
Rana Khankan

Overall Ratings
Based on 154 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (154)

8 of 12
8 of 12
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June 24, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

There was a lot of material in this class but Khankan managed to do a good job of covering it. This class is a "flipped" class, where we're supposed to do a lot of the learning on or own, in reading the textbook, and then lecture is more of a review of what we were supposed to have learnt. Idk, I like biology so it wasn't too hard for me to stay engaged. I did get behind in material a little in the middle of the course, which made lectures confusing, but once I got caught up they started making more sense. You get out of it what you put in. Stay on track and try to ask lots of questions, and you should be fine.
Khankan is generally very friendly and clear, and she genuinely tries to help students. If anything is confusing you all you have to do is ask.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 28, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

Dr. Khankan is AMAZING and is probably one of the best professors for 7C! As a class, LS 7C is tough mostly because you go through so much content every week. Launchpad is such a drag (as it usually is) and the exams feel impossible because exam questions are worded so weirdly. At this point though, you should understand how the LS 7 series is ran, so I would honestly recommend going over the diagrams provided in lecture, do all of the extra credit offered, and go over the learning objectives before each exam. I did not think the CLC sessions were too helpful in terms of mimicking exam questions, but they did help me understand concepts so I would still recommend attempting them! Dr. Khankan is also a very helpful and clear professor, so you will be in good hands with her!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 1, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: B

I have no clue how I got a B for this class, I failed every exam. A big part of that was the structure of the class. I despise launchpad. Nevertheless, the material is super interesting (coming from a physiological science major). If I could do it so can you!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 1, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-

Nice enough professor. LS 7C just another stop in the LS series, boring and designed to make teaching as easy as possible for the professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 3, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: C-

I really enjoyed the content of this class and found professor khankan very engaging and friendly. She used slides during lecture and used clicker questions (you need to buy an iclicker and participation matters), and she thoroughly explained every clicker so we knew what was going on. Discussion is also mandatory, you work in groups and do worksheets together on gradscope and it's briefly gone over at the end of section. There are 2 midterms and 1 final, all of them are very difficult (but you must have taken ls7a and ls7b so it's the same gist as those tests). She is a very kind and understanding professor and really tries to help you pass the class. There is also some extra credit available by talking on campuswire and helping other students on there.

Overall, would take again for another course.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 26, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

I found 7C to be by far the most interesting class of the 7 series. Dr. K was extremely caring and super available to help. The exams can be really tough and 7C gets a really bad rap as the final 7 series class but if you are proactive, you can definitely do well in this class. You can't go wrong with taking this class with Dr. K.


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July 11, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

PROS: extra credit offered on campus wire + LA and prof feedback, TA's are the best people ever, rounded my grade from 92.8 to 93
CONS: campuswire EC takes a long time for only 3 points, tests are tough, discussion assignments take time and brain power and were graded on accuracy

Khankhan herself is a decent lecturer. She did abt half the quarter and cooper did the rest, he was pretty funny but not the best at explaining things.

Overall, I'd definitely recommend not taking this class unless you absolutely have to for your major/career path. If you do, however, don't worry too much. Do your work and take advantage of all the EC opportunities, go over clickers as practice questions and go to problem solving sessions!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 28, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-

I really liked Dr. K. She was really nice, understanding, knowledgable, and overall a great professor. It's very clear that she's passionate about teaching and cares a lot about her students. It's about the same structure as 7A (presumably across the entire 7 series but I didn't take 7B as it's not required for my major) with clickers, launchpad, discussion worksheets, exams on ccle, etc. It's graded on a straight scale and based on a set number of points.

The exams were pretty hard though. There's a lot of tricky questions that you have to read over and over again. One word can change the context of the entire question so you can't make assumptions. If you do, that's an indicator that you have to reevaluate the question. Definitely try to use the entire amount of time allotted, even if you finish early. Check your answers. It can be real frustrating lol. It's definitely harder than 7A imo. Thankfully I was doing this class and another physio class at the same time so I got to see similar concepts multiple times which probably helped out a lot. Out of the things given directly from this class (this doesn't include the problem solving sessions), discussion worksheets and clickers were the most helpful resources when studying the exams.
The group phase of the midterm exams are slightly different from 7A. There's 2 parts: an untimed group "consensus" with only a couple questions to do and a timed 15 - 20min phase of MCQs and fill-in-the-blanks.

