
Nathan Deuel

Overall Ratings
Based on 52 Users
Easiness 3.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (52)

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June 19, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Don't take it...


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Jan. 8, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

This class was my favorite that I have ever taken. You have a one-page single-space mini-essay due every Thursday night, which I thought was a lot too, but it was easy to manage. You have two midterm papers and then a final, but for the midterms, if you do not like your grade he lets you make revisions to get a better grade. Professor Deuel is an amazing teacher and you can tell he loves his work. I recommend this class to anyone who can take it and is something I will always be grateful for. You write more creatively then anything else and it truly is an amazing class.


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Nov. 23, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

This was hands down the best class I've ever taken. Even if you're not an English major/professional writing minor, even if you don't really like writing, even if you look at this class and are like, "not for me," you need to take this class. Deuel is smart, engaging, and will make you a better writer. Your essays and your peers' essays will cause you to reflect in ways you never have before. TAKE THIS CLASS.

The structure: every week Deuel assigns two published journalism essays that you reflect on and then discuss in class. After that class, you have the rest of the day to write a mini-essay -- one page that you upload to a shared drive. Deuel picks five of those essays for the whole class to review in the next class. The mini-essays are graded on completion. The bulk of your grade comes from two midterm essays and a final. Deuel is super helpful and will work with you to make your writing better. TAKE THIS CLASS. It's a writing class, so it's not "easy," but the work you do is so meaningful it doesn't really register as work in the same way as other classes.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 22, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

Although at times I hated this class because he assigned a lot of writing assignments, it was the only class the I look forward to attending in person. Professor Deuel is such an understanding and funny guy. He always tells his students to email him with any questions or if they want him to read through one of their papers and tell them where they can improve it. In my experience, he isn't a harsh grader, but if he does give you a bad grade, he gives you until the end of week 10 to revise it and earn a higher grade. The workload can seem like a lot at times with a mini-essay due every Thursday and reading journals and workshops due before each class, but he really does help you grow as a writer. I went from hating writing with a passion to being able to tolerate it (which is saying a lot considering I am a STEM major). There is a 3-page midterm and a 5-page midterm that were a little inconvenient but helped me learn a lot about myself as a writer. The final is 10-12 pages which is a lot but he was always available to answer any questions or concerns. Overall, I think the class is worth all the late nights writing mini-essays. Hope this helps!

selling Writing Los Angeles: A Literary Anthology for $18. Msg me if interested @ **********0


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Feb. 12, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

I took English comp 3 in the fall as a freshman. Overall, the class is pretty similar to an AP high school English class because there are only about 20 people in each class. Mr. Deuel is such a personable teacher and I think the best thing about him is how much he cares about his students-if you email him, he will likely get back to you in the next hour (he even offered to call me about the midterm right before his flight took off).

The weekly readings that he assigns are pretty long but not super dense but you have to keep a reading journal with some notes about the reading. On Thursday, we just came in and discussed and at the end of each class, he gave us a very vague prompt to answer in 1 page single spaced by the end of the day. On Friday he'll post like 4-5 short essays that he wants us to look at and on Tuesday we will discuss them. (he makes sure everyone is chosen once). We also have to write a paragraph for each person between Friday and the class on Tuesday.

Even with the amount of work, it really isn't that bad- you have 2 midterm papers (one 3 pages and the next 5 pages) and then your final paper is 10 pages. While it might seem overwhelming, Mr. Deuel is literally always there to help you with ideas and gives you so much creative freedom, and in my opinion, is quite an easy grader. Also, if you don't do well on your first 2 midterm papers, he gives you the opportunity to "redo" them and resubmit them at the end of the quarter and you really just have to look at the comments he writes and make adjustments. 9/10 recommend this course


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Feb. 7, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A

Professor Deuel is an amazing teacher and genuinely wants you to do well. He uses the book "Writing Los Angeles: A Literary Anthology" and I found the readings 50% boring and 50% interesting. The workload is quite heavy for this class, with a mini-essay, a reading journal and a commentary (on fellow students' mini-essays) every week. Final grades are mostly based on 2 mid-term papers (3 page and 5 page) and a final paper (10 page), but homework and participation count too. Deuel grades generously so as long as you do the work, you will get an A.
9/10 recommend.


