
Kelly Fong

Overall Ratings
Based on 49 Users
Easiness 3.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (49)

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Feb. 19, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

This was such an amazing class. Professor Fong was an engaging lecturer, and she really picks topics that are interesting and relatable. As an Asian American, it was very eye-opening to learn about American History from the lens of the many Asian American immigrants who came before me. This was hands down one of my favorite classes I have taken thus far at UCLA, and is honestly not too hard to do well in. Make sure to show up to discussion sections and lecture, as Professor Fong does not post her slides online later. For the midterm and final, doing the given study guide is actually really helpful and of course supplementing it with the notes you take from the slides in lectures. As for the paper, make sure to visit your TA as they are very helpful and will give valuable feedback. Overall, I recommend this course if you are looking for an interesting GE that is not too hard to do well in!


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Jan. 2, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Dr. Fong is a fantastic lecturer and the slides are organized very well. The topics covered in class are made very meaningful and I genuinely felt like I learned a lot from this class. The midterm and final consists of 2-3 short answer questions chosen from 4-5 possible questions and a long essay; no multiple choice. I felt they were both graded very fairly. She does not bruincast her lectures, which is a shame, but doing the readings and sharing notes will provide more than enough material to sufficiently write about on the midterm and finals. Both Dr. Fong and my TA, Reuben, were very passionate about the topic and showed that they cared that we were actually taking something away from taking the class. They were very friendly and approachable and I encourage you to take advantage of office hours. There are also a couple opportunities for a considerable amount of extra credit up to 2% of your grade. The other major components are the research paper, which I actually really enjoyed doing and discussion. Overall, I felt like the class was worthwhile, not too difficult, and I would definitely take another class with Dr. Fong if I can.


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Feb. 2, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Professor Fong is amazing and extremely helpful. Her lectures are concise, succinct, clear, and straight to the point. All the information she provides is helpful. The TAs are also very helpful and they will do what they can to promote your success.
Asian American studies as a class is also very informative; I learnt a lot about an unspoken and underrepresented history of a growing minority group in the US, and enjoyed learning about the personal aspects of immigration history.
The workload is not too much; there is quite a bit of reading but the readings are not difficult to understand and for the most part are interesting. Personally the midterm and final exam were not difficult at all; as long as you attend lecture and do your reading, you should be good to go. There is a term paper but it was not difficult and was open-ended. Overall, highly recommend taking this class! It's fun, not too difficult, and will give you a fresh perspective on American history.


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May 9, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Dr. Fong gives great lectures. They are organized, informative, and concise. I learned so much about Asian American history. Because she does not post slides, you must take notes. The midterm and final were in-class essays on certain topics we had covered (no surprise here). Though, I did find the grading to not be extremely easy but not extremely difficult either. They were like AP exam formats with short answer prompts and a long essay. I felt so burned out during the final. As for our papers, we did an oral history paper 7-9 pages. That was cool, but I had already done one before so it was not as exciting for me. Definitely go to OH and ask for feedback from Dr. Fong and/or your TA.


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Dec. 27, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

AAS 10 was an incredible class, especially with Dr. Fong. She is one of the best lecturers I've ever had and is super helpful and accessible. Her lectures are organized and engaging, and she connected some of her own family history and research into the class. The oral history paper wasn't bad and was actually quite fun to write! If you're looking for an interesting introduction into history or ethnic studies, take this class - you won't regret it.


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Dec. 23, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I loved this class! It made me want to minor in Asian American studies. Dr. Fong is an amazing lecturer. It was my first quarter at UCLA and I felt like it was a good introductory course to UCLA. I found the readings fairly interesting and there were multiple extra credit opportunities.

I got an A on the midterm, final, and final paper. If you do the readings, attend lecture and section, and go to your TA's office hours about the paper once, you should be set. I will say that she takes this class seriously so don't take pictures, go on your phone, or sleep — she is not afraid to call you out. I liked that this class fulfilled a GE, diversity, and Writing 2. If you want a class that knocks out some requirements, I would highly, highly recommend. It was definitely my favorite class of the quarter and I loved learning more about the history of Asian American communities because it is not always addressed in other classes.


