seem correct depending on how you look at the problem and which time frame you consider. The instructional team may regrade a couple of questions to address this. The group stage is 20% of the exam grade and has two parts: one part uses the same diagrams and the same questions as the individual stage, and one part uses the same diagrams but asks different questions.

Lab sections were helpful. The worksheets really solidify your understanding of the content and it is a good opportunity to collaborate with your peers. However, I will note that when cross-checking with peers in different sections, there were some inconsistencies in the information that was given by different TAs/LAs.

There was extra credit offered and I would take advantage of every single opportunity no matter how time/effort-consuming they may be; every point matters in this class!

Regarding Dr. Khankan herself: she is clearly knowledgeable in the subject and is readily available during office hours and on Campuswire to answer any questions you may have. Before the class started, I requested accommodation for iClickers since I was unable to attend some of the lectures. Despite it requiring extra grading for her personally, she understood my situation and gave me an accommodation which I appreciated very much!


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3 of 8
Overall Rating
Based on 100 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Tough Tests
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Engaging Lectures
  • Participation Matters

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