
Michael Fitzgerald

Overall Ratings
Based on 34 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (34)

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June 26, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Astronomy 3 with Fitzgerald was by far the easiest class I've taken at UCLA. If you're looking for an easy A and an extremely interesting GE, this course fits the bill in every way. Everything from the local bodies in our solar system to the history of the universe and relativity was covered, and for the average lay person (like me), the material could be quite mind-blowing at times. Your grade is based off of two midterms and a final, filled with questions ranging from easy to insultingly-easy, and off of labs, which are also very rudimentary. That being said, everything is extremely interesting, so you never feel like you're being talked-down to or that you're wasting your time in lecture. I would recommend anyone with a physical science GE requirement take this course; just sit back, relax, and enjoy Fitzgerald's tour through the universe.


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Aug. 4, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Physics 6A

This was my first time taking Physics ever in my life, and I found it to be extremely interesting, but challenging. Professor Fitzgerald is a decent lecturer, but he literally used all of Professor Shaked's materials. I think that it may have been his first quarter teaching Physics, because almost none of his materail/powerpoints/practice exams were his creation. He even used the EXACT same midterms that Shaked uses, and there was a huge controversy in class because some students had already seen the midterm from previous quarters and were therefore prepared for what was on the exam. To fix this, Professor Fitzgerald threw out the group portion of the second midterm so that it somehow scaled everyone's grades so that some people didn't have the advantage.

There really isn't a curve in this class. He offers extra credit opportunity, but it ONLY affects the participation portion of the class, which is a very small percentage. Also, you can't get higher than 100% for participation, so there comes a point where you can't earn any more extra credit even if you keep doing all the extra assignments he gives out, which SUCKS for those that are trying to boost their grade any way possible.

Go to office hours. It really does help. I went to as many OH of my TA's as I could (I had Chris Schnaible btw, he was a good TA!) and I also went to Fitzgerald's OH. He has people sign in so he can keep a record of who actually comes, and he does do a really good job of remembering people's names. He knew me by name which really helped at the end of the quarter when I was teetering on the edge of a C+/B-. So he is a good teacher to go to if you want to make an impression and actually be remembered.

There seemed to be a larger than average portion of students who downright failed this class. Many ended up with a D+ because they thought that there would be some type of curve at the very end of the quarter, but it never came. There were quite a few angry students who had to retake 6A this summer because Fitzgerald didn't pass them. So be prepared to work hard and put in the extra time that's needed, especially if you've never taken Physics before. It's definitely true that Physics at UCLA is much more difficult than the abroad programs, because there is so much to learn in such a short amount of time, and the professors really expect the students to understand the processes taking place. Physics requires time and exposure, so PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. I even hired a private tutor to help me a couple of weeks before the final exam.

If Fitzgerald continues to teach this course, I really hope that he starts to create more of his own materials and incorporates more of a curve into this class! Otherwise it will continue to be very challenging.


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June 27, 2017
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A-

Nice guy! I took Astro 3 and it was interesting and I thought the lectures were interesting enough. His slides were pretty similiar to the book, but he sometimes had is own interesting insights. The labs were easy and boring. I got an A- without ever studying so if you're looking for an easy GE this fits the bill.


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March 17, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A

This was a decent GE. The material was not difficult, but there was a lot of it. It kind of seemed like the professor was trying to pack in a little more material than what is appropriate for this class. Labs are pretty easy, but I found the in class mid terms to be a little tricky. But if you use the study guides and pay attention in class it's not too difficult. I am personally not very interested in the subject but there were still some things in lecture that fascinated me from time to time.


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Sept. 11, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-

I was advised to take this class for a science GE since I am not a South Campus major. These were some of the most daunting lectures I have ever sat in. Additionally, sitting in the dreary hall of Kinsey made the class even worse. Fitzgerald simply went over too much information to the point where you could not enjoy the material you were learning. His assignments on top of the labs were a bunch of busy work that took hours each week to complete. We would go over about 2-3 chapters per week which would be correlated with heavy homework. The good thing about him is that he does want to help you but is a bit socially awkward when you do speak with him. I would recommend you take this class as a whole, just with a different professor if you truly want it to be a breeze.


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Jan. 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+

Easy class since the midterms and final were based off the mastering astronomy practice questions, some are just straight copied. He posted every practice question available before the final so I just did them all (there were like 500+) and I pretty much had answers for half the final. The labs were just busy work and you could often finish early. Pretty chill guy and would recommend this class if you are good at memorization.


