
Maria Cha

Overall Ratings
Based on 122 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (122)

4 of 9
4 of 9
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Jan. 7, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Stats 10 is a great course to take either as ge or stats course. really basic content in stats. But in the later chapters you need to pay more attention to the details. overall it is very easy as long as you follow her in class. Very minimum workload, only weekly quizzes. two midterms not cumulative and she allows one-page written cheat sheet.


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Feb. 7, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Professor Cha is very kind and helpful. She is a good lecturer, but the material can be kind of boring and slow, but that's just how it is. She gives a lot of chances for redemption. She drops the lowest lab grade, which you normally get full credit just for doing, she drops the two losest quiz grades, and she allows you to miss one day's worth of clicker points. Attendance is somewhat required but it only makes about 5% of the grade if I recall, so it's not a make it or break it. My only concern taking her class is that she doesn't curve the final grades unless the average is below 75% (which will not happen) and she does not give extra credit. That being said you have to be precise on the midterms to get a desirable grade. If you make small mistakes that add up, its kind of a "tough luck" situation.


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Dec. 18, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B+

I didn't take stats in high school, and it felt like most students who had found this to be a lot easier than I did.
That said, there is virtually no assigned work. There are labs in discussion which you could probably figure out on your own with the $6 lab book, but honestly it's much more worth it to show up to discussion bc the TA walks you through it step by step.
In terms of content, I spent a few hours with Khan Academy which was helpful to supplement. Lectures can be a little dry, but the slides are posted and easy to follow along, (especially w in class examples) and Cha is helpful during office hours if you show up.
Textbook is not necessary unless you want extra problems.
Your grade is 30% midterm, 30% final, and they're pretty fair problems. Online quizzes (20%) can be challenging.
I would take this class again with Cha. I felt like I learned a lot for not a ton of leg work.


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Dec. 18, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Some questions were weirdly worded on tests. If you've taken AP Stats (which I did before) then you should be fine if you brush up a little bit before exams. Also, knowing how to input everything into the calculator is pretty helpful because most of the time if you enter things wrong into the calculator you won't get an answer on the test because it's multiple choice and assumes you will make your mistakes doing it by hand. Other than that, I didn't pay too much attention in lectures but still did fine.


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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

This class is fairly easy, up until after the first midterm, after which the class gets way harder if you have fallen into bad habits (like me). Cha is an extraordinarily nice person however and really takes great care to always stop and see if there are any questions, and she will explain the material until she feels that everyone knows what is going on. There are biweekly labs due and weekly online quizzes, as well as clicker questions in class to check for participation. She also posts recommended practice problems from the textbook, but they are never checked. A formula sheet is allowed for her exams.


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Dec. 23, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

If you have taken AP Stats no worries as this class is easier in my opinion. Tests are very fair and you can write all the things you need on a sheet of paper.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 1, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+

Cha is a great professor!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND her class! Her lectures are easy to follow and she constantly repeats the harder materials in case some people didn't get it the first time. Her exams are really easy as they are very similar to her quizzes and the examples that she goes over in class.
The discussion sections are essentially our lab sections. So as long as you follow the TA's instructions, you'll be able to get the lab reports done as the TA tells you what to do.
This class is by far the best and easiest class I have ever taken at UCLA. 10/10 recommend!


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Feb. 11, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Cha was very clear in her slides. She does the problems on the projector/board with the class to walk everyone through. She answers questions in class and also has office hours if you're really confused. She didn't give mandatory homework. She gave weekly quizzes that reflected what we saw on the midterm/final. In addition, she drops your lowest lab and quiz grade, which is extremely helpful.


