Nouri Gana
Most Helpful Review
Gana is the most uninspiring arrogant fuck I've ever encountered in my entire life. This is my fourth year at UCLA and I've never had an issue with a professor. However, I cannot CANNOT stand this man. He is truly a piece of shit. I have approached him many time in office hours asking for help with material. After every conversation with him, I've left the room feeling like shit about myself. Mind you, I have a 3.94 GPA and the material in his class is not really over my head, I just wanted guidance in doing an assignment. He spreads negativity like wildfire. He is a disease that needs to be quarantined and kept away from developing minds.
Gana is the most uninspiring arrogant fuck I've ever encountered in my entire life. This is my fourth year at UCLA and I've never had an issue with a professor. However, I cannot CANNOT stand this man. He is truly a piece of shit. I have approached him many time in office hours asking for help with material. After every conversation with him, I've left the room feeling like shit about myself. Mind you, I have a 3.94 GPA and the material in his class is not really over my head, I just wanted guidance in doing an assignment. He spreads negativity like wildfire. He is a disease that needs to be quarantined and kept away from developing minds.