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Kent Wong
Based on 65 Users
I really enjoyed this class. I learned a lot about Labor Laws that I never knew about that will help me tremendously in my career. There were so many amazing lectures by so many notable speakers. I felt really special getting to hear from everyone. I will say my two pieces of constructive feedback for this class was the how little the final examination was gone over. The other would be having to go to labor events outside of class for five hours. I had trouble fitting the five hours into my schedule because most of the events never landed on a time I could do them, since I am currently taking 21 units and working at 2 studios in downtown LA. Perhaps instead of five hours, four hours might be a bit more doable. I had trouble getting that final hour in. And in terms of the final examination, I simply did not know what to do to study. I thought the papers were good because I found a topic I was passionate about and was able to write ten pages about it. The reflection paper was also a really doable three pages. You do read three simple to understand 80 page-books in this class that are mostly written by the professors describing labor corruption. They have pictures. You also read articles, but none of it is mandatory. Even lecture isn't. But I recommend you go so you understand the concepts better. This class did have a collective-bargaining exercise that was my favorite activity in the class. Basically, you pretend you're either the employers or the workers and you debate your case for different topics like higher vs lower wages. Overall, I learned a lot about the struggles of much of the working class. This class opened my eyes to a lot of corruption that goes on in the world, and gave me inspiration to protect myself and my family as well as others. I would definitely recommend this class to a friend. I had a great time.
TAKE THIS CLASSS!!! Very easy A, just some tedious work.
The professor is very passionate and the lectures are very engaging. I didn't have to put a lot of effort into it I felt, there are a couple lectures that are mandatory, because you have to actively participate, which one was the collective bargaining exercise, I personally found it fun. But I never went to any other lectures, and discussion was mandatory (25% of grade) but you don't really need to participate. We had a final (25% of grade) and it is basic memorization and I didn't really had to study, I probably only studied four like less than 2 -3 hours the day before. Then we had a ten page essay (25% of grade) which was very tedious but if you start early, it's easy any my TA didn't grade it hard. Then we had a 5 hour service project, where you dedicate 5 hours to anything "labor studies relates" (25% of grade) Which you can go to events, zooms, or present to get those hours easily. These four categories, 5 hour service, 10-page essay, discussion/partipcation, final were each 25% of our grade. I felt like this class was more designed to encourage students to advocate and join the labor studies department. There are mandatory books, which can educate you on many issues going on, I honestly didn't really read them because they were summed up in class. As I said, take the class, really easy, enjoyable, very long lectures but it is very engaging !
This professor was amazing to have. He is very passionate about his teachings, making it easier for students to listen. All of his lectures are very interesting, some quite sad, but overall, I recommend taking this class! It's an easy way to receive GE credit, and the work isn't boring to do either. Also, I recommend choosing the TA, Claire Courtney. She is very sarcastic and shows she is human as well. Claire doesn't try to intimidate students by being 100% professional; she cares about her students.
Honestly for this class you only need to show up to the part where he lectures. I realistically did not do any of the readings and still aced the final. This entirely depends on your TA though, I had Olivia Barber and she was absolutely amazing. Only downside is the ten page paper however you get to choose your labor issue which made it interesting. Final is not hard as long as you were there during his lectures you'll be fine. I didn't stay for the guest lecturers and did fine. All in all easy GE just pay attention (its not hard to lowk an interesting class) and get Olivia as your TA. Oh also! You have to do 5 hours of fieldwork but there are a multitude of opportunities (online and in person) and even if you don't like those you can come up with your own as long as your TA approves it. This was my fav part because I'm super into social justice and activism. Solid class, would take again.
Selling set of four required books (Mike Garcia, Miguel Contreras, Dreams Deported, Asian American Workers Rising) for this course, text ********** if interested.
Selling my textbooks from the class:
Mike Garcia and the Justice for Janitors Movement
Miguel Contreras, Legacy of a Labor Leader
Asian American Workers Rising
Email me at ************* if you're interested in buying them
Super easy class, do the papers on the early side and there's extra credit available. The final exam is pretty easy and if you do well on the papers, there's no need to study. Highly recommend for an easy GE
If you're considering this class as a GE, TAKE IT!! It's super easy and there are just two papers due at the end of the quarter. No midterm or final exams!
If you need the books required for this course, I have:
Miguel Contretas: Legacy of a Labor Leader
Sweatshop Slaves
Text me @ **********
Great class! I sell the course reader for a cheap price! Contact me if you need! My phone number is **********.
