
Jukka Keranen

Overall Ratings
Based on 219 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (219)

4 of 16
4 of 16
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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+

Really great professor. I often watched the recordings on 2x speed instead of staying caught up with lectures but I think Jukka was really funny and helpful. Tests were similar to what was done in class, but the lab sections were a bit difficult and graded pretty harshly (you have to do coding). "In the dark of the night, if you find yourself forgetting what the point of all of this is, please remember our discussion of linear algebra again with the black bears."-jukka, 2022.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 20, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+

Jukka had raving reviews so I had really high expectations going into the class but was kinda disappointed. He's a cool dude, very eccentric and definitely cares a lot about his students but I never learned a single thing in lecture. We always spent like the first half reviewing last lecture's content and then the second half he just answered pointless questions. He didn't really explain any topic well and the textbook didn't explain that well either so I was lost a lot. Managed to get an A by talking to other kids who took the class and was also blessed with online midterm and final. The coding labs were manageable IMO, def harder than LS30A but not impossible. There is a final capstone project at the end where you have to put together a sort of research paper with your group but the grading is super lenient. Overall, Jukka's a fun prof but didn't really learn much from his teaching style


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Jan. 9, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A

Jukka was a funny professor who was always there to help his students during office hours. He did give out a lot of homework but it helped for the midterm and final. I’m selling the textbook! Text me at **********


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Jan. 28, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A

Great professor! Would take again.


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Feb. 5, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

I took Math 3C with Prof. Keranen(or Jukka, as he preferred us to call him), and thoroughly enjoyed it. He's a hilarious, intelligent guy. We talked about Portal in class for 5 minutes one day.

His class is slightly more abstract and mathematical than others, but I found it engaging, interesting, and not extremely difficult. He goes out of his way to answer students' questions fully and to ensure that students know what is on the exams.

The material itself for 3C is a bit of a hodgepodge of random mathematical concepts thrown together, but it still gives you a better understanding of math as a whole. Jukka is a 10/10 professor and if I have the chance I will definitely take a class with him again.


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Feb. 16, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A

Very funny professor, always had some good jokes. He really cares about students understanding and does a LOT of extra office hours. His tests are tough but he really tries to give everyone the necessary tools to succeed. By far the best math professor I've had at UCLA.


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March 24, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

***LS 30A and LS 30B***
Your overall course grade will be determined by the better of the following two:
1) 5% Clicker + 10% HW + 15% Labs + 25% Midterm + 45% Final Exam
2) 5% Clicker + 10% HW + 15% Labs + 15% Midterm + 55% Final Exam

What other professor actually lowers the homework load by 2/3 because of student reviews?!!!!!! And goes to bat with the LS office for us when the labs are too hard!!!
Definitely take Jukka for the LS math series, his tests are way clearer(and funnier) than any of the other professors and he gives sooooo many practice problems plus makes a study guide that shows exactly how many problems there will be, what order they'll be in, and EXACTLY what skills each one will test.
He makes his own slides and gives actual math examples (which you'll find the textbook extremely lacking in) for all the theories we learn. I've heard his office hours are useful unless there's too many ppl asking very different questions.
Labs can be challenging, especially in LS30B, but that's the LS core's fault, not Keranen's. They involve coding graphs or functions to better understand the systems we're learning. They do help to connect concepts, but the lady making them seemed to forget halfway through the quarter that most people had no prior coding experience. They give you the coding syntax needed for each lab in the beginning of the quarter, but that tapered off until TA's had to share everything and if they didn't you were screwed. This quarter they stuck in a super easy coding basics quiz for 3% of the lab grade, then the rest is 9 labs (1 a week except lab 7 was suuper long and difficult so was due a week later at the last minute) but only the 7 best lab grades count.
My TA for LS30B was Daniel Sun, he was nice but explained pretty slow. During the last quarter, discussion sections were structured 1st going over hard/important problems from last /next homework, then starting the lab with whatever time was left. Each lab takes maybe up to 2 hours to complete depending on prior experience or lab difficulty. Homework is due every Friday and also took around 2 hours.


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April 3, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

**LS 30 A+B**
Take Jukka! Very cool professor and very helpful. Grading scheme is so helpful. He really wants you to succeed. He listens to his students and shortened the homework when we complained. He literally tells you what types of questions are going to be on the midterms and finals and gives practice questions for each type. He put so much time into his slides.


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April 13, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A

In the very first meeting, Jukka told us that he wouldn't make 32A as difficult as 32B and we don't need to worry about proofs. On the final 8 out of 10 questions were somewhat related to proofs lol. Nevertheless, Jukka is very clear on the lecture subject and is willing to help. He would give you a lot of "hints" in OH before the final.


