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- Koffi Enakoutsa
- MATH 32A
Based on 128 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Lectures aren't recorded, though he just follows the textbook so if you miss a lecture you can just take notes on the chapters.
Tests are very similar to practice exams, final is slightly harder but the 3 hours is more than enough time if you know you stuff.
One annoying thing is that the homework is always behind on what we're learning, as in we'll be doing homework on stuff we learned like 2 weeks ago so it's not going to help us on our upcoming tests or quizzes.
I think as a class it's pretty easy but just make sure you don't make silly mistakes and touch up on some trig identities from BC and you should be fine.
To preface this, it is true that professors with accents tend to be given lower ratings by students, which is not entirely fair. Professor Enakoutsa was perfectly intelligible, and this review is not based on his speaking ability. However, his handwriting is quite difficult to read, and everything on screen during lectures is his handwritten notes.
This is not an issue as soon as you realize that EVERYTHING in those notes and in the slides provided on Bruinlearn are ripped word for word from the textbook, and that following along in the textbook will provide you exactly the same educational experience as the lectures.
If you are taking this class, buy the textbook. Read the textbook. If something from lecture is confusing, it's printed clearly in the textbook. Don't bother with anything else.
Otherwise, the homework load was generally manageable, although it was noticeably lagging behind the class, which was itself lagging behind the pace outlined in the syllabus. Despite this, the professor commented that our class is the first time he's managed to finish the course material on time. My TA, Venkat, was excellent, and was a great resource for clarifying things from the lecture.
Midterm and final were both alright, one question each on four topics, sometimes with sub-questions.
such a terrible class. terrible lecturer. he would go off on rando tangents and we fell so far behind. he didn't really teach math with examples and plenty of clarification. he often glazed over topics and i didn't understand a thing he said. he also cared way too much about whther people were paying attention to him. he once stopped the lecture to wait for someone to put their phone away. huh!? this is college, not middle school bruh. avoid this professor plz
First off, I have to say the reviews on this site on are grossly inflated because Koffi keeps spamming overwhelmingly positive reviews. It’s actually hilarious how easy it is to pick out which reviews he wrote, and just the fact that he has spent so much time writing probably almost half these reviews that totally don’t sound like him praising himself.
But anyways, this class isn’t the worst class ever, but it’s definitely something you should try to avoid. I picked him coming in as a freshman because I was fooled by the reviews, so don’t make that mistake. The homeworks took extremely long and weren’t really what the exams tested anyways, and just seemed unnecessarily difficult for actual learning of introductory multi variable calculus. Lectures weren’t great either because it is difficult to read his handwriting, and he skips many steps when explaining, so overall pretty hard to follow most of the time. Also the pacing will be far behind the other 32A lectures that are concurrent, and he will rush way too fast at the end in an attempt to catch up. Kinda defeats the entire purpose of the class because you barely cover the topics near the end of the class and then are expected to know how to do them. The midterms were very easy, but the final was definitely a curveball and not consistent in difficulty at all.
Overall, I think the cons outweigh the “pros” that the other “reviews” have given. Perhaps, the guy should focus on addressing the valid criticisms of his teaching instead of posting more fake reviews lol.
Overall, this class is conceptually not too difficult if you know your math. Doesn't diverge from the textbook and exam questions are not too bad. Lots of homework, which is useful to do if done actively, besides the unnecessarily difficult challenge problems at the end of most sections. Professor was clear if you can understand his illegible handwriting or accent (not too bad IMO), but textbook is clearer. Not the worst but if you are not a math person, find a good lecturer. Not recorded to increase attendance (don't go if you know the concepts).
Horrible lectures. Horrible. Terrible. Youtube and textbook are how you learn. He posts midterm and final review sessions that are VERY similar to the actual exams, so study and know those well. If you do that, you'll probably do well in this class, and that's that. Homework sucks. It really sucks. 20 problems a week on average, consisting of challenge problems that take forever to figure out. To counteract this, all HW's are due after finals week if you get behind. Overall, easy but not fun or rewarding, and I might be screwed for 32B because of him.
