
Patrick Wen

Overall Ratings
Based on 238 Users
Easiness 4.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (238)

4 of 19
4 of 19
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Dec. 22, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Selling course reader (accidentally spilled water on the back but none of the actual text was affected)! Email *************

I absolutely loved taking this class my first quarter at UCLA. Prof Wen is super nice and helpful, and a great lecturer too. Class breakdown involves 10% class participation (he calls on random people to discuss readings for the week every lecture), 10% on the final essay (or mock trial participation), and 40% for each of the two midterms, the second of which will serve as basically the final. I'd recommend doing the mock trial if possible- it'll give you full points for that 10% if you just do your job. Be warned that different roles will have different workloads- the legal counsel teams have to write their own arguments, but they also get 2% extra credit if you win the jury verdict.

The exams were actually harder than I expected given the reviews for this class. Be warned the first one, based just on readings, requires you to know really fine details about what happens. I actually read the readings every week rather and I still had trouble with a few questions on the exam. He hosts office hours after the first exam where you can go in and review your test: definitely worth it, there was a scantron mistake on mine and I gained back 5% of my grade. He also offered 5% extra credit to the class for those who scored below 75% on the midterm and/or the essay: if you're worried about your grade then but you're above the cutoff, you can email and ask. Second midterm was based more on novels and films so the questions were more general and easier.

All in all, this was one of my favorite classes this quarter. Lectures were engaging and the readings (for the most part) were super fun and short. I couldn't recommend this class more!


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Dec. 9, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

There was a lot of speculation about the class not being as easy now with the changed grading system and while that is somewhat true, I still thought it was a very manageable GE compared to most of the others. The only way to miss participation points (10% of grade) is by not being present when your name is called to answer questions, most people seemed to get around 95% on the paper (10% of grade), and both the midterms (40% each) were pretty easy, but as they are only 20 questions long, each question ends up heavily impacting your overall grade. The readings are pretty straightforward and he posts his slides which he draws directly from for midterm questions.
SELLING MATERIALS (all like new condition with no writing inside):
Course reader: $30
5 books (The Shadow & Other Tales + Hunger + Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard + Naive Super + The Dwarf): $30
Text ********** *prices negotiable*


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Jan. 3, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Easy GE, interesting texts. Some of the texts and movies were long, but they were interesting so it wasn't too bad. Show up to class! He randomly called on people for participation and asked questions about the readings. If your name gets called and you aren't there, you will get a zero in participation (worth 10%). I'm not sure how strict he actually was about this because my name never got called, but it seems like that could really screw you over. This class is pretty easy as long as you at least skim through the readings and review for the tests. Professor Wen is a great and funny professor. I felt bad for him because he had a lot of passion for Scand Lit and the class didn't always share the same enthusiasm.
I'm selling my course reader! I wish bruinwalk had a DM system but since it doesn't, you can email me at: *************


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Dec. 2, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: N/A

Selling course materials
-Scandinavian 50 Course Reader
-Hunger by Hamsun
-The Shadow by HCA
-Naive.Super by Loe
-The Dwarf by Lagerkvist
-Anecdote's of Destiny - Dinesen
*Price negotiable*
Phone number: **********


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Feb. 9, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Based on the reviews, this class is not a joke. Yes it is easy but if you take good notes and follow along, you will learn something about society. I dont think the professor is teaching just about Swedish culture but of our own. He relates every story back to an important event in history. So based on how thrilled you are or how attentive, each one of us will have a different opinion. I think this is a great professor.


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Nov. 16, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

One of the EASIEST classes at UCLA! Readings are short and interesting. Go to discussion for the easy points!

Midterm is an in class essay which you could redo later and get a higher grade.

Final was a take home essay.

SUPER easy to get an A.

**Selling Course Reader for only $30 (good for Scan 50 and Scan 50W) B************* for any questions**


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Dec. 12, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

SELLING both Course Reader and Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard for $28!

Both books in good conditions!

Text me at ********** if interested.

Took this class fall quarter 2014. The readings are relatively short and interesting. Go to discussions because he basically analyses the book for you which makes it an easy A when writing the essay portion for midterm and final.


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Jan. 3, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Wen's lectures are on point and the arthouse cinema that they screened in class was very interesting.It takes about an hour to prepare for the final-I got an A+- if you read the right segments of the course reader.
Selling Scand 50 course reader at $25.Email at *************.


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Dec. 15, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Scand 50 brand new course reader for $35. never been used. This book is absolutely mandatory for this class.


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March 30, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Super easy A, I studied for only a few hours for final and got A+. Be sure to take the extra credit opportunities they make all the difference and are very interesting in itself.
Selling - Two ebooks (naive super and the Dwarf) and course reader for the cheap price of $30!

