
Mariana Vicaria Angel

Overall Ratings
Based on 27 Users
Easiness 2.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (27)

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April 3, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B-

Terrible professor. Without a doubt the worst professor I have ever had. Now you may be looking at all the reviews and be thinking "oh, only the people who hated the class or who sucked in it write reviews so its biased". We'll that may be true but for context I had a 4.00 before this class, then I left with a B-. I wasn't even confused about the material. I actually felt like I understood it, but apparently that wasn't enough. A couple things:
- She claimed the lectures were recorded but then didn't give the password to the recordings until like week 8 which made the recordings completely pointless.
- She doesn't curve
- She is VERY nit-picky about the grading and even if you make a small mistake she'll deduct 1 point out of the total of 25 for each midterm. I know someone who got deducted a point because they used the word 'theorem' instead of 'definition'
- Very disorganized. She would often assign homework that we hadn't covered the material for
- She did post slides but lots of the slides were incomplete.
- She blames everything on the math department, which I'm not saying that they're the best department ever but also some of the stuff you can clearly tell is not something the math department said. like we have taken more math classes than she has taught at ucla (fall quarter was her first).
- Homework is worth a very small percentage of your grade and took ages to be graded.
- She often says one thing and then immediately contradicts herself. At one point, she told a student that the solutions were enough to base our answers on and then a few sentences later said that they should be used merely as a guide.

Honestly I hated this professor and I could go on and on about it but you get the gist of it. One pro is that she gives you a cheat sheet, but I assume thats the case with every professor for math 61. If you can get Olha as your TA definitely do it! She sympathizes with the class and really tries to help. Kong, on the other hand, speaks at 2 times speed and leaves you more confused than when you walked in. I was originally in Kong's discussion section but quickly switched into Olha's and it was no problem.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B-
April 3, 2023

Terrible professor. Without a doubt the worst professor I have ever had. Now you may be looking at all the reviews and be thinking "oh, only the people who hated the class or who sucked in it write reviews so its biased". We'll that may be true but for context I had a 4.00 before this class, then I left with a B-. I wasn't even confused about the material. I actually felt like I understood it, but apparently that wasn't enough. A couple things:
- She claimed the lectures were recorded but then didn't give the password to the recordings until like week 8 which made the recordings completely pointless.
- She doesn't curve
- She is VERY nit-picky about the grading and even if you make a small mistake she'll deduct 1 point out of the total of 25 for each midterm. I know someone who got deducted a point because they used the word 'theorem' instead of 'definition'
- Very disorganized. She would often assign homework that we hadn't covered the material for
- She did post slides but lots of the slides were incomplete.
- She blames everything on the math department, which I'm not saying that they're the best department ever but also some of the stuff you can clearly tell is not something the math department said. like we have taken more math classes than she has taught at ucla (fall quarter was her first).
- Homework is worth a very small percentage of your grade and took ages to be graded.
- She often says one thing and then immediately contradicts herself. At one point, she told a student that the solutions were enough to base our answers on and then a few sentences later said that they should be used merely as a guide.

Honestly I hated this professor and I could go on and on about it but you get the gist of it. One pro is that she gives you a cheat sheet, but I assume thats the case with every professor for math 61. If you can get Olha as your TA definitely do it! She sympathizes with the class and really tries to help. Kong, on the other hand, speaks at 2 times speed and leaves you more confused than when you walked in. I was originally in Kong's discussion section but quickly switched into Olha's and it was no problem.


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