Kathryn Norberg
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So, so, so easy. Take her. I don't think she's terribly interesting, but that's because history is just really not my thing. She seems like a pretty cool person, but I never actually went to office hours. And I have to say...I usually fell asleep in her class. She likes to show movies, which is always a nice break from lecture (one time we watched a part of Monty Python!)
So, so, so easy. Take her. I don't think she's terribly interesting, but that's because history is just really not my thing. She seems like a pretty cool person, but I never actually went to office hours. And I have to say...I usually fell asleep in her class. She likes to show movies, which is always a nice break from lecture (one time we watched a part of Monty Python!)
Most Helpful Review
Took her for 97C Joan of Arc. Norberg is a great professor and a great person as well. She's very patient and forgiving with the class. She allowed late work with only a small percentage docked off. Taking her class was one of the best decision in my UCLA career. Thanks to her enthusiasm, I enjoyed the class, participated, and got an A. Every week she personally grades our 2-3 pg paper and give great feedback on how to improve as a writer. I can't wait to take another class with her.
Took her for 97C Joan of Arc. Norberg is a great professor and a great person as well. She's very patient and forgiving with the class. She allowed late work with only a small percentage docked off. Taking her class was one of the best decision in my UCLA career. Thanks to her enthusiasm, I enjoyed the class, participated, and got an A. Every week she personally grades our 2-3 pg paper and give great feedback on how to improve as a writer. I can't wait to take another class with her.
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Spring 2022 - This class was a 3 hour seminar, about 12 students in the class, everyone participates, very much like a Socratic seminar, met once a week. It was very much reading & writing heavy...if these are your strengths, then you're set. If not, I would NOT recommend this to you. Norberg is one of my favorite professors at UCLA--if this class is with her, TAKE IT!!!! She is such a cool person, very accommodating (I had a family emergency during the quarter and she was great about extensions and graded me normally) and this class had such fascinating material. 100% recommend.
Spring 2022 - This class was a 3 hour seminar, about 12 students in the class, everyone participates, very much like a Socratic seminar, met once a week. It was very much reading & writing heavy...if these are your strengths, then you're set. If not, I would NOT recommend this to you. Norberg is one of my favorite professors at UCLA--if this class is with her, TAKE IT!!!! She is such a cool person, very accommodating (I had a family emergency during the quarter and she was great about extensions and graded me normally) and this class had such fascinating material. 100% recommend.
Most Helpful Review
Course: Women's Studies 10 Professor Norberg is an amazing educator. Her lectures were well informed and she posted her lecture outlines online. Her exams were exceptionally easy and we received the prompts ahead of time. I loved this course, the material was engaging and relevant--it convinced me to double major in Gender Studies. I received an "A" without working very much at all.
Course: Women's Studies 10 Professor Norberg is an amazing educator. Her lectures were well informed and she posted her lecture outlines online. Her exams were exceptionally easy and we received the prompts ahead of time. I loved this course, the material was engaging and relevant--it convinced me to double major in Gender Studies. I received an "A" without working very much at all.
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Fall 2016 - It was an interesting course, the two books that are required are fun to read especially the brothel one. She is very invested and dedicated to hear teachings. She gives you a study guide for both the midterm and final. It's clear cut. You must sign in to receive participation points. She's sweet and understanding. A good class to take if it's your first quarter. She seems like an easy grader as long as you write a lot in the blue books. Her powerpoints are sometimes off so you gotta take notes and go to class.
Fall 2016 - It was an interesting course, the two books that are required are fun to read especially the brothel one. She is very invested and dedicated to hear teachings. She gives you a study guide for both the midterm and final. It's clear cut. You must sign in to receive participation points. She's sweet and understanding. A good class to take if it's your first quarter. She seems like an easy grader as long as you write a lot in the blue books. Her powerpoints are sometimes off so you gotta take notes and go to class.
Most Helpful Review
In my experience, professor Norberg is a great lecturer and I was never really bored in her class (I say this because some history classes are boring). She clearly knows her stuff and she talks alot but I was fine with that because she wouldn't go off on tangents and was always on topic (helps you elaborate on tests). She is a very STRAIGHT FORWARD professor and there is no reason for you not to earn an A in her course. From day one she tells students exactly what she expects from them and when the big assignments for the class are due. She's ALWAYS reminding you about the essays and the upcoming midterm. Her notes are available on the course website, I however never went on it to just copy just because I like to write things down better that way and I am more focused. Also you kinda have to attend lecture everyday if you want to do well in the class. (Students in the class tend to get distracted because the notes are available). Her online readings aren't too long and I personally didn't read them all but I did read both books and you have to because she expects you to have read them. Overall I like how organized she is and would definitely take a class with her again.
In my experience, professor Norberg is a great lecturer and I was never really bored in her class (I say this because some history classes are boring). She clearly knows her stuff and she talks alot but I was fine with that because she wouldn't go off on tangents and was always on topic (helps you elaborate on tests). She is a very STRAIGHT FORWARD professor and there is no reason for you not to earn an A in her course. From day one she tells students exactly what she expects from them and when the big assignments for the class are due. She's ALWAYS reminding you about the essays and the upcoming midterm. Her notes are available on the course website, I however never went on it to just copy just because I like to write things down better that way and I am more focused. Also you kinda have to attend lecture everyday if you want to do well in the class. (Students in the class tend to get distracted because the notes are available). Her online readings aren't too long and I personally didn't read them all but I did read both books and you have to because she expects you to have read them. Overall I like how organized she is and would definitely take a class with her again.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2023 - This class was supposed to be fun, but it was nightmare from the jump. Boring lectures. TA was miserable, graded the midterm harsh, and the professor was even worse for the final, I felt her feedback was condescending rather than helpful. I went to office hours a lot which helped me do well overall, but I wouldn't recommend anyone take this class with her. Not like she's teaching anymore since she's retiring. But that's my take on the course. I got an A.
Spring 2023 - This class was supposed to be fun, but it was nightmare from the jump. Boring lectures. TA was miserable, graded the midterm harsh, and the professor was even worse for the final, I felt her feedback was condescending rather than helpful. I went to office hours a lot which helped me do well overall, but I wouldn't recommend anyone take this class with her. Not like she's teaching anymore since she's retiring. But that's my take on the course. I got an A.