You can get an A if you put in the effort and show up for class. I am selling the required coursereader, short book (Dreams Deported), and the study notes for the final. **********
I really enjoyed this class. I learned a lot about Labor Laws that I never knew about that will help me tremendously in my career. There were so many amazing lectures by so many notable speakers. I felt really special getting to hear from everyone. I will say my two pieces of constructive feedback for this class was the how little the final examination was gone over. The other would be having to go to labor events outside of class for five hours. I had trouble fitting the five hours into my schedule because most of the events never landed on a time I could do them, since I am currently taking 21 units and working at 2 studios in downtown LA. Perhaps instead of five hours, four hours might be a bit more doable. I had trouble getting that final hour in. And in terms of the final examination, I simply did not know what to do to study. I thought the papers were good because I found a topic I was passionate about and was able to write ten pages about it. The reflection paper was also a really doable three pages. You do read three simple to understand 80 page-books in this class that are mostly written by the professors describing labor corruption. They have pictures. You also read articles, but none of it is mandatory. Even lecture isn't. But I recommend you go so you understand the concepts better. This class did have a collective-bargaining exercise that was my favorite activity in the class. Basically, you pretend you're either the employers or the workers and you debate your case for different topics like higher vs lower wages. Overall, I learned a lot about the struggles of much of the working class. This class opened my eyes to a lot of corruption that goes on in the world, and gave me inspiration to protect myself and my family as well as others. I would definitely recommend this class to a friend. I had a great time.
TAKE THIS CLASSS!!! Very easy A, just some tedious work.
The professor is very passionate and the lectures are very engaging. I didn't have to put a lot of effort into it I felt, there are a couple lectures that are mandatory, because you have to actively participate, which one was the collective bargaining exercise, I personally found it fun. But I never went to any other lectures, and discussion was mandatory (25% of grade) but you don't really need to participate. We had a final (25% of grade) and it is basic memorization and I didn't really had to study, I probably only studied four like less than 2 -3 hours the day before. Then we had a ten page essay (25% of grade) which was very tedious but if you start early, it's easy any my TA didn't grade it hard. Then we had a 5 hour service project, where you dedicate 5 hours to anything "labor studies relates" (25% of grade) Which you can go to events, zooms, or present to get those hours easily. These four categories, 5 hour service, 10-page essay, discussion/partipcation, final were each 25% of our grade. I felt like this class was more designed to encourage students to advocate and join the labor studies department. There are mandatory books, which can educate you on many issues going on, I honestly didn't really read them because they were summed up in class. As I said, take the class, really easy, enjoyable, very long lectures but it is very engaging !
This professor was amazing to have. He is very passionate about his teachings, making it easier for students to listen. All of his lectures are very interesting, some quite sad, but overall, I recommend taking this class! It's an easy way to receive GE credit, and the work isn't boring to do either. Also, I recommend choosing the TA, Claire Courtney. She is very sarcastic and shows she is human as well. Claire doesn't try to intimidate students by being 100% professional; she cares about her students.
Honestly for this class you only need to show up to the part where he lectures. I realistically did not do any of the readings and still aced the final. This entirely depends on your TA though, I had Olivia Barber and she was absolutely amazing. Only downside is the ten page paper however you get to choose your labor issue which made it interesting. Final is not hard as long as you were there during his lectures you'll be fine. I didn't stay for the guest lecturers and did fine. All in all easy GE just pay attention (its not hard to lowk an interesting class) and get Olivia as your TA. Oh also! You have to do 5 hours of fieldwork but there are a multitude of opportunities (online and in person) and even if you don't like those you can come up with your own as long as your TA approves it. This was my fav part because I'm super into social justice and activism. Solid class, would take again.
Selling my textbooks from the class:
Mike Garcia and the Justice for Janitors Movement
Miguel Contreras, Legacy of a Labor Leader
Asian American Workers Rising
Email me at ************* if you're interested in buying them
Super easy class, do the papers on the early side and there's extra credit available. The final exam is pretty easy and if you do well on the papers, there's no need to study. Highly recommend for an easy GE
If you're considering this class as a GE, TAKE IT!! It's super easy and there are just two papers due at the end of the quarter. No midterm or final exams!
If you need the books required for this course, I have:
Miguel Contretas: Legacy of a Labor Leader
Sweatshop Slaves
Text me @ **********