
Kathlyn Cooney

Overall Ratings
Based on 135 Users
Easiness 3.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (135)

7 of 7
7 of 7
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April 12, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: P

I'm graduating this quarter and writing this review has been at the back of my mind for the longest time (let's just say this class really pissed off my inner feminist and social justice warrior). I don't know if the format has changed or the content has been updated, but based on my experience from 2 years ago here's how I felt about this class. This class tries to paint a narrative and any facts that don't fit it are simply not included. Some of the information taught in this class is outdated, and some readings were factually incorrect. Professor also lacks nuance when discussing feminism. If you want to actually learn I would recommend researching on your own or taking a different class. As a POC feminist, I regret taking this class.


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AN N EA 15
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 11, 2021
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: C-

I honestly did not have a good experience with this class at all. I think if you are looking to satisfy the writing ll requirement, there are much better options out there. The professor is not really involved, since it is asynchronous. The lectures are not helpful because they are very repetitive and they do not really talk about anything that will actually guide or help you with the final writing assignment. I used the topic that the professor provided in syllabus for my final writing assignment since she gave us numerous of options to use, yet I was told by my TA that the topic was too broad, therefore there is a large disconnect between the TAs and professor that needs to be resolved before the creation of the syllabus. 5/10 would not recommend :(


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AN N EA 15
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Oct. 12, 2021
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: A

I am not sure why this class has such a range of ratings- I thought it was pretty easy. For summer quarter, we had one 3 page essay due week 2, and after that it was all work for the final with a part due each week. This was a great class to take C sesh if you are wanting to fulfill your writing II. Not the most engaging class but some of it was pretty interesting honestly.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 13, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-

This class was absolutely spectacular. It fulfills three GE's (Historical Analysis, Diversity, and Writing II) and the professor is so inspiring and interesting to listen to. The class was built around having weekly readings and lectures that cumulated in a one-page Activity Journal at the end of the week. The readings and lectures were awesome and super helpful and could often be skimmed. The lectures and videos took maybe two hours to knockout with the most readings and lectures at the beginning of the class. Then, every week a one-page activity Journal was due based on what you learned that week. Super easy. There was only ever one super hard reading but the TA spent a lot of time making sure we understood. There were only ever two real "tests" in the form of essays and neither was particularly difficult. The lecture videos are wonderfully produced and extremely engaging and the workload is so minor that most of the class would finish the week's work in a day (though I don't recommend that lol) Overall, I will highly, highly recommend this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 1, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

This class is amazing if you want to learn about what women power entails in a society. All the material is intriguing to read. However, this class is quite tedious. We have to write a 1-page essay every week that is based on the week's readings. The readings can be short or super long which can take up to hours to read. Professor Cooney is super cool.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 17, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: P

Professor Cooney has been such a pleasure to be taught by. She is the definition of a boss woman and always manages to make lectures so engaging...and not just interesting, like a literal TV show. I absolutely adore this course despite the fact that there is a MASSIVE workload of readings and discussions and etc.


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Sept. 30, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A+

This class is graded completely by a TA, and I was lucky enough to have someone that was an easy grader. At times, there can be a lot of writing in this class, but as long as you don't start assignments just a few hours before they're due, you should be good. The assignments were basically just a one page assignment due every week, and two major papers (one due earlier in the quarter and the other one is the final project). There is a lot of mandatory reading and watching videos, but you can just leave them running in the background since they're not really necessary to do the assignments.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 19, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

I agree with some of the Fall 2021 reviews, as this class was relatively interesting and truly is about what the class entails, women and power in the ancient world. Professor Cooney's lectures were engaging and you can tell how passionate she was about the topic, but besides that, this is mainly a review of the structure of the class since this is what a lot of people want. There is a LARGE AMOUNT of writing to be done in this class because it is a writing II and a GE requirement. The material isn't hard to grasp but the work itself is very tedious sometimes. There are weekly activity journals (with a prompt) that you'd have to look at the readings and lecture to answer + other participation (40%), a 3-4 page Mann synthesis paper (10%), final 10-12 page research paper/podcast script (45%), and a final presentation (5%). It is a lot I will not lie, but it's split into the quarter fairly well, especially since the course is all online-asynchronous(for the in-person discussion I think they had discussion participation instead of writing activity journals). The prompts were very open-ended but it made it sort of hard to formulate some form of ideas and even tell if your ideas are valid... but your TA is the main source of support and also your grade as well. The stressful part was mainly just the final paper because of the page requirement and how much of your grade it determined, but your TA gives you feed back on your rough draft for you to improve your grade. So yes, this course is heavily reliant on your TA. Thus, this class was exhausting I won't lie but I can definitely say I learned a lot from the course... but I would not really go out of my way to take it out of interest simply because of the amount of work that there was to do!


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Sept. 26, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A+

Extremely accommodating Professor and TAs. They are extremely understanding and will do their absolute best to reply and help you - I've never been so impressed with a professor/TA before. Lectures are interesting and engaging, if you're interested in the subject matter watching lectures should be a breeze. Assignments are okay, probably pretty standard for a Writing II. Put in some effort and you'll be fine.


