
Linda Zanontian

Overall Ratings
Based on 51 Users
Easiness 4.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (51)

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Dec. 28, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I love Dr. Zanontian!! She's a college professor with high school teacher energy, which is a great thing. She really cares about student learning and is willing to be really interpersonal to make sure her students thoroughly understand the material and aren't struggling. The class itself is not difficult either and is very fair. I would recommend this class to anyone.


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Dec. 13, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

This is a great stats class option! If you have ever taken any level of stats before, this will be a breeze, and even if you haven't, she's very clear when lecturing and has a lot of examples that help you understand everything. Learning R through the labs is actually very useful, and the TAs help you work out the labs and they've always been really manageable. I highly recommend this class!


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Jan. 6, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B+

Prof Zanontian is really nice and you can tell she cares a lot about the class and students. However, her exams are really difficult compared to the homework and labs (which I found super enjoyable and useful). The lectures covered simple examples of the course material, while the exams were much more difficult and very tricky. Even with the notes she allowed, the exams are much more problem-solving focused than conceptual, which is the opposite to how I felt her teaching style was. As I said, she was really nice and caring, but I know some of the other stats professors have easier exams, so maybe wait to take it with them.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 30, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-

I think the class was overall good! It had a lot of busywork from the homework, polls, labs, and quizzes but the professor was very accommodating and allowed a lot of time for the exams. My only complaint would be I felt like the first midterm was a bit more difficult than the final but that could have been to my slacking in the beginning. Also, her exams can have a bit of awkward wording so watch out for that! Just don't slack off at the beginning of the class and you'll be fine.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 17, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

I really liked Professor Zanontian. There was usually one very short homework assignment and a 7-10 question online quiz each week, and a lab due every two weeks. There were two assessments, each with a 24 hour time limit once you begin but open for several days so you can take them at your leisure. The grade breakdown is 20% for each category: labs, homework, quizzes, assessment 1, and assessment 2.

Since I took the course online, all of the lectures were recorded so there was no live element to lecture. Lectures were clear and the slides are super detailed. I took stats in high school, so none of the material was particularly new to me, but the way that the professor explained concepts was much more clear than the way I had previously learned them.

Discussion was optional, twice a week, but I found it to be really helpful as my TA went through homework and labs in great detail. The homework is super easy and very short, never longer than 7 or so questions. Labs, to me, were completely pointless as I learned nothing about programming or statistics in doing them, but they weren't difficult (even with no R experience).

The first assessment had some pretty specific questions, but the study guide she gives covered everything you needed to know. The professor dropped 6 questions from the grade, which helped bump me up from a B+ to an A+ on the exam. Given the circumstances this quarter, the second assessment was made optional so I did not take it.

In a normal quarter, the lowest homework and quiz grades are dropped. This quarter, she dropped two homework assignments, two quizzes, and one lab.


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April 2, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A

Professor Zanontian is an excellent professor. She makes everything clear. The homework and lab assignments are manageable. The exams are fair as long as you understand the materials. I want to learn more about stats after taking this class. (I think it says everything:))

P.S., i-cliker 2 (almost new) on sale, please contact **********


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June 3, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: N/A

selling the loose-leaf version of the textbook (essential statistics) and the lab manual together for $50 (lab manual is $6 at the UCLA store, the online textbook is $70, and the loose leaf is $100). text me at ********** if you're interested


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April 3, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: N/A

Selling the pdf version of textbook for 10 $.
email; *************


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 15, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B+

Literally don’t take this class. Zanontian is a really nice person but decided to make the exams so hard while still telling us if we just did well on the hw, labs, and quizzes we would get A’s. Girlie no. I had 100% for labs/hw/quizzes and did well on her practice midterms/ finals heck I even went to office hours and I still got a B+ in the class because her exams were so removed from the content. Like I got straight A’s in the whole LS 7 series and you’re telling me stats is my GPA killer please. She makes this class genuinely seem like another weeder class and for what? And if you really want to weed us pre-meds out at least let us know that’s your plan. Smh y’all just trying to get my degree in peace.


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June 30, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Mrs Zanontian is the absolute goat and I recommend absolutely every life science student toke her. As a student with absolutely zero background knowledge on statistics and did not take AP stats in high school, I still did so well and you will too. I heard from friends that this class is beyond easier than AP stats which is a plus, and Mrs Zanontian really knows how to teach and cares about her students success. She holds office hours at the end of each class lecture within the last 30 minutes, additionally to an office hours dedicated period outside of class. Whenever you are confused about a concept, she will break it down so well. It's almost impossible to fail this class. She teaches so well, and the coding is very easy. The TA's provide the coding script to paste for the assignment which helps. Overall if you take stats 13, you must enroll with this teacher as she will guarantee your success. All of my friends finished with an A+ in her class, and keep in mind not all of us had a statistics background and still did fine. The workload is also super manageable! Feels almost like an easy GE with how amazing Mrs Zanontian is at teaching and constructs her class because in the end, she doesn't want her students to fail and cares a lot about you


