Nicoletta Loccioni
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - Loccioni is a really good professor. She patiently explained everything to her students. There was an assignment every week. The assignments were not easy, but if you spend some time on the slides, you can do them very well. The midterm and final were very similar to the assignments, and an A4 size cheat sheet was allowed to use in both exams. I REALLY RECOMMEND THIS PROFESSOR!
Winter 2019 - Loccioni is a really good professor. She patiently explained everything to her students. There was an assignment every week. The assignments were not easy, but if you spend some time on the slides, you can do them very well. The midterm and final were very similar to the assignments, and an A4 size cheat sheet was allowed to use in both exams. I REALLY RECOMMEND THIS PROFESSOR!
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - Nico was a friendly and clear professor. The material was difficult, but overall I feel like I was able to effectively learn everything. My TA Maddy was also pretty helpful, and I feel that both were fair graders. The class has several homework assignments, and the lowest one is dropped. The midterm and final were both online, and lectures were recorded due to COVID. No textbook needed, and slides are posted on BruinLearn.
Spring 2022 - Nico was a friendly and clear professor. The material was difficult, but overall I feel like I was able to effectively learn everything. My TA Maddy was also pretty helpful, and I feel that both were fair graders. The class has several homework assignments, and the lowest one is dropped. The midterm and final were both online, and lectures were recorded due to COVID. No textbook needed, and slides are posted on BruinLearn.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2022 - She hid everything about the exam. students didn’t really the answers inside the exam. Most of the questions in the exam are “click all the applies”. If you click one more or less applies, you will get no points on it. The worst design of exam I have ever seen. I feel I have learned nothing in this course. And we don’t even know the score of our final paper. EVERYTHING IS NOT CLEAR IN THIS COURSE! I know there should have other choices for Pure Ling and other majors, you should be better to take others instead!
Fall 2022 - She hid everything about the exam. students didn’t really the answers inside the exam. Most of the questions in the exam are “click all the applies”. If you click one more or less applies, you will get no points on it. The worst design of exam I have ever seen. I feel I have learned nothing in this course. And we don’t even know the score of our final paper. EVERYTHING IS NOT CLEAR IN THIS COURSE! I know there should have other choices for Pure Ling and other majors, you should be better to take others instead!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - If you had Nico for 120B, I highly recommend taking her for this course as well. This continuity is extremely helpful, as some of my classmates had different 120B professors and weren't entirely familiar with the techniques, content, and teaching style of Nico. She is a great professor, but this course was challenging at times. Some of the technical explanations required on the homeworks and exams in this class were more difficult than those in 120B, because the deeper you delve into syntactic theory, the more blurred the line becomes between what's the "right" and "wrong" answer. I went to TA office hours weekly for help on the homework assignments, because there always seemed to be a few parts or subparts of a question that were difficult or worded vaguely. The midterm was fair (very similar to the homeworks), but the final was very difficult. When it comes to the homeworks and exams, grading-wise, it was somewhat harsher/stricter than in 120B.
Winter 2019 - If you had Nico for 120B, I highly recommend taking her for this course as well. This continuity is extremely helpful, as some of my classmates had different 120B professors and weren't entirely familiar with the techniques, content, and teaching style of Nico. She is a great professor, but this course was challenging at times. Some of the technical explanations required on the homeworks and exams in this class were more difficult than those in 120B, because the deeper you delve into syntactic theory, the more blurred the line becomes between what's the "right" and "wrong" answer. I went to TA office hours weekly for help on the homework assignments, because there always seemed to be a few parts or subparts of a question that were difficult or worded vaguely. The midterm was fair (very similar to the homeworks), but the final was very difficult. When it comes to the homeworks and exams, grading-wise, it was somewhat harsher/stricter than in 120B.