Joshua Samani
Department of Physics
Overall Rating
Based on 36 Users
Easiness 2.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

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Reviews (34)

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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 30, 2024

Bro take 5B with Samani and you will actually feel like you got your money's worth coming to UCLA. This guy is the best Professor I've ever had, he might just be one of the best teachers you've come across in your life. Insanely good at teaching really hard concepts and actually finding practical ways to use them in our daily lives, everything made sense, everything was interesting. I also found that because lecture attendance was forced through the reflection sheets, I learned so much more and barely had to study for the final. Also the fact that he makes you discuss questions within lecture with your peers and the mandatory discussion sections makes for a really social experience in an otherwise really STEMmy class, always a bonus to make new friends.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 24, 2024

Bottom line: Take Samani
5B and the physics series in general is difficult but Samani makes learning the material very easy to do. His exams are fair. His homework is graded on 90% completion and 10% correction so essentially the lowest you can achieve on a homework assignment is a 90%. He does take attendance for class but the attendance serves as extra credit and you can miss up to three lectures without giving an excuse.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 15, 2024

I loved how Dr. Samani taught each lecture and how it was structured. He was always very receptive and wanted to help students. He was a great teacher and was always looking for ways to improve based on student needs. He was a great professor!


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: N/A
Aug. 19, 2023

Incredible Professor, literally had no trouble grasping any of the concepts in this class, and his exams were pretty fair. Homework was all for a completion grade, and preferred to study with his quiz questions instead for the tests, but his teaching was so good I was able to succeed with not much studying. Attendance is required so just make not of that, however, I would 100% recommend taking this class with Samani, as someone who hates physics this was one of the better classes I've taken just in general.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
July 26, 2023

TLDR: Take this class with him! I have no idea where the bad reviews are coming from. Yes, he doesn't give an equation sheet but I swear you'll memorize them before you know it. I didn't make any flashcards to memorize the equations, but if you solve enough practice questions there's no way you can't memorize the few equations. Also, re-solve the Practice Sets before your exams (they are representative of the exam questions), handwrite your notes on iPad or paper, and take the class with Professor Samani!

The grading is as follows: Lecture response (5%), Dis worksheet (10%), Practice Set (10%), Labs (15%), MT (25%), Final (35%).

- Midterm & Final Exam Tip: STUDY the weekly Practice Sets- the exam questions tend to be very similar! The way I studied to get an A+ in the class was to:
1. Read lecture notes I took for the week to refresh on the topic. My notes were handwritten so one lecture would be usually 1-2 pages.
2. Go to Organic Chemistry Tutor (or other YouTube channels you prefer), type the topic/concept, and watch how to solve that topic through the example problems presented in the video.
3. Open BruinLearn and go to the Practice Sets and solve them ALL again before your exam. Make sure you know how to solve them, if not, post on Campuswire.
4. Re-solve the discussion worksheet (there's only 1 per week so there shouldn't be that many) and, if you have time, re-solve the lecture response sheets. While the Practice Sets are most representative of the exam, some questions were similar from here as well.

- Lectures: He doesn't use a PPT and instead writes on the chalkboard. At first, I was very skeptical that I would do well in this style of lecturing as all my previous professors used PowerPoint slides. However, I found this to be SO much more effective. Since he's writing by hand, I can also take my time to handwrite my notes or add diagrams. Now I wish all professors teach like him!

- Grading: The lecture response sheets (worksheets handed out during in-person lectures), discussion worksheets, and practice sets (weekly BruinLearn quizzes) were all graded based on completion, which was SO helpful. Additionally, the second half of the MT grade was group-based (in-person, immediately after you take your first half individually in the lecture hall), so you get to correct any errors you could have made.

- Participation: Because your lecture response sheets and discussion worksheets need to be turned in by the end of your lecture/discussion, you must attend the lecture/discussion, so make sure you don't have a time conflict! You are given about 3 lectures that you can miss, which is very helpful.

Anyways, take this class with Prof Samani! He's very fair and one of the best professors I've had at UCLA. I have very little background in Physics but he definitely challenged me (in a good way!) to study hard for this class and end with a good grade. Hope this helped :)


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
July 10, 2023

Hello, I would like to add a more recent review that accurately reflects Prof Samani compared to the other reviews.