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Sept. 20, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A

Loved the content, loved the class, wonderful professor. (there is a lot of reading and writing- but thats pretty standard)


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AN N EA 15
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: P
April 12, 2021

I'm graduating this quarter and writing this review has been at the back of my mind for the longest time (let's just say this class really pissed off my inner feminist and social justice warrior). I don't know if the format has changed or the content has been updated, but based on my experience from 2 years ago here's how I felt about this class. This class tries to paint a narrative and any facts that don't fit it are simply not included. Some of the information taught in this class is outdated, and some readings were factually incorrect. Professor also lacks nuance when discussing feminism. If you want to actually learn I would recommend researching on your own or taking a different class. As a POC feminist, I regret taking this class.


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AN N EA 15
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: C-
Aug. 11, 2021

I honestly did not have a good experience with this class at all. I think if you are looking to satisfy the writing ll requirement, there are much better options out there. The professor is not really involved, since it is asynchronous. The lectures are not helpful because they are very repetitive and they do not really talk about anything that will actually guide or help you with the final writing assignment. I used the topic that the professor provided in syllabus for my final writing assignment since she gave us numerous of options to use, yet I was told by my TA that the topic was too broad, therefore there is a large disconnect between the TAs and professor that needs to be resolved before the creation of the syllabus. 5/10 would not recommend :(


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AN N EA 15
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: A
Oct. 12, 2021

I am not sure why this class has such a range of ratings- I thought it was pretty easy. For summer quarter, we had one 3 page essay due week 2, and after that it was all work for the final with a part due each week. This was a great class to take C sesh if you are wanting to fulfill your writing II. Not the most engaging class but some of it was pretty interesting honestly.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-
Dec. 13, 2021

This class was absolutely spectacular. It fulfills three GE's (Historical Analysis, Diversity, and Writing II) and the professor is so inspiring and interesting to listen to. The class was built around having weekly readings and lectures that cumulated in a one-page Activity Journal at the end of the week. The readings and lectures were awesome and super helpful and could often be skimmed. The lectures and videos took maybe two hours to knockout with the most readings and lectures at the beginning of the class. Then, every week a one-page activity Journal was due based on what you learned that week. Super easy. There was only ever one super hard reading but the TA spent a lot of time making sure we understood. There were only ever two real "tests" in the form of essays and neither was particularly difficult. The lecture videos are wonderfully produced and extremely engaging and the workload is so minor that most of the class would finish the week's work in a day (though I don't recommend that lol) Overall, I will highly, highly recommend this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Jan. 1, 2022

This class is amazing if you want to learn about what women power entails in a society. All the material is intriguing to read. However, this class is quite tedious. We have to write a 1-page essay every week that is based on the week's readings. The readings can be short or super long which can take up to hours to read. Professor Cooney is super cool.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: P
Feb. 17, 2022

Professor Cooney has been such a pleasure to be taught by. She is the definition of a boss woman and always manages to make lectures so engaging...and not just interesting, like a literal TV show. I absolutely adore this course despite the fact that there is a MASSIVE workload of readings and discussions and etc.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A+
Sept. 30, 2024

This class is graded completely by a TA, and I was lucky enough to have someone that was an easy grader. At times, there can be a lot of writing in this class, but as long as you don't start assignments just a few hours before they're due, you should be good. The assignments were basically just a one page assignment due every week, and two major papers (one due earlier in the quarter and the other one is the final project). There is a lot of mandatory reading and watching videos, but you can just leave them running in the background since they're not really necessary to do the assignments.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 19, 2022

I agree with some of the Fall 2021 reviews, as this class was relatively interesting and truly is about what the class entails, women and power in the ancient world. Professor Cooney's lectures were engaging and you can tell how passionate she was about the topic, but besides that, this is mainly a review of the structure of the class since this is what a lot of people want. There is a LARGE AMOUNT of writing to be done in this class because it is a writing II and a GE requirement. The material isn't hard to grasp but the work itself is very tedious sometimes. There are weekly activity journals (with a prompt) that you'd have to look at the readings and lecture to answer + other participation (40%), a 3-4 page Mann synthesis paper (10%), final 10-12 page research paper/podcast script (45%), and a final presentation (5%). It is a lot I will not lie, but it's split into the quarter fairly well, especially since the course is all online-asynchronous(for the in-person discussion I think they had discussion participation instead of writing activity journals). The prompts were very open-ended but it made it sort of hard to formulate some form of ideas and even tell if your ideas are valid... but your TA is the main source of support and also your grade as well. The stressful part was mainly just the final paper because of the page requirement and how much of your grade it determined, but your TA gives you feed back on your rough draft for you to improve your grade. So yes, this course is heavily reliant on your TA. Thus, this class was exhausting I won't lie but I can definitely say I learned a lot from the course... but I would not really go out of my way to take it out of interest simply because of the amount of work that there was to do!


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A+
Sept. 26, 2024

Extremely accommodating Professor and TAs. They are extremely understanding and will do their absolute best to reply and help you - I've never been so impressed with a professor/TA before. Lectures are interesting and engaging, if you're interested in the subject matter watching lectures should be a breeze. Assignments are okay, probably pretty standard for a Writing II. Put in some effort and you'll be fine.


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AN N EA 15
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A
Sept. 20, 2024

Loved the content, loved the class, wonderful professor. (there is a lot of reading and writing- but thats pretty standard)


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7 of 7

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