Marko Sokolich
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2016 - EE2 is a knowledge heavy class but it wasn't really difficult (more breadth rather than depth). It may seem overwhelming at first since you're being thrown Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Physics and basically 5 other topics at once, but as this is an introductory course, surface level knowledge would be sufficient to get you by. The point was to introduce the world of semiconductors and hopefully give students a feel for whether this is an EE field they'd specialize on or not. As long as you attended lectures and did the homework, you'd get the overall idea behind every topic and the math equations will start to make sense. At that point, the exams will be difficult to fail. Also, you will be using the book A LOT. Mr. Sokolich taught this class really well. His lectures were well organized and podcasted. His homeworks and exams were reasonable (he gives an accurate list of topics that would be covered in the exams). Most importantly, he's very passionate about the field and so he's really helpful both in and outside the class, and he's great at giving you the big picture behind all the complex maths equations.
Fall 2016 - EE2 is a knowledge heavy class but it wasn't really difficult (more breadth rather than depth). It may seem overwhelming at first since you're being thrown Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Physics and basically 5 other topics at once, but as this is an introductory course, surface level knowledge would be sufficient to get you by. The point was to introduce the world of semiconductors and hopefully give students a feel for whether this is an EE field they'd specialize on or not. As long as you attended lectures and did the homework, you'd get the overall idea behind every topic and the math equations will start to make sense. At that point, the exams will be difficult to fail. Also, you will be using the book A LOT. Mr. Sokolich taught this class really well. His lectures were well organized and podcasted. His homeworks and exams were reasonable (he gives an accurate list of topics that would be covered in the exams). Most importantly, he's very passionate about the field and so he's really helpful both in and outside the class, and he's great at giving you the big picture behind all the complex maths equations.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2021 - Professor Sokolich is a very chill guy. We do three assignments, one individual and two in a pair. The last two are design projects that we present (1) to the professor and (2) to the whole class. The TA is also very helpful in helping you understand the simulator. This class was done remotely so I assume some things were different due to lack of lab access.
Spring 2021 - Professor Sokolich is a very chill guy. We do three assignments, one individual and two in a pair. The last two are design projects that we present (1) to the professor and (2) to the whole class. The TA is also very helpful in helping you understand the simulator. This class was done remotely so I assume some things were different due to lack of lab access.