Mary Corey
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2024 - Professor Corey is a very engaging and entertaining lecturer. I took her online over the summer and while the lectures were pre-recorded videos, they were nonetheless highly informative and very interesting. She has a sharp and witty sense of humor that informs her lecturing style, and often makes connections to contemporary political, cultural, and artistic topics when covering history. The only assignments were a midterm and final (combined as one, since it was summer), but going to office hours can help you further understand the content and helps to make your engagement in the course known. I highly recommend!
Summer 2024 - Professor Corey is a very engaging and entertaining lecturer. I took her online over the summer and while the lectures were pre-recorded videos, they were nonetheless highly informative and very interesting. She has a sharp and witty sense of humor that informs her lecturing style, and often makes connections to contemporary political, cultural, and artistic topics when covering history. The only assignments were a midterm and final (combined as one, since it was summer), but going to office hours can help you further understand the content and helps to make your engagement in the course known. I highly recommend!
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2018 - You can tell Mary Corey wishes she was black as she walks around in her Rihanna Puma's using the N word every other sentence. Well that was in her class from Spring quarter. In this class she complained about the sensitive students who couldn't handle history (black people are getting called the N word and being shot almost everyday. This isn't just history, this is the present struggle of many Americans, and there are consequences to using words like this.) and then managed to refer to everything as "retarded," and complain about "trigger warnings" saying she does not believe in them for her classes despite the fact that two veterans with PTSD once ended up hospitalized from a book she forced them to read. Apart from that, her lectures make little sense and it really makes me wonder what this schools standards are. Pathetic. Mary Corey you've aged too badly to ever be black. Just accept it. You're the whitest person I've met in my life. If you need a history course take Teo Ruiz before he retires- he is a brilliant professor who fought for his education. Or take Nile Green whose passion is contagious and expertise shines through in his lectures. Or take Geoffrey Robinson whose lectures are more engrossing than any action movie I've ever watched and will make you want to join the peace corps tomorrow. Well maybe she's here to even things out a little bit because there's still some brilliant minds in this department.
Summer 2018 - You can tell Mary Corey wishes she was black as she walks around in her Rihanna Puma's using the N word every other sentence. Well that was in her class from Spring quarter. In this class she complained about the sensitive students who couldn't handle history (black people are getting called the N word and being shot almost everyday. This isn't just history, this is the present struggle of many Americans, and there are consequences to using words like this.) and then managed to refer to everything as "retarded," and complain about "trigger warnings" saying she does not believe in them for her classes despite the fact that two veterans with PTSD once ended up hospitalized from a book she forced them to read. Apart from that, her lectures make little sense and it really makes me wonder what this schools standards are. Pathetic. Mary Corey you've aged too badly to ever be black. Just accept it. You're the whitest person I've met in my life. If you need a history course take Teo Ruiz before he retires- he is a brilliant professor who fought for his education. Or take Nile Green whose passion is contagious and expertise shines through in his lectures. Or take Geoffrey Robinson whose lectures are more engrossing than any action movie I've ever watched and will make you want to join the peace corps tomorrow. Well maybe she's here to even things out a little bit because there's still some brilliant minds in this department.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2022 - Mary Corey is the most hilarious professor I have met in my 3 years at UCLA. I always recommend people (history majors or not) to take something with her just because of how fun her lectures can be! I think that I have taken all of the upper division classes she teaches, and this one was the easiest as far as content and workload go.
Fall 2022 - Mary Corey is the most hilarious professor I have met in my 3 years at UCLA. I always recommend people (history majors or not) to take something with her just because of how fun her lectures can be! I think that I have taken all of the upper division classes she teaches, and this one was the easiest as far as content and workload go.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - Her lectures are disorganized and messy but really funny! She is entertaining and makes jokes. It's a take-home midterm and final. The prompts are usually posted a week before they're due. The final has a ten-page Intellectual Autobiography but it's credit/no credit. Try to go to office hours (usually on Zoom) and EMAIL HER TO GRADE YOUR PAPERS!!! The TAs/readers destroy the papers, but she's a chill grader. Also, she is chill with late work. I submitted my final the next day it was due and it was good. Just email her and talk to her if you need help, she is very understanding. Honestly, you don't have to do all the weekly readings. Just pick a few to focus on for the midterm/final. You do need to read a book and write about it as part of your final. I didn't read mine and did fine. Also, you can miss lectures every now and then. If you attend class and have a general idea of what the readings are you should be fine. This was a low-effort history class and it was pretty fun. I would take it again!
Fall 2024 - Her lectures are disorganized and messy but really funny! She is entertaining and makes jokes. It's a take-home midterm and final. The prompts are usually posted a week before they're due. The final has a ten-page Intellectual Autobiography but it's credit/no credit. Try to go to office hours (usually on Zoom) and EMAIL HER TO GRADE YOUR PAPERS!!! The TAs/readers destroy the papers, but she's a chill grader. Also, she is chill with late work. I submitted my final the next day it was due and it was good. Just email her and talk to her if you need help, she is very understanding. Honestly, you don't have to do all the weekly readings. Just pick a few to focus on for the midterm/final. You do need to read a book and write about it as part of your final. I didn't read mine and did fine. Also, you can miss lectures every now and then. If you attend class and have a general idea of what the readings are you should be fine. This was a low-effort history class and it was pretty fun. I would take it again!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2021 - Please disregard any positive reviews about this Professor. If you want to save your grades, do not take this class. Just don’t do it. I don’t know how her grade distribution looks good when in reality you will be crying due to stress. If you want to ask her a question, get ready to be called a moron or yelled at. I honestly think Corey has mental issues. Not only are her lectures unbelievably grim to watch, but they do not help you answer the prompts on the midterm/final. Because it is so unclear as to what tf is actually going on, even if you write a perfect essay, her readers or even Corey herself will nitpick the living day-lights out of your paper. So, if I could save even one person from taking this class, don’t do it. Just don’t.
Winter 2021 - Please disregard any positive reviews about this Professor. If you want to save your grades, do not take this class. Just don’t do it. I don’t know how her grade distribution looks good when in reality you will be crying due to stress. If you want to ask her a question, get ready to be called a moron or yelled at. I honestly think Corey has mental issues. Not only are her lectures unbelievably grim to watch, but they do not help you answer the prompts on the midterm/final. Because it is so unclear as to what tf is actually going on, even if you write a perfect essay, her readers or even Corey herself will nitpick the living day-lights out of your paper. So, if I could save even one person from taking this class, don’t do it. Just don’t.
Most Helpful Review
Prof. Corey is a wonderful lecturer. Her lectures are more like stories told by a campfire. You're absolutely captivated. I took Corey this past summer. There was no midterm due to time constraints so for the final (which was take home) she had us write up two five page papers (double-spaced)!! This is a no-stress class people. Didn't do much reading. Just take a look at the questions for the final and read what you need to read to answer those specific questions.
Prof. Corey is a wonderful lecturer. Her lectures are more like stories told by a campfire. You're absolutely captivated. I took Corey this past summer. There was no midterm due to time constraints so for the final (which was take home) she had us write up two five page papers (double-spaced)!! This is a no-stress class people. Didn't do much reading. Just take a look at the questions for the final and read what you need to read to answer those specific questions.