
Mark Jepson

Overall Ratings
Based on 177 Users
Easiness 3.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (177)

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Dec. 23, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Took Intro Sociology with Professor J. He's a nice and funny guy, and he tends to go on a lot of entertaining tangents, so lectures aren't too intensive(nice given the 8am time). He also encourages student participation in lectures for you vocal types.
The writings are very simple; 5 one-page double-spaced essays - 2 reading summaries, 2 current events that relate to the readings, and 1 on how a sociological concept relates to your life.
The midterm and final both consist of roughly 50-60 multiple choice questions and 2 one-page essays among 7 topics. Midterm is a cakewalk if you do the readings (which I neglected) and visit the testbank (see neglect), and the final only covers the other half of the readings, but is not in the testbank. Jepson gives thorough study guides for both tests the week before, so do the weekly readings and don't fall behind like dumbass me. With regards to TAs, Fox is highly knowledgeable and very helpful. Overall, easy GE course, just do the readings.

I'm selling my course reader as well, no writing or marks, good condition, all that good stuff. Email me at ************* if you are interested.


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Jan. 4, 2016
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Jepson is overall an awesome guy!
text me: **********


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Sept. 16, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Great professor, pretty easy class. One paper and 2 blue book test.

I am selling the reader for SOC 102 class taught by Jepson.

email me at: *************


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Jan. 8, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Jepson is one of the best professors I've had here at UCLA. We genuinely cares about what he is teaching and goes over all of the readings in class. selling the soc 1 course reader. message me if interested **********


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Jan. 8, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

He is funny and he does a good job of summarizing what you need to grab from the readings if you didn't understand them. However, I didn't find them too helpful. This class is easy if you have an easy TA. The tiny writing assignments really screwed me over because my TA wasn't helpful even when I asked for him for help. My TA didn't even know the readings that well himself and I felt that he was super inadequate and graded a bit more harshly than other TAs. I ended up with a B in the class but also think that's because I thought the class was so easy. Take the writing assignments very seriously and don't settle for anything than 5/5 or 7/7!!! Don't be fooled they're 30% of your grade! Anyway, selling my course reader. It's highlighted and has some helpful notes in some of the readings but not all: *************


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July 18, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: B+

Professor Jepson is a really good professor. He does go off on tangents basically every lecture but it's mostly to try to relate today's world to abstract theories from old sociologists. It doesn't require a lot of work and he posts a general outline of his lectures online. Beware that he only teaches 8am lectures though. I have the Ritzer textbook/coursereader. reach me at **********


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June 14, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: N/A

Overall the class is pretty easy, the only thing that would prevent you from getting the A you deserve is the curve But if you do well it shouldn't be a problem. Selling the textbook, text me if you're interested **********


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Dec. 24, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor jepson teaches his material thoroughly and gives so many examples for the readings so that the students will understand the material. The readings need to be read analytically so that you can do well on the midterm and final. The assignments are not that hard at all, but i suggest to get started on them early so you don't have to rush in the last minute. He is willing to help you with what you need , you just have to visit him during office hour. Overall, his class was very interesting and funny because of his jokes. I recommend taking this class. Selling the 30readings of Sociology. email me at *************


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June 27, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+

Spring 2023: At first, I was a bit scared because of the mixed reviews that I have seen on various websites, but to put it simply, take this class! This was the first Sociology class I attended as a transfer student and my first quarter at UCLA. Also, no textbooks needed which was awesome, he provides everything! Granted, 8 am classes are a drag, but it goes by quickly. The grading scale is a mid-term, an essay, discussion attendance, and a final exam, (exams are prompts you need to answer)which was reasonably easy ONLY IF you attend class regularly, take notes, and attend the discussions. In all honesty, I did not read any of the articles that were assigned BUT I attended every day and took great notes, and passed, I would've passed with an A if I had read the articles since it's more informative than Dr. Jepson's lectures, but I didn't want to overwhelm myself. One tip that I HIGHLY recommend is to start on your essay ahead of time if you decide on a concept to write about. Don't forget to buy blue books for your exams too! Overall, if you attend the lectures/discussions and put in the work, you will pass. Don't sweat it, everything on the exams and essays is straightforward.


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April 5, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Honestly, not my favorite. Walking to class at 8 am just to see Prof Jepson standing in front of what looks like a google doc with a million bullet points, talking at you with no variation in the way he speaks was not my favorite. I skipped most lectures after that. Abigail, my TA, was wonderful, though. Grade is only made up of two exams, a final paper, and discussion attendance so kind of unforgiving. After talking to people who've had Jepson multiple times, though, I realized all you had to do to study for the exams was take the discussion study guide (no need to look at lecture one) and know the answers toe ach of the questions on there, which are given to you in discussion anyways. The discussion questions are usually the exact ones on the exams, so know those and you're golden. Other than that, though, Jepson as a lecturer was just so dull and droning, so I'll probably try to avoid him in the future. If you're looking for a class you can get an A with little effort, though, you've found the right place.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 23, 2012

