
Karyl Kicenski

Overall Ratings
Based on 75 Users
Easiness 2.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (75)

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COMM 110
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A-

- Interesting and relatable content, not difficult to grasp at all
- Dr. K is very nice and pleasant to talk to!
- Essays were short and easy to write, not graded harshly
- Tests were all multiple choice and OK, but they do require you to pay close attention to details from the readings

- You have to write a 10-ish page portfolio paper at the end of the class.
- You also have to buy a $45 course reader


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COMM 143
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 25, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: B+

I feel somewhat catfished by this class. I was drawn in by the fact that it supposedly would be an analysis of rhetoric as used in modern-day popular culture. What became extremely evident within a few weeks, though, was that it was just a soapbox for the professor to extol her own pedantry to a captive audience. Let me make myself clear: There was no popular culture involved in this class. This is a class on obscure rhetorical theories posited by individuals the professor will make seem important, but really aren't. You will spend your time wondering when she will get to the point. Spoiler: There is no point. The tests are impossible, as she chooses to use a multiple-choice format for extremely subjective and nuanced material that is much better suited for short answer and essay questions. The essay prompts will require that you reread them multiple times just to be able to decipher the crazy language with which they are written. This class had me questioning my own ability to comprehend English and grasp concepts. Let it be known that this is the class that dragged down my GPA, as well. Please don't take this class that is sheer nonsense masquerading as academia.


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Jan. 15, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

This class was interesting especially because it was so applicable to everyday life. I learned a lot about how to manage conflict across different people and settings so in that sense, what I learned was useful. The tests really do measure your understanding of the readings and lecture, so office hours are an especially great resource to take advantage of.

However, I will say that the lectures themselves can sometimes go off topic, leaving us behind in the syllabus and with a lack of clarity regarding the actual material (the Professor likes to rant). The course breakdown was on a points-based system and exams and a final project were your entire grade. Extra credit was offered here and there as 1-point assignments, but these do not make a significant difference. Exams are graded harshly. The final paper grade depends on the TA for that quarter. The textbook readings are assigned weekly to match lecture but they are not the most engaging content.

I understand that this class is a practicum course, so if this is the requirement you want to fill, I would recommend other courses but overall this class was a generally positive experience and easily manageable if you are taking 3+ classes.


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COMM 143
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 30, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A-

Selling Course Reader for $20.

Contact: ************* - **********


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June 28, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Agree with the other reviews from Spring 2023. This class was so hard for a 4 unit class. You definitely need to put in work to get an A. The midterm was one of the hardest midterms I have ever taken as a North campus major. Her midterm is multiple choice, but the questions and answers were so vague and specific at the same time. The final was online and it was a lot more easier. This class was also a lot of work for no reason and she sorta graded a little bit hard on discussion posts which was basically another paper on Black Mirror episodes. You have to write two papers; the first paper is about a film you choose from and the second paper is with a partner and you both get the same grade. If you're a comm major, I think you have to take this class, but if you're not a comm major, I would not recommend taking this class because it was so hard. I focused on this class more than my other major classes, and I think that should say something.


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June 25, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A-

I was really interested in the course subject before taking the class but I can’t say the same after. Professor Kicenski is awesome and super funny but the way she explained already abstract concepts made them so much more confusing and I found that I was often lost as hell in class even though I took notes on everything. I didn’t gain anything useful from the class and it was a big factor in me reconsidering applying to the comm major and ultimately deciding not to. There’s 1 midterm and it was hard as shit, the average was a C. The final was take home and a little more straightforward than the midterm. There’s 3 papers total: 2 page max paper on a film of your choice from a list she provides, 2ish page paper on a Black Mirror episode of your choice from a list she provides, and a 5-6 page final paper with a partner. The first one was pretty easy and fun to do and I think she graded pretty leniently as I got a 100%. The next paper was graded a little harder but still fun to do (I love Black Mirror). The third was honestly just a little annoying. You have to pick a place, go to it, and connect it to some class concepts. You should be fine if you get a good partner. My partner and I chose a campus location so we didn’t have to meet up until the day the final paper was due lol. As long as you read the course reader and try on your papers you should do well, but I didn’t love this class. Pretty boring and hella confusing, I should’ve chosen another comm upper div. I wanted to drop it so many times!!!