I believe that the class was recently updated regarding how grading works, here is the breakdown.
Lecture response sheets: 5%
Discussion worksheets: 10%
Practice sets: 10%
Labs: 15%
Midterm exam (70% individual, 30% team): 25%
Final exam (100% individual): 35%

Firstly, as a lecturer, Prof Samani is one of the most clear and eloquent speakers that I have had. He is very organized with how he teaches and doesn't just mindlessly go through slides, rather he writes down his thought process on the chalkboard. He structures his units where you learn content, then the following lecture would be the application of the content through a practice problem. The lecture response sheets are short questions (graded on completion), that you answer, nothing serious. 100% without a doubt a great lecturer.

Participation is one thing that is very heavily weighed and most of the grades that are not exams/labs are based on completion/participation. Although I dreaded doing the work, I can confidently say that the practice material (practice set) that Prof Samani provides is reflective of how he will test you. Rather than just plug and chug, Prof Samani likes to test concepts in terms of ratios and manipulation of various equations.

For the midterm, you take an individual test, and then right after you take the same exact test with a group that is preassigned when you go to your first discussion. My group mates were absolute bots, kind of a coinflip, but being able to redo the calculations can be helpful in catching small calculation errors.

Would really recommend Prof Samani.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
July 10, 2023

Hello, I would like to add a more recent review that accurately reflects Prof Samani compared to the other reviews.

I believe that the class was recently updated regarding how grading works, here is the breakdown.
Lecture response sheets: 5%
Discussion worksheets: 10%
Practice sets: 10%
Labs: 15%
Midterm exam (70% individual, 30% team): 25%
Final exam (100% individual): 35%

Firstly, as a lecturer, Prof Samani is one of the most clear and eloquent speakers that I have had. He is very organized with how he teaches and doesn't just mindlessly go through slides, rather he writes down his thought process on the chalkboard. He structures his units where you learn content, then the following lecture would be the application of the content through a practice problem. The lecture response sheets are short questions (graded on completion), that you answer, nothing serious. 100% without a doubt a great lecturer.

Participation is one thing that is very heavily weighed and most of the grades that are not exams/labs are based on completion/participation. Although I dreaded doing the work, I can confidently say that the practice material (practice set) that Prof Samani provides is reflective of how he will test you. Rather than just plug and chug, Prof Samani likes to test concepts in terms of ratios and manipulation of various equations.

For the midterm, you take an individual test, and then right after you take the same exact test with a group that is preassigned when you go to your first discussion. My group mates were absolute bots, kind of a coinflip, but being able to redo the calculations can be helpful in catching small calculation errors.

Would really recommend Prof Samani.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B
April 4, 2023

Samani was engaging in lecture and clearly passionate about what he teaches. That being said, this class was the worst class I have taken at UCLA. The weekly quizzes were horrible and unlike what we were taught in class. Seriously, if you have any type of test anxiety at all do not take this class. It ruins every single weekend and starts the week off horribly. If you have a physics brain, you will be fine. But if you struggle with physics, take it with a different professor who will be more thorough and have more resources.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 31, 2023

