
Mi-Hyun Park

Overall Ratings
Based on 9 Users
Easiness 4.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (9)

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June 26, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

This class is pretty easy, especially if you have taken a stats class before. She gives 5% participation where you answer 2-3 questions on OPT, so you have to go to class, unless your friends in class tell you to log onto OPT when its on and enter the correct answer. I believe you get 4/5 of the credit for just participating and 5/5 for a correct answer for each question. So if you get every question wrong but answer them all, you get 4% out of 5%. It doesn't impact your grade that much, but you need to go to class because of this, unless you have AP Stats credit. If you have AP stats credit, she allows you to skip class and you remove that participation category of the grade.

You get one homework assignment per week and they are pretty easy and don't take long. It took me about a total of 3-5 hours per week for homework. Most of the answers are straight from Chegg, and the TAs go over the approach for each question during discussion, or at least my TA did. The midterm was pretty easy and was almost exactly like the 2017 midterm. She often asks old exam questions on the homework. So, the homework is similar difficulty to the exams. It's not hard to get full credit on the homework. If anything, you might get marked off 1 or a few points out of 100 points for each assignment. Homework is 25% of you grade, participation is 5%, midterm is 30%, and the final is 40%. The grading seemed to be straight scale with approximately 93% as an A and 90% for an A- I think. She never released the scales but I think that is what it was. She said she is not afraid to give everyone an A if they do well.

For studying for exams, I recommend skimming all the lectures again and doing the example problems. Go over the past exams too if you can get a hold of them. She gives you the exams from the previous year, but not years before that. She lets you have a one sided cheat sheet for the midterm and a double sided one for the final.

She offers extra credit for going in front of the class and attempting to solve a problem. You get extra credit whether it is correct or not. Also, you get extra credit for correcting her English, but I never knew anyone who got that.

I never encountered her during her office hours, so I can't speak much about how helpful she is one on one. As far as her lecturing, it can be kind of boring and I often fell asleep sometimes. Her ability to lecture is okay. It is not the best, but it also isn't the worst. She uses powerpoint slides. I've had better lecturers and worse lecturers, but she's one of the better ones. She also seems very friendly and is lenient on getting extensions on homework assignments if you need them and is understanding of other accommodations like alternate exam dates if there is a legit excuse. You just need to let her know ahead of time.

She claims that she, or the department (I don't remember what she said exactly), that this class will be harder next year. People wrote on the evaluations that this class is too easy, so I think they might make the class harder, so don't be surprised if this class isn't a walk in the park anymore.


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June 27, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A-

This is an easy class (as of Spring 2019). It is fully computation based and all you need to do to get a good grade is to make the cheat sheet well. If you want to learn something substantive, take a more rigorous probability course like Math 170A


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June 28, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A-

It's a decently easy straight scaled class. I had AP credit and never went. Homework can be a bit long sometimes but nothing crazy. Definitely easiest Stats class you can take.


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C&EE 110
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 27, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

The homework takes some time to do and they grade it pretty strictly. I think the reason why I cannot say this class is super easy is just because I feel like the questions are sometimes phrased weird? But the material isn't difficult at all, just typical ap stats stuff.


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C&EE 110
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 4, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Mi-hyun is the goat. The class material is not hard, and mi-hyuns slides were pretty well made and concise. I haven't done any stats prior to this class, but the only advantage you do get by having AP credit is being able to skip class. Median was 95 on the midterm and she doesn't curve down, which is great. Homework was very short for the first half of the quarter but got slightly tedious towards the last half. They also grade the hw pretty strict for some reason. Overall would recommend, this class is probably just as chill as Stats 100.


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C&EE 110
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 2, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Pros: learned all the material, workload is not too heavy. Problem sets + studying + attending lecture: PS were not overly difficult, and could basically be done by referencing slides for formulas, got cheat sheets for tests, and lectures were required
Cons: Lecture is SO boring. I could have gotten an A by just reading the slides, but she makes lecture mandatory via little OPT quizzes. So annoying.


