Julie Ko
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - This is not a jab at the professor, but if I'm going to be real I barely paid attention to a single lecture in this class. I don't think it's Professor Ko's fault, she's very nice and I honestly really liked her, but Lifesci 7A as a whole (and maybe the LS7 series in general) is a pretty badly structured class. You're given a pod at the beginning of the quarter that you work with in discussions, lectures, and group tests. I was blessed with an amazing pod, but I don't think I would've liked the class if I had a bad pod. There were assignments at the end of lecture that you'd do with them which I really didn't like--you're super rushed to finish it and you don't really gain anything from them. Discussions were the only place I felt I actually learned anything because we'd usually just be working through one assignment for the whole discussion and my TA and LA were super helpful. I liked group tests because my pod worked really well together, but let's just say we spent many more hours than were recommended. I'm pretty sure this is the case with the whole LS7 series, but the class structure where you read the textbook and fill out a reading guide (essentially learning everything yourself and then going to lecture afterwards) is so dumb. It's either busy work you forget right after you finish or it just encourages you to not pay attention in lecture. Maybe this class structure works for some people, but for me it was hard to keep up with and very unhelpful. On the bright side, there are a lot of assignments to help bolster your test scores and a good amount of extra credit is offered to. (I will say there's a lot of busy work reflections and such which are annoying--just don't forget to do them.) Do your assignments and the extra credit and you should be fine. Also, unpopular opinion, I kind of liked the iclicker questions you had to do every lecture because they were the only way for me to gauge how well I knew the material since I barely paid attention lol.
Fall 2024 - This is not a jab at the professor, but if I'm going to be real I barely paid attention to a single lecture in this class. I don't think it's Professor Ko's fault, she's very nice and I honestly really liked her, but Lifesci 7A as a whole (and maybe the LS7 series in general) is a pretty badly structured class. You're given a pod at the beginning of the quarter that you work with in discussions, lectures, and group tests. I was blessed with an amazing pod, but I don't think I would've liked the class if I had a bad pod. There were assignments at the end of lecture that you'd do with them which I really didn't like--you're super rushed to finish it and you don't really gain anything from them. Discussions were the only place I felt I actually learned anything because we'd usually just be working through one assignment for the whole discussion and my TA and LA were super helpful. I liked group tests because my pod worked really well together, but let's just say we spent many more hours than were recommended. I'm pretty sure this is the case with the whole LS7 series, but the class structure where you read the textbook and fill out a reading guide (essentially learning everything yourself and then going to lecture afterwards) is so dumb. It's either busy work you forget right after you finish or it just encourages you to not pay attention in lecture. Maybe this class structure works for some people, but for me it was hard to keep up with and very unhelpful. On the bright side, there are a lot of assignments to help bolster your test scores and a good amount of extra credit is offered to. (I will say there's a lot of busy work reflections and such which are annoying--just don't forget to do them.) Do your assignments and the extra credit and you should be fine. Also, unpopular opinion, I kind of liked the iclicker questions you had to do every lecture because they were the only way for me to gauge how well I knew the material since I barely paid attention lol.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - Dr. Ko is in my top 2 most amazing professors I've taken at UCLA, she is so sweet and her lectures are organized so logically and beautifully. I never walked out of lecture confused because she's just so good at explaining. The grading and midterms were also super reasonable. I love her!!!
Fall 2023 - Dr. Ko is in my top 2 most amazing professors I've taken at UCLA, she is so sweet and her lectures are organized so logically and beautifully. I never walked out of lecture confused because she's just so good at explaining. The grading and midterms were also super reasonable. I love her!!!