
Joseph Esdin

Overall Ratings
Based on 579 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (579)

45 of 45
45 of 45
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Dec. 24, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

The easiest GE for scientific inquiry! Professor Esdin has a great sense of humor and is very understanding of individual's special needs. The class grade is quizzes, tests, and a project. The project was super fun because we got to monitor what we ate for a week and analyze our health and diet. The quizzes and tests are really easy as long as you pay attention in lecture and read the Course Readers. It costs me $95 to buy the iProfile for the project and the course reader in Westwood :( , so try to find a cheaper alternative. Participation in lectures is required, but one time the Professor canceled a lecture for us because a lot of people haven't finished their projects LOL. Overall, this is a great class you should take, very practical and interesting.


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Dec. 18, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

Professor Esdin was definitely my favorite professor this quarter! He's so so so forgiving and understanding of what students are going through and this is reflected in his quizzes and exams. The final is take-home and only consisted of around 35 multiple choice questions so you could use your lecture notes and textbook as resources during the exam. I would definitely recommend to take this class as a lab GE because the labs mainly consisted of presentations expanding on future lecture material and the lifestyle project, a fairly easy but incredibly tedious compilation of an assessment of your diet and fitness, what diseases you may be more prone to, and recommendations of how you can improve. I'd say that I learned a lot that can be applicable to my daily life from this course and it is clear that Professor Esdin cared about the health of students. He shared a lot about his personal life, made good analogies to explain material, and overall made the biology we covered a lot more enjoyable. Also, his lectures are Bruincasted so it's fine if you can't attend in-person lectures some days (there is iClicker for attendance but its pretty easy to do if you're outside of class). Also, Ingrid Cely is a great TA!! Very knowledgeable, has detailed slides, and wants to become a professor so she's very easy to ask questions to!


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Dec. 16, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

By now, you've probably gone through the 7 series and you are over the badly worded and weirdly written tests. 7C is definitely the hardest, but imo it's the most interesting of the 3 because it involves human physiology.

- You return to genome browser in Weeks 8-10 and it shows up quite a sizable chunk on the final. This could be a con if you hate genome browser, but I preferred the test questions involving genome browser compared to the body/organ systems.
- Esdin is very clear during lecture and he's engaging. I'm the type of person to not pay much attention during lecture, but Esdin managed to make me pay attention
- Some lectures are "buffers" where Esdin will talk about exam-related material (how to approach problems, examining diagrams)
- You can get extra credit for things such as Campuswire engagement and surveys
- The final is slightly curved in the sense that the total number of points (when you add all the questions) is different from what's put in the gradebook

- None for the professor
- The course in general is similar to 7A and 7B in terms of the structure - there's pre-class reading guides, PEQs, Clickers, discussion worksheets, etc
- Midterm 1 for 7C is usually the most brutal, but it definitely gets better. For me, in terms of difficulty, it went like this: M1 >>>>> M2 >= Final (the Final felt the most straightfoward imo, but ymmv). On Midterm 1, I got a C, but I got As on Midterm 2 and the Final
- There's a 2-part Group Phase for M1 and M2. First part is on Gradescope where you look back on 10 of the most commonly missed questions and try to revise your answer, while the Second part is a 15 minute Canvas Quiz. As you may guess, the 15-minute second part was high-blood pressure inducing.

- Go to Problem Solving Sessions and look at the Learning Objectives

You will definitely learn a lot in terms of how to study for this class. It's a lot more of "If you did x y z, what would happen to this process" and "what are the effects if you removed something from the system". Make sure you understand the diagrams and what they're telling you - my advice for you is to have a general understanding of each system/process, but it matters more if you understand what that means on the diagram.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 5, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A

Solid GE course! Taught me a lot about diet, nutrition, and general health! selling physical coursereader for $20! email ************* if interested!


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2023

The easiest GE for scientific inquiry! Professor Esdin has a great sense of humor and is very understanding of individual's special needs. The class grade is quizzes, tests, and a project. The project was super fun because we got to monitor what we ate for a week and analyze our health and diet. The quizzes and tests are really easy as long as you pay attention in lecture and read the Course Readers. It costs me $95 to buy the iProfile for the project and the course reader in Westwood :( , so try to find a cheaper alternative. Participation in lectures is required, but one time the Professor canceled a lecture for us because a lot of people haven't finished their projects LOL. Overall, this is a great class you should take, very practical and interesting.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 18, 2023

Professor Esdin was definitely my favorite professor this quarter! He's so so so forgiving and understanding of what students are going through and this is reflected in his quizzes and exams. The final is take-home and only consisted of around 35 multiple choice questions so you could use your lecture notes and textbook as resources during the exam. I would definitely recommend to