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June 25, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

This class was one of my first introductions to the comm studies upper divisions, and it was more philosophical and less structured than I expected it to be. Professor Kicenski delivered unique lectures on identity, pulling from European philosophy and also modern media which was refreshing, because she was able to directly relate course concepts to the students' lived experiences. She also frequently hosted class discussions and was open to hearing our feedback on the assignments, the exams, and even allowed us to interject during lecture if we were confused about the material. However, the lectures can veer on the side of being tangents, so try to understand her main points rather than taking verbatim notes and you'll be fine.

The grading breakdown is as follows: there's two exams, a midterm and a final, a blog post, a film review paper, and a visitation site paper which all compose your final grade. There's a course reader for the class, which I highly suggest you review before the exams as she tends to incorporate material from these supplemental assignments. Office hours are helpful to a certain extent, but be sure to come prepared with specific questions as the material can be a little dense sometimes. Overall, I enjoyed Professor Kicenski's class and would love to have her as my professor again!


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April 20, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+

Very engaging lectures and the work environment is super collaborative. The class is not a "lecture" as it only occupies about 20-30 students. The workload is very manageable while being super engaging. It is also a more practical class that teaches real-world skills that are important to succeed as current and future professionals.


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Jan. 10, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: B

I loved class with Professor K and would gladly take another B from her class. I feel like I was able to learn a lot. The midterm and final tests were multiple choice and true/false but a bit tough as it's closed notes, so make sure to study the different terms. There's also 2 papers that are super easy and also a final portfolio which allows you to be a bit more creative while reviewing concepts learned (helpful for reviewing for the final). Make sure to take good notes, she's always there for office hours if needed, I wish I would've taken more advantage of that! She creates slides that are informational, but she explains it further in her lecture and is often more a digestible version of the slides. She has played videos in class and assigns weekly readings and sometimes videos (some are optional). Would recommend reading cause that'll help you understand (they're not that boring) but I didn't and managed to get a high B.


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July 15, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-

I thought this class was amazing. One of the best I took at UCLA. Don’t let any of the negative or neutral reviews scare you. This Professor is very helpful and has office hours. There are two exams, two papers (short), and one group project. If you have any questions she doesn’t go over in class she is more than happy to assist you and wants you to do well!
Take amazing notes, all will be on the test. No podcast, but allowed students to record audio to use as a study tool. The slides are extremely helpful. This class as fair, do the readings (they are short ), show up to each class, take great notes, review the notes and slides regularly. If you set aside a couple of hours each week to do this you should do fine imo, but do to the nature of the material I’d try to review them everyday until they’re familiar. The papers are based on following the prompt using information from material and your own thoughts. Our papers were only 2 pages long double spaced. For the group project it seemed most did a 5 page paper, but there are other options available. Overall great class and engaging lectures. The content was really really interesting. For anyone saying the course title of this class is misleading clearly misunderstood the definition of rhetoric. This class literally studies rhetoric of pop culture. Only a small portion, about 10% is theory, but that theory is what you will use to study the rhetoric of pop culture. This class will teach you to become a critical thinker, think analytically, critique, and avoid being brainwashed by consumer marketing and the media. If you already have these skills it’ll sharpen it and increase your comprehension. Great class, take it. If I would’ve taken my own advice for the the midterm I probably would’ve gotten an A instead of an minus A- . Make sure you give a strong midterm and you should have a smooth time in the class. There will be no surprises on the midterm or final. Just make sure you’re ready. This is the only review you’ll need.