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Sept. 10, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A

The post below (submitted Feb 7, 2016) is accurate and has everything you need to know for the class.


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Dec. 9, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A-

Professor Deuel is by far the highlight of my freshman fall quarter here at UCLA. I'm an electrical engineering major who came into college absolutely petrified of writing and had only written essays up to 3 pages before this class. Professor Deuel shattered my mentality towards English and it was by far my most favorite class. He is engaging, patient and inciteful leading to a class I can't wait to attend. The class is difficult with high workload. I ended up writing 60 pages over the quarter including 3 papers, weekly essays, reading journals, and annotating peer essays. The way the class works is you have weekly readings and you complete reading journals for them. On Thursday you will discuss the readings then write a 1 page single spaced essay due the next day. On Friday he sends 5 student essays to annotate and write summaries for. On Tuesday you discuss the essays and are assigned the next readings. The first essay is 3-4 pages. Second is 5-6 pages. The final paper is 10 pages. Sounds intimidating but it is doable with the skills Professor Deuel equips you with. I learned so much and would gladly take this class every quarter of college. 10000/10 would reccomend.


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Feb. 23, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: B

The class is extremely engaging and requires attendance and weekly assignments. Expectations are high, but Deuel is interesting and insightful. I expected to get a higher grade than I received. There are 3 main assignments (papers) that can be amended until the end of the quarter for a new grade.


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March 17, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A+

Absolutely outstanding. The workload was heavy, but it was necessary to improve our writing skills. Midterm and final papers were challenging; however, I enjoyed them since it's very easy to get guidance from the professor and write something to be proud of.

If you're willing to put in a good few hours a week into your English Composition 3 class, and you enjoy writing (both analytical and creative), then this is certainly a class for you. You'll get an A and you'll come out of the class having learnt something new.

I must say at this point that I found the actual raw material pretty dull (the history and politics of writing in Los Angeles), and the professor is certainly not someone that I find personally likable, but his rare ability to spin the material into something interesting, and his professional and caring demeanor negates both of these drawbacks, and really makes for a memorable course.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 19, 2023

Don't take it...


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 8, 2024

This class was my favorite that I have ever taken. You have a one-page single-space mini-essay due every Thursday night, which I thought was a lot too, but it was easy to manage. You have two midterm papers and then a final, but for the midterms, if you do not like your grade he lets you make revisions to get a better grade. Professor Deuel is an amazing teacher and you can tell he loves his work. I recommend this class to anyone who can take it and is something I will always be grateful for. You write more creatively then anything else and it truly is an amazing class.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
Nov. 23, 2023

This was hands down the best class I've ever taken. Even if you're not an English major/professional writing minor, even if you don't really like writing, even if you look at this class and are like, "not for me," you need to take this class. Deuel is smart, engaging, and will make you a better writer. Your essays and your peers' essays will cause you to reflect in ways you never have before. TAKE THIS CLASS.

The structure: every week Deuel assigns two published journalism essays that you reflect on and then discuss in class. After that class, you have the rest of the day to write a mini-essay -- one page that you upload to a shared drive. Deuel picks five of those essays for the whole class to review in the next class. The mini-essays are graded on completion. The bulk of your grade comes from two midterm essays and a final. Deuel is super helpful and will work with you to make your writing better. TAKE THIS CLASS. It's a writing class, so it's not "easy," but the work you do is so meaningful it doesn't really register as work in the same way as other classes.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Nov. 22, 2021

Although at times I hated this class because he assigned a lot of writing assignments, it was the only class the I look forward to attending in person. Professor Deuel is such an understanding and funny guy. He always tells his students to email him with any questions or if they want him to read through one of their papers and tell them where they can improve it. In my experience, he isn't a harsh grader, but if he does give you a bad grade, he gives you until the end of week 10 to revise it and earn a higher grade. The workload can seem like a lot at times with a mini-essay due every Thursday and reading journals and workshops due before each class, but he really does help you grow as a writer. I went from hating writing with a passion to being able to tolerate it (which is saying a lot considering I am a STEM major). There is a 3-page midterm and a 5-page midterm that were a little inconvenient but helped me learn a lot about myself as a writer. The final is 10-12 pages which is a lot but he was always available to answer any questions or concerns. Overall, I think the class is worth all the late nights writing mini-essays. Hope this helps!

selling Writing Los Angeles: A Literary Anthology for $18. Msg me if interested @ **********0


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Feb. 12, 2023

I took English comp 3 in the fall as a freshman. Overall, the class is pretty similar to an AP high school English class because there are only about 20 people in each class. Mr. Deuel is such a personable teacher and I think the best thing about him is how much he cares about his students-if you email him, he will likely get back to you in the next hour (he even offered to call me about the midterm right before his flight took off).

