Mark Stephen Ebert
Department of Mathematics
Overall Rating
Based on 32 Users
Easiness 2.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 1.8 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.2 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Reviews (27)

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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 15, 2024

whatever you do... TAKE THIS CLASS!!! Yes you heard me right; take Mark Ebert's class. His hair is beautiful. His outfits are tough. I was going through some tough times, but he showed me the beauty of life again. He is also a holy man. His lectures are inspiring and engaging, gorgeous and fantastic, rambunctious and glorious. His outfits are beautiful; he is the toughest man I have ever met. Not only did he allow me to fall in love with math, but life as well. You will regret not taking this class


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
May 29, 2024

Class is hard with this professor, very hard proofs on the midterms and the finals, would recommend a lot of self study involved in this class.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 3, 2024

Ebert isn't a great lecturer but he tries his best. Like others said lectures are pretty incoherent with a lot of mumbling. It takes quite a while to get through one, he skips lots of steps that make it hard to understand what is going on. I do think a lot of the hate is undeserved. The difficulty of his class is partially made up for by the curve. The grading schemes are also pretty forgiving letting your drop a midterm and put emphasis on the remaining one + final.

Our test averages were all in the 60s, but the grading policies and curve meant that the average final grade was still a B. Quizzes were reasonable and mostly based off the homework (please do the homework before quizzes) and helped bump your grade a little.

This class is fairly easy to pass. The content is manageable and the final curve was VERY generous, with a 73 being a B- and scores in the 50s being Ds. If you cannot pass this class, it is a genuine skill issue. To not pass, you would need midterms/finals in the low 50s and 40s. The other review saying that there are "thousands" of equations to memorize is also tripping. There are lots of equations each derived from one another, but realistically you only need to memorize like 4-8 of them and if you do enough practice problems, you definitely will have them memorized.

Ebert is definitely improving as a professor, but I still wouldn't recommend his class if you can find an easier professor. If you are a strong math student though, you can definitely get an A in this class self-studying.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: D
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 31, 2024

I am not using this site to vent. Dr.Ebert doesn’t know anything, he reads off his iPad and without it he solves the questions wrong (he couldn’t do proofs or solve examples many times in the class). Ironically we’re expected to memorize everything (the way to solve questions, formulas, …) but he doesn’t even know this info himself as seen by his constant glancing to the ipad. Such hypocrisy. This class is actually not hard but the textbook sucks-Beep and the examples he gives in class are stupid and easy and not as complicated as homework. And there’s no way to check your answer because we have to lose points on gradescope first before we can figure out how to solve them (even then we’re not allowed to have solutions). The final grade median was a 76.3 which means half the class performed worse than this number. This material is actually not hard, but you have to memorize everything (formulas, TxtBKreadings, homework problems, and EVERY SINGLE EXAMPLE IN CLASS). I would have performed twice as well if I had a notecard for each midterm but since I don’t have a photographic memory to memorize hundreds of formulas and questions then I guess I’ll work at MacDonalds heating up expired nuggets. Every other class (31a,b, 33a) allowed a notecard for each exam, so it seems that this professor is particularly harsh with exam policy. I strongly know I would have done better if I took the time to memorize every formula/example/homework/textReading for this class. That’s all you have to do is memorize all these things. Understanding is not enough b/c if you can’t remember/recall the info on an exam then what’s the point? I received As in 31AB/33A so it just goes to show that the professor is the issue here. But he has tenure and you’re all stuck with him so unless you have a photographic memory then I suggest you take this exact same class at community college (costs $200 vs $2000 at UCLA) and your grade will make you much happier and more importantly you’ll actually learn a lot more and perform better. Math is such an important subject and I actually like the class but……………..
P.S. If an instructor is reading this then can tell you that a common teaching mistake is to copy things on a board. Especially eg with partial derivatives where many cognitive steps are being done at once, you cannot just copy and write things down, you have to read aloud what you’re saying and explain what you did from step to step. Because it’s easy to learn the wrong thing when you just write things down. I didn’t realize that I was solving partial derivatives wrong until I did an example in the textbook reading. So this teacher could greatly improve if he would just explain instead of copy. Copying is not enough, you also need to explain as you write. There’s also very few examples and practice problems and I learn by doing. So it would have been nice to have similar high level levels questions to practice so that I know that I have mastered the skill. Just one example is just not gonna cut it. So please give students more practice problems so they can learn by doing and not feel like they only have one example to go off of. Good luck everyone and I will concede that my poor grade has made me more inclined to be more vocal about this class. But again, I am not venting.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 14, 2024

DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS !!! If you have not taken multivariable calculus before, this class will be a nightmare. I stopped going to the professor's lecture half way through, his teaching style is just the worst I have ever seen. Lectures are concepts and examples directly pulled from the textbook, but textbook explains better than him. His midterms are extremely hard with some proof problems. My TA is also unhelpful so I basically taught myself the entire material. If you make some minor mistakes on the quizzes or midterms, very little partial credit will be given.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 13, 2024

I am someone who self studies most of the time and doesn't pay attention in class and for me Ebert was a nice professor. His exams are def. bit too lengthy but i think he has been improving as a professor a lot. He is such a nice guy too. Its just that he is bit unorganized and his curve does help the grades. I personally havn't been to any of his lectures whole quater but i have watched them all online and have given exams based on them. I think i am on the path to get an A. The class itself isn't that hard thus professor doesn't really matter but if you struggle in math dont take him.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 12, 2024

Bro is literally from USC acting as a spy to make the ucla fail as a cia operative. He probably has never talk a class in his life, every other word that comes out of his mouth is "in particular", even when doing the calculations on the board, which are just straight from the textbook. I just stopped going half way through the quarter since he records his lectures. His proofs on exams are absolutely terrible, never giving any way or direction to them. Most of the kids never even finished the exam, gave way too much work within a 50 minute lecture midterm. DO NOT TAKE.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 11, 2024

My experience in Math 32A with professor Mark Ebert has been unfortunately very inconvenient. Between his exams having mathematical proofs on them which he fails to teach or even go over, to not having enough time on the exams to finish, to feeling incompetent enough to complete one of his exams which have material and questions which are unlike anything we see in lecture or on the homework, Mark Ebert has left me confused on whether I am proficient at math or not. Each time I walk into his lecture, I take a chance and always end up leaving more confused than when I entered. He always seems to go over allotted class time by an average of 5 minutes. His lectures are rushed and unclear such that simply reading the textbook would be more explanatory than actually going to class. Whenever students ask questions, he always answers a completely different question than the one he was presented with. His first midterm average was a 63% which was lower than even he thought that it would be, leaving many students, including myself, feeling incompetent about math and even questioning whether or not we belong in STEM courses.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 1, 2024

This class wasn't easy, but it wasn't extremely hard in terms of workload. There are weekly homework assignments from the textbook and 1-2 homework problem-level quizzes before each midterm. I would say the difficulty of the class comes from unclear lectures and test difficulty. However, seeing that the class felt so miserably about the exams, Ebert put in curves and reasonable (?) adjustments to grades so that half the class received a B or above, I believe. But, I definitely felt fucked at certain points in the class. About the lectures, I know people straight up went to other prof's lectures because Ebert was not very clear. He teaches straight from the textbook. I recommend going to office hours for questions. If you take this class, it's not impossible to get an A but you should be prepared to self-study.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Jan. 14, 2024

Math with Professor Ebert is an experience. Not one I needed in my life. Not one I will ever forget. Just an experience.

Nothing he says makes an ounce of sense. His writing isn't much better than his speaking. If you sign up for this class, Ebert is not your professor - the textbook is. That is the only way to do well, or to even understand what is being taught. Lecture is worthless, unless you can somehow decipher what he's saying or writing.