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COMM 110
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A-
June 22, 2021

- Interesting and relatable content, not difficult to grasp at all
- Dr. K is very nice and pleasant to talk to!
- Essays were short and easy to write, not graded harshly
- Tests were all multiple choice and OK, but they do require you to pay close attention to details from the readings

- You have to write a 10-ish page portfolio paper at the end of the class.
- You also have to buy a $45 course reader


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COMM 143
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: B+
June 25, 2020

I feel somewhat catfished by this class. I was drawn in by the fact that it supposedly would be an analysis of rhetoric as used in modern-day popular culture. What became extremely evident within a few weeks, though, was that it was just a soapbox for the professor to extol her own pedantry to a captive audience. Let me make myself clear: There was no popular culture involved in this class. This is a class on obscure rhetorical theories posited by individuals the professor will make seem important, but really aren't. You will spend your time wondering when she will get to the point. Spoiler: There is no point. The tests are impossible, as she chooses to use a multiple-choice format for extremely subjective and nuanced material that is much better suited for short answer and essay questions. The essay prompts will require that you reread them multiple times just to be able to decipher the crazy language with which they are written. This class had me questioning my own ability to comprehend English and grasp concepts. Let it be known that this is the class that dragged down my GPA, as well. Please don't take this class that is sheer nonsense masquerading as academia.


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COMM 111
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Jan. 15, 2024

This class was interesting especially because it was so applicable to everyday life. I learned a lot about how to manage conflict across different people and settings so in that sense, what I learned was useful. The tests really do measure your understanding of the readings and lecture, so office hours are an especially great resource to take advantage of.

However, I will say that the lectures themselves can sometimes go off topic, leaving us behind in the syllabus and with a lack of clarity regarding the actual material (the Professor likes to rant). The course breakdown was on a points-based system and exams and a final project were your entire grade. Extra credit was offered here and there as 1-point assignments, but these do not make a significant difference. Exams are graded harshly. The final paper grade depends on the TA for that quarter. The textbook readings are assigned weekly to match lecture but they are not the most engaging content.

I understand that this class is a practicum course, so if this is the requirement you want to fill, I would recommend other courses but overall this class was a generally positive experience and easily manageable if you are taking 3+ classes.


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COMM 143
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A-
Aug. 30, 2020

Selling Course Reader for $20.

Contact: ************* - **********


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COMM 108
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 28, 2023

Agree with the other reviews from Spring 2023. This class was so hard for a 4 unit class. You definitely need to put in work to get an A. The midterm was one of the hardest midterms I have ever taken as a North campus major. Her midterm is multiple choice, but the questions and answers were so vague and specific at the same time. The final was online and it was a lot more easier. This class was also a lot of work for no reason and she sorta graded a little bit hard on discussion posts which was basically another paper on Black Mirror episodes. You have to write two papers; the first paper is about a film you choose from and the second paper is with a partner and you both get the same grade. If you're a comm major, I think you have to take this class, but if you're not a comm major, I would not recommend taking this class because it was so hard. I focused on this class more than my other major classes, and I think that should say something.


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COMM 108
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A-
June 25, 2023

I was really interested in the course subject before taking the class but I can’t say the same after. Professor Kicenski is awesome and super funny but the way she explained already abstract concepts made them so much more confusing and I found that I was often lost as hell in class even though I took notes on everything. I didn’t gain anything useful from the class and it was a big factor in me reconsidering applying to the comm major and ultimately deciding not to. There’s 1 midterm and it was hard as shit, the average was a C. The final was take home and a little more straightforward than the midterm. There’s 3 papers total: 2 page max paper on a film of your choice from a list she provides, 2ish page paper on a Black Mirror episode of your choice from a list she provides, and a 5-6 page final paper with a partner. The first one was pretty easy and fun to do and I think she graded pretty leniently as I got a 100%. The next paper was graded a little harder but still fun to do (I love Black Mirror). The third was honestly just a little annoying. You have to pick a place, go to it, and connect it to some class concepts. You should be fine if you get a good partner. My partner and I chose a campus location so we didn’t have to meet up until the day the final paper was due lol. As long as you read the course reader and try on your papers you should do well, but I didn’t love this class. Pretty boring and hella confusing, I should’ve chosen another comm upper div. I wanted to drop it so many times!!!