The weekly readings that he assigns are pretty long but not super dense but you have to keep a reading journal with some notes about the reading. On Thursday, we just came in and discussed and at the end of each class, he gave us a very vague prompt to answer in 1 page single spaced by the end of the day. On Friday he'll post like 4-5 short essays that he wants us to look at and on Tuesday we will discuss them. (he makes sure everyone is chosen once). We also have to write a paragraph for each person between Friday and the class on Tuesday.

Even with the amount of work, it really isn't that bad- you have 2 midterm papers (one 3 pages and the next 5 pages) and then your final paper is 10 pages. While it might seem overwhelming, Mr. Deuel is literally always there to help you with ideas and gives you so much creative freedom, and in my opinion, is quite an easy grader. Also, if you don't do well on your first 2 midterm papers, he gives you the opportunity to "redo" them and resubmit them at the end of the quarter and you really just have to look at the comments he writes and make adjustments. 9/10 recommend this course


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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A
Feb. 7, 2016

Professor Deuel is an amazing teacher and genuinely wants you to do well. He uses the book "Writing Los Angeles: A Literary Anthology" and I found the readings 50% boring and 50% interesting. The workload is quite heavy for this class, with a mini-essay, a reading journal and a commentary (on fellow students' mini-essays) every week. Final grades are mostly based on 2 mid-term papers (3 page and 5 page) and a final paper (10 page), but homework and participation count too. Deuel grades generously so as long as you do the work, you will get an A.
9/10 recommend.


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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A
Sept. 10, 2016

The post below (submitted Feb 7, 2016) is accurate and has everything you need to know for the class.


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A-
Dec. 9, 2016

Professor Deuel is by far the highlight of my freshman fall quarter here at UCLA. I'm an electrical engineering major who came into college absolutely petrified of writing and had only written essays up to 3 pages before this class. Professor Deuel shattered my mentality towards English and it was by far my most favorite class. He is engaging, patient and inciteful leading to a class I can't wait to attend. The class is difficult with high workload. I ended up writing 60 pages over the quarter including 3 papers, weekly essays, reading journals, and annotating peer essays. The way the class works is you have weekly readings and you complete reading journals for them. On Thursday you will discuss the readings then write a 1 page single spaced essay due the next day. On Friday he sends 5 student essays to annotate and write summaries for. On Tuesday you discuss the essays and are assigned the next readings. The first essay is 3-4 pages. Second is 5-6 pages. The final paper is 10 pages. Sounds intimidating but it is doable with the skills Professor Deuel equips you with. I learned so much and would gladly take this class every quarter of college. 10000/10 would reccomend.


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: B
Feb. 23, 2017

The class is extremely engaging and requires attendance and weekly assignments. Expectations are high, but Deuel is interesting and insightful. I expected to get a higher grade than I received. There are 3 main assignments (papers) that can be amended until the end of the quarter for a new grade.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A+
March 17, 2017

Absolutely outstanding. The workload was heavy, but it was necessary to improve our writing skills. Midterm and final papers were challenging; however, I enjoyed them since it's very easy to get guidance from the professor and write something to be proud of.

If you're willing to put in a good few hours a week into your English Composition 3 class, and you enjoy writing (both analytical and creative), then this is certainly a class for you. You'll get an A and you'll come out of the class having learnt something new.

I must say at this point that I found the actual raw material pretty dull (the history and politics of writing in Los Angeles), and the professor is certainly not someone that I find personally likable, but his rare ability to spin the material into something interesting, and his professional and caring demeanor negates both of these drawbacks, and really makes for a memorable course.


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