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C&EE 110
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
June 26, 2019

This class is pretty easy, especially if you have taken a stats class before. She gives 5% participation where you answer 2-3 questions on OPT, so you have to go to class, unless your friends in class tell you to log onto OPT when its on and enter the correct answer. I believe you get 4/5 of the credit for just participating and 5/5 for a correct answer for each question. So if you get every question wrong but answer them all, you get 4% out of 5%. It doesn't impact your grade that much, but you need to go to class because of this, unless you have AP Stats credit. If you have AP stats credit, she allows you to skip class and you remove that participation category of the grade.

You get one homework assignment per week and they are pretty easy and don't take long. It took me about a total of 3-5 hours per week for homework. Most of the answers are straight from Chegg, and the TAs go over the approach for each question during discussion, or at least my TA did. The midterm was pretty easy and was almost exactly like the 2017 midterm. She often asks old exam questions on the homework. So, the homework is similar difficulty to the exams. It's not hard to get full credit on the homework. If anything, you might get marked off 1 or a few points out of 100 points for each assignment. Homework is 25% of you grade, participation is 5%, midterm is 30%, and the final is 40%. The grading seemed to be straight scale with approximately 93% as an A and 90% for an A- I think. She never released the scales but I think that is what it was. She said she is not afraid to give everyone an A if they do well.

For studying for exams, I recommend skimming all the lectures again and doing the example problems. Go over the past exams too if you can get a hold of them. She gives you the exams from the previous year, but not years before that. She lets you have a one sided cheat sheet for the midterm and a double sided one for the final.

She offers extra credit for going in front of the class and attempting to solve a problem. You get extra credit whether it is correct or not. Also, you get extra credit for correcting her English, but I never knew anyone who got that.

I never encountered her during her office hours, so I can't speak much about how helpful she is one on one. As far as her lecturing, it can be kind of boring and I often fell asleep sometimes. Her ability to lecture is okay. It is not the best, but it also isn't the worst. She uses powerpoint slides. I've had better lecturers and worse lecturers, but she's one of the better ones. She also seems very friendly and is lenient on getting extensions on homework assignments if you need them and is understanding of other accommodations like alternate exam dates if there is a legit excuse. You just need to let her know ahead of time.

She claims that she, or the department (I don't remember what she said exactly), that this class will be harder next year. People wrote on the evaluations that this class is too easy, so I think they might make the class harder, so don't be surprised if this class isn't a walk in the park anymore.


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C&EE 110
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A-
June 27, 2019

This is an easy class (as of Spring 2019). It is fully computation based and all you need to do to get a good grade is to make the cheat sheet well. If you want to learn something substantive, take a more rigorous probability course like Math 170A


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C&EE 110
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A-
June 28, 2019

It's a decently easy straight scaled class. I had AP credit and never went. Homework can be a bit long sometimes but nothing crazy. Definitely easiest Stats class you can take.


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C&EE 110
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 27, 2020

The homework takes some time to do and they grade it pretty strictly. I think the reason why I cannot say this class is super easy is just because I feel like the questions are sometimes phrased weird? But the material isn't difficult at all, just typical ap stats stuff.


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C&EE 110
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
July 4, 2020

Mi-hyun is the goat. The class material is not hard, and mi-hyuns slides were pretty well made and concise. I haven't done any stats prior to this class, but the only advantage you do get by having AP credit is being able to skip class. Median was 95 on the midterm and she doesn't curve down, which is great. Homework was very short for the first half of the quarter but got slightly tedious towards the last half. They also grade the hw pretty strict for some reason. Overall would recommend, this class is probably just as chill as Stats 100.


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C&EE 110
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
March 2, 2021

Pros: learned all the material, workload is not too heavy. Problem sets + studying + attending lecture: PS were not overly difficult, and could basically be done by referencing slides for formulas, got cheat sheets for tests, and lectures were required
Cons: Lecture is SO boring. I could have gotten an A by just reading the slides, but she makes lecture mandatory via little OPT quizzes. So annoying.


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