Katherine King
Most Helpful Review
I loved this class and this professor! First of all, you only read 3 books which you have probably already read if you are taking a classics upper div (Odyssey, Iliad, Aeneid). King has a new and unique perspective on a lot of the aspects of the epics and its really an interesting lecture, especially because she's a great lecturer. If you listen in class and take good notes (she talks a little fast because there is so much information to cover) and keep up with the reading (sometimes pop quizzes!) then the midterm and final are a breeze, just some latin/greek terms, passage ids, and an essay on a concept she has gone over a lot. There is one essay as well. Go to office hours! She will help you structure/go over ideas for your essay and study for the tests and furthermore she makes you tea and gives you cookies. This class was great and she was great, TAKE IT.
I loved this class and this professor! First of all, you only read 3 books which you have probably already read if you are taking a classics upper div (Odyssey, Iliad, Aeneid). King has a new and unique perspective on a lot of the aspects of the epics and its really an interesting lecture, especially because she's a great lecturer. If you listen in class and take good notes (she talks a little fast because there is so much information to cover) and keep up with the reading (sometimes pop quizzes!) then the midterm and final are a breeze, just some latin/greek terms, passage ids, and an essay on a concept she has gone over a lot. There is one essay as well. Go to office hours! She will help you structure/go over ideas for your essay and study for the tests and furthermore she makes you tea and gives you cookies. This class was great and she was great, TAKE IT.
Most Helpful Review
King was very concerned about student learning and a completely fair professor. Her tests consisted of a final and midterm, both of which were fairly easy and the correct amount of work. Weekly pop quizzes were given just to keep us on top of our work and were very easy if the reading was done. She really cares about her students and learning, and I would definitely recommend taking one of her courses in any of her departments.
King was very concerned about student learning and a completely fair professor. Her tests consisted of a final and midterm, both of which were fairly easy and the correct amount of work. Weekly pop quizzes were given just to keep us on top of our work and were very easy if the reading was done. She really cares about her students and learning, and I would definitely recommend taking one of her courses in any of her departments.
Most Helpful Review
Honestly one of the best professors that I've had at UCLA so far, and definitely my favorite. We read about 5 books in the class, which is very reasonable for an upper division literature class. They were also from different cultures across the world, so I never got tired of the readings. We had one take-home midterm, one final, and one term paper. Professor King was very insightful, knowledgable, fair, and above all extremely kind and understanding. She is always available during her office hours and open to talk. Definitely recommend taking any class with her.
Honestly one of the best professors that I've had at UCLA so far, and definitely my favorite. We read about 5 books in the class, which is very reasonable for an upper division literature class. They were also from different cultures across the world, so I never got tired of the readings. We had one take-home midterm, one final, and one term paper. Professor King was very insightful, knowledgable, fair, and above all extremely kind and understanding. She is always available during her office hours and open to talk. Definitely recommend taking any class with her.