I enrolled into Koffi's class seeing all the positive reviews on Bruinwalk. I only went to one lecture the whole quarter, not only because I couldn't understand what he was saying due to his accent (which isn't his fault), but also his handwriting from his notes are impossible to decipher. That said, I only relied on Professor Leonard on Youtube, even if his lectures took forever to watch. I would occasionally join his zoom lectures to see what he was covering, yet majority of the time he would go on random tangents every time, which is why he was so behind on content. He would call all his students lazy, scoff at us for being young & not knowing anything. I would never take Koffi's class again for three main reasons. The first being that for both midterm 2 and the final, many of the questions covered material he crammed literally 2-3 days before the exam. It honestly is a first having a professor holding lecture during finals week. To be honest, I walked into the final thinking I would have to retake the class because it was so incredibly stressful. The second reason I would never take him is the weekly homework assignments that had 20-40 questions. I usually like homework in math classes, as it's super beneficial for practice. However, he gives questions IMPOSSIBLE to figure out on your own. While others have said it took them 2-5 hours, it took me so much longer. While he extends them to the end of the quarter, I ended up turning them all in at the end because some questions I just couldn't do. Just so you know, he assigned HW #9 on Thursday of Wk 10 and assigned HW #10 on Saturday of Wk 10 (after the quarter ended, lol). During spring break, I spent so much time finishing up my homework. The main reason I would never take him again is that he's just not a great lecturer. I spent so much time out of class teaching myself or learning through YouTube, which often led me to be behind on other classes. He reads off his notes, which are illegible, and often he skips important steps to learn the material. If you have no choice but to take him, I highly recommend not going to class as it's a waste of time and teach yourself. The textbook is great, but Professor Leonard is even better.
I have never taken a class with students feeling so divided over the quality of a professor. People often joked about how all the positive bruinwalk reviews of Koffi are him with a bunch of fake accounts, and... Koffi is the exact kind of man who would do that. He is by far the worst professor I have had the misfortune of taking at UCLA, and truly should not be teaching. You will learn more if you skip class, don't even try reading his lecture notes (which are years old and all in cursive) and just read the textbook like its the religious text of your choice.
This brings up another issue: this class was so incredibly unorganized. Since week 1, Koffi was constantly 3-6 lectures behind schedule. The problem was that discussion sections didn’t take this into account, so the TA’s were always ahead of schedule. We were learning about TNB frames in section without even knowing cross product in lecture. Weekly homework also covered material from 1-2 weeks ago, which just completely threw off my groove. When I asked Koffi if he could post the upcoming homework earlier, he refused and responded with a rude email.
We all know Koffi is a poor lecturer. And if that was the only thing bad about him, he wouldn't be that bad. He actively fostered an unhealthy learning environment, taking the time out of each lecture to call the students on zoom lazy (literally for minutes on end). Now, I always attended lecture in person, but the fact that he wasted our time when he was already 2 weeks behind was… frustrating. He also went on tirades during office hours and review sessions about literally anything other than math. Oh, he also accidentally posted his response to being rejected from a job he applied for in the zoom chat. So that shows you where his priorities lay. Not with the students.
His midterms are slightly challenging, but nothing unexpected. The final was significantly more difficult, with lots of conceptual material asking you to prove whether conditions are true/false. This is content that he never mentioned in review sessions, and explicitly said he would not be including on the final. Though the homework (taken directly from the book) always included the challenge questions at the end of each chapter. Homework assignments took very long (because they had lots of challenge questions).
Koffi crammed a weeks worth of lecture material into the weekend before finals week, and assigned 2 or 3 weeks worth of homework during finals week. And held lecture during finals week. He also held virtual lecture on a federal holiday. This man expects you to treat this class like it is the only class you are taking.
Whenever I asked him a question or emailed him, he was extremely combative and outright rude. I’m not exaggerating when I say I felt like Koffi was low-key being a bully. I was having a conversation with him via email regarding grades, and after initially addressing him in the first email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa, I hope this email finds you well…” I followed standard email etiquette and in my second email to him in the chain, continued the conversation without readdressing him again. Well, he did NOT like that and said: “Hi: Have you forgotten the format of the email? Koffi E”. All because I did not begin every email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa”… I felt like he was just enjoying his power trip, which is such a shame.
