Jungseock Joo
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2020 - [spring 2020 covid online quarter] To be a student to this professor, please be an understanding human. I found his interests really interesting, and I think he is a very thoughtful person with a very socially aware outlook on things. I believe English is not his first language? So he can be hard to understand sometimes but try to listening to what he is really saying instead of just hearing what you hear. Teaching-wise, I was disappointed--his slides are pretty disorganized, and he also taught really slowly so I didn't feel like the class even covered that much material. However, he did express that he had a hard time adapting to teaching in the online format so idk if this class would have been different in person. Another reason he didn't teach very much was because the TA taught I think 6 or 7 classes on beginning Python coding? Which I agree with the prof is an important learning objective. But if you know any coding at all already, it's kinda useless to you (I didn't learn anything new from this portion of the class and was pretty bored, tuned out). If you don't know any coding yet, might be rough since learning coding for the first time is learning a new way of thinking. But as the prof says and I agree, it will become an indispensable job skill and if you're ready to challenge it you won't regret it. Kaushik was the TA and he was obv new to teaching but went slowly, always answered questions clearly and made sure everybody was following. Grade was made up of two coding homework assignments and two exams, which asked simple coding questions and conceptual short answers from material.
Spring 2020 - [spring 2020 covid online quarter] To be a student to this professor, please be an understanding human. I found his interests really interesting, and I think he is a very thoughtful person with a very socially aware outlook on things. I believe English is not his first language? So he can be hard to understand sometimes but try to listening to what he is really saying instead of just hearing what you hear. Teaching-wise, I was disappointed--his slides are pretty disorganized, and he also taught really slowly so I didn't feel like the class even covered that much material. However, he did express that he had a hard time adapting to teaching in the online format so idk if this class would have been different in person. Another reason he didn't teach very much was because the TA taught I think 6 or 7 classes on beginning Python coding? Which I agree with the prof is an important learning objective. But if you know any coding at all already, it's kinda useless to you (I didn't learn anything new from this portion of the class and was pretty bored, tuned out). If you don't know any coding yet, might be rough since learning coding for the first time is learning a new way of thinking. But as the prof says and I agree, it will become an indispensable job skill and if you're ready to challenge it you won't regret it. Kaushik was the TA and he was obv new to teaching but went slowly, always answered questions clearly and made sure everybody was following. Grade was made up of two coding homework assignments and two exams, which asked simple coding questions and conceptual short answers from material.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2018 - Worst professor I've had at UCLA. It's very ironic he's a communications teacher because he has absolutely no idea how to communicate. Albeit there is a language barrier, but there is a certain level of arrogance associated with Professor Joo. He seems much more interested in doing his own research than actually helping students. Does not respond to emails. Unhelpful during office hours. There is no TA. Save yourself the trouble: DO NOT TAKE.
Winter 2018 - Worst professor I've had at UCLA. It's very ironic he's a communications teacher because he has absolutely no idea how to communicate. Albeit there is a language barrier, but there is a certain level of arrogance associated with Professor Joo. He seems much more interested in doing his own research than actually helping students. Does not respond to emails. Unhelpful during office hours. There is no TA. Save yourself the trouble: DO NOT TAKE.