
Jukka Keranen

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Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Easiness 4.0/ 5
Clarity 4.5/ 5
Workload 3.3/ 5
Helpfulness 4.8/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2019 - Hi guys ! I'm going to do an IN-DEPTH Review of this class. If this is too much for you to read, then just stop reading and take this class. If you don't, well... your loss tbh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROFESSOR: I don't typically do a direct review of the professor, but I must say Jukka is EASILY the MOST REALEST PROFESSOR I HAVE EVER MET. He is super nice, and not only in the personality way that most people say which honestly doesn't mean very much to me. I mean he is nice in the way that we all really want them to be, in terms of grades. I know you don't know me, but I promise you that you will definitely NOT REGRET taking this course ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LECTURES: Lectures are a MUST because there are clickers every lecture which is about 10-11% of your grade. In the start you will be able to grasp the ideas because of your previous AP Calculus experiences, but once we walk past that area, you will be VERY lost quite often. He covers only the theoretical ideas in class and doesn't go over any problems. Usually he reviews the previous lectures for the first half of class, and then goes into new content the second half of class. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAs: TAs are fairly important as they do grade your homework which is a good percent of your grade (15-16%). They are also supposed to help with your coding section( Yes there is coding involved). My TA wasn't super helpful but she graded nicely so I suppose that was something. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAB SECTIONS: Lab sections are technically mandatory, since they don't take attendance as far as I'm aware. People simply go to get help for their coding assignments as they are relatively difficult after week 3 or 4. The entire thing is simply coding for about 2 hours, and the prompts are somewhat difficult to understand. It can be difficult to answer the questions if you don't understand them. Also to keep in mind TAs DO NOT grade the lab section. They are graded by outside graders who you don't know. I would show up. It is necessary in order to do well. it is 12% of your grade + 3% is the lab quiz (Which was fairly easy). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOMEWORK: This ! Homework is probably the single most important thing in this class, and also probably the most difficult thing. Since the professor doesn't go over the homework, it can be somewhat difficult to solve them, especially as you go further into the quarter. You are however, allowed to drop the 2 lowest homework grades so that is a bonus. I would save them for the last two weeks as homework gets significantly harder near the end. Also Homework problems are very similar to the problems that appear on the exams so it is good practice, or at least, it will look familiar during review sessions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOK: The book was provided as a PDF for our class, so don't waste your money. All the homework comes out of this book too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDTERM/FINAL: - Yes there is one midterm and one final - They are a fattt majority of your grade (60% I believe) - It is VERY LIKELY you will get an A on both of them if you even remotely try to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STUDY GUIDE/ REVIEW SESSIONS: This is the single MOST IMPORTANT THING in this class by far. If you don't go to these review sessions, you are simply screwing yourself. The professor practically goes over the exams during the review sessions and give you an exact idea of what to focus on for the exams. Literally if you aren't sold, his class median for midterms was a 94 and for the final was a 97. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERALL: Would definitely take this class again if I had to (which I don't) but you should definitely take it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goodluck To Yall ##
Easiness 3.9/ 5
Clarity 4.5/ 5
Workload 3.4/ 5
Helpfulness 4.9/ 5
Easiness 3.4/ 5
Clarity 3.4/ 5
Workload 3.1/ 5
Helpfulness 4.1/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - If you want an easy class with an easy workload, this class is not for you. That being said, if you want an amazing professor who challenges you and takes so much time out of his day to ensure that you are learning and understand the material at a deep level, this is the class for you! (Definitely the type of class that Engineering majors should be taking to prepare for future coursework!) Though some may argue that Jukka does not "support" his students because of the extensive material and heavier courseload, I would argue that the aspect of "support" comes from the fact that the extensive homework (which is due at the end of each week, making it manageable if you start early) actually allows you to get in lots of practice (so you really understand the subject at a deep level) AND the support also comes from the fact that he will literally take so much time out of his week to not only give extensive office hours to those struggling, but to craft study guides for midterms and finals that really prepare you for the exams if you take the time to do it. I could get an F or an A in this class, and it would not change the fact that I truly believe that Jukka is one of the few professors that actually care about your learning journey and your future. He reignited my passion for learning. Highlights of this class: * Jukka is approachable and he always welcomes you to ask questions in class. * Jukka is the type of person to check in with you and tell you to not worry when you're stressed. (He actually cares about you as a person!) * Jukka prepares his students by telling you the type of problems that can come up on the test by listing possibilities on an extensive study guide. (I kid you not: He literally gives you an organized study guide of what can come up on each of the final/midterm questions. He WILL NEVER give you a question that doesn't match the material you learned in class lectures, homework, or the study guides.) * He gave us an extra credit opportunity to make up our midterm grades.
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