Discussion, clickers, launchpad, etc are pretty standard. Launchpad is time consuming as usual but necessary to understand things in lecture. Multiple extra credit opportunities were offered (roughly 15 pts worth?).

The class is definitely doable but not easy. You have to be cautious on wording and make sure you understand every diagram shown.


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July 1, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-

Khankan as a professor isn't the issue honestly, she rounded my grade up when protests and everything went down and was pretty understanding, but the tests are really difficult, a common theme in 7 series. This one especially, the content in class is engaging and I liked that part, but the tests aren't really about how well you know the content but about reading comprehension and "critical thinking" which really means that there are trick questions and it is frustrating.


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June 27, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+

Khankan is a great teacher who is clearly interested and involved in what she is teaching, but this is a hell of a weeder class. This professor did everything right during lectures, going over what would be tested, giving tons of Clickers during class, and supporting us with direct message on Campuswire and detailed Office Hours. Khankan offers 3 points of extra credit and at the end curves the class for a beautiful A distribution, but the work is painfully dense relative to 7A and 7B.

The structure of 7C hurt my grade with scores I didn't feel represented the effort I put into studying for the exams. Here, PCRQs are as long as exams and ask items never tested again. Two reading guides each week lead to 6-8 pages of homework on top of discussions and weekly recommended CLC sheets. I felt that this structure was ridiculous. Studying was like a part-time job. While in-person participation plays a big part of the grade, it does not compensate for getting Cs on exams.

Individual exams are weighed 85% over the 15% of group parts, and the final doesn't have a group portion, so you can only get an A if you do decent on the individuals. Tricky wordings hurt me every time. I got low Cs and low Bs on tests despite strategies from forming study groups to rereading the book to going to office hours to taking practice exams. There's too much supplemental material to go over.

If you're lucky, and pay attention to lecture, you can get an A. I couldn't, even though I could explain everything taught and consider myself a good student. I also know most people in this class were cheating, which I neither condone nor reject. I just wish whoever wrote these goddamn questions would remove all the insane grammatical logic that native English speakers can barely wrap their heads around.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
June 24, 2021

There was a lot of material in this class but Khankan managed to do a good job of covering it. This class is a "flipped" class, where we're supposed to do a lot of the learning on or own, in reading the textbook, and then lecture is more of a review of what we were supposed to have learnt. Idk, I like biology so it wasn't too hard for me to stay engaged. I did get behind in material a little in the middle of the course, which made lectures confusing, but once I got caught up they started making more sense. You get out of it what you put in. Stay on track and try to ask lots of questions, and you should be fine.
Khankan is generally very friendly and clear, and she genuinely tries to help students. If anything is confusing you all you have to do is ask.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Dec. 28, 2021

Dr. Khankan is AMAZING and is probably one of the best professors for 7C! As a class, LS 7C is tough mostly because you go through so much content every week. Launchpad is such a drag (as it usually is) and the exams feel impossible because exam questions are worded so weirdly. At this point though, you should understand how the LS 7 series is ran, so I would honestly recommend going over the diagrams provided in lecture, do all of the extra credit offered, and go over the learning objectives before each exam. I did not think the CLC sessions were too helpful in terms of mimicking exam questions, but they did help me understand concepts so I would still recommend attempting them! Dr. Khankan is also a very helpful and clear professor, so you will be in good hands with her!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: B
Jan. 1, 2022

I have no clue how I got a B for this class, I failed every exam. A big part of that was the structure of the class. I despise launchpad. Nevertheless, the material is super interesting (coming from a physiological science major). If I could do it so can you!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-
Jan. 1, 2022

Nice enough professor. LS 7C just another stop in the LS series, boring and designed to make teaching as easy as possible for the professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: C-
Feb. 3, 2022

I really enjoyed the content of this class and found professor khankan very engaging and friendly. She used slides during lecture and used clicker questions (you need to buy an iclicker and participation matters), and she thoroughly explained every clicker so we knew what was going on. Discussion is also mandatory, you work in groups and do worksheets together on gradscope and it's briefly gone over at the end of section. There are 2 midterms and 1 final, all of them are very difficult (but you must have taken ls7a and ls7b so it's the same gist as those tests). She is a very kind and understanding professor and really tries to help you pass the class. There is also some extra credit available by talking on campuswire and helping other students on there.

