Kim Tuan Do
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - I simply could not learn from this professor. He was definitely nice and considerate , but I found it super hard to understand what he was saying and it was just hard to follow. Granted this is definitely the hardest lower div math by far, but still doable. You just had to constantly practice. Actually do the homework it is worth the time investment. Please do good on Midterm 1 because midterm 2 gets way harder. And oh my the content after the midterm 2 just got exponentially harder and the final was brutal. It was the only math class I've seen where 90%+ of the class used all 3 hours. Just do a lot of practice finals and use his study guide and you'll be fine.
Fall 2023 - I simply could not learn from this professor. He was definitely nice and considerate , but I found it super hard to understand what he was saying and it was just hard to follow. Granted this is definitely the hardest lower div math by far, but still doable. You just had to constantly practice. Actually do the homework it is worth the time investment. Please do good on Midterm 1 because midterm 2 gets way harder. And oh my the content after the midterm 2 just got exponentially harder and the final was brutal. It was the only math class I've seen where 90%+ of the class used all 3 hours. Just do a lot of practice finals and use his study guide and you'll be fine.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - I liked this class a lot - I thought the professor was a good lecturer, and the lectures themselves are very clear and well-organized (though unfortunately not recorded). The homework is graded on correctness but generally weren't too difficult, aside from a few tricky problems. We had two midterms and a final - in terms of exam format, the questions were all fairly straightforward and similar to those in homework/lecture, with the exception of each exam having a question subpart (usually worth ~5%) that was noticeably harder than the others. I didn't attend many office hours personally, but the professor would almost always be going over homework problems.
Winter 2022 - I liked this class a lot - I thought the professor was a good lecturer, and the lectures themselves are very clear and well-organized (though unfortunately not recorded). The homework is graded on correctness but generally weren't too difficult, aside from a few tricky problems. We had two midterms and a final - in terms of exam format, the questions were all fairly straightforward and similar to those in homework/lecture, with the exception of each exam having a question subpart (usually worth ~5%) that was noticeably harder than the others. I didn't attend many office hours personally, but the professor would almost always be going over homework problems.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - Professor Do posts very detailed lecture notes, but he was one of the few math profs who actually motivated me to attend lectures because he presents things in a pretty intuitive and easy-to-follow way. His exams are very fair - he might throw in a slightly tricky question or two, but usually offers generous EC (we're talking ~7 points on a 100-point exam) to make up for it. His exams often draw directly from homework assignments, which can take a while, but they're worth doing and he's very willing to help you out (or straight up give you the answer) during office hours. 10/10 would take again
Fall 2024 - Professor Do posts very detailed lecture notes, but he was one of the few math profs who actually motivated me to attend lectures because he presents things in a pretty intuitive and easy-to-follow way. His exams are very fair - he might throw in a slightly tricky question or two, but usually offers generous EC (we're talking ~7 points on a 100-point exam) to make up for it. His exams often draw directly from homework assignments, which can take a while, but they're worth doing and he's very willing to help you out (or straight up give you the answer) during office hours. 10/10 would take again