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Martha Ramirez-Oropeza
Based on 26 Users
Selling the book for this class. Message me if interested:
This is a unique class and most of your grade will come from group collaboration and weekly essays. The structure of this class is pretty straightforward and your direct input is ultimately the determinant of your final grade. Take on extra credit duties and talk to your TA's since they are always invested in everyone's success. You will learn the spiritual significance of the Day of the Dead ritual and traverse topics such as hemogeny, institutional racism, and the colonization of the Mexican people.
I have the reader available for sale. Send me an email at J.*************
This class was incredibly easy, but terribly messy. This course honestly didn't feel like a college class. Everyone, including the professor and TA's, were confused all the time. You'll have to write two papers, complete weekly quizzes, and go to Venice for a ritual, although, I'm not even sure if any of my work was actually graded (I know for a fact that I had half-assed several of the quizzes, only to get 100% on all of them). All in all, everyone was confused, nothing made sense, however I'm glad I got an A+.
To the review down below, girl...be so for real rn. To preface, this class is essentially an easy A, especially if you're Latino. Yes, the professor, who is the sweetest lady to me personally, is on the older side and does not know to manage Canvas at times so the syllabus is a little wonky and you never really know when assignments are actually due. HOWEVER, these assignments, from the short weekly quizzes (which are open-note and take home) to group projects (also easy), are the most low-effort assignments I have done here at ucla. The TA's are also aware that the professor can be confusing as far as due dates go, but the TA's are wonderful and keep you updated on everything and try to clear up any confusion for you. I, like others, was very worried about previous reviews for this class and saw how the class can be a bit disorganized sometimes, but it wasn't bad at all. In fact, I actually loved it, mostly because of my TA Rocio, she's a real one. And I took 3 other courses aside from CCAS 113, and I never spent more than an hour a week for this class so despite the confusing deadlines, the class was very easy and low effort, like you're practically guaranteed an A if you breathe.
Also, idk how the other person thought the professor, who is MEXICAN herself as am I, is mocking Mexican culture ?? We literally practiced indigenous rituals/chants to be PREPARED for the Day of the Dead event, which is required for the class. It's not like we just stood up and chanted indigenous sayings for shits and giggles, and it's not the professor's fault that some racist students decided to be rude and laugh during these rituals. And the Day of the Dead event that the other person is referring to is only ONE day out of the entire quarter where you visit the SPARC center in Venice and help put up an event for Day of the Dead open to the public (set up ofrendas, decorations, etc) and you perform the rituals that you've been practicing in class at that event. And yes, the class does have a public speaking element to it and requires you to be a bit vulnerable at times such as doing a presentation on your deceased loved one in front of the class but this is something that prepares you for the real world, coming from someone who has had social anxiety, so I appreciate the class for making me come out of my comfort zone. Overall, I give it a 8.5/10.
Update on book for this class:
I no longer have it
She is such a sweet professor. Interesting class as well.
I have the course reader if you are interested. email me at *************
This class has been the best class I have taken at UCLA. I don't even consider it a class because it was so fun. I got to learn so much about my culture and the Day of the Dead ritual. Proffesor Ramirez is so amazing and she is so easy to get along with. This class did involve a quite a bit of reading but it didn't feel like homework because the readings were short and simple and very informative. You definitely connect with your classmates on a personal level. I would most definitely recommend this class to all of my friends.
If interested, I'm selling the Chicano/a 113 reader and the ritual book for $40. My email is *************
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!!!! It may be an easy A but it is NOT WORTH IT AT ALL!!! The professor is rude, unclear, unhelpful, and frankly does not know anything that is going on at any time. The assignments were not stressful but it was stressful not knowing when anything is due or what you even have to do 99% of the time. The syllabus uploaded had all the wrong assignments, all the wrong due dates, and is not helpful whatsoever. She makes you stand up and chant in a miniscule stuffy classroom. It's honestly disrespectful to Mexican culture because she makes everything seem like its a joke, to the point where students began mocking and arguing with the professor. You have to go to an event from 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm where it is basically just free labor. They make you set up the entire event for free and treat you as an unpaid worker. If you have anxiety with presenting or talking in front of a big class do not take this class because you have to participate in front of everyone multiple times. She also brings her daughter to class who is apparently a shaman who can cure COVID through the phone... Save yourself. Worse of all: Attendance is mandatory and taken at every single two hour lecture. JUST TERRIBLE!!! DONT DO IT
This is a unique class and most of your grade will come from group collaboration and weekly essays. The structure of this class is pretty straightforward and your direct input is ultimately the determinant of your final grade. Take on extra credit duties and talk to your TA's since they are always invested in everyone's success. You will learn the spiritual significance of the Day of the Dead ritual and traverse topics such as hemogeny, institutional racism, and the colonization of the Mexican people.