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May 22, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

Jukka is literally the best; he genuinely cares about his students and is extremely helpful and funny! The only bad part about this class is the lab component, but that is only like 1% of your overall grade. Jukka makes the rest of the course a breeze! I would recommend Jukka because he also literally tells you exactly the types of questions that will be on the midterm and final - there will be no surprises. Just make sure you work on doing the homework accurately and getting your labs right and you should score high.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
June 22, 2022

Really great professor. I often watched the recordings on 2x speed instead of staying caught up with lectures but I think Jukka was really funny and helpful. Tests were similar to what was done in class, but the lab sections were a bit difficult and graded pretty harshly (you have to do coding). "In the dark of the night, if you find yourself forgetting what the point of all of this is, please remember our discussion of linear algebra again with the black bears."-jukka, 2022.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
June 20, 2022

Jukka had raving reviews so I had really high expectations going into the class but was kinda disappointed. He's a cool dude, very eccentric and definitely cares a lot about his students but I never learned a single thing in lecture. We always spent like the first half reviewing last lecture's content and then the second half he just answered pointless questions. He didn't really explain any topic well and the textbook didn't explain that well either so I was lost a lot. Managed to get an A by talking to other kids who took the class and was also blessed with online midterm and final. The coding labs were manageable IMO, def harder than LS30A but not impossible. There is a final capstone project at the end where you have to put together a sort of research paper with your group but the grading is super lenient. Overall, Jukka's a fun prof but didn't really learn much from his teaching style


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A
Jan. 9, 2018

Jukka was a funny professor who was always there to help his students during office hours. He did give out a lot of homework but it helped for the midterm and final. I’m selling the textbook! Text me at **********


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A
Jan. 28, 2018

Great professor! Would take again.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
Feb. 5, 2018

I took Math 3C with Prof. Keranen(or Jukka, as he preferred us to call him), and thoroughly enjoyed it. He's a hilarious, intelligent guy. We talked about Portal in class for 5 minutes one day.

His class is slightly more abstract and mathematical than others, but I found it engaging, interesting, and not extremely difficult. He goes out of his way to answer students' questions fully and to ensure that students know what is on the exams.

The material itself for 3C is a bit of a hodgepodge of random mathematical concepts thrown together, but it still gives you a better understanding of math as a whole. Jukka is a 10/10 professor and if I have the chance I will definitely take a class with him again.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A
Feb. 16, 2018

Very funny professor, always had some good jokes. He really cares about students understanding and does a LOT of extra office hours. His tests are tough but he really tries to give everyone the necessary tools to succeed. By far the best math professor I've had at UCLA.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
March 24, 2018

***LS 30A and LS 30B***
Your overall course grade will be determined by the better of the following two:
1) 5% Clicker + 10% HW + 15% Labs + 25% Midterm + 45% Final Exam
2) 5% Clicker + 10% HW + 15% Labs + 15% Midterm + 55% Final Exam

What other professor actually lowers the homework load by 2/3 because of student reviews?!!!!!! And goes to bat with the LS office for us when the labs are too hard!!!
Definitely take Jukka for the LS math series, his tests are way clearer(and funnier) than any of the other professors and he gives sooooo many practice problems plus makes a study guide that shows exactly how many problems there will be, what order they'll be in, and EXACTLY what skills each one will test.
He makes his own slides and gives actual math examples (which you'll find the textbook extremely lacking in) for all the theories we learn. I've heard his office hours are useful unless there's too many ppl asking very different questions.
Labs can be challenging, especially in LS30B, but that's the LS core's fault, not Keranen's. They involve coding graphs or functions to better understand the systems we're learning. They do help to connect concepts, but the lady making them seemed to forget halfway through the quarter that most people had no prior coding experience. They give you the coding syntax needed for each lab in the beginning of the quarter, but that tapered off until TA's had to share everything and if they didn't you were screwed. This quarter they stuck in a super easy coding basics quiz for 3% of the lab grade, then the rest is 9 labs (1 a week except lab 7 was suuper long and difficult so was due a week later at the last minute) but only the 7 best lab grades count.
My TA for LS30B was Daniel Sun, he was nice but explained pretty slow. During the last quarter, discussion sections were structured 1st going over hard/important problems from last /next homework, then starting the lab with whatever time was left. Each lab takes maybe up to 2 hours to complete depending on prior experience or lab difficulty. Homework is due every Friday and also took around 2 hours.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
April 3, 2018

**LS 30 A+B**
Take Jukka! Very cool professor and very helpful. Grading scheme is so helpful. He really wants you to succeed. He listens to his students and shortened the homework when we complained. He literally tells you what types of questions are going to be on the midterms and finals and gives practice questions for each type. He put so much time into his slides.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A
April 13, 2018

In the very first meeting, Jukka told us that he wouldn't make 32A as difficult as 32B and we don't need to worry about proofs. On the final 8 out of 10 questions were somewhat related to proofs lol. Nevertheless, Jukka is very clear on the lecture subject and is willing to help. He would give you a lot of "hints" in OH before the final.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
May 22, 2018

Jukka is literally the best; he genuinely cares about his students and is extremely helpful and funny! The only bad part about this class is the lab component, but that is only like 1% of your overall grade. Jukka makes the rest of the course a breeze! I would recommend Jukka because he also literally tells you exactly the types of questions that will be on the midterm and final - there will be no surprises. Just make sure you work on doing the homework accurately and getting your labs right and you should score high.


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4 of 16

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