Took Intro Sociology with Professor J. He's a nice and funny guy, and he tends to go on a lot of entertaining tangents, so lectures aren't too intensive(nice given the 8am time). He also encourages student participation in lectures for you vocal types.
The writings are very simple; 5 one-page double-spaced essays - 2 reading summaries, 2 current events that relate to the readings, and 1 on how a sociological concept relates to your life.
The midterm and final both consist of roughly 50-60 multiple choice questions and 2 one-page essays among 7 topics. Midterm is a cakewalk if you do the readings (which I neglected) and visit the testbank (see neglect), and the final only covers the other half of the readings, but is not in the testbank. Jepson gives thorough study guides for both tests the week before, so do the weekly readings and don't fall behind like dumbass me. With regards to TAs, Fox is highly knowledgeable and very helpful. Overall, easy GE course, just do the readings.

I'm selling my course reader as well, no writing or marks, good condition, all that good stuff. Email me at ************* if you are interested.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 4, 2016

Professor Jepson is overall an awesome guy!
text me: **********


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 16, 2013

Great professor, pretty easy class. One paper and 2 blue book test.

I am selling the reader for SOC 102 class taught by Jepson.

email me at: *************


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 8, 2015

Professor Jepson is one of the best professors I've had here at UCLA. We genuinely cares about what he is teaching and goes over all of the readings in class. selling the soc 1 course reader. message me if interested **********


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 8, 2013

He is funny and he does a good job of summarizing what you need to grab from the readings if you didn't understand them. However, I didn't find them too helpful. This class is easy if you have an easy TA. The tiny writing assignments really screwed me over because my TA wasn't helpful even when I asked for him for help. My TA didn't even know the readings that well himself and I felt that he was super inadequate and graded a bit more harshly than other TAs. I ended up with a B in the class but also think that's because I thought the class was so easy. Take the writing assignments very seriously and don't settle for anything than 5/5 or 7/7!!! Don't be fooled they're 30% of your grade! Anyway, selling my course reader. It's highlighted and has some helpful notes in some of the readings but not all: *************


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: B+
July 18, 2016

Professor Jepson is a really good professor. He does go off on tangents basically every lecture but it's mostly to try to relate today's world to abstract theories from old sociologists. It doesn't require a lot of work and he posts a general outline of his lectures online. Beware that he only teaches 8am lectures though. I have the Ritzer textbook/coursereader. reach me at **********


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: N/A
June 14, 2016

Overall the class is pretty easy, the only thing that would prevent you from getting the A you deserve is the curve But if you do well it shouldn't be a problem. Selling the textbook, text me if you're interested **********


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 24, 2014

Professor jepson teaches his material thoroughly and gives so many examples for the readings so that the students will understand the material. The readings need to be read analytically so that you can do well on the midterm and final. The assignments are not that hard at all, but i suggest to get started on them early so you don't have to rush in the last minute. He is willing to help you with what you need , you just have to visit him during office hour. Overall, his class was very interesting and funny because of his jokes. I recommend taking this class. Selling the 30readings of Sociology. email me at *************


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+
June 27, 2023

Spring 2023: At first, I was a bit scared because of the mixed reviews that I have seen on various websites, but to put it simply, take this class! This was the first Sociology class I attended as a transfer student and my first quarter at UCLA. Also, no textbooks needed which was awesome, he provides everything! Granted, 8 am classes are a drag, but it goes by quickly. The grading scale is a mid-term, an essay, discussion attendance, and a final exam, (exams are prompts you need to answer)which was reasonably easy ONLY IF you attend class regularly, take notes, and attend the discussions. In all honesty, I did not read any of the articles that were assigned BUT I attended every day and took great notes, and passed, I would've passed with an A if I had read the articles since it's more informative than Dr. Jepson's lectures, but I didn't want to overwhelm myself. One tip that I HIGHLY recommend is to start on your essay ahead of time if you decide on a concept to write about. Don't forget to buy blue books for your exams too! Overall, if you attend the lectures/discussions and put in the work, you will pass. Don't sweat it, everything on the exams and essays is straightforward.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
April 5, 2023

Honestly, not my favorite. Walking to class at 8 am just to see Prof Jepson standing in front of what looks like a google doc with a million bullet points, talking at you with no variation in the way he speaks was not my favorite. I skipped most lectures after that. Abigail, my TA, was wonderful, though. Grade is only made up of two exams, a final paper, and discussion attendance so kind of unforgiving. After talking to people who've had Jepson multiple times, though, I realized all you had to do to study for the exams was take the discussion study guide (no need to look at lecture one) and know the answers toe ach of the questions on there, which are given to you in discussion anyways. The discussion questions are usually the exact ones on the exams, so know those and you're golden. Other than that, though, Jepson as a lecturer was just so dull and droning, so I'll probably try to avoid him in the future. If you're looking for a class you can get an A with little effort, though, you've found the right place.


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