Exams are fair enough. Homework is very manageable. Not once did his assignment/exams feel like they were constructed to sabotage student performance, so that is the one plus.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
June 15, 2024

whatever you do... TAKE THIS CLASS!!! Yes you heard me right; take Mark Ebert's class. His hair is beautiful. His outfits are tough. I was going through some tough times, but he showed me the beauty of life again. He is also a holy man. His lectures are inspiring and engaging, gorgeous and fantastic, rambunctious and glorious. His outfits are beautiful; he is the toughest man I have ever met. Not only did he allow me to fall in love with math, but life as well. You will regret not taking this class


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
May 29, 2024

Class is hard with this professor, very hard proofs on the midterms and the finals, would recommend a lot of self study involved in this class.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
April 3, 2024

Ebert isn't a great lecturer but he tries his best. Like others said lectures are pretty incoherent with a lot of mumbling. It takes quite a while to get through one, he skips lots of steps that make it hard to understand what is going on. I do think a lot of the hate is undeserved. The difficulty of his class is partially made up for by the curve. The grading schemes are also pretty forgiving letting your drop a midterm and put emphasis on the remaining one + final.

Our test averages were all in the 60s, but the grading policies and curve meant that the average final grade was still a B. Quizzes were reasonable and mostly based off the homework (please do the homework before quizzes) and helped bump your grade a little.

This class is fairly easy to pass. The content is manageable and the final curve was VERY generous, with a 73 being a B- and scores in the 50s being Ds. If you cannot pass this class, it is a genuine skill issue. To not pass, you would need midterms/finals in the low 50s and 40s. The other review saying that there are "thousands" of equations to memorize is also tripping. There are lots of equations each derived from one another, but realistically you only need to memorize like 4-8 of them and if you do enough practice problems, you definitely will have them memorized.

Ebert is definitely improving as a professor, but I still wouldn't recommend his class if you can find an easier professor. If you are a strong math student though, you can definitely get an A in this class self-studying.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: D
March 31, 2024

I am not using this site to vent. Dr.Ebert doesn’t know anything, he reads off his iPad and without it he solves the questions wrong (he couldn’t do proofs or solve examples many times in the class). Ironically we’re expected to memorize everything (the way to solve questions, formulas, …) but he doesn’t even know this info himself as seen by his constant glancing to the ipad. Such hypocrisy. This class is actually not hard but the textbook sucks-Beep and the examples he gives in class are stupid and easy and not as complicated as homework. And there’s no way to check your answer because we have to lose points on gradescope first before we can figure out how to solve them (even then we’re not allowed to have solutions). The final grade median was a 76.3 which means half the class performed worse than this number. This material is actually not hard, but you have to memorize everything (formulas, TxtBKreadings, homework problems, and EVERY SINGLE EXAMPLE IN CLASS). I would have performed twice as well if I had a notecard for each midterm but since I don’t have a photographic memory to memorize hundreds of formulas and questions then I guess I’ll work at MacDonalds heating up expired nuggets. Every other class (31a,b, 33a) allowed a notecard for each exam, so it seems that this professor is particularly harsh with exam policy. I strongly know I would have done better if I took the time to memorize every formula/example/homework/textReading for this class. That’s all you have to do is memorize all these things. Understanding is not enough b/c if you can’t remember/recall the info on an exam then what’s the point? I received As in 31AB/33A so it just goes to show that the professor is the issue here. But he has tenure and you’re all stuck with him so unless you have a photographic memory then I suggest you take this exact same class at community college (costs $200 vs $2000 at UCLA) and your grade will make you much happier and more importantly you’ll actually learn a lot more and perform better. Math is such an important subject and I actually like the class but……………..
P.S. If an instructor is reading this then can tell you that a common teaching mistake is to copy things on a board. Especially eg with partial derivatives where many cognitive steps are being done at once, you cannot just copy and write things down, you have to read aloud what you’re saying and explain what you did from step to step. Because it’s easy to learn the wrong thing when you just write things down. I didn’t realize that I was solving partial derivatives wrong until I did an example in the textbook reading. So this teacher could greatly improve if he would just explain instead of copy. Copying is not enough, you also need to explain as you write. There’s also very few examples and practice problems and I learn by doing. So it would have been nice to have similar high level levels questions to practice so that I know that I have mastered the skill. Just one example is just not gonna cut it. So please give students more practice problems so they can learn by doing and not feel like they only have one example to go off of. Good luck everyone and I will concede that my poor grade has made me more inclined to be more vocal about this class. But again, I am not venting.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B-
March 14, 2024

DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS !!! If you have not taken multivariable calculus before, this class will be a nightmare. I stopped going to the professor's lecture half way through, his teaching style is just the worst I have ever seen. Lectures are concepts and examples directly pulled from the textbook, but textbook explains better than him. His midterms are extremely hard with some proof problems. My TA is also unhelpful so I basically taught myself the entire material. If you make some minor mistakes on the quizzes or midterms, very little partial credit will be given.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 13, 2024

I am someone who self studies most of the time and doesn't pay attention in class and for me Ebert was a nice professor. His exams are def. bit too lengthy but i think he has been improving as a professor a lot. He is such a nice guy too. Its just that he is bit unorganized and his curve does help the grades. I personally havn't been to any of his lectures whole quater but i have watched them all online and have given exams based on them. I think i am on the path to get an A. The class itself isn't that hard thus professor doesn't really matter but if you struggle in math dont take him.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B+
March 12, 2024

Bro is literally from USC acting as a spy to make the ucla fail as a cia operative. He probably has never talk a class in his life, every other word that comes out of his mouth is "in particular", even when doing the calculations on the board, which are just straight from the textbook. I just stopped going half way through the quarter since he records his lectures. His proofs on exams are absolutely terrible, never giving any way or direction to them. Most of the kids never even finished the exam, gave way too much work within a 50 minute lecture midterm. DO NOT TAKE.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 11, 2024

My experience in Math 32A with professor Mark Ebert has been unfortunately very inconvenient. Between his exams having mathematical proofs on them which he fails to teach or even go over, to not having enough time on the exams to finish, to feeling incompetent enough to complete one of his exams which have material and questions which are unlike anything we see in lecture or on the homework, Mark Ebert has left me confused on whether I am proficient at math or not. Each time I walk into his lecture, I take a chance and always end up leaving more confused than when I entered. He always seems to go over allotted class time by an average of 5 minutes. His lectures are rushed and unclear such that simply reading the textbook would be more explanatory than actually going to class. Whenever students ask questions, he always answers a completely different question than the one he was presented with. His first midterm average was a 63% which was lower than even he thought that it would be, leaving many students, including myself, feeling incompetent about math and even questioning whether or not we belong in STEM courses.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A
March 1, 2024

This class wasn't easy, but it wasn't extremely hard in terms of workload. There are weekly homework assignments from the textbook and 1-2 homework problem-level quizzes before each midterm. I would say the difficulty of the class comes from unclear lectures and test difficulty. However, seeing that the class felt so miserably about the exams, Ebert put in curves and reasonable (?) adjustments to grades so that half the class received a B or above, I believe. But, I definitely felt fucked at certain points in the class. About the lectures, I know people straight up went to other prof's lectures because Ebert was not very clear. He teaches straight from the textbook. I recommend going to office hours for questions. If you take this class, it's not impossible to get an A but you should be prepared to self-study.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
Jan. 14, 2024

Math with Professor Ebert is an experience. Not one I needed in my life. Not one I will ever forget. Just an experience.

Nothing he says makes an ounce of sense. His writing isn't much better than his speaking. If you sign up for this class, Ebert is not your professor - the textbook is. That is the only way to do well, or to even understand what is being taught. Lecture is worthless, unless you can somehow decipher what he's saying or writing.

Exams are fair enough. Homework is very manageable. Not once did his assignment/exams feel like they were constructed to sabotage student performance, so that is the one plus.


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2 of 3
Overall Rating
Based on 32 Users
Easiness 2.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 1.8 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.2 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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