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Feb. 11, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B-

This class is textbook heavy and you must do the readings to complete the weekly homework due on Sunday nights. Not an easy GE. Can't say lectures were engaging. Tests are really difficult but multiple choice. Labs are a bit difficult if you are not a science person -- make sure you pick good lab partners. You usually get out of labs early.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 26, 2015

Astronomy 3 with Fitzgerald was by far the easiest class I've taken at UCLA. If you're looking for an easy A and an extremely interesting GE, this course fits the bill in every way. Everything from the local bodies in our solar system to the history of the universe and relativity was covered, and for the average lay person (like me), the material could be quite mind-blowing at times. Your grade is based off of two midterms and a final, filled with questions ranging from easy to insultingly-easy, and off of labs, which are also very rudimentary. That being said, everything is extremely interesting, so you never feel like you're being talked-down to or that you're wasting your time in lecture. I would recommend anyone with a physical science GE requirement take this course; just sit back, relax, and enjoy Fitzgerald's tour through the universe.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Aug. 4, 2015

Physics 6A

This was my first time taking Physics ever in my life, and I found it to be extremely interesting, but challenging. Professor Fitzgerald is a decent lecturer, but he literally used all of Professor Shaked's materials. I think that it may have been his first quarter teaching Physics, because almost none of his materail/powerpoints/practice exams were his creation. He even used the EXACT same midterms that Shaked uses, and there was a huge controversy in class because some students had already seen the midterm from previous quarters and were therefore prepared for what was on the exam. To fix this, Professor Fitzgerald threw out the group portion of the second midterm so that it somehow scaled everyone's grades so that some people didn't have the advantage.

There really isn't a curve in this class. He offers extra credit opportunity, but it ONLY affects the participation portion of the class, which is a very small percentage. Also, you can't get higher than 100% for participation, so there comes a point where you can't earn any more extra credit even if you keep doing all the extra assignments he gives out, which SUCKS for those that are trying to boost their grade any way possible.

Go to office hours. It really does help. I went to as many OH of my TA's as I could (I had Chris Schnaible btw, he was a good TA!) and I also went to Fitzgerald's OH. He has people sign in so he can keep a record of who actually comes, and he does do a really good job of remembering people's names. He knew me by name which really helped at the end of the quarter when I was teetering on the edge of a C+/B-. So he is a good teacher to go to if you want to make an impression and actually be remembered.

There seemed to be a larger than average portion of students who downright failed this class. Many ended up with a D+ because they thought that there would be some type of curve at the very end of the quarter, but it never came. There were quite a few angry students who had to retake 6A this summer because Fitzgerald didn't pass them. So be prepared to work hard and put in the extra time that's needed, especially if you've never taken Physics before. It's definitely true that Physics at UCLA is much more difficult than the abroad programs, because there is so much to learn in such a short amount of time, and the professors really expect the students to understand the processes taking place. Physics requires time and exposure, so PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. I even hired a private tutor to help me a couple of weeks before the final exam.

If Fitzgerald continues to teach this course, I really hope that he starts to create more of his own materials and incorporates more of a curve into this class! Otherwise it will continue to be very challenging.


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A-
June 27, 2017

Nice guy! I took Astro 3 and it was interesting and I thought the lectures were interesting enough. His slides were pretty similiar to the book, but he sometimes had is own interesting insights. The labs were easy and boring. I got an A- without ever studying so if you're looking for an easy GE this fits the bill.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 17, 2019

This was a decent GE. The material was not difficult, but there was a lot of it. It kind of seemed like the professor was trying to pack in a little more material than what is appropriate for this class. Labs are pretty easy, but I found the in class mid terms to be a little tricky. But if you use the study guides and pay attention in class it's not too difficult. I am personally not very interested in the subject but there were still some things in lecture that fascinated me from time to time.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-
Sept. 11, 2019

I was advised to take this class for a science GE since I am not a South Campus major. These were some of the most daunting lectures I have ever sat in. Additionally, sitting in the dreary hall of Kinsey made the class even worse. Fitzgerald simply went over too much information to the point where you could not enjoy the material you were learning. His assignments on top of the labs were a bunch of busy work that took hours each week to complete. We would go over about 2-3 chapters per week which would be correlated with heavy homework. The good thing about him is that he does want to help you but is a bit socially awkward when you do speak with him. I would recommend you take this class as a whole, just with a different professor if you truly want it to be a breeze.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
Jan. 30, 2020

Easy class since the midterms and final were based off the mastering astronomy practice questions, some are just straight copied. He posted every practice question available before the final so I just did them all (there were like 500+) and I pretty much had answers for half the final. The labs were just busy work and you could often finish early. Pretty chill guy and would recommend this class if you are good at memorization.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B-
Feb. 11, 2020

This class is textbook heavy and you must do the readings to complete the weekly homework due on Sunday nights. Not an easy GE. Can't say lectures were engaging. Tests are really difficult but multiple choice. Labs are a bit difficult if you are not a science person -- make sure you pick good lab partners. You usually get out of labs early.


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