Julie D Smurda
Department of Psychology
Overall Rating
Based on 62 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Engaging Lectures

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

Sorry, no enrollment data is available.


Reviews (52)

2 of 6
2 of 6
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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
July 27, 2023

As a psych major, this has been my favorite psych class I've taken so far. I loved how engaging the lectures were. I always looked forward to each lecture and loved being able to apply the concepts in class to my life. Professor Smurda is funny and her lectures have plenty of examples and engage the class. She's very approachable and has a wealth of knowledge. I found the readings interesting and didn't really see it as too much work. The tests were multiple choice and not that difficult. 100% recommend this class.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 10, 2023

Psych 135 with Professor Smurda was very engaging and she makes her expectations clear from the beginning. The material is straightforward and may seem simplistic, but the terms can get confusing so it's better not to underestimate the tests and make sure to study!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 18, 2023

Overall the class was easy but the tests were poorly written in my opinion. The TAs were very helpful on the first exam and then didn’t give us much for the final. However, we got a front and back cheat sheet for the final but the averages for both exams were the same.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 5, 2023

2 exams worth 50% and 30% (weighted in your favor) and discussion section hw worth 20%.

Content was very intuitive yet still required some studying to understand it to the level the exams required. No textbook but discussion section hw was based on 4 books – definitely did not need to read all of the assigned chapters though. Overall I really enjoyed the class, learned a lot, and would recommend.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 28, 2023

This class was really a pain for me. The biggest reason why is because the exams are worth 80% of your grade (30% and 50% - the higher grade gets weighed more). The exams were super tough because a lot of the times the wording itself wasn't clear (especially on the midterm). My TA told me that sometimes multiple options are correct, so you just need to "choose the most correct one" which makes it super difficult to answer the questions. I personally found the final to be much better than the midterm, and I scored higher on the final which really saved my grade (I was on track for getting a C or lower). The TA's are super nice and engaging but I didn't necessarily find them to be that helpful and we didn't get any extra study resources from discussion sections. There isn't any homework except for completing your discussion seed (which usually you'll get full points on) so the course itself is low-workload. Don't let that fool you because I really had to spend a lot of time studying for the midterm and even more time for the final. I think other people in the class found the exams to be much easier than me, but for some reason, I just found it really difficult even though I took notes before going to lecture, attended every lecture, took detailed notes, rewatched lecture again after class, etc. I thought that Dr. Smurda's presentation notes didn't reflect what she was saying so a lot of times I had to just write down word for word what she was saying before actually even reading the slides. For some content on the midterm, there were things that I literally had never seen before, despite all my efforts. The content of the class itself is easy but the exams didn't reflect the lecture content and there was way more application that I anticipated. However, one thing that I did appreciate about Dr. Smurda is that EC is offered (up to 3% of your final grade!!!) which is huge. However, I don't really think it personally benefitted me as Dr. Smurda also has a policy of not rounding up grades. All in all, I'd say take this class at your own risk. If there's a different Psych Upper Div to take I'd recommend taking something else or taking 135 with a different professor who has a better weighing system.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 25, 2023

This class was super manageable! Social psych isn't my favorite psych topic but the material still kept me engaged. I was lucky enough to take this class in a quarter where I had a really light workload in my other classes, so a lot of my focus went into this class which is how I managed to get an A+. I also did all three of the extra credit opportunities (answer 70% of the PollEv questions, 3 hours of SONA studies, and a page of notes for the final) which boosted my grade up 3%. The midterm and final questions are not that difficult as long as you genuinely understand the material! I made a quizlet and updated it every weekend with the material we learned that week to make sure I stayed on top of the content and didn't fall behind. This made studying for the tests a lot easier as well because I already knew a lot of the material, and didn't feel like I was cramming all at once. Overall, great class to take if your other classes aren't super challenging!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 24, 2023

Dr. Smurda's class is by far one of my favorite classes ever at UCLA. I took this class with a very cautious mindset because of the negative Bruinwalk reviews but ended up with an A+. Dr. Smurda's grading policy might seem unfair to some people with the midterm and final being 80% of our grade, but she gave plenty of extra credit if you uploaded handwritten notes, completed the SONA experiment, and answered 70% of the poll everywhere questions.

I would not let the 80% exam weight frighten you because the exams were overall pretty easy and straightforward IF YOU STUDIED. A lot of people I knew had very ineffective studying methods like just reading the slides the day before the exam, and they were the ones complaining about the class. Like every other class, you need to study. Personally, I rewatched the lecture videos and took handwritten notes on them, then went back and reviewed my notes. Exams are also not cumulative, you will only be tested on post-midterm concepts for the final.

