Michael Morony
Most Helpful Review
Everyone has pretty much said everything that needs to be said about Morony and history 9D. Yes, he is by far the worst lecturer to the point where it is insulting that students are expected to go to his lectures. That said, don't go to the lectures. It is honestly a waste of time. The TA's are pretty good. I had Reem Bailony and she was very sweet. It's more than sufficient if you skim the assigned reading. All in all, I didn't learn much from the class but it was by far a very easy A.
Everyone has pretty much said everything that needs to be said about Morony and history 9D. Yes, he is by far the worst lecturer to the point where it is insulting that students are expected to go to his lectures. That said, don't go to the lectures. It is honestly a waste of time. The TA's are pretty good. I had Reem Bailony and she was very sweet. It's more than sufficient if you skim the assigned reading. All in all, I didn't learn much from the class but it was by far a very easy A.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2022 - Prof. Morony is a tough professor to grade. I liked his personality enough, but he was completely unapproachable and was unlike any professor I've had before - but not in a good way. His lectures were dry and he'd read from his notes the entire time, often incoherently, and he'd move too fast to take proper notes and not even put the slide he was reading from on the projector. Morony is an older guy, I think he may even be retired now that my class concluded, but he was not adept with technology whatsoever, and he refused help on multiple occasions. He would answer questions sarcastically and make you feel stupid for not reading his mind or not knowing the material ahead of time. My main issue with his course was that there were only three assignments, both halves of the midterm and the final - all of which were essays. So, it's a make or break type deal with Morony. Sadly, there were no redeeming factors about his tutelage that would make me recommend his class to anyone. I honestly would have liked to take a class from him if it was in the 1980s, but he was overall unable to adapt to modern education/technology and barely exerted any effort. I'd give advice on how I got an A in the class, but I have no clue how I pulled that off.
Fall 2022 - Prof. Morony is a tough professor to grade. I liked his personality enough, but he was completely unapproachable and was unlike any professor I've had before - but not in a good way. His lectures were dry and he'd read from his notes the entire time, often incoherently, and he'd move too fast to take proper notes and not even put the slide he was reading from on the projector. Morony is an older guy, I think he may even be retired now that my class concluded, but he was not adept with technology whatsoever, and he refused help on multiple occasions. He would answer questions sarcastically and make you feel stupid for not reading his mind or not knowing the material ahead of time. My main issue with his course was that there were only three assignments, both halves of the midterm and the final - all of which were essays. So, it's a make or break type deal with Morony. Sadly, there were no redeeming factors about his tutelage that would make me recommend his class to anyone. I honestly would have liked to take a class from him if it was in the 1980s, but he was overall unable to adapt to modern education/technology and barely exerted any effort. I'd give advice on how I got an A in the class, but I have no clue how I pulled that off.
Most Helpful Review
Honestly, I would warn anyone NOT to take this class. Professor Morony, like so many have stated before me, clearly does not care a hoot about undergraduate students. If it wasn't for the helpful TA, I would have had no direction on the essays, etc. I went into his office to talk to him once, and felt belittled and extremely uncared for. I was trying to ask questions for the second midterm essay, and he would reply with very curt and short answers and then just stare at me like he was waiting for me to leave. Our "appointment" lasted 7 minutes at the most. He is also incredibly boring, and the class is a waste. It's about an hour and a half lecture, where he literally just stands in front of the class reading off the slideshows that he puts up online anyway. So many times I would just be sitting there thinking "Why am I here?" It seemed incredibly pointless when the slides were online. Nevertheless, the first half of the quarter I went to class (mostly) and kept up with the reading. I got a B+ on the first essay midterm, which was 50 points. I started going to class less and and less, and got a high A on the second midterm essay, which was also 50 points. After that, I went to class about once and hardly kept up with the reading (warning: that combination is a bad idea! I would recommend keeping up with the reading). The day before the in-class essay final, I crammed like a fool reading over the notes/parts of the book and basically had to teach myself the second half of the course... anyway, I went to take the final and thought I failed it, but by the grace of God I ended up with an A- in the class. My advice: if you think something wasn't graded fairly on your essay, talk to the TA, because they can change your grade. Also, for the final be sure to go over BROAD THEMES. Make a list of the themes you think would be important in Middle Eastern History, and study them that way, instead of small details. Especially time-lines/dates. Lastly, it's totally unnecessary to go to class, but try to keep up with the readings, and the TA is very helpful with essays/etc if you can set up in appointment with her/him.
