
Lilia Illes

Overall Ratings
Based on 158 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (158)

3 of 7
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May 6, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Illes is a great teacher and very knowledgeable of California. I loved her class as it provided me a deeper insight to the state we live in. Her class grading is based on a midterm (in calss), long essay (you have to visit the place), and final. She is fair and fun. If you want to learn about California take her. Attendance is mandatory as the midterm and final are based on those notes you take. So you must be a good note taker to take her class.


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June 23, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

AMAZING PROFESSOR. You learn A LOT about the subject. The class I took was very interesting because she was really passionate of the subject. Very knowledgeable of African Wildlife. Class is based on 4 things. 1) Weekly 500 word responses to videos or readings she posts. 2) Midterm. 3) Final. 4) Final 2600-3000 word conservation paper. The paper is not bad at all. Illes is VERY fair about grading.


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Jan. 21, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

No matter how much she says that you do not need rote-memorization, trust me you do !

I didn't go for many lectures ans still got an A-. The stuff is really really simple. So basically, you have to update your blog every week with a write up and post an image of your lab. There is this software called ArcGIS which is used to create maps. You just make different maps every week and write a paragraph on it and that's your post.

There are 2 exams one midterm and one final. You sit in front of the computer and they are multiple choice ! (35% each exam). Just memorize (throughly) her lecture slides a day or two before the exam and go give it. The question are straight out of the slides.

I would say take this GE if you want to get done with a requirement and want an easy A


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Aug. 20, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

This class is so easy! I took it over the summer. 40% of your grade is online homework and an online project which are very doable and, again, easy. I bombed the midterm (I got a C) and I still got an A in the class. Midterm + Final =60% of your grade. Her grading scale is really lenient since there are no in betweens (as in -/+) so anything from 90-100 is an A!
If you need a GE or a boos to your GPA, take this. She is wonderful and funny and her lectures actually teach you important things about our world; things you'll remember and use later on. :)


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Aug. 23, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Hey Just want to reply the message below. THERE IS IN BETWEENS. THERE IS + and -. Although it said 90-100% means A on the syllabus, my final grade is A-. But so true that you can bomb both midterm and final because hw and online project pulled up a lot on your grade.


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Aug. 28, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Illes is perhaps the most sarcastic, rude, and condescending Professor I have ever come across in my 4 years at UCLA. However, she is very knowledgeable and her lectures are not the least bit boring. If you can get over her bad attitude, her classes are an easy A!


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June 20, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

So far I have taken 5 courses with Professor Illes. I could study for 2 weeks for her exams but I will never ace them. I'm not sure what it is, but sometimes I believe that my brain just doesn't fully comprehend her wording. Nevertheless, she is one of my favorite professors at UCLA. I retain so much valuable information from her lectures, she's so attentive and effective in her office hours, and it amazes me how broad of a spectrum she teaches.

I could not disagree more with the recent reviews of 168 and the bitter souls who wrote those reviews will certainly struggle even further with 170 and further GIS courses.


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May 15, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I have to agree that Geog 168 with Prof. Illes is misery. I have not encountered another instructor so rude, dismissive, and unhelpful on this entire campus. Very little instruction is provided. She takes a strange pleasure in kicking people out of the computer lab as some form of public humiliation; unfortunately half of them so far have been her enrolled students that she doesn't recognize. Requests for assistance with software glitches and problems uploading/sharing files are returned with bizarre tirades about how we will never be able to function professionally. She has implemented a mandatory 2 day cooling off period between assignments that nicely overlaps with her office hours. The TA struggles to respond to everyone's questions while she leaves early. I think this is outrageous. If she hates teaching so much why is she here?


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Sept. 21, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Geog 116

This class was so fun and interesting! Im always using the information I learned in this class in other classes and in the real world. I wish I could retake this class just for fun. There was reading and lecture was long (3hrs) but the time goes by fast and the powerpoint are very interesting.


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Sept. 21, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Geog 167

I was dreading taking this class but it turned out so great! Professor Illes was more than helpful when I didn't understand the material and took extra time in office hours to help me with assignments. She was such a lifesaver for me!