I have the reader available for sale. Send me an email at J.*************
This class was incredibly easy, but terribly messy. This course honestly didn't feel like a college class. Everyone, including the professor and TA's, were confused all the time. You'll have to write two papers, complete weekly quizzes, and go to Venice for a ritual, although, I'm not even sure if any of my work was actually graded (I know for a fact that I had half-assed several of the quizzes, only to get 100% on all of them). All in all, everyone was confused, nothing made sense, however I'm glad I got an A+.
To the review down below, girl...be so for real rn. To preface, this class is essentially an easy A, especially if you're Latino. Yes, the professor, who is the sweetest lady to me personally, is on the older side and does not know to manage Canvas at times so the syllabus is a little wonky and you never really know when assignments are actually due. HOWEVER, these assignments, from the short weekly quizzes (which are open-note and take home) to group projects (also easy), are the most low-effort assignments I have done here at ucla. The TA's are also aware that the professor can be confusing as far as due dates go, but the TA's are wonderful and keep you updated on everything and try to clear up any confusion for you. I, like others, was very worried about previous reviews for this class and saw how the class can be a bit disorganized sometimes, but it wasn't bad at all. In fact, I actually loved it, mostly because of my TA Rocio, she's a real one. And I took 3 other courses aside from CCAS 113, and I never spent more than an hour a week for this class so despite the confusing deadlines, the class was very easy and low effort, like you're practically guaranteed an A if you breathe.
Also, idk how the other person thought the professor, who is MEXICAN herself as am I, is mocking Mexican culture ?? We literally practiced indigenous rituals/chants to be PREPARED for the Day of the Dead event, which is required for the class. It's not like we just stood up and chanted indigenous sayings for shits and giggles, and it's not the professor's fault that some racist students decided to be rude and laugh during these rituals. And the Day of the Dead event that the other person is referring to is only ONE day out of the entire quarter where you visit the SPARC center in Venice and help put up an event for Day of the Dead open to the public (set up ofrendas, decorations, etc) and you perform the rituals that you've been practicing in class at that event. And yes, the class does have a public speaking element to it and requires you to be a bit vulnerable at times such as doing a presentation on your deceased loved one in front of the class but this is something that prepares you for the real world, coming from someone who has had social anxiety, so I appreciate the class for making me come out of my comfort zone. Overall, I give it a 8.5/10.
This class has been the best class I have taken at UCLA. I don't even consider it a class because it was so fun. I got to learn so much about my culture and the Day of the Dead ritual. Proffesor Ramirez is so amazing and she is so easy to get along with. This class did involve a quite a bit of reading but it didn't feel like homework because the readings were short and simple and very informative. You definitely connect with your classmates on a personal level. I would most definitely recommend this class to all of my friends.
If interested, I'm selling the Chicano/a 113 reader and the ritual book for $40. My email is *************
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!!!! It may be an easy A but it is NOT WORTH IT AT ALL!!! The professor is rude, unclear, unhelpful, and frankly does not know anything that is going on at any time. The assignments were not stressful but it was stressful not knowing when anything is due or what you even have to do 99% of the time. The syllabus uploaded had all the wrong assignments, all the wrong due dates, and is not helpful whatsoever. She makes you stand up and chant in a miniscule stuffy classroom. It's honestly disrespectful to Mexican culture because she makes everything seem like its a joke, to the point where students began mocking and arguing with the professor. You have to go to an event from 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm where it is basically just free labor. They make you set up the entire event for free and treat you as an unpaid worker. If you have anxiety with presenting or talking in front of a big class do not take this class because you have to participate in front of everyone multiple times. She also brings her daughter to class who is apparently a shaman who can cure COVID through the phone... Save yourself. Worse of all: Attendance is mandatory and taken at every single two hour lecture. JUST TERRIBLE!!! DONT DO IT