Overall, Professor Koffi Enakoutsa (as that is how he likes to be addressed) near single-handedly made me change majors. Professors in the math department don’t need to try and make math enjoyable, but they shouldn’t actively make the process of learning math dreadful. And that is where Enakoutsa fails.
I have never taken a class with students feeling so divided over the quality of a professor. People often joked about how all the positive bruinwalk reviews of Koffi are him with a bunch of fake accounts, and... Koffi is the exact kind of man who would do that. He is by far the worst professor I have had the misfortune of taking at UCLA, and truly should not be teaching. You will learn more if you skip class, don't even try reading his lecture notes (which are years old and all in cursive) and just read the textbook like its the religious text of your choice.
This brings up another issue: this class was so incredibly unorganized. Since week 1, Koffi was constantly 3-6 lectures behind schedule. The problem was that discussion sections didn’t take this into account, so the TA’s were always ahead of schedule. We were learning about TNB frames in section without even knowing cross product in lecture. Weekly homework also covered material from 1-2 weeks ago, which just completely threw off my groove. When I asked Koffi if he could post the upcoming homework earlier, he refused and responded with a rude email.
We all know Koffi is a poor lecturer. And if that was the only thing bad about him, he wouldn't be that bad. He actively fostered an unhealthy learning environment, taking the time out of each lecture to call the students on zoom lazy (literally for minutes on end). Now, I always attended lecture in person, but the fact that he wasted our time when he was already 2 weeks behind was… frustrating. He also went on tirades during office hours and review sessions about literally anything other than math. Oh, he also accidentally posted his response to being rejected from a job he applied for in the zoom chat. So that shows you where his priorities lay. Not with the students.
His midterms are slightly challenging, but nothing unexpected. The final was significantly more difficult, with lots of conceptual material asking you to prove whether conditions are true/false. This is content that he never mentioned in review sessions, and explicitly said he would not be including on the final. Though the homework (taken directly from the book) always included the challenge questions at the end of each chapter. Homework assignments took very long (because they had lots of challenge questions).
Koffi crammed a weeks worth of lecture material into the weekend before finals week, and assigned 2 or 3 weeks worth of homework during finals week. And held lecture during finals week. He also held virtual lecture on a federal holiday. This man expects you to treat this class like it is the only class you are taking.
Whenever I asked him a question or emailed him, he was extremely combative and outright rude. I’m not exaggerating when I say I felt like Koffi was low-key being a bully. I was having a conversation with him via email regarding grades, and after initially addressing him in the first email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa, I hope this email finds you well…” I followed standard email etiquette and in my second email to him in the chain, continued the conversation without readdressing him again. Well, he did NOT like that and said: “Hi: Have you forgotten the format of the email? Koffi E”. All because I did not begin every email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa”… I felt like he was just enjoying his power trip, which is such a shame.
Overall, Professor Koffi Enakoutsa (as that is how he likes to be addressed) near single-handedly made me change majors. Professors in the math department don’t need to try and make math enjoyable, but they shouldn’t actively make the process of learning math dreadful. And that is where Enakoutsa fails.
If you're looking for an exceptional calculus course, I would highly recommend taking Professor Koffi's class. I had the pleasure of taking their course last quarter, and I can honestly say that it was one of the best academic experiences I have ever had.
Professor Koffi is an incredibly knowledgeable and skilled teacher who possesses a passion for calculus that is infectious. He is able to explain complex concepts with clarity and precision, and he is always willing to go above and beyond to ensure that their students understand the material.
His course is well-structured and engaging, with a perfect balance of lectures, problem-solving sessions, and interactive activities. He uses a variety of teaching methods, including real-world examples and visual aids, to make the subject matter come alive and help students relate to it.
Moreover, Professor Koffi is highly approachable and supportive, and he is always available to answer questions and provide guidance. He fosters an environment that encourages participation and collaboration, and he has a genuine interest in the success of his students.
I would highly recommend taking Professor Koffi's calculus course to anyone who is looking for an exceptional learning experience. He possesses all the qualities of a great teacher, and his commitment to their students' success is truly inspiring.
