Karen Orren
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2022 - Review is for 191C - Magna Carta Please don’t let professor Orren’s reviews for other courses stop you from taking this class. I cannot speak for her skill as a lecturer, but she was an excellent leader of this seminar style class. The subject matter definitely isn’t for everyone. The course covers the social and political conditions in England leading up to Magna Carta and subsequent interpretation and reference to the document. Your participation will make or break if this class is enjoyable for you. There were two required verbal reports (averaged about 30 minutes of report/discussion), so your ability to put in work doing independent literature review and speaking about it is important. The cumulative paper was essentially a synthesis of existing research on a Magna Carta chapter or adjacent topic you find interesting. The class is small enough where the professor will just naturally ask you what you thought of any given week’s reading. I would not recommend this class if you are participation adverse for whatever reason. That said, this is by no means a hard class. the final paper is 10-15 pages double spaced, and it’s the only real deliverable other than completing the weekly readings and the two verbal reports. You can take the paper in pretty much whatever direction interests you if there’s the existing research to back it up. Professor Orren is very understanding if you communicate your needs to her regarding missing a class or extensions on your reports. Again, this class isn’t for everyone. I’m not even sure if professor Orren will ever teach it again. But if you think the subject matter sounds mildly interesting like I did and you’re willing to participate in the discussions, I would absolutely recommend taking it.
Fall 2022 - Review is for 191C - Magna Carta Please don’t let professor Orren’s reviews for other courses stop you from taking this class. I cannot speak for her skill as a lecturer, but she was an excellent leader of this seminar style class. The subject matter definitely isn’t for everyone. The course covers the social and political conditions in England leading up to Magna Carta and subsequent interpretation and reference to the document. Your participation will make or break if this class is enjoyable for you. There were two required verbal reports (averaged about 30 minutes of report/discussion), so your ability to put in work doing independent literature review and speaking about it is important. The cumulative paper was essentially a synthesis of existing research on a Magna Carta chapter or adjacent topic you find interesting. The class is small enough where the professor will just naturally ask you what you thought of any given week’s reading. I would not recommend this class if you are participation adverse for whatever reason. That said, this is by no means a hard class. the final paper is 10-15 pages double spaced, and it’s the only real deliverable other than completing the weekly readings and the two verbal reports. You can take the paper in pretty much whatever direction interests you if there’s the existing research to back it up. Professor Orren is very understanding if you communicate your needs to her regarding missing a class or extensions on your reports. Again, this class isn’t for everyone. I’m not even sure if professor Orren will ever teach it again. But if you think the subject matter sounds mildly interesting like I did and you’re willing to participate in the discussions, I would absolutely recommend taking it.