Honestly, I would warn anyone NOT to take this class. Professor Morony, like so many have stated before me, clearly does not care a hoot about undergraduate students. If it wasn't for the helpful TA, I would have had no direction on the essays, etc. I went into his office to talk to him once, and felt belittled and extremely uncared for. I was trying to ask questions for the second midterm essay, and he would reply with very curt and short answers and then just stare at me like he was waiting for me to leave. Our "appointment" lasted 7 minutes at the most. He is also incredibly boring, and the class is a waste. It's about an hour and a half lecture, where he literally just stands in front of the class reading off the slideshows that he puts up online anyway. So many times I would just be sitting there thinking "Why am I here?" It seemed incredibly pointless when the slides were online. Nevertheless, the first half of the quarter I went to class (mostly) and kept up with the reading. I got a B+ on the first essay midterm, which was 50 points. I started going to class less and and less, and got a high A on the second midterm essay, which was also 50 points. After that, I went to class about once and hardly kept up with the reading (warning: that combination is a bad idea! I would recommend keeping up with the reading). The day before the in-class essay final, I crammed like a fool reading over the notes/parts of the book and basically had to teach myself the second half of the course... anyway, I went to take the final and thought I failed it, but by the grace of God I ended up with an A- in the class. My advice: if you think something wasn't graded fairly on your essay, talk to the TA, because they can change your grade. Also, for the final be sure to go over BROAD THEMES. Make a list of the themes you think would be important in Middle Eastern History, and study them that way, instead of small details. Especially time-lines/dates. Lastly, it's totally unnecessary to go to class, but try to keep up with the readings, and the TA is very helpful with essays/etc if you can set up in appointment with her/him.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - The professor just reads off of the slides. Some of the info is interesting and he often ended class earlier than normal, but it is pretty dry most of the time. He largely segments the class into centuries and covers them throughout the lectures. This leads to a large influx of information that wasn't really important. Most people didn't attend lecture as he posts all the slides online and does not deviate from them. The class consisted of two essays and an in class final that had two essays. They are pretty easy and he gives you the questions for the out of class essays in the syllabus. His syllabus also contains at least on of the final essay questions, although he does not say which one. Overall, the class is pretty laidback, but boring.
Spring 2019 - The professor just reads off of the slides. Some of the info is interesting and he often ended class earlier than normal, but it is pretty dry most of the time. He largely segments the class into centuries and covers them throughout the lectures. This leads to a large influx of information that wasn't really important. Most people didn't attend lecture as he posts all the slides online and does not deviate from them. The class consisted of two essays and an in class final that had two essays. They are pretty easy and he gives you the questions for the out of class essays in the syllabus. His syllabus also contains at least on of the final essay questions, although he does not say which one. Overall, the class is pretty laidback, but boring.
Most Helpful Review
Mr.Morony is an outstanding Professor. He may go off topic during lectures but he tells you what you need to know. And really if you just show up every now and then, read some pages, and look up review questions for midterm and final, youll be fine. He seems hard at first but he the easiest grader there is. Wont find anyone else that passes out as much As as he does, REALLY! Take him ONLY if you have to. Wouldn't recommend for non-majors. I give him a B+!!!
Mr.Morony is an outstanding Professor. He may go off topic during lectures but he tells you what you need to know. And really if you just show up every now and then, read some pages, and look up review questions for midterm and final, youll be fine. He seems hard at first but he the easiest grader there is. Wont find anyone else that passes out as much As as he does, REALLY! Take him ONLY if you have to. Wouldn't recommend for non-majors. I give him a B+!!!