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 28, 2019

I love Dr. Zanontian!! She's a college professor with high school teacher energy, which is a great thing. She really cares about student learning and is willing to be really interpersonal to make sure her students thoroughly understand the material and aren't struggling. The class itself is not difficult either and is very fair. I would recommend this class to anyone.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 13, 2020

This is a great stats class option! If you have ever taken any level of stats before, this will be a breeze, and even if you haven't, she's very clear when lecturing and has a lot of examples that help you understand everything. Learning R through the labs is actually very useful, and the TAs help you work out the labs and they've always been really manageable. I highly recommend this class!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B+
Jan. 6, 2021

Prof Zanontian is really nice and you can tell she cares a lot about the class and students. However, her exams are really difficult compared to the homework and labs (which I found super enjoyable and useful). The lectures covered simple examples of the course material, while the exams were much more difficult and very tricky. Even with the notes she allowed, the exams are much more problem-solving focused than conceptual, which is the opposite to how I felt her teaching style was. As I said, she was really nice and caring, but I know some of the other stats professors have easier exams, so maybe wait to take it with them.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
Dec. 30, 2020

I think the class was overall good! It had a lot of busywork from the homework, polls, labs, and quizzes but the professor was very accommodating and allowed a lot of time for the exams. My only complaint would be I felt like the first midterm was a bit more difficult than the final but that could have been to my slacking in the beginning. Also, her exams can have a bit of awkward wording so watch out for that! Just don't slack off at the beginning of the class and you'll be fine.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 17, 2020

I really liked Professor Zanontian. There was usually one very short homework assignment and a 7-10 question online quiz each week, and a lab due every two weeks. There were two assessments, each with a 24 hour time limit once you begin but open for several days so you can take them at your leisure. The grade breakdown is 20% for each category: labs, homework, quizzes, assessment 1, and assessment 2.

Since I took the course online, all of the lectures were recorded so there was no live element to lecture. Lectures were clear and the slides are super detailed. I took stats in high school, so none of the material was particularly new to me, but the way that the professor explained concepts was much more clear than the way I had previously learned them.

Discussion was optional, twice a week, but I found it to be really helpful as my TA went through homework and labs in great detail. The homework is super easy and very short, never longer than 7 or so questions. Labs, to me, were completely pointless as I learned nothing about programming or statistics in doing them, but they weren't difficult (even with no R experience).

The first assessment had some pretty specific questions, but the study guide she gives covered everything you needed to know. The professor dropped 6 questions from the grade, which helped bump me up from a B+ to an A+ on the exam. Given the circumstances this quarter, the second assessment was made optional so I did not take it.

In a normal quarter, the lowest homework and quiz grades are dropped. This quarter, she dropped two homework assignments, two quizzes, and one lab.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
April 2, 2019

Professor Zanontian is an excellent professor. She makes everything clear. The homework and lab assignments are manageable. The exams are fair as long as you understand the materials. I want to learn more about stats after taking this class. (I think it says everything:))

P.S., i-cliker 2 (almost new) on sale, please contact **********


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: N/A
June 3, 2019

selling the loose-leaf version of the textbook (essential statistics) and the lab manual together for $50 (lab manual is $6 at the UCLA store, the online textbook is $70, and the loose leaf is $100). text me at ********** if you're interested


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: N/A
April 3, 2018

Selling the pdf version of textbook for 10 $.
email; *************


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B+
Dec. 15, 2021

Literally don’t take this class. Zanontian is a really nice person but decided to make the exams so hard while still telling us if we just did well on the hw, labs, and quizzes we would get A’s. Girlie no. I had 100% for labs/hw/quizzes and did well on her practice midterms/ finals heck I even went to office hours and I still got a B+ in the class because her exams were so removed from the content. Like I got straight A’s in the whole LS 7 series and you’re telling me stats is my GPA killer please. She makes this class genuinely seem like another weeder class and for what? And if you really want to weed us pre-meds out at least let us know that’s your plan. Smh y’all just trying to get my degree in peace.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 30, 2023

Mrs Zanontian is the absolute goat and I recommend absolutely every life science student toke her. As a student with absolutely zero background knowledge on statistics and did not take AP stats in high school, I still did so well and you will too. I heard from friends that this class is beyond easier than AP stats which is a plus, and Mrs Zanontian really knows how to teach and cares about her students success. She holds office hours at the end of each class lecture within the last 30 minutes, additionally to an office hours dedicated period outside of class. Whenever you are confused about a concept, she will break it down so well. It's almost impossible to fail this class. She teaches so well, and the coding is very easy. The TA's provide the coding script to paste for the assignment which helps. Overall if you take stats 13, you must enroll with this teacher as she will guarantee your success. All of my friends finished with an A+ in her class, and keep in mind not all of us had a statistics background and still did fine. The workload is also super manageable! Feels almost like an easy GE with how amazing Mrs Zanontian is at teaching and constructs her class because in the end, she doesn't want her students to fail and cares a lot about you


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