Professor Samani is by far one of the most polarizing professors I've had at UCLA. While the other review from March 30, 2023 covers it well, I'd still like to add my own opinion to help future 5B students. TLDR: 5B is just difficult, and there's no way around it lol.
I want to start with how kind and engaging Samani is. It is clear he has a genuine passion for physics and in all of his lectures he is organized, concise and gives you a reason to pay attention. He gets a bonus for really acknowledging that the class is for life science majors and catering his lectures towards topics relevant to us like blood pressure, audiology, optometry, etc. and even taking the time to learn concepts from biology on his own to teach us. It's in this way that I loved Samani as a professor and person.
However, he is one of those professors passionate about education and researches the best way to teach a class, hence why he has a vastly different class structure than other physics professors: mandatory lecture attendance (you can miss 3), mandatory discussion (can also miss 3), weekly quizzes instead of 2 midterms, and a cumulative final exam with no equation sheet. He explains this structure on the first day and theoretically it makes sense. Lectures are very important for learning material, discussions allow you to practice the way he'll ask questions, weekly quizzes means lower stakes and encourages long term retention, and hopefully that means you'd be more ready for the final compared to a standard physics class.
While theoretically this makes sense, I think Samani just doesn't take into account that we have to take other classes (likely more important than physics). The gripe I had with this class structure is that it was very flipped classroom heavy. Firstly, with quizzes every Monday, it meant we only had 2 lectures per week to learn the week's material and he would assign supplementary textbook readings and old lectures that often would've taken 5+ hours if I actually did them lol. This meant there'd be equations in his "need to know" equation sheet that are foreign to me because they were only in the book, not his lecture. This made studying for the quizzes annoying because you'd have to wait until Fridays to start studying, but if you don't do the supplementary things, you'd have to spend the weekend learning it (I recommend doing the optional Mastering Physics to do this) on top of doing his practice quizzes and memorizing that week's equations.
The quizzes were slightly annoying to deal with but on top of the stress of 2-3 other classes, it definitely stressed me out. While the quizzes are fair, by no means were they easy, and almost packed a punch like a midterm would, which made me feel like I had the stress of a midterm every Monday. The way I described preparing for the quizzes made them pretty doable though. The potential saving grace for this class is having 3 of the 7 quizzes be group quizzes (granted you have a good group) but it can also make things a lot worse. Overall, the quizzes are lower stakes in terms of its effect on your overall grade, but the stress makes them feel higher stakes if that makes sense.
Finally, his final. Samani was great because for week 10, he spent it teaching us how to review for his final and applied it to the actual material, which did shave off some studying. Honestly, the studying for it really isn't that bad if you memorized the equations, knew how to apply them doing the practice quizzes and Mastering Physics, and did well on the quizzes. The thing about Samani is that he is so good at his subject, he has almost mastered the art of making you apply your knowledge to scenarios you've never seen before. His final was completely fair and doable given the 3 hours, but it was one that made me really have to dig deep conceptually instead of just plugging and chugging. My only advice for the final is to utilize his study strategy (analyzing the concepts numerically with equations, with drawings/diagrams, and through words) to get those concepts down, because that's the way the whole exam was.
Despite it all, I would still recommend Samani for 5B. Based off of the complains I've heard about the other 5B professors, all I could conclude was that the 5B material is just very difficult, and there isn't a perfect professor who has easy exams, is a good lecturer, etc. What Samani does offer is engaging lectures, teaches you topics actually applicable to things like the MCAT, and at the very least teaches you discipline for 10 weeks.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 30, 2023

This class, in regard to my opinion of it at least, was total whiplash. I feel that even after the final, this class was overall pretty good. I'm going to go over each part of the class since my experience in each was very distinctly different.

First, the lectures. Honestly, Samani has some pretty spectacular lectures, all of which got me very interested in the subject. Often times, professors fail to apply the concepts taught in class to practical real life applications (even in physics, which should be the easiest to apply to real life). Samani takes a fat W here, his lectures are engaging and the way he peaks student interest with a concept's application before going into the lecture keeps students very engaged. These lectures are mandatory (you can miss 3), but for good reason, they are instrumental for introducing you to the topics this class covers and helpful in ensuring you begin practicing with a good baseline understanding. These are 9/10 lectures.

Second is Samani both as a person and as a professor. You can tell that this man loves physics and wants students to learn. He ensures you will walk out of this class with a strong understanding of both the concepts and the different ways to apply said concepts. He is very open to feedback, and has made multiple changes to the course based on feedback from students. When students were confused during lecture, Samani made sure to announce clarifications. He often times returns points when you request a regrade as long as your reasoning is valid. He is without a doubt the professor most open to feedback. 10/10 in this aspect. Despite his class being difficult, he never makes you feel stupid.

