Rafael Perez-Torres
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - This is the easiest GE I have ever taken at UCLA. The materials covered in this class are self-explanatory and you don't really need to study for anything. Even though participation in lectures is not required, I still encourage people to go to lectures, read the assigned readings, and listen to the guest speaker because they will come in handy for the final assignment. Going to discussion sessions is mandatory, but our discussions involve little work anyway because you are not forced to talk. There is no midterm or final test for this class. There is only a research project that you have to complete before the final week, some weekly discussion posts, and a final assignment that is due on the final week. They are highly manageable as long as you start early.
Spring 2024 - This is the easiest GE I have ever taken at UCLA. The materials covered in this class are self-explanatory and you don't really need to study for anything. Even though participation in lectures is not required, I still encourage people to go to lectures, read the assigned readings, and listen to the guest speaker because they will come in handy for the final assignment. Going to discussion sessions is mandatory, but our discussions involve little work anyway because you are not forced to talk. There is no midterm or final test for this class. There is only a research project that you have to complete before the final week, some weekly discussion posts, and a final assignment that is due on the final week. They are highly manageable as long as you start early.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - Easiest class ever taken at UCLA with the nicest professor ever. Seriously, Professor Torres is so kind and passionate about what he's teaching and he's really approachable. You never have to go to lecture because the slides are always posted and the information is always common sense (but sometimes I go anyway because he's so nice that I feel bad for skipping). We originally were supposed to have 1 group project due week 8ish, 1 individual paper due week 10, and a take-home final. The professor ended up shifting the group project due date to week 10 and canceling the individual paper. The take-home final is ridiculously easy and is more reflective (how did this class affect you, etc) than information-based. ***SELLING "Keywords for American Cultures" 2nd Edition for $25, lightly annotated in 2-3 pages! TEXT @ *************
Spring 2019 - Easiest class ever taken at UCLA with the nicest professor ever. Seriously, Professor Torres is so kind and passionate about what he's teaching and he's really approachable. You never have to go to lecture because the slides are always posted and the information is always common sense (but sometimes I go anyway because he's so nice that I feel bad for skipping). We originally were supposed to have 1 group project due week 8ish, 1 individual paper due week 10, and a take-home final. The professor ended up shifting the group project due date to week 10 and canceling the individual paper. The take-home final is ridiculously easy and is more reflective (how did this class affect you, etc) than information-based. ***SELLING "Keywords for American Cultures" 2nd Edition for $25, lightly annotated in 2-3 pages! TEXT @ *************
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2020 - Professor Perez-Torres is truly one of the best professors that I have had at UCLA! He is so passionate about his work and demonstrates the most genuine care for students that I've experienced at this university. He organizes his class through organized PowerPoints that provide a clear structure for each lecture, and he welcomes questions with enthusiasm! We had one midterm that consisted of ID's and explanations, which wasn't too hard if you kept up with the readings. Our final essay explored significant topics within several of the texts, and his prompts were very engaging! I would highly recommend this professor; honestly, I wish I could have taken another class him because he was just so positive and so passionate about the material.
Winter 2020 - Professor Perez-Torres is truly one of the best professors that I have had at UCLA! He is so passionate about his work and demonstrates the most genuine care for students that I've experienced at this university. He organizes his class through organized PowerPoints that provide a clear structure for each lecture, and he welcomes questions with enthusiasm! We had one midterm that consisted of ID's and explanations, which wasn't too hard if you kept up with the readings. Our final essay explored significant topics within several of the texts, and his prompts were very engaging! I would highly recommend this professor; honestly, I wish I could have taken another class him because he was just so positive and so passionate about the material.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - Besides his TA, Abraham, who is literally a phony, the most USELESS, and the most WHINY TA on campus, Rafael is always available to his students. Beware however, his TA's grade work. Make sure you talk to Rafael so he can help you out. His lectures are long, but he makes his presentations interesting and teaches you with enthusiasm. He is very clear in lecture and he emphasizes on what will be on your midterm. There's one in class midterm and one take home final exam (which is an essay.) There is also an essay due around midterms. Lastly, there are 3 discussion papers, which is SUPER easy.
Winter 2019 - Besides his TA, Abraham, who is literally a phony, the most USELESS, and the most WHINY TA on campus, Rafael is always available to his students. Beware however, his TA's grade work. Make sure you talk to Rafael so he can help you out. His lectures are long, but he makes his presentations interesting and teaches you with enthusiasm. He is very clear in lecture and he emphasizes on what will be on your midterm. There's one in class midterm and one take home final exam (which is an essay.) There is also an essay due around midterms. Lastly, there are 3 discussion papers, which is SUPER easy.