Discussion sections mainly went over the 4 readings (2 pre-midterm and 2 post-midterm). My TA Ryan was honestly the best TA ever--he kept discussions from feeling boring and I could tell he was very knowledgeable about the concepts. The four readings were all extremely interesting and fun to read. You aren't required to read all of the books (only certain chapters are assigned). I wouldn't focus on the readings too much since there are only about 4-5 questions about the readings on the exams.

Dr. Smurda is also a wonderful person to get to know if you attend her office hours. I only attended once because I got way too busy into the quarter. She's engaging, intelligent, and very charismatic. My biggest regret was not attending her office hours more, but I plan to take her social influence class soon!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
March 22, 2023

Out of all the psych classes I've took so far, this has definitely been my favorite one content-wise! It's not the easiest column B class you can take as a psych major, but it's a very rewarding and interesting one.

This class was not as difficult as I expected it to be based on some previous reviews, but it wasn't necessarily a cakewalk, either. The exams were in-person, closed note (except for one page front and back you could use for the final), and 80% of your grade, which I guess can be a bit daunting for people still used to COVID era exams. To get a solid A, you definitely have to study a lot. In the lectures, Dr. Smurda was extremely clear and concise, and her demos + polls kept everyone really engaged. However, because her slides were so content-heavy, it was super easy to miss information (some of which was only mentioned verbally) important for the exams. As a part of studying, I made sure to watch all the lecture recordings and write down all the significant information I missed the first time around. On the exams, there were usually 1 or 2 kind of wonky questions, but overall they were really doable (averages were in the mid B range).

With that being said, make sure to stay on top of things in this class. I feel like some people may struggle with this class because they fall into the trap of just feeling like everything is common sense, which is definitely not the case (especially with the hefty amount of studies you have to remember). There was a decent amount of reading (which showed up on exams), but most of the books we read were really interesting.

Overall, I feel like Dr. Smurda really wants her students to learn and makes the class just the right amount of challenging. This is a great class but not one you can slack off in!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 21, 2022

Like others have said, the material is so interesting and I genuinely learned so much that is applicable to real life. The lectures could be a little long-winded which left me disengaged towards the end, but I would just go back and watch the lectures again since they were recorded.

Regarding exams, I don’t think they were as difficult as people are making them out to be. Maybe that has to do with how I studied, which could be a lot for some. I took detailed notes in class for whatever wasn’t addressed in the slides but said by the prof, rewatched ALL the lectures that would be covered on the exam in case I missed anything or didn’t understand something the first time, reviewed the exam jeopardy that was given out by the TAs in the review section, and took the practice exam posted by the prof. I also made quizlets with key terms and all the studies we went over, but I never actually studied it, just created it. With all that, I was able to get As on both the midterm (with 3 freebies given to everyone) and the final (2 freebies). Don’t overthink and don’t add implications to the questions that aren’t there.

She was also generous enough to make the exam you did better on weigh 50% and the other 30% to make up the 80% of your grade that exams are worth. There’s also the option of extra credit just from answering polleverywhere questions in class and SONA. Overall, not as bad as people are saying. Put in the work and you’ll get the grade you deserve!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Dec. 21, 2022

Like others have said, the material is so interesting and I genuinely learned so much that is applicable to real life. The lectures could be a little long-winded which left me disengaged towards the end, but I would just go back and watch the lectures again since they were recorded.

Regarding exams, I don’t think they were as difficult as people are making them out to be. Maybe that has to do with how I studied, which could be a lot for some. I took detailed notes in class for whatever wasn’t addressed in the slides but said by the prof, rewatched ALL the lectures that would be covered on the exam in case I missed anything or didn’t understand something the first time, reviewed the exam jeopardy that was given out by the TAs in the review section, and took the practice exam posted by the prof. I also made quizlets with key terms and all the studies we went over, but I never actually studied it, just created it. With all that, I was able to get As on both the midterm (with 3 freebies given to everyone) and the final (2 freebies). Don’t overthink and don’t add implications to the questions that aren’t there.