Third, are the quizzes. This quarter, Samani replaced the 2 midterm structure with 7 quizzes on every non holiday Monday (starting Monday, Week 3). 4 were individual quizzes, 3 were group quizzes. This is where my opinion becomes slightly mixed. I think that overall, his individual quizzes were fair, and as long as you did the practice tests and went to lecture, these quizzes should be pretty straightforward. You will be asked to derive equations on the spot, so ensure your algebra is solid (mine isn't, so I took some Ls on derivation questions). I personally did not read the textbook or do mastering physics questions, and I still did ok on the quizzes. Try to study throughout the week, it should take at max around and hr to 2 hrs to adequately prepare for the quizzes. Now the group quizzes were harder, understandable considering that you get to work with a group of 3 others to finish them. You have 20 minutes to work individually, then 30 minutes to work on and turn in 1 group packet. This is where the quizzes become a slight game of chance. If your group is goated, you should be fine. If you are stuck with a group that has no clue what they are doing, you will suffer. The latter unfortunately, happened to me, and while we still did ok, it certainly felt like a solo effort. Samani usually made the harder exams group quizzes, which is understandable, but painful when you really don't have a group to work with. I understand that random groups are the most fair, but personally, this system feels unfair to those who put in effort but are stuck with groups that refuse to put in effort. I have a few suggestions here, either remove group quizzes entirely or allow for students to submit individual quizzes but still have the option to collaborate. That way, students that do not want to collaborate, don't have to, and student who do want to collaborate have that option. Quizzes would be a 7/10, but group quizzes lower them to a 6/10

Lastly, the final. I did not listen to my instinct here and just assumed it would be similar to the quizzes (Samani said this himself in lecture). This was not the case, but the final still felt kind of fair? It was harder than all quizzes for sure, especially because some topics were combined which forced a good understanding of both. But the amount of derivation questions made this feel more like an algebra exam then a test of concepts. However, this final was graded VERY fairly, to the point where he even gave full points on a question that was explained poorly, tying back to Samani being great with feedback. The final gets a 5/10, more difficult than I expected, but still not too terrible. Put a lot of time on the quizzes so you have a healthy buffer for the final.

Overall, the class was a 7/10 for me. S tier professor, B tier quizzes, C tier final. If you are a good test taker and have a very good algebra background, I'd recommend it. If you want to really learn a lot, regardless of your grade, I'd also recommend it. If you care about grades though, know that an A might be a little tough to achieve (though, 55% got at or above an A- this quarter, which is pretty good).


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 30, 2024

Bro take 5B with Samani and you will actually feel like you got your money's worth coming to UCLA. This guy is the best Professor I've ever had, he might just be one of the best teachers you've come across in your life. Insanely good at teaching really hard concepts and actually finding practical ways to use them in our daily lives, everything made sense, everything was interesting. I also found that because lecture attendance was forced through the reflection sheets, I learned so much more and barely had to study for the final. Also the fact that he makes you discuss questions within lecture with your peers and the mandatory discussion sections makes for a really social experience in an otherwise really STEMmy class, always a bonus to make new friends.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 24, 2024

Bottom line: Take Samani
5B and the physics series in general is difficult but Samani makes learning the material very easy to do. His exams are fair. His homework is graded on 90% completion and 10% correction so essentially the lowest you can achieve on a homework assignment is a 90%. He does take attendance for class but the attendance serves as extra credit and you can miss up to three lectures without giving an excuse.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B
March 15, 2024

I loved how Dr. Samani taught each lecture and how it was structured. He was always very receptive and wanted to help students. He was a great teacher and was always looking for ways to improve based on student needs. He was a great professor!


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: N/A
Aug. 19, 2023

Incredible Professor, literally had no trouble grasping any of the concepts in this class, and his exams were pretty fair. Homework was all for a completion grade, and preferred to study with his quiz questions instead for the tests, but his teaching was so good I was able to succeed with not much studying. Attendance is required so just make not of that, however, I would 100% recommend taking this class with Samani, as someone who hates physics this was one of the better classes I've taken just in general.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
July 26, 2023

TLDR: Take this class with him! I have no idea where the bad reviews are coming from. Yes, he doesn't give an equation sheet but I swear you'll memorize them before you know it. I didn't make any flashcards to memorize the equations, but if you solve enough practice questions there's no way you can't memorize the few equations. Also, re-solve the Practice Sets before your exams (they are representative of the exam questions), handwrite your notes on iPad or paper, and take the class with Professor Samani!

The grading is as follows: Lecture response (5%), Dis worksheet (10%), Practice Set (10%), Labs (15%), MT (25%), Final (35%).