Lectures aren't recorded, though he just follows the textbook so if you miss a lecture you can just take notes on the chapters.
Tests are very similar to practice exams, final is slightly harder but the 3 hours is more than enough time if you know you stuff.
One annoying thing is that the homework is always behind on what we're learning, as in we'll be doing homework on stuff we learned like 2 weeks ago so it's not going to help us on our upcoming tests or quizzes.
I think as a class it's pretty easy but just make sure you don't make silly mistakes and touch up on some trig identities from BC and you should be fine.
To preface this, it is true that professors with accents tend to be given lower ratings by students, which is not entirely fair. Professor Enakoutsa was perfectly intelligible, and this review is not based on his speaking ability. However, his handwriting is quite difficult to read, and everything on screen during lectures is his handwritten notes.
This is not an issue as soon as you realize that EVERYTHING in those notes and in the slides provided on Bruinlearn are ripped word for word from the textbook, and that following along in the textbook will provide you exactly the same educational experience as the lectures.
If you are taking this class, buy the textbook. Read the textbook. If something from lecture is confusing, it's printed clearly in the textbook. Don't bother with anything else.
Otherwise, the homework load was generally manageable, although it was noticeably lagging behind the class, which was itself lagging behind the pace outlined in the syllabus. Despite this, the professor commented that our class is the first time he's managed to finish the course material on time. My TA, Venkat, was excellent, and was a great resource for clarifying things from the lecture.
Midterm and final were both alright, one question each on four topics, sometimes with sub-questions.
such a terrible class. terrible lecturer. he would go off on rando tangents and we fell so far behind. he didn't really teach math with examples and plenty of clarification. he often glazed over topics and i didn't understand a thing he said. he also cared way too much about whther people were paying attention to him. he once stopped the lecture to wait for someone to put their phone away. huh!? this is college, not middle school bruh. avoid this professor plz
First off, I have to say the reviews on this site on are grossly inflated because Koffi keeps spamming overwhelmingly positive reviews. It’s actually hilarious how easy it is to pick out which reviews he wrote, and just the fact that he has spent so much time writing probably almost half these reviews that totally don’t sound like him praising himself.
But anyways, this class isn’t the worst class ever, but it’s definitely something you should try to avoid. I picked him coming in as a freshman because I was fooled by the reviews, so don’t make that mistake. The homeworks took extremely long and weren’t really what the exams tested anyways, and just seemed unnecessarily difficult for actual learning of introductory multi variable calculus. Lectures weren’t great either because it is difficult to read his handwriting, and he skips many steps when explaining, so overall pretty hard to follow most of the time. Also the pacing will be far behind the other 32A lectures that are concurrent, and he will rush way too fast at the end in an attempt to catch up. Kinda defeats the entire purpose of the class because you barely cover the topics near the end of the class and then are expected to know how to do them. The midterms were very easy, but the final was definitely a curveball and not consistent in difficulty at all.
Overall, I think the cons outweigh the “pros” that the other “reviews” have given. Perhaps, the guy should focus on addressing the valid criticisms of his teaching instead of posting more fake reviews lol.
Overall, this class is conceptually not too difficult if you know your math. Doesn't diverge from the textbook and exam questions are not too bad. Lots of homework, which is useful to do if done actively, besides the unnecessarily difficult challenge problems at the end of most sections. Professor was clear if you can understand his illegible handwriting or accent (not too bad IMO), but textbook is clearer. Not the worst but if you are not a math person, find a good lecturer. Not recorded to increase attendance (don't go if you know the concepts).
Horrible lectures. Horrible. Terrible. Youtube and textbook are how you learn. He posts midterm and final review sessions that are VERY similar to the actual exams, so study and know those well. If you do that, you'll probably do well in this class, and that's that. Homework sucks. It really sucks. 20 problems a week on average, consisting of challenge problems that take forever to figure out. To counteract this, all HW's are due after finals week if you get behind. Overall, easy but not fun or rewarding, and I might be screwed for 32B because of him.