She was also generous enough to make the exam you did better on weigh 50% and the other 30% to make up the 80% of your grade that exams are worth. There’s also the option of extra credit just from answering polleverywhere questions in class and SONA. Overall, not as bad as people are saying. Put in the work and you’ll get the grade you deserve!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
July 27, 2023

As a psych major, this has been my favorite psych class I've taken so far. I loved how engaging the lectures were. I always looked forward to each lecture and loved being able to apply the concepts in class to my life. Professor Smurda is funny and her lectures have plenty of examples and engage the class. She's very approachable and has a wealth of knowledge. I found the readings interesting and didn't really see it as too much work. The tests were multiple choice and not that difficult. 100% recommend this class.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
June 10, 2023

Psych 135 with Professor Smurda was very engaging and she makes her expectations clear from the beginning. The material is straightforward and may seem simplistic, but the terms can get confusing so it's better not to underestimate the tests and make sure to study!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
April 18, 2023

Overall the class was easy but the tests were poorly written in my opinion. The TAs were very helpful on the first exam and then didn’t give us much for the final. However, we got a front and back cheat sheet for the final but the averages for both exams were the same.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
April 5, 2023

2 exams worth 50% and 30% (weighted in your favor) and discussion section hw worth 20%.

Content was very intuitive yet still required some studying to understand it to the level the exams required. No textbook but discussion section hw was based on 4 books – definitely did not need to read all of the assigned chapters though. Overall I really enjoyed the class, learned a lot, and would recommend.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
March 28, 2023

This class was really a pain for me. The biggest reason why is because the exams are worth 80% of your grade (30% and 50% - the higher grade gets weighed more). The exams were super tough because a lot of the times the wording itself wasn't clear (especially on the midterm). My TA told me that sometimes multiple options are correct, so you just need to "choose the most correct one" which makes it super difficult to answer the questions. I personally found the final to be much better than the midterm, and I scored higher on the final which really saved my grade (I was on track for getting a C or lower). The TA's are super nice and engaging but I didn't necessarily find them to be that helpful and we didn't get any extra study resources from discussion sections. There isn't any homework except for completing your discussion seed (which usually you'll get full points on) so the course itself is low-workload. Don't let that fool you because I really had to spend a lot of time studying for the midterm and even more time for the final. I think other people in the class found the exams to be much easier than me, but for some reason, I just found it really difficult even though I took notes before going to lecture, attended every lecture, took detailed notes, rewatched lecture again after class, etc. I thought that Dr. Smurda's presentation notes didn't reflect what she was saying so a lot of times I had to just write down word for word what she was saying before actually even reading the slides. For some content on the midterm, there were things that I literally had never seen before, despite all my efforts. The content of the class itself is easy but the exams didn't reflect the lecture content and there was way more application that I anticipated. However, one thing that I did appreciate about Dr. Smurda is that EC is offered (up to 3% of your final grade!!!) which is huge. However, I don't really think it personally benefitted me as Dr. Smurda also has a policy of not rounding up grades. All in all, I'd say take this class at your own risk. If there's a different Psych Upper Div to take I'd recommend taking something else or taking 135 with a different professor who has a better weighing system.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
March 25, 2023

This class was super manageable! Social psych isn't my favorite psych topic but the material still kept me engaged. I was lucky enough to take this class in a quarter where I had a really light workload in my other classes, so a lot of my focus went into this class which is how I managed to get an A+. I also did all three of the extra credit opportunities (answer 70% of the PollEv questions, 3 hours of SONA studies, and a page of notes for the final) which boosted my grade up 3%. The midterm and final questions are not that difficult as long as you genuinely understand the material! I made a quizlet and updated it every weekend with the material we learned that week to make sure I stayed on top of the content and didn't fall behind. This made studying for the tests a lot easier as well because I already knew a lot of the material, and didn't feel like I was cramming all at once. Overall, great class to take if your other classes aren't super challenging!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
March 24, 2023

Dr. Smurda's class is by far one of my favorite classes ever at UCLA. I took this class with a very cautious mindset because of the negative Bruinwalk reviews but ended up with an A+. Dr. Smurda's grading policy might seem unfair to some people with the midterm and final being 80% of our grade, but she gave plenty of extra credit if you uploaded handwritten notes, completed the SONA experiment, and answered 70% of the poll everywhere questions.

I would not let the 80% exam weight frighten you because the exams were overall pretty easy and straightforward IF YOU STUDIED. A lot of people I knew had very ineffective studying methods like just reading the slides the day before the exam, and they were the ones complaining about the class. Like every other class, you need to study. Personally, I rewatched the lecture videos and took handwritten notes on them, then went back and reviewed my notes. Exams are also not cumulative, you will only be tested on post-midterm concepts for the final.