- Midterm & Final Exam Tip: STUDY the weekly Practice Sets- the exam questions tend to be very similar! The way I studied to get an A+ in the class was to:
1. Read lecture notes I took for the week to refresh on the topic. My notes were handwritten so one lecture would be usually 1-2 pages.
2. Go to Organic Chemistry Tutor (or other YouTube channels you prefer), type the topic/concept, and watch how to solve that topic through the example problems presented in the video.
3. Open BruinLearn and go to the Practice Sets and solve them ALL again before your exam. Make sure you know how to solve them, if not, post on Campuswire.
4. Re-solve the discussion worksheet (there's only 1 per week so there shouldn't be that many) and, if you have time, re-solve the lecture response sheets. While the Practice Sets are most representative of the exam, some questions were similar from here as well.

- Lectures: He doesn't use a PPT and instead writes on the chalkboard. At first, I was very skeptical that I would do well in this style of lecturing as all my previous professors used PowerPoint slides. However, I found this to be SO much more effective. Since he's writing by hand, I can also take my time to handwrite my notes or add diagrams. Now I wish all professors teach like him!

- Grading: The lecture response sheets (worksheets handed out during in-person lectures), discussion worksheets, and practice sets (weekly BruinLearn quizzes) were all graded based on completion, which was SO helpful. Additionally, the second half of the MT grade was group-based (in-person, immediately after you take your first half individually in the lecture hall), so you get to correct any errors you could have made.

- Participation: Because your lecture response sheets and discussion worksheets need to be turned in by the end of your lecture/discussion, you must attend the lecture/discussion, so make sure you don't have a time conflict! You are given about 3 lectures that you can miss, which is very helpful.

Anyways, take this class with Prof Samani! He's very fair and one of the best professors I've had at UCLA. I have very little background in Physics but he definitely challenged me (in a good way!) to study hard for this class and end with a good grade. Hope this helped :)


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
July 10, 2023

Hello, I would like to add a more recent review that accurately reflects Prof Samani compared to the other reviews.

I believe that the class was recently updated regarding how grading works, here is the breakdown.
Lecture response sheets: 5%
Discussion worksheets: 10%
Practice sets: 10%
Labs: 15%
Midterm exam (70% individual, 30% team): 25%
Final exam (100% individual): 35%

Firstly, as a lecturer, Prof Samani is one of the most clear and eloquent speakers that I have had. He is very organized with how he teaches and doesn't just mindlessly go through slides, rather he writes down his thought process on the chalkboard. He structures his units where you learn content, then the following lecture would be the application of the content through a practice problem. The lecture response sheets are short questions (graded on completion), that you answer, nothing serious. 100% without a doubt a great lecturer.

Participation is one thing that is very heavily weighed and most of the grades that are not exams/labs are based on completion/participation. Although I dreaded doing the work, I can confidently say that the practice material (practice set) that Prof Samani provides is reflective of how he will test you. Rather than just plug and chug, Prof Samani likes to test concepts in terms of ratios and manipulation of various equations.

For the midterm, you take an individual test, and then right after you take the same exact test with a group that is preassigned when you go to your first discussion. My group mates were absolute bots, kind of a coinflip, but being able to redo the calculations can be helpful in catching small calculation errors.

Would really recommend Prof Samani.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
July 10, 2023

Hello, I would like to add a more recent review that accurately reflects Prof Samani compared to the other reviews.

I believe that the class was recently updated regarding how grading works, here is the breakdown.
Lecture response sheets: 5%
Discussion worksheets: 10%
Practice sets: 10%
Labs: 15%
Midterm exam (70% individual, 30% team): 25%
Final exam (100% individual): 35%

Firstly, as a lecturer, Prof Samani is one of the most clear and eloquent speakers that I have had. He is very organized with how he teaches and doesn't just mindlessly go through slides, rather he writes down his thought process on the chalkboard. He structures his units where you learn content, then the following lecture would be the application of the content through a practice problem. The lecture response sheets are short questions (graded on completion), that you answer, nothing serious. 100% without a doubt a great lecturer.