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COMM 108
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
June 25, 2023

This class was one of my first introductions to the comm studies upper divisions, and it was more philosophical and less structured than I expected it to be. Professor Kicenski delivered unique lectures on identity, pulling from European philosophy and also modern media which was refreshing, because she was able to directly relate course concepts to the students' lived experiences. She also frequently hosted class discussions and was open to hearing our feedback on the assignments, the exams, and even allowed us to interject during lecture if we were confused about the material. However, the lectures can veer on the side of being tangents, so try to understand her main points rather than taking verbatim notes and you'll be fine.

The grading breakdown is as follows: there's two exams, a midterm and a final, a blog post, a film review paper, and a visitation site paper which all compose your final grade. There's a course reader for the class, which I highly suggest you review before the exams as she tends to incorporate material from these supplemental assignments. Office hours are helpful to a certain extent, but be sure to come prepared with specific questions as the material can be a little dense sometimes. Overall, I enjoyed Professor Kicenski's class and would love to have her as my professor again!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
April 20, 2023

Very engaging lectures and the work environment is super collaborative. The class is not a "lecture" as it only occupies about 20-30 students. The workload is very manageable while being super engaging. It is also a more practical class that teaches real-world skills that are important to succeed as current and future professionals.


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COMM 110
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: B
Jan. 10, 2023

I loved class with Professor K and would gladly take another B from her class. I feel like I was able to learn a lot. The midterm and final tests were multiple choice and true/false but a bit tough as it's closed notes, so make sure to study the different terms. There's also 2 papers that are super easy and also a final portfolio which allows you to be a bit more creative while reviewing concepts learned (helpful for reviewing for the final). Make sure to take good notes, she's always there for office hours if needed, I wish I would've taken more advantage of that! She creates slides that are informational, but she explains it further in her lecture and is often more a digestible version of the slides. She has played videos in class and assigns weekly readings and sometimes videos (some are optional). Would recommend reading cause that'll help you understand (they're not that boring) but I didn't and managed to get a high B.


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COMM 143
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-
July 15, 2022

I thought this class was amazing. One of the best I took at UCLA. Don’t let any of the negative or neutral reviews scare you. This Professor is very helpful and has office hours. There are two exams, two papers (short), and one group project. If you have any questions she doesn’t go over in class she is more than happy to assist you and wants you to do well!
Take amazing notes, all will be on the test. No podcast, but allowed students to record audio to use as a study tool. The slides are extremely helpful. This class as fair, do the readings (they are short ), show up to each class, take great notes, review the notes and slides regularly. If you set aside a couple of hours each week to do this you should do fine imo, but do to the nature of the material I’d try to review them everyday until they’re familiar. The papers are based on following the prompt using information from material and your own thoughts. Our papers were only 2 pages long double spaced. For the group project it seemed most did a 5 page paper, but there are other options available. Overall great class and engaging lectures. The content was really really interesting. For anyone saying the course title of this class is misleading clearly misunderstood the definition of rhetoric. This class literally studies rhetoric of pop culture. Only a small portion, about 10% is theory, but that theory is what you will use to study the rhetoric of pop culture. This class will teach you to become a critical thinker, think analytically, critique, and avoid being brainwashed by consumer marketing and the media. If you already have these skills it’ll sharpen it and increase your comprehension. Great class, take it. If I would’ve taken my own advice for the the midterm I probably would’ve gotten an A instead of an minus A- . Make sure you give a strong midterm and you should have a smooth time in the class. There will be no surprises on the midterm or final. Just make sure you’re ready. This is the only review you’ll need.


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