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- Koffi Enakoutsa
- MATH 32A
Based on 128 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Professor Enakoutsa is a funny professor and seems to be a kind person. However, he can be a little disorganized. In addition to this, he many times refused to answer questions about grading and told our class to simply "relax". Although the class was very frustrating to take, the tests were fairly simple. The questions he does at the review sessions were essentially the same as the test. Many of his students also end with an A.
Overall I think Koffi was a great professor. He genuinely cared about his students and how we learned. While in class he did sometimes go over material quickly, he always encouraged people to ask questions, and had plenty of office hours. His midterm and final review sessions were also super helpful and made the tests much more manageable. He always gave extensions on the homework and with the TA strike going on this past quarter he took over their discussion times and added more zoom office hours for questions. While Math 32A is a difficult class, Koffi’s resources and overall teaching skills make it easier and more enjoyable.
Very easy class as long as you do the homework and attend the review sessions. There is a lot of homework but it is manageable, and the tests are definitely a lot easier than many of the homework problems. His tests will often be like the questions in his review sessions, so definitely attend those. I would recommend asking TAs or other classmates for help with the homework problems you can't do. Koffi himself was very nice and did his own discussions during the TA strike. He also will offer extensions on homework if you ask for them, which helped reduce a lot of stress throughout the quarter.
Take this class! It is probably one of the easiest math 32a classes out there. The professor does review sessions that have all of the material on the midterms, some of the questions are even just rehashed from the review. The final is also fairly straight forward as long as you practice. The homework's take 5 to 10 hours but it's once a week and the professor extends their deadline to the end of the quarter. They are for the most part just calculation but a couple of the problems will be difficult proofs. The professor can be a bit difficult to understand and his handwriting can be a bit ambiguous but the content is very clear and the textbook is really good. Overall a very good class.
Koffi is a truly wonderful professor! His lectures are pretty engaging, and he makes some light-hearted jokes to keep things interesting. The lectures are a bit fast at times, but he is always willing to stop or slow down if anyone has questions. Additionally, in his office hours, he is always extremely helpful and patiently clarifies concepts (no matter how many times someone asks!). He also replies to emails pretty promptly. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask Koffi!
The homework can be long but ultimately it's good practice, and the hard deadline (since he extends it) is the end of the quarter. Don't get too behind on homework though: if you can't finish the relevant homework before an exam, you don't get the practice.
Before midterms and the final, he holds 2-3 review sessions before that basically cover the exact type of questions the exam has. He even holds nighttime office hours just so the students feel extra prepared.
As a supplement, the textbook is really useful, so it's worth reading if you're confused on something when doing homework. Something else I realized was that even though I took notes, I never ended up looking through most of them. Koffi posts his notes too so those and the textbook (in my opinion) are probably enough for reviewing before tests.
In conclusion, Koffi is a GREAT professor, and I am sad that I won't have him for 32B. Work hard, and you'll do well in his class!
Koffi comes so in clutch. While he gives a lot of homework, his midterms are virtually exactly like his review sessions and he always extends homework until the end of the quarter, or even after. I thought I did really bad on the final and was worried about my grade for a bit but he was SO generous with partial credit and I finished with an A-. Highly recommend referring to the textbook and understanding basic concepts from there before the final but I will throw hands with anyone complaining about Koffi’s accent bc this man does so much for his students.
I'm selling the fourth edition of the Ragowski textbook (loose leaf in a binder) for $25 in like new condition. Message me at ************* :)
Excellent professor, helpful and easy to reach by email, and preps you well for exams. It's tough keeping up with lectures considering how much content is covered but overall it's a very straightforward class that is not too difficult to succeed in.
Professor Enakoutsa is a funny professor and seems to be a kind person. However, he can be a little disorganized. In addition to this, he many times refused to answer questions about grading and told our class to simply "relax". Although the class was very frustrating to take, the tests were fairly simple. The questions he does at the review sessions were essentially the same as the test. Many of his students also end with an A.
Overall I think Koffi was a great professor. He genuinely cared about his students and how we learned. While in class he did sometimes go over material quickly, he always encouraged people to ask questions, and had plenty of office hours. His midterm and final review sessions were also super helpful and made the tests much more manageable. He always gave extensions on the homework and with the TA strike going on this past quarter he took over their discussion times and added more zoom office hours for questions. While Math 32A is a difficult class, Koffi’s resources and overall teaching skills make it easier and more enjoyable.
Very easy class as long as you do the homework and attend the review sessions. There is a lot of homework but it is manageable, and the tests are definitely a lot easier than many of the homework problems. His tests will often be like the questions in his review sessions, so definitely attend those. I would recommend asking TAs or other classmates for help with the homework problems you can't do. Koffi himself was very nice and did his own discussions during the TA strike. He also will offer extensions on homework if you ask for them, which helped reduce a lot of stress throughout the quarter.
Take this class! It is probably one of the easiest math 32a classes out there. The professor does review sessions that have all of the material on the midterms, some of the questions are even just rehashed from the review. The final is also fairly straight forward as long as you practice. The homework's take 5 to 10 hours but it's once a week and the professor extends their deadline to the end of the quarter. They are for the most part just calculation but a couple of the problems will be difficult proofs. The professor can be a bit difficult to understand and his handwriting can be a bit ambiguous but the content is very clear and the textbook is really good. Overall a very good class.
Koffi is a truly wonderful professor! His lectures are pretty engaging, and he makes some light-hearted jokes to keep things interesting. The lectures are a bit fast at times, but he is always willing to stop or slow down if anyone has questions. Additionally, in his office hours, he is always extremely helpful and patiently clarifies concepts (no matter how many times someone asks!). He also replies to emails pretty promptly. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask Koffi!
The homework can be long but ultimately it's good practice, and the hard deadline (since he extends it) is the end of the quarter. Don't get too behind on homework though: if you can't finish the relevant homework before an exam, you don't get the practice.
Before midterms and the final, he holds 2-3 review sessions before that basically cover the exact type of questions the exam has. He even holds nighttime office hours just so the students feel extra prepared.
As a supplement, the textbook is really useful, so it's worth reading if you're confused on something when doing homework. Something else I realized was that even though I took notes, I never ended up looking through most of them. Koffi posts his notes too so those and the textbook (in my opinion) are probably enough for reviewing before tests.
In conclusion, Koffi is a GREAT professor, and I am sad that I won't have him for 32B. Work hard, and you'll do well in his class!
Koffi comes so in clutch. While he gives a lot of homework, his midterms are virtually exactly like his review sessions and he always extends homework until the end of the quarter, or even after. I thought I did really bad on the final and was worried about my grade for a bit but he was SO generous with partial credit and I finished with an A-. Highly recommend referring to the textbook and understanding basic concepts from there before the final but I will throw hands with anyone complaining about Koffi’s accent bc this man does so much for his students.
I'm selling the fourth edition of the Ragowski textbook (loose leaf in a binder) for $25 in like new condition. Message me at ************* :)
Excellent professor, helpful and easy to reach by email, and preps you well for exams. It's tough keeping up with lectures considering how much content is covered but overall it's a very straightforward class that is not too difficult to succeed in.
Based on 128 Users
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