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Dec. 25, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-

this was my favorite class this quarter! Professor Fong and all the TAs are very approachable, easy to talk to, and you can tell they're genuinely passionate about what they do. especially if you identify with being Asian American, you learn about your own history, and it's very interesting.

most of the homework was just readings, which are easily manageable. i recommending spreading them out over the week so that you're not reading everything last minute. over the quarter, you're working on a thesis paper that requires you to interview an Asian-American. there are deadlines for drafts and bibliographies, which were all very helpful and helped prevent procrastination for the most part. the midterm and final were all short answers and an essay (the final has 2 essays). these were also very manageable as long as you listen in lecture and discussions and study from your notes.

Professor Fong doesn't post the slides, but she goes over the material at a great pace and gives enough time for students to take notes. she doesn't allow people to use phones or take pictures (you WILL get called out if you do), but she does allow laptops.

the only issue i had with the class was that it was an 8am lecture but it be like that. also, since we're on the quarter system, we don't get to cover all the Asian-American history and groups in as much depth as I had hoped.

nonetheless, 10/10 recommend


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 2, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: N/A

Professor Fong was by far the best, most engaging, and most accommodating professor I've had thus far at UCLA! Despite the transition to online instruction being so sudden, her efforts in making her lectures and slides more accessible to us at home while also involving discussions regarding recent events such as the BLM movement and COVID-19 anti-Asian sentiment. Her lectures were engaging and packed with information, and her class readings were long but very interesting to read as an Asian-American myself. I will definitely look to take more classes taught by her in the future, and I 110% recommend taking Asian Am 10 even if you're not a North campus major.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 17, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

This was one of the most engaging classes I've taken at UCLA. Professor Fong is an amazing lecturer. She transitioned very nicely to online and was able to adjust her class with the student's learning being her top priority. I would highly recommend taking this class if you are Asian American because it gives you major insight into your ethnic group's history with the US, something overlooked in normal history classes. There are a lot of readings but they give needed background for lecture.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 24, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

I entered this class with little interest in the topic, because I heard it was an easy class. I genuinely feel interested in the topic now due to Dr Fong's enthusiasm for the topic. Lectures are well structured, and readings complement topics covered in lecture very well. There is adequate preparation for exams, and the requirements for the final paper are clearly laid out.

Grading in this class is also very lenient


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
Feb. 19, 2018

This was such an amazing class. Professor Fong was an engaging lecturer, and she really picks topics that are interesting and relatable. As an Asian American, it was very eye-opening to learn about American History from the lens of the many Asian American immigrants who came before me. This was hands down one of my favorite classes I have taken thus far at UCLA, and is honestly not too hard to do well in. Make sure to show up to discussion sections and lecture, as Professor Fong does not post her slides online later. For the midterm and final, doing the given study guide is actually really helpful and of course supplementing it with the notes you take from the slides in lectures. As for the paper, make sure to visit your TA as they are very helpful and will give valuable feedback. Overall, I recommend this course if you are looking for an interesting GE that is not too hard to do well in!


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 2, 2019

Dr. Fong is a fantastic lecturer and the slides are organized very well. The topics covered in class are made very meaningful and I genuinely felt like I learned a lot from this class. The midterm and final consists of 2-3 short answer questions chosen from 4-5 possible questions and a long essay; no multiple choice. I felt they were both graded very fairly. She does not bruincast her lectures, which is a shame, but doing the readings and sharing notes will provide more than enough material to sufficiently write about on the midterm and finals. Both Dr. Fong and my TA, Reuben, were very passionate about the topic and showed that they cared that we were actually taking something away from taking the class. They were very friendly and approachable and I encourage you to take advantage of office hours. There are also a couple opportunities for a considerable amount of extra credit up to 2% of your grade. The other major components are the research paper, which I actually really enjoyed doing and discussion. Overall, I felt like the class was worthwhile, not too difficult, and I would definitely take another class with Dr. Fong if I can.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Feb. 2, 2019

Professor Fong is amazing and extremely helpful. Her lectures are concise, succinct, clear, and straight to the point. All the information she provides is helpful. The TAs are also very helpful and they will do what they can to promote your success.
Asian American studies as a class is also very informative; I learnt a lot about an unspoken and underrepresented history of a growing minority group in the US, and enjoyed learning about the personal aspects of immigration history.
The workload is not too much; there is quite a bit of reading but the readings are not difficult to understand and for the most part are interesting. Personally the midterm and final exam were not difficult at all; as long as you attend lecture and do your reading, you should be good to go. There is a term paper but it was not difficult and was open-ended. Overall, highly recommend taking this class! It's fun, not too difficult, and will give you a fresh perspective on American history.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
May 9, 2019