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Feb. 26, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

If you took AP Stats, you're set for this class. If you didn't take AP Stats and stats is a completely new concept to you, you'll still be fine because Professor Cha does a really good job of explaining things. If you have any questions, she's very patient and puts a lot of effort into ensuring that you thoroughly understand whatever you're learning. She also posts lecture slides online, so you can always refer back to those too. You'll still have to attend lecture because of iClicker questions, but I usually just left class after the first iClicker question; you only need to answer once to get credit for the day. Stay for the entire lecture if you're learning something new though! I think it would be more useful to hear her teach instead of just reading off of the slides.
Each week you get a quiz, and every two weeks you are assigned a lab. Both are easy. For the quiz, you can look at the slides if you need to. For the lab, you work on it in your discussion section with your TA; while discussions aren't mandatory, you should definitely attend if you're working on a lab that day. The labs are done through this confusing program called Fathom, and you'll need to see the TA do it to understand how to navigate the system. And besides, the TA will basically be giving you all the answers you need for the lab, so why not attend?
The most important piece of advice I have for people taking this class is to KNOW WHAT YOUR CALCULATOR CAN DO. Since I took AP Stats in highschool, I knew all the shortcuts and functions my graphing calculator (TI-84) could perform and I didn't really need to use the formula sheet that Professor Cha gave. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the graphing calculator can literally cut your work time in half.


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March 25, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B

Grade breakdown:
Exams: 60% total, 30% each
Online Quizzes: 20% total out of 8 quizzes (and then drop your lowest 2 scores)
Participation: 4%, received by answering at least one clicker question during lecture
Lab: 16% total (4% each lab assignment) drop lowest score out of 5

The lab is absolutely nothing to worry about. In lab all you do is code in R (coding program). It's not hard at all though because the TA does all the work and all you have to do is copy it into your own laptop. I did work for other classes while my TA explained stuff and just looked up when she would scroll down so I could copy down more code. That being said, the lab didn't really have much to do with lecture. It used the same statistical concepts but you won't need to code for exams or anything on the concepts from class aren't really elaborated on, just shown with code. Pretty much a free 16%.

Quizzes aren't too bad either and you get to drop your lowest two scores. You have the weekend to do it on your own time online and so you can use your notes and everything. Good place to study from for the midterm and final.

I didn't really pay attention during lecture but still came out with a B so the class isn't all the bad, especially if you've taken AP Stats or something (unlike myself). Would recommend. Professor Cha is really nice.



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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Jan. 7, 2020

Stats 10 is a great course to take either as ge or stats course. really basic content in stats. But in the later chapters you need to pay more attention to the details. overall it is very easy as long as you follow her in class. Very minimum workload, only weekly quizzes. two midterms not cumulative and she allows one-page written cheat sheet.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 7, 2020

Professor Cha is very kind and helpful. She is a good lecturer, but the material can be kind of boring and slow, but that's just how it is. She gives a lot of chances for redemption. She drops the lowest lab grade, which you normally get full credit just for doing, she drops the two losest quiz grades, and she allows you to miss one day's worth of clicker points. Attendance is somewhat required but it only makes about 5% of the grade if I recall, so it's not a make it or break it. My only concern taking her class is that she doesn't curve the final grades unless the average is below 75% (which will not happen) and she does not give extra credit. That being said you have to be precise on the midterms to get a desirable grade. If you make small mistakes that add up, its kind of a "tough luck" situation.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B+
Dec. 18, 2019

I didn't take stats in high school, and it felt like most students who had found this to be a lot easier than I did.
That said, there is virtually no assigned work. There are labs in discussion which you could probably figure out on your own with the $6 lab book, but honestly it's much more worth it to show up to discussion bc the TA walks you through it step by step.
In terms of content, I spent a few hours with Khan Academy which was helpful to supplement. Lectures can be a little dry, but the slides are posted and easy to follow along, (especially w in class examples) and Cha is helpful during office hours if you show up.
Textbook is not necessary unless you want extra problems.
Your grade is 30% midterm, 30% final, and they're pretty fair problems. Online quizzes (20%) can be challenging.
I would take this class again with Cha. I felt like I learned a lot for not a ton of leg work.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 18, 2019

Some questions were weirdly worded on tests. If you've taken AP Stats (which I did before) then you should be fine if you brush up a little bit before exams. Also, knowing how to input everything into the calculator is pretty helpful because most of the time if you enter things wrong into the calculator you won't get an answer on the test because it's multiple choice and assumes you will make your mistakes doing it by hand. Other than that, I didn't pay too much attention in lectures but still did fine.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 19, 2019