I enrolled into Koffi's class seeing all the positive reviews on Bruinwalk. I only went to one lecture the whole quarter, not only because I couldn't understand what he was saying due to his accent (which isn't his fault), but also his handwriting from his notes are impossible to decipher. That said, I only relied on Professor Leonard on Youtube, even if his lectures took forever to watch. I would occasionally join his zoom lectures to see what he was covering, yet majority of the time he would go on random tangents every time, which is why he was so behind on content. He would call all his students lazy, scoff at us for being young & not knowing anything. I would never take Koffi's class again for three main reasons. The first being that for both midterm 2 and the final, many of the questions covered material he crammed literally 2-3 days before the exam. It honestly is a first having a professor holding lecture during finals week. To be honest, I walked into the final thinking I would have to retake the class because it was so incredibly stressful. The second reason I would never take him is the weekly homework assignments that had 20-40 questions. I usually like homework in math classes, as it's super beneficial for practice. However, he gives questions IMPOSSIBLE to figure out on your own. While others have said it took them 2-5 hours, it took me so much longer. While he extends them to the end of the quarter, I ended up turning them all in at the end because some questions I just couldn't do. Just so you know, he assigned HW #9 on Thursday of Wk 10 and assigned HW #10 on Saturday of Wk 10 (after the quarter ended, lol). During spring break, I spent so much time finishing up my homework. The main reason I would never take him again is that he's just not a great lecturer. I spent so much time out of class teaching myself or learning through YouTube, which often led me to be behind on other classes. He reads off his notes, which are illegible, and often he skips important steps to learn the material. If you have no choice but to take him, I highly recommend not going to class as it's a waste of time and teach yourself. The textbook is great, but Professor Leonard is even better.
I have never taken a class with students feeling so divided over the quality of a professor. People often joked about how all the positive bruinwalk reviews of Koffi are him with a bunch of fake accounts, and... Koffi is the exact kind of man who would do that. He is by far the worst professor I have had the misfortune of taking at UCLA, and truly should not be teaching. You will learn more if you skip class, don't even try reading his lecture notes (which are years old and all in cursive) and just read the textbook like its the religious text of your choice.
This brings up another issue: this class was so incredibly unorganized. Since week 1, Koffi was constantly 3-6 lectures behind schedule. The problem was that discussion sections didn’t take this into account, so the TA’s were always ahead of schedule. We were learning about TNB frames in section without even knowing cross product in lecture. Weekly homework also covered material from 1-2 weeks ago, which just completely threw off my groove. When I asked Koffi if he could post the upcoming homework earlier, he refused and responded with a rude email.
We all know Koffi is a poor lecturer. And if that was the only thing bad about him, he wouldn't be that bad. He actively fostered an unhealthy learning environment, taking the time out of each lecture to call the students on zoom lazy (literally for minutes on end). Now, I always attended lecture in person, but the fact that he wasted our time when he was already 2 weeks behind was… frustrating. He also went on tirades during office hours and review sessions about literally anything other than math. Oh, he also accidentally posted his response to being rejected from a job he applied for in the zoom chat. So that shows you where his priorities lay. Not with the students.
His midterms are slightly challenging, but nothing unexpected. The final was significantly more difficult, with lots of conceptual material asking you to prove whether conditions are true/false. This is content that he never mentioned in review sessions, and explicitly said he would not be including on the final. Though the homework (taken directly from the book) always included the challenge questions at the end of each chapter. Homework assignments took very long (because they had lots of challenge questions).
Koffi crammed a weeks worth of lecture material into the weekend before finals week, and assigned 2 or 3 weeks worth of homework during finals week. And held lecture during finals week. He also held virtual lecture on a federal holiday. This man expects you to treat this class like it is the only class you are taking.
Whenever I asked him a question or emailed him, he was extremely combative and outright rude. I’m not exaggerating when I say I felt like Koffi was low-key being a bully. I was having a conversation with him via email regarding grades, and after initially addressing him in the first email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa, I hope this email finds you well…” I followed standard email etiquette and in my second email to him in the chain, continued the conversation without readdressing him again. Well, he did NOT like that and said: “Hi: Have you forgotten the format of the email? Koffi E”. All because I did not begin every email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa”… I felt like he was just enjoying his power trip, which is such a shame.
