
Julie Ann Gardner Treloar

Overall Ratings
Based on 226 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (226)

3 of 27
3 of 27
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May 17, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: U

I REALLY DO NOT RECOMMEND TAKING THIS CLASS. The professor goes off topic most of the time and her lectures do not help with the test which is notoriously difficult. Instead of giving study materials like past exams, she expects the students to search for CPA questions online and this makes students who do not yet have CPA study resources hard to study. She never gives feedback to the assignments.


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Sept. 6, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

Offering Tutoring for MGMT 1A Fall 2019 Quarter.
Fees: $30/hour
Contact: *************


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July 1, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-

The material was hard for me to wrap my mind around at first because I had no history of accounting, but Gardner is super engaging and has a way of teaching that made you understand the material without having to do too much on your own. Once you get through a week or two, things start to click. She gives several projects which are time consuming and seem terrible in the moment, but it's really nice because most other professors only have grades made up of midterms. Also, if you have a friend in the class you can check your work on the projects. I would recommend doing the homework problems to practice the material! This is not an easy class, but it was definitely interesting!


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Dec. 19, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: NR

I don't wish to speak poorly of any professor. I understand my own shortcomings and what I could have done to improve and be better but dang yall! First off, this class was taken right before we switched to remote learning. Before this, our syllabus states that our grade was meant to encompass homework assignments as well as a midterm and a final, but in the end, she only calculated those two. Also, she was very difficult to reach via email and wasn't really helpful at all. Even our TA's were critical of her. She also has an engineering background which makes her good at math, but there are things she could have explained in a different way to a majority business students class. Of course, this is not a math-intensive course; however, it still sucks. I understand accounting is just simply not for me. Good luck!!!


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April 26, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

She is a good lecturer but not a good professor. Her lectures are engaging and clear. However, she comes late to class every lecture, and she doesn’t pay much attention to her students. The materials are hard and you need to put enough effort into the class to get an A’s. I’d recommend this professor if mgmt 1A is your major requirement, because you can learn a lot from her lectures, despite her “lack of professionalism.”


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Oct. 17, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B

I am a junior right now and this teacher is by far the WORST teacher I have ever met at UCLA . NEVER TAKE HER CLASS if you do not want to ruin your GPA, your happiness, and you life. She is the worst person I have met since my childhood. I feel shamed to have such a person living and working in the same neighborhood with me.


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June 28, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Professor Gardner is hands down the best professor I have had at UCLA so far. I really enjoyed taking this class with her because she makes her lectures exciting and she is excellent at explaining things clearly and thoroughly. Breakdown of her class: 35% midterm, 35% final, 30% assignments (broken down into 4 assignments: 10%, 9%, 8%, 1% and then a 5th assignment that is pass/no pass but I think basically everyone passes it). The pass/no pass assignment is a lot of work as it takes 14-20 hours to finish however it is so similar to the content and format of the midterm and is super useful for studying. She uses a course reader which is super helpful and the exams are SO similar to the course reader in terms of content and format. She gives 3% extra credit for filling out the course evaluation and curved our midterm to make an 84 an A-/A. BOTH exams are all free response which is actually really nice because you get a lot of partial credit back. That being said, you need to study pretty hard for the exams and at least 5 days in advance. She assigns textbook problems that aren't graded but I recommend doing them because they are honestly really helpful. Overall, Gardner wants you to do well in her class and the future as she brought the Big 4 Accounting firms to class to network with and give our resumes to. I have been to her office hours a few times and she has been so helpful for class content questions and questions about my career.


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Jan. 15, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A

selling textbook Financial and Managerial Accounting 8th edition as a pdf

text me if interested :) **********


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March 24, 2018
Quarter: Summer 2017
Grade: A

Honestly think she's a terrible professor.


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April 12, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A-

Always late to class...


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MGMT 123
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: U
May 17, 2023

I REALLY DO NOT RECOMMEND TAKING THIS CLASS. The professor goes off topic most of the time and her lectures do not help with the test which is notoriously difficult. Instead of giving study materials like past exams, she expects the students to search for CPA questions online and this makes students who do not yet have CPA study resources hard to study. She never gives feedback to the assignments.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
Sept. 6, 2019

Offering Tutoring for MGMT 1A Fall 2019 Quarter.
Fees: $30/hour
Contact: *************


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
July 1, 2020

The material was hard for me to wrap my mind around at first because I had no history of accounting, but Gardner is super engaging and has a way of teaching that made you understand the material without having to do too much on your own. Once you get through a week or two, things start to click. She gives several projects which are time consuming and seem terrible in the moment, but it's really nice because most other professors only have grades made up of midterms. Also, if you have a friend in the class you can check your work on the projects. I would recommend doing the homework problems to practice the material! This is not an easy class, but it was definitely interesting!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: NR
Dec. 19, 2020

I don't wish to speak poorly of any professor. I understand my own shortcomings and what I could have done to improve and be better but dang yall! First off, this class was taken right before we switched to remote learning. Before this, our syllabus states that our grade was meant to encompass homework assignments as well as a midterm and a final, but in the end, she only calculated those two. Also, she was very difficult to reach via email and wasn't really helpful at all. Even our TA's were critical of her. She also has an engineering background which makes her good at math, but there are things she could have explained in a different way to a majority business students class. Of course, this is not a math-intensive course; however, it still sucks. I understand accounting is just simply not for me. Good luck!!!


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
April 26, 2018

She is a good lecturer but not a good professor. Her lectures are engaging and clear. However, she comes late to class every lecture, and she doesn’t pay much attention to her students. The materials are hard and you need to put enough effort into the class to get an A’s. I’d recommend this professor if mgmt 1A is your major requirement, because you can learn a lot from her lectures, despite her “lack of professionalism.”


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B
Oct. 17, 2019

I am a junior right now and this teacher is by far the WORST teacher I have ever met at UCLA . NEVER TAKE HER CLASS if you do not want to ruin your GPA, your happiness, and you life. She is the worst person I have met since my childhood. I feel shamed to have such a person living and working in the same neighborhood with me.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
June 28, 2023

Professor Gardner is hands down the best professor I have had at UCLA so far. I really enjoyed taking this class with her because she makes her lectures exciting and she is excellent at explaining things clearly and thoroughly. Breakdown of her class: 35% midterm, 35% final, 30% assignments (broken down into 4 assignments: 10%, 9%, 8%, 1% and then a 5th assignment that is pass/no pass but I think basically everyone passes it). The pass/no pass assignment is a lot of work as it takes 14-20 hours to finish however it is so similar to the content and format of the midterm and is super useful for studying. She uses a course reader which is super helpful and the exams are SO similar to the course reader in terms of content and format. She gives 3% extra credit for filling out the course evaluation and curved our midterm to make an 84 an A-/A. BOTH exams are all free response which is actually really nice because you get a lot of partial credit back. That being said, you need to study pretty hard for the exams and at least 5 days in advance. She assigns textbook problems that aren't graded but I recommend doing them because they are honestly really helpful. Overall, Gardner wants you to do well in her class and the future as she brought the Big 4 Accounting firms to class to network with and give our resumes to. I have been to her office hours a few times and she has been so helpful for class content questions and questions about my career.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A
Jan. 15, 2020

selling textbook Financial and Managerial Accounting 8th edition as a pdf

text me if interested :) **********


2 1 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Summer 2017
Grade: A
March 24, 2018

Honestly think she's a terrible professor.


2 3 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A-
April 12, 2018

Always late to class...


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3 of 27

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