Participation is one thing that is very heavily weighed and most of the grades that are not exams/labs are based on completion/participation. Although I dreaded doing the work, I can confidently say that the practice material (practice set) that Prof Samani provides is reflective of how he will test you. Rather than just plug and chug, Prof Samani likes to test concepts in terms of ratios and manipulation of various equations.

For the midterm, you take an individual test, and then right after you take the same exact test with a group that is preassigned when you go to your first discussion. My group mates were absolute bots, kind of a coinflip, but being able to redo the calculations can be helpful in catching small calculation errors.

Would really recommend Prof Samani.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B
April 4, 2023

Samani was engaging in lecture and clearly passionate about what he teaches. That being said, this class was the worst class I have taken at UCLA. The weekly quizzes were horrible and unlike what we were taught in class. Seriously, if you have any type of test anxiety at all do not take this class. It ruins every single weekend and starts the week off horribly. If you have a physics brain, you will be fine. But if you struggle with physics, take it with a different professor who will be more thorough and have more resources.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 31, 2023

Professor Samani is by far one of the most polarizing professors I've had at UCLA. While the other review from March 30, 2023 covers it well, I'd still like to add my own opinion to help future 5B students. TLDR: 5B is just difficult, and there's no way around it lol.
I want to start with how kind and engaging Samani is. It is clear he has a genuine passion for physics and in all of his lectures he is organized, concise and gives you a reason to pay attention. He gets a bonus for really acknowledging that the class is for life science majors and catering his lectures towards topics relevant to us like blood pressure, audiology, optometry, etc. and even taking the time to learn concepts from biology on his own to teach us. It's in this way that I loved Samani as a professor and person.
However, he is one of those professors passionate about education and researches the best way to teach a class, hence why he has a vastly different class structure than other physics professors: mandatory lecture attendance (you can miss 3), mandatory discussion (can also miss 3), weekly quizzes instead of 2 midterms, and a cumulative final exam with no equation sheet. He explains this structure on the first day and theoretically it makes sense. Lectures are very important for learning material, discussions allow you to practice the way he'll ask questions, weekly quizzes means lower stakes and encourages long term retention, and hopefully that means you'd be more ready for the final compared to a standard physics class.
While theoretically this makes sense, I think Samani just doesn't take into account that we have to take other classes (likely more important than physics). The gripe I had with this class structure is that it was very flipped classroom heavy. Firstly, with quizzes every Monday, it meant we only had 2 lectures per week to learn the week's material and he would assign supplementary textbook readings and old lectures that often would've taken 5+ hours if I actually did them lol. This meant there'd be equations in his "need to know" equation sheet that are foreign to me because they were only in the book, not his lecture. This made studying for the quizzes annoying because you'd have to wait until Fridays to start studying, but if you don't do the supplementary things, you'd have to spend the weekend learning it (I recommend doing the optional Mastering Physics to do this) on top of doing his practice quizzes and memorizing that week's equations.
The quizzes were slightly annoying to deal with but on top of the stress of 2-3 other classes, it definitely stressed me out. While the quizzes are fair, by no means were they easy, and almost packed a punch like a midterm would, which made me feel like I had the stress of a midterm every Monday. The way I described preparing for the quizzes made them pretty doable though. The potential saving grace for this class is having 3 of the 7 quizzes be group quizzes (granted you have a good group) but it can also make things a lot worse. Overall, the quizzes are lower stakes in terms of its effect on your overall grade, but the stress makes them feel higher stakes if that makes sense.
Finally, his final. Samani was great because for week 10, he spent it teaching us how to review for his final and applied it to the actual material, which did shave off some studying. Honestly, the studying for it really isn't that bad if you memorized the equations, knew how to apply them doing the practice quizzes and Mastering Physics, and did well on the quizzes. The thing about Samani is that he is so good at his subject, he has almost mastered the art of making you apply your knowledge to scenarios you've never seen before. His final was completely fair and doable given the 3 hours, but it was one that made me really have to dig deep conceptually instead of just plugging and chugging. My only advice for the final is to utilize his study strategy (analyzing the concepts numerically with equations, with drawings/diagrams, and through words) to get those concepts down, because that's the way the whole exam was.
Despite it all, I would still recommend Samani for 5B. Based off of the complains I've heard about the other 5B professors, all I could conclude was that the 5B material is just very difficult, and there isn't a perfect professor who has easy exams, is a good lecturer, etc. What Samani does offer is engaging lectures, teaches you topics actually applicable to things like the MCAT, and at the very least teaches you discipline for 10 weeks.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 30, 2023

This class, in regard to my opinion of it at least, was total whiplash. I feel that even after the final, this class was overall pretty good. I'm going to go over each part of the class since my experience in each was very distinctly different.