Overall, Professor Koffi Enakoutsa (as that is how he likes to be addressed) near single-handedly made me change majors. Professors in the math department don’t need to try and make math enjoyable, but they shouldn’t actively make the process of learning math dreadful. And that is where Enakoutsa fails.
I have never taken a class with students feeling so divided over the quality of a professor. People often joked about how all the positive bruinwalk reviews of Koffi are him with a bunch of fake accounts, and... Koffi is the exact kind of man who would do that. He is by far the worst professor I have had the misfortune of taking at UCLA, and truly should not be teaching. You will learn more if you skip class, don't even try reading his lecture notes (which are years old and all in cursive) and just read the textbook like its the religious text of your choice.
This brings up another issue: this class was so incredibly unorganized. Since week 1, Koffi was constantly 3-6 lectures behind schedule. The problem was that discussion sections didn’t take this into account, so the TA’s were always ahead of schedule. We were learning about TNB frames in section without even knowing cross product in lecture. Weekly homework also covered material from 1-2 weeks ago, which just completely threw off my groove. When I asked Koffi if he could post the upcoming homework earlier, he refused and responded with a rude email.
We all know Koffi is a poor lecturer. And if that was the only thing bad about him, he wouldn't be that bad. He actively fostered an unhealthy learning environment, taking the time out of each lecture to call the students on zoom lazy (literally for minutes on end). Now, I always attended lecture in person, but the fact that he wasted our time when he was already 2 weeks behind was… frustrating. He also went on tirades during office hours and review sessions about literally anything other than math. Oh, he also accidentally posted his response to being rejected from a job he applied for in the zoom chat. So that shows you where his priorities lay. Not with the students.
His midterms are slightly challenging, but nothing unexpected. The final was significantly more difficult, with lots of conceptual material asking you to prove whether conditions are true/false. This is content that he never mentioned in review sessions, and explicitly said he would not be including on the final. Though the homework (taken directly from the book) always included the challenge questions at the end of each chapter. Homework assignments took very long (because they had lots of challenge questions).
Koffi crammed a weeks worth of lecture material into the weekend before finals week, and assigned 2 or 3 weeks worth of homework during finals week. And held lecture during finals week. He also held virtual lecture on a federal holiday. This man expects you to treat this class like it is the only class you are taking.
Whenever I asked him a question or emailed him, he was extremely combative and outright rude. I’m not exaggerating when I say I felt like Koffi was low-key being a bully. I was having a conversation with him via email regarding grades, and after initially addressing him in the first email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa, I hope this email finds you well…” I followed standard email etiquette and in my second email to him in the chain, continued the conversation without readdressing him again. Well, he did NOT like that and said: “Hi: Have you forgotten the format of the email? Koffi E”. All because I did not begin every email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa”… I felt like he was just enjoying his power trip, which is such a shame.
Overall, Professor Koffi Enakoutsa (as that is how he likes to be addressed) near single-handedly made me change majors. Professors in the math department don’t need to try and make math enjoyable, but they shouldn’t actively make the process of learning math dreadful. And that is where Enakoutsa fails.
If you're looking for an exceptional calculus course, I would highly recommend taking Professor Koffi's class. I had the pleasure of taking their course last quarter, and I can honestly say that it was one of the best academic experiences I have ever had.
Professor Koffi is an incredibly knowledgeable and skilled teacher who possesses a passion for calculus that is infectious. He is able to explain complex concepts with clarity and precision, and he is always willing to go above and beyond to ensure that their students understand the material.
His course is well-structured and engaging, with a perfect balance of lectures, problem-solving sessions, and interactive activities. He uses a variety of teaching methods, including real-world examples and visual aids, to make the subject matter come alive and help students relate to it.
Moreover, Professor Koffi is highly approachable and supportive, and he is always available to answer questions and provide guidance. He fosters an environment that encourages participation and collaboration, and he has a genuine interest in the success of his students.
I would highly recommend taking Professor Koffi's calculus course to anyone who is looking for an exceptional learning experience. He possesses all the qualities of a great teacher, and his commitment to their students' success is truly inspiring.
Based on 128 Users
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