The 3 other books you need to read can be easily found online, they are classics like Andersen so any translation will do. I can even send you links for them.



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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 22, 2019

Selling course reader (accidentally spilled water on the back but none of the actual text was affected)! Email *************

I absolutely loved taking this class my first quarter at UCLA. Prof Wen is super nice and helpful, and a great lecturer too. Class breakdown involves 10% class participation (he calls on random people to discuss readings for the week every lecture), 10% on the final essay (or mock trial participation), and 40% for each of the two midterms, the second of which will serve as basically the final. I'd recommend doing the mock trial if possible- it'll give you full points for that 10% if you just do your job. Be warned that different roles will have different workloads- the legal counsel teams have to write their own arguments, but they also get 2% extra credit if you win the jury verdict.

The exams were actually harder than I expected given the reviews for this class. Be warned the first one, based just on readings, requires you to know really fine details about what happens. I actually read the readings every week rather and I still had trouble with a few questions on the exam. He hosts office hours after the first exam where you can go in and review your test: definitely worth it, there was a scantron mistake on mine and I gained back 5% of my grade. He also offered 5% extra credit to the class for those who scored below 75% on the midterm and/or the essay: if you're worried about your grade then but you're above the cutoff, you can email and ask. Second midterm was based more on novels and films so the questions were more general and easier.

All in all, this was one of my favorite classes this quarter. Lectures were engaging and the readings (for the most part) were super fun and short. I couldn't recommend this class more!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 9, 2019

There was a lot of speculation about the class not being as easy now with the changed grading system and while that is somewhat true, I still thought it was a very manageable GE compared to most of the others. The only way to miss participation points (10% of grade) is by not being present when your name is called to answer questions, most people seemed to get around 95% on the paper (10% of grade), and both the midterms (40% each) were pretty easy, but as they are only 20 questions long, each question ends up heavily impacting your overall grade. The readings are pretty straightforward and he posts his slides which he draws directly from for midterm questions.
SELLING MATERIALS (all like new condition with no writing inside):
Course reader: $30
5 books (The Shadow & Other Tales + Hunger + Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard + Naive Super + The Dwarf): $30
Text ********** *prices negotiable*


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 3, 2019

Easy GE, interesting texts. Some of the texts and movies were long, but they were interesting so it wasn't too bad. Show up to class! He randomly called on people for participation and asked questions about the readings. If your name gets called and you aren't there, you will get a zero in participation (worth 10%). I'm not sure how strict he actually was about this because my name never got called, but it seems like that could really screw you over. This class is pretty easy as long as you at least skim through the readings and review for the tests. Professor Wen is a great and funny professor. I felt bad for him because he had a lot of passion for Scand Lit and the class didn't always share the same enthusiasm.
I'm selling my course reader! I wish bruinwalk had a DM system but since it doesn't, you can email me at: *************


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: N/A
Dec. 2, 2016

Selling course materials
-Scandinavian 50 Course Reader
-Hunger by Hamsun
-The Shadow by HCA
-Naive.Super by Loe
-The Dwarf by Lagerkvist
-Anecdote's of Destiny - Dinesen
*Price negotiable*
Phone number: **********


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 9, 2015

Based on the reviews, this class is not a joke. Yes it is easy but if you take good notes and follow along, you will learn something about society. I dont think the professor is teaching just about Swedish culture but of our own. He relates every story back to an important event in history. So based on how thrilled you are or how attentive, each one of us will have a different opinion. I think this is a great professor.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 16, 2014

One of the EASIEST classes at UCLA! Readings are short and interesting. Go to discussion for the easy points!

Midterm is an in class essay which you could redo later and get a higher grade.

Final was a take home essay.

SUPER easy to get an A.

**Selling Course Reader for only $30 (good for Scan 50 and Scan 50W) B************* for any questions**


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 12, 2014

SELLING both Course Reader and Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard for $28!

Both books in good conditions!

Text me at ********** if interested.

Took this class fall quarter 2014. The readings are relatively short and interesting. Go to discussions because he basically analyses the book for you which makes it an easy A when writing the essay portion for midterm and final.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 3, 2015

Wen's lectures are on point and the arthouse cinema that they screened in class was very interesting.It takes about an hour to prepare for the final-I got an A+- if you read the right segments of the course reader.
Selling Scand 50 course reader at $25.Email at *************.


0 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 15, 2013

Scand 50 brand new course reader for $35. never been used. This book is absolutely mandatory for this class.


0 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 30, 2015

Super easy A, I studied for only a few hours for final and got A+. Be sure to take the extra credit opportunities they make all the difference and are very interesting in itself.
Selling - Two ebooks (naive super and the Dwarf) and course reader for the cheap price of $30!

The 3 other books you need to read can be easily found online, they are classics like Andersen so any translation will do. I can even send you links for them.



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4 of 19

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