Dr. Fong gives great lectures. They are organized, informative, and concise. I learned so much about Asian American history. Because she does not post slides, you must take notes. The midterm and final were in-class essays on certain topics we had covered (no surprise here). Though, I did find the grading to not be extremely easy but not extremely difficult either. They were like AP exam formats with short answer prompts and a long essay. I felt so burned out during the final. As for our papers, we did an oral history paper 7-9 pages. That was cool, but I had already done one before so it was not as exciting for me. Definitely go to OH and ask for feedback from Dr. Fong and/or your TA.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Dec. 27, 2018

AAS 10 was an incredible class, especially with Dr. Fong. She is one of the best lecturers I've ever had and is super helpful and accessible. Her lectures are organized and engaging, and she connected some of her own family history and research into the class. The oral history paper wasn't bad and was actually quite fun to write! If you're looking for an interesting introduction into history or ethnic studies, take this class - you won't regret it.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 23, 2019

I loved this class! It made me want to minor in Asian American studies. Dr. Fong is an amazing lecturer. It was my first quarter at UCLA and I felt like it was a good introductory course to UCLA. I found the readings fairly interesting and there were multiple extra credit opportunities.

I got an A on the midterm, final, and final paper. If you do the readings, attend lecture and section, and go to your TA's office hours about the paper once, you should be set. I will say that she takes this class seriously so don't take pictures, go on your phone, or sleep — she is not afraid to call you out. I liked that this class fulfilled a GE, diversity, and Writing 2. If you want a class that knocks out some requirements, I would highly, highly recommend. It was definitely my favorite class of the quarter and I loved learning more about the history of Asian American communities because it is not always addressed in other classes.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-
Dec. 25, 2019

this was my favorite class this quarter! Professor Fong and all the TAs are very approachable, easy to talk to, and you can tell they're genuinely passionate about what they do. especially if you identify with being Asian American, you learn about your own history, and it's very interesting.

most of the homework was just readings, which are easily manageable. i recommending spreading them out over the week so that you're not reading everything last minute. over the quarter, you're working on a thesis paper that requires you to interview an Asian-American. there are deadlines for drafts and bibliographies, which were all very helpful and helped prevent procrastination for the most part. the midterm and final were all short answers and an essay (the final has 2 essays). these were also very manageable as long as you listen in lecture and discussions and study from your notes.

Professor Fong doesn't post the slides, but she goes over the material at a great pace and gives enough time for students to take notes. she doesn't allow people to use phones or take pictures (you WILL get called out if you do), but she does allow laptops.

the only issue i had with the class was that it was an 8am lecture but it be like that. also, since we're on the quarter system, we don't get to cover all the Asian-American history and groups in as much depth as I had hoped.

nonetheless, 10/10 recommend


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: N/A
June 2, 2020

Professor Fong was by far the best, most engaging, and most accommodating professor I've had thus far at UCLA! Despite the transition to online instruction being so sudden, her efforts in making her lectures and slides more accessible to us at home while also involving discussions regarding recent events such as the BLM movement and COVID-19 anti-Asian sentiment. Her lectures were engaging and packed with information, and her class readings were long but very interesting to read as an Asian-American myself. I will definitely look to take more classes taught by her in the future, and I 110% recommend taking Asian Am 10 even if you're not a North campus major.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 17, 2020

This was one of the most engaging classes I've taken at UCLA. Professor Fong is an amazing lecturer. She transitioned very nicely to online and was able to adjust her class with the student's learning being her top priority. I would highly recommend taking this class if you are Asian American because it gives you major insight into your ethnic group's history with the US, something overlooked in normal history classes. There are a lot of readings but they give needed background for lecture.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2020

I entered this class with little interest in the topic, because I heard it was an easy class. I genuinely feel interested in the topic now due to Dr Fong's enthusiasm for the topic. Lectures are well structured, and readings complement topics covered in lecture very well. There is adequate preparation for exams, and the requirements for the final paper are clearly laid out.

Grading in this class is also very lenient


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