
Patrick Flynn

Overall Ratings
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (18)

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Dec. 24, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

overall feedback:

- prof is super nice and often funny and a very understanding guy
- flynn not the best lecturer, lecture is super heavy on theorems, definitions and formulas without much application
- professor leonard on yt supplemented any confusion from the lecture and did ample practice so highly recommend
- weekly quizzes with problems pulled directly from the homework with constants changed
- homework is not due but heavily encouraged due to the quizzes
- midterms were both fair with problems very similar to the homework
- the final was insanely difficult but patrick was very nice and curved it by 20 points
- if its an option, take the later discussion day since that's when the quiz will be and you'll get more study time
- you can succeed in this class by just doing the homework over and over again until you memorize all of the steps on how to do all of the problems
- for our final he allowed 8.5*11 cheat sheet front and back

overall patrick was super nice and funny and wanted all of us to succeed. although he was not the best lecturer, i would take the class again because there was no due homework, the tests were easy, and i was entertained by him during lecture.


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Dec. 24, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

Math 31B is a pretty standard calculus class, so if you've taken AP Calc BC in high school, you should be completely fine. The midterms and quizzes were representative of the material and were fairly easy. The final, however, was pretty challenging, and many people did not do well. However, Professor Flynn ended up curving the finals by 20 points so everyone would receive a passing grade. The professor is very approachable and understanding, even though he's not great at lecturing. He mostly just reads off the textbooks and does not dedicate enough time to practice problems. Overall, Flynn was pretty easy (at least compared to other 31B professors), and you can definitely earn an A in his class if you put in a decent effort.


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Dec. 27, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

Flynn is such a kind and understanding professor. This was his first quarter teaching so the pacing of the class didn't feel consistent (which is understandable---again his first quarter teaching) but we was aware of that and often accommodate for that. For example, we rushed the inverse trig unit so he provided the formulas for that unit on the midterm so we didn't have to memorize it. I think it's pretty clear that he's open and receptive to student feedback, and a lot of my friends enjoyed his class (they all said positive things), as did I. I would definitely take it again.

The final was relatively difficult in comparison to the midterms, but I thought it was still pretty fair. The class average was a C+ and I think that's mostly because the format of the exam was different from the midterms and quizzes. Typically, the exam content would be pretty similar to the homework questions so if you did the homework over and over again, you would probably get a pretty high grade (as long as you study a decent amount, you should be fine). The final, however, was more about applying the concepts we learned because it included questions that we didn't really solve before---it was fair, but just very different from what we expected. Everyone came out stressed. Anyways, he curved it REALLY generously so the average student got a B+/A-.


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June 10, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+

Patrick is sooooo cute hes the best professor ever!!! he has the cutest cardigans and hes really good at explaining things. He made all other professors pale in comparison. love this man. cutie patootie. HES GREAT!!!!!!!


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June 7, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A

The pace is too slow, and lectures focus too much on details in calculation and derivation, some of which might be repetitive. There could be more emphasis on examples and applications.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2023

overall feedback:

- prof is super nice and often funny and a very understanding guy
- flynn not the best lecturer, lecture is super heavy on theorems, definitions and formulas without much application
- professor leonard on yt supplemented any confusion from the lecture and did ample practice so highly recommend
- weekly quizzes with problems pulled directly from the homework with constants changed
- homework is not due but heavily encouraged due to the quizzes
- midterms were both fair with problems very similar to the homework
- the final was insanely difficult but patrick was very nice and curved it by 20 points
- if its an option, take the later discussion day since that's when the quiz will be and you'll get more study time
- you can succeed in this class by just doing the homework over and over again until you memorize all of the steps on how to do all of the problems
- for our final he allowed 8.5*11 cheat sheet front and back

overall patrick was super nice and funny and wanted all of us to succeed. although he was not the best lecturer, i would take the class again because there was no due homework, the tests were easy, and i was entertained by him during lecture.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2023

Math 31B is a pretty standard calculus class, so if you've taken AP Calc BC in high school, you should be completely fine. The midterms and quizzes were representative of the material and were fairly easy. The final, however, was pretty challenging, and many people did not do well. However, Professor Flynn ended up curving the finals by 20 points so everyone would receive a passing grade. The professor is very approachable and understanding, even though he's not great at lecturing. He mostly just reads off the textbooks and does not dedicate enough time to practice problems. Overall, Flynn was pretty easy (at least compared to other 31B professors), and you can definitely earn an A in his class if you put in a decent effort.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 27, 2023

Flynn is such a kind and understanding professor. This was his first quarter teaching so the pacing of the class didn't feel consistent (which is understandable---again his first quarter teaching) but we was aware of that and often accommodate for that. For example, we rushed the inverse trig unit so he provided the formulas for that unit on the midterm so we didn't have to memorize it. I think it's pretty clear that he's open and receptive to student feedback, and a lot of my friends enjoyed his class (they all said positive things), as did I. I would definitely take it again.

The final was relatively difficult in comparison to the midterms, but I thought it was still pretty fair. The class average was a C+ and I think that's mostly because the format of the exam was different from the midterms and quizzes. Typically, the exam content would be pretty similar to the homework questions so if you did the homework over and over again, you would probably get a pretty high grade (as long as you study a decent amount, you should be fine). The final, however, was more about applying the concepts we learned because it included questions that we didn't really solve before---it was fair, but just very different from what we expected. Everyone came out stressed. Anyways, he curved it REALLY generously so the average student got a B+/A-.


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MATH 135
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
June 10, 2024

Patrick is sooooo cute hes the best professor ever!!! he has the cutest cardigans and hes really good at explaining things. He made all other professors pale in comparison. love this man. cutie patootie. HES GREAT!!!!!!!


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MATH 136
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A
June 7, 2024

The pace is too slow, and lectures focus too much on details in calculation and derivation, some of which might be repetitive. There could be more emphasis on examples and applications.


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