First, the lectures. Honestly, Samani has some pretty spectacular lectures, all of which got me very interested in the subject. Often times, professors fail to apply the concepts taught in class to practical real life applications (even in physics, which should be the easiest to apply to real life). Samani takes a fat W here, his lectures are engaging and the way he peaks student interest with a concept's application before going into the lecture keeps students very engaged. These lectures are mandatory (you can miss 3), but for good reason, they are instrumental for introducing you to the topics this class covers and helpful in ensuring you begin practicing with a good baseline understanding. These are 9/10 lectures.

Second is Samani both as a person and as a professor. You can tell that this man loves physics and wants students to learn. He ensures you will walk out of this class with a strong understanding of both the concepts and the different ways to apply said concepts. He is very open to feedback, and has made multiple changes to the course based on feedback from students. When students were confused during lecture, Samani made sure to announce clarifications. He often times returns points when you request a regrade as long as your reasoning is valid. He is without a doubt the professor most open to feedback. 10/10 in this aspect. Despite his class being difficult, he never makes you feel stupid.

Third, are the quizzes. This quarter, Samani replaced the 2 midterm structure with 7 quizzes on every non holiday Monday (starting Monday, Week 3). 4 were individual quizzes, 3 were group quizzes. This is where my opinion becomes slightly mixed. I think that overall, his individual quizzes were fair, and as long as you did the practice tests and went to lecture, these quizzes should be pretty straightforward. You will be asked to derive equations on the spot, so ensure your algebra is solid (mine isn't, so I took some Ls on derivation questions). I personally did not read the textbook or do mastering physics questions, and I still did ok on the quizzes. Try to study throughout the week, it should take at max around and hr to 2 hrs to adequately prepare for the quizzes. Now the group quizzes were harder, understandable considering that you get to work with a group of 3 others to finish them. You have 20 minutes to work individually, then 30 minutes to work on and turn in 1 group packet. This is where the quizzes become a slight game of chance. If your group is goated, you should be fine. If you are stuck with a group that has no clue what they are doing, you will suffer. The latter unfortunately, happened to me, and while we still did ok, it certainly felt like a solo effort. Samani usually made the harder exams group quizzes, which is understandable, but painful when you really don't have a group to work with. I understand that random groups are the most fair, but personally, this system feels unfair to those who put in effort but are stuck with groups that refuse to put in effort. I have a few suggestions here, either remove group quizzes entirely or allow for students to submit individual quizzes but still have the option to collaborate. That way, students that do not want to collaborate, don't have to, and student who do want to collaborate have that option. Quizzes would be a 7/10, but group quizzes lower them to a 6/10

Lastly, the final. I did not listen to my instinct here and just assumed it would be similar to the quizzes (Samani said this himself in lecture). This was not the case, but the final still felt kind of fair? It was harder than all quizzes for sure, especially because some topics were combined which forced a good understanding of both. But the amount of derivation questions made this feel more like an algebra exam then a test of concepts. However, this final was graded VERY fairly, to the point where he even gave full points on a question that was explained poorly, tying back to Samani being great with feedback. The final gets a 5/10, more difficult than I expected, but still not too terrible. Put a lot of time on the quizzes so you have a healthy buffer for the final.

Overall, the class was a 7/10 for me. S tier professor, B tier quizzes, C tier final. If you are a good test taker and have a very good algebra background, I'd recommend it. If you want to really learn a lot, regardless of your grade, I'd also recommend it. If you care about grades though, know that an A might be a little tough to achieve (though, 55% got at or above an A- this quarter, which is pretty good).


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3 of 4
Overall Rating
Based on 36 Users
Easiness 2.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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