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GEOG 184
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 6, 2011

Professor Illes is a great teacher and very knowledgeable of California. I loved her class as it provided me a deeper insight to the state we live in. Her class grading is based on a midterm (in calss), long essay (you have to visit the place), and final. She is fair and fun. If you want to learn about California take her. Attendance is mandatory as the midterm and final are based on those notes you take. So you must be a good note taker to take her class.


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GEOG 122
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 23, 2011

AMAZING PROFESSOR. You learn A LOT about the subject. The class I took was very interesting because she was really passionate of the subject. Very knowledgeable of African Wildlife. Class is based on 4 things. 1) Weekly 500 word responses to videos or readings she posts. 2) Midterm. 3) Final. 4) Final 2600-3000 word conservation paper. The paper is not bad at all. Illes is VERY fair about grading.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 21, 2013

No matter how much she says that you do not need rote-memorization, trust me you do !

I didn't go for many lectures ans still got an A-. The stuff is really really simple. So basically, you have to update your blog every week with a write up and post an image of your lab. There is this software called ArcGIS which is used to create maps. You just make different maps every week and write a paragraph on it and that's your post.

There are 2 exams one midterm and one final. You sit in front of the computer and they are multiple choice ! (35% each exam). Just memorize (throughly) her lecture slides a day or two before the exam and go give it. The question are straight out of the slides.

I would say take this GE if you want to get done with a requirement and want an easy A


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Aug. 20, 2011

This class is so easy! I took it over the summer. 40% of your grade is online homework and an online project which are very doable and, again, easy. I bombed the midterm (I got a C) and I still got an A in the class. Midterm + Final =60% of your grade. Her grading scale is really lenient since there are no in betweens (as in -/+) so anything from 90-100 is an A!
If you need a GE or a boos to your GPA, take this. She is wonderful and funny and her lectures actually teach you important things about our world; things you'll remember and use later on. :)


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Aug. 23, 2011

Hey Just want to reply the message below. THERE IS IN BETWEENS. THERE IS + and -. Although it said 90-100% means A on the syllabus, my final grade is A-. But so true that you can bomb both midterm and final because hw and online project pulled up a lot on your grade.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Aug. 28, 2013

Professor Illes is perhaps the most sarcastic, rude, and condescending Professor I have ever come across in my 4 years at UCLA. However, she is very knowledgeable and her lectures are not the least bit boring. If you can get over her bad attitude, her classes are an easy A!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 20, 2013

So far I have taken 5 courses with Professor Illes. I could study for 2 weeks for her exams but I will never ace them. I'm not sure what it is, but sometimes I believe that my brain just doesn't fully comprehend her wording. Nevertheless, she is one of my favorite professors at UCLA. I retain so much valuable information from her lectures, she's so attentive and effective in her office hours, and it amazes me how broad of a spectrum she teaches.

I could not disagree more with the recent reviews of 168 and the bitter souls who wrote those reviews will certainly struggle even further with 170 and further GIS courses.


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GEOG 168
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 15, 2013

I have to agree that Geog 168 with Prof. Illes is misery. I have not encountered another instructor so rude, dismissive, and unhelpful on this entire campus. Very little instruction is provided. She takes a strange pleasure in kicking people out of the computer lab as some form of public humiliation; unfortunately half of them so far have been her enrolled students that she doesn't recognize. Requests for assistance with software glitches and problems uploading/sharing files are returned with bizarre tirades about how we will never be able to function professionally. She has implemented a mandatory 2 day cooling off period between assignments that nicely overlaps with her office hours. The TA struggles to respond to everyone's questions while she leaves early. I think this is outrageous. If she hates teaching so much why is she here?


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GEOG 154
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 21, 2015

Geog 116

This class was so fun and interesting! Im always using the information I learned in this class in other classes and in the real world. I wish I could retake this class just for fun. There was reading and lecture was long (3hrs) but the time goes by fast and the powerpoint are very interesting.


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GEOG 180
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 21, 2015

Geog 167

I was dreading taking this class but it turned out so great! Professor Illes was more than helpful when I didn't understand the material and took extra time in office hours to help me with assignments. She was such a lifesaver for me!


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