Overall, would take again for another course.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 26, 2022

I found 7C to be by far the most interesting class of the 7 series. Dr. K was extremely caring and super available to help. The exams can be really tough and 7C gets a really bad rap as the final 7 series class but if you are proactive, you can definitely do well in this class. You can't go wrong with taking this class with Dr. K.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
July 11, 2024

PROS: extra credit offered on campus wire + LA and prof feedback, TA's are the best people ever, rounded my grade from 92.8 to 93
CONS: campuswire EC takes a long time for only 3 points, tests are tough, discussion assignments take time and brain power and were graded on accuracy

Khankhan herself is a decent lecturer. She did abt half the quarter and cooper did the rest, he was pretty funny but not the best at explaining things.

Overall, I'd definitely recommend not taking this class unless you absolutely have to for your major/career path. If you do, however, don't worry too much. Do your work and take advantage of all the EC opportunities, go over clickers as practice questions and go to problem solving sessions!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-
March 28, 2022

I really liked Dr. K. She was really nice, understanding, knowledgable, and overall a great professor. It's very clear that she's passionate about teaching and cares a lot about her students. It's about the same structure as 7A (presumably across the entire 7 series but I didn't take 7B as it's not required for my major) with clickers, launchpad, discussion worksheets, exams on ccle, etc. It's graded on a straight scale and based on a set number of points.

The exams were pretty hard though. There's a lot of tricky questions that you have to read over and over again. One word can change the context of the entire question so you can't make assumptions. If you do, that's an indicator that you have to reevaluate the question. Definitely try to use the entire amount of time allotted, even if you finish early. Check your answers. It can be real frustrating lol. It's definitely harder than 7A imo. Thankfully I was doing this class and another physio class at the same time so I got to see similar concepts multiple times which probably helped out a lot. Out of the things given directly from this class (this doesn't include the problem solving sessions), discussion worksheets and clickers were the most helpful resources when studying the exams.
The group phase of the midterm exams are slightly different from 7A. There's 2 parts: an untimed group "consensus" with only a couple questions to do and a timed 15 - 20min phase of MCQs and fill-in-the-blanks.

Discussion, clickers, launchpad, etc are pretty standard. Launchpad is time consuming as usual but necessary to understand things in lecture. Multiple extra credit opportunities were offered (roughly 15 pts worth?).

The class is definitely doable but not easy. You have to be cautious on wording and make sure you understand every diagram shown.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-
July 1, 2024

Khankan as a professor isn't the issue honestly, she rounded my grade up when protests and everything went down and was pretty understanding, but the tests are really difficult, a common theme in 7 series. This one especially, the content in class is engaging and I liked that part, but the tests aren't really about how well you know the content but about reading comprehension and "critical thinking" which really means that there are trick questions and it is frustrating.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+
June 27, 2024

Khankan is a great teacher who is clearly interested and involved in what she is teaching, but this is a hell of a weeder class. This professor did everything right during lectures, going over what would be tested, giving tons of Clickers during class, and supporting us with direct message on Campuswire and detailed Office Hours. Khankan offers 3 points of extra credit and at the end curves the class for a beautiful A distribution, but the work is painfully dense relative to 7A and 7B.

The structure of 7C hurt my grade with scores I didn't feel represented the effort I put into studying for the exams. Here, PCRQs are as long as exams and ask items never tested again. Two reading guides each week lead to 6-8 pages of homework on top of discussions and weekly recommended CLC sheets. I felt that this structure was ridiculous. Studying was like a part-time job. While in-person participation plays a big part of the grade, it does not compensate for getting Cs on exams.

Individual exams are weighed 85% over the 15% of group parts, and the final doesn't have a group portion, so you can only get an A if you do decent on the individuals. Tricky wordings hurt me every time. I got low Cs and low Bs on tests despite strategies from forming study groups to rereading the book to going to office hours to taking practice exams. There's too much supplemental material to go over.

If you're lucky, and pay attention to lecture, you can get an A. I couldn't, even though I could explain everything taught and consider myself a good student. I also know most people in this class were cheating, which I neither condone nor reject. I just wish whoever wrote these goddamn questions would remove all the insane grammatical logic that native English speakers can barely wrap their heads around.


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8 of 12

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