Discussion sections mainly went over the 4 readings (2 pre-midterm and 2 post-midterm). My TA Ryan was honestly the best TA ever--he kept discussions from feeling boring and I could tell he was very knowledgeable about the concepts. The four readings were all extremely interesting and fun to read. You aren't required to read all of the books (only certain chapters are assigned). I wouldn't focus on the readings too much since there are only about 4-5 questions about the readings on the exams.

Dr. Smurda is also a wonderful person to get to know if you attend her office hours. I only attended once because I got way too busy into the quarter. She's engaging, intelligent, and very charismatic. My biggest regret was not attending her office hours more, but I plan to take her social influence class soon!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
March 22, 2023

Out of all the psych classes I've took so far, this has definitely been my favorite one content-wise! It's not the easiest column B class you can take as a psych major, but it's a very rewarding and interesting one.

This class was not as difficult as I expected it to be based on some previous reviews, but it wasn't necessarily a cakewalk, either. The exams were in-person, closed note (except for one page front and back you could use for the final), and 80% of your grade, which I guess can be a bit daunting for people still used to COVID era exams. To get a solid A, you definitely have to study a lot. In the lectures, Dr. Smurda was extremely clear and concise, and her demos + polls kept everyone really engaged. However, because her slides were so content-heavy, it was super easy to miss information (some of which was only mentioned verbally) important for the exams. As a part of studying, I made sure to watch all the lecture recordings and write down all the significant information I missed the first time around. On the exams, there were usually 1 or 2 kind of wonky questions, but overall they were really doable (averages were in the mid B range).

With that being said, make sure to stay on top of things in this class. I feel like some people may struggle with this class because they fall into the trap of just feeling like everything is common sense, which is definitely not the case (especially with the hefty amount of studies you have to remember). There was a decent amount of reading (which showed up on exams), but most of the books we read were really interesting.

Overall, I feel like Dr. Smurda really wants her students to learn and makes the class just the right amount of challenging. This is a great class but not one you can slack off in!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Dec. 21, 2022

Like others have said, the material is so interesting and I genuinely learned so much that is applicable to real life. The lectures could be a little long-winded which left me disengaged towards the end, but I would just go back and watch the lectures again since they were recorded.

Regarding exams, I don’t think they were as difficult as people are making them out to be. Maybe that has to do with how I studied, which could be a lot for some. I took detailed notes in class for whatever wasn’t addressed in the slides but said by the prof, rewatched ALL the lectures that would be covered on the exam in case I missed anything or didn’t understand something the first time, reviewed the exam jeopardy that was given out by the TAs in the review section, and took the practice exam posted by the prof. I also made quizlets with key terms and all the studies we went over, but I never actually studied it, just created it. With all that, I was able to get As on both the midterm (with 3 freebies given to everyone) and the final (2 freebies). Don’t overthink and don’t add implications to the questions that aren’t there.

She was also generous enough to make the exam you did better on weigh 50% and the other 30% to make up the 80% of your grade that exams are worth. There’s also the option of extra credit just from answering polleverywhere questions in class and SONA. Overall, not as bad as people are saying. Put in the work and you’ll get the grade you deserve!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Dec. 21, 2022

Like others have said, the material is so interesting and I genuinely learned so much that is applicable to real life. The lectures could be a little long-winded which left me disengaged towards the end, but I would just go back and watch the lectures again since they were recorded.

Regarding exams, I don’t think they were as difficult as people are making them out to be. Maybe that has to do with how I studied, which could be a lot for some. I took detailed notes in class for whatever wasn’t addressed in the slides but said by the prof, rewatched ALL the lectures that would be covered on the exam in case I missed anything or didn’t understand something the first time, reviewed the exam jeopardy that was given out by the TAs in the review section, and took the practice exam posted by the prof. I also made quizlets with key terms and all the studies we went over, but I never actually studied it, just created it. With all that, I was able to get As on both the midterm (with 3 freebies given to everyone) and the final (2 freebies). Don’t overthink and don’t add implications to the questions that aren’t there.

She was also generous enough to make the exam you did better on weigh 50% and the other 30% to make up the 80% of your grade that exams are worth. There’s also the option of extra credit just from answering polleverywhere questions in class and SONA. Overall, not as bad as people are saying. Put in the work and you’ll get the grade you deserve!


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2 of 6
Overall Rating
Based on 62 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Engaging Lectures

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