This class is fairly easy, up until after the first midterm, after which the class gets way harder if you have fallen into bad habits (like me). Cha is an extraordinarily nice person however and really takes great care to always stop and see if there are any questions, and she will explain the material until she feels that everyone knows what is going on. There are biweekly labs due and weekly online quizzes, as well as clicker questions in class to check for participation. She also posts recommended practice problems from the textbook, but they are never checked. A formula sheet is allowed for her exams.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 23, 2019

If you have taken AP Stats no worries as this class is easier in my opinion. Tests are very fair and you can write all the things you need on a sheet of paper.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
April 1, 2021

Cha is a great professor!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND her class! Her lectures are easy to follow and she constantly repeats the harder materials in case some people didn't get it the first time. Her exams are really easy as they are very similar to her quizzes and the examples that she goes over in class.
The discussion sections are essentially our lab sections. So as long as you follow the TA's instructions, you'll be able to get the lab reports done as the TA tells you what to do.
This class is by far the best and easiest class I have ever taken at UCLA. 10/10 recommend!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 11, 2020

Cha was very clear in her slides. She does the problems on the projector/board with the class to walk everyone through. She answers questions in class and also has office hours if you're really confused. She didn't give mandatory homework. She gave weekly quizzes that reflected what we saw on the midterm/final. In addition, she drops your lowest lab and quiz grade, which is extremely helpful.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 26, 2020

If you took AP Stats, you're set for this class. If you didn't take AP Stats and stats is a completely new concept to you, you'll still be fine because Professor Cha does a really good job of explaining things. If you have any questions, she's very patient and puts a lot of effort into ensuring that you thoroughly understand whatever you're learning. She also posts lecture slides online, so you can always refer back to those too. You'll still have to attend lecture because of iClicker questions, but I usually just left class after the first iClicker question; you only need to answer once to get credit for the day. Stay for the entire lecture if you're learning something new though! I think it would be more useful to hear her teach instead of just reading off of the slides.
Each week you get a quiz, and every two weeks you are assigned a lab. Both are easy. For the quiz, you can look at the slides if you need to. For the lab, you work on it in your discussion section with your TA; while discussions aren't mandatory, you should definitely attend if you're working on a lab that day. The labs are done through this confusing program called Fathom, and you'll need to see the TA do it to understand how to navigate the system. And besides, the TA will basically be giving you all the answers you need for the lab, so why not attend?
The most important piece of advice I have for people taking this class is to KNOW WHAT YOUR CALCULATOR CAN DO. Since I took AP Stats in highschool, I knew all the shortcuts and functions my graphing calculator (TI-84) could perform and I didn't really need to use the formula sheet that Professor Cha gave. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the graphing calculator can literally cut your work time in half.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B
March 25, 2020

Grade breakdown:
Exams: 60% total, 30% each
Online Quizzes: 20% total out of 8 quizzes (and then drop your lowest 2 scores)
Participation: 4%, received by answering at least one clicker question during lecture
Lab: 16% total (4% each lab assignment) drop lowest score out of 5

The lab is absolutely nothing to worry about. In lab all you do is code in R (coding program). It's not hard at all though because the TA does all the work and all you have to do is copy it into your own laptop. I did work for other classes while my TA explained stuff and just looked up when she would scroll down so I could copy down more code. That being said, the lab didn't really have much to do with lecture. It used the same statistical concepts but you won't need to code for exams or anything on the concepts from class aren't really elaborated on, just shown with code. Pretty much a free 16%.

Quizzes aren't too bad either and you get to drop your lowest two scores. You have the weekend to do it on your own time online and so you can use your notes and everything. Good place to study from for the midterm and final.

I didn't really pay attention during lecture but still came out with a B so the class isn't all the bad, especially if you've taken AP Stats or something (unlike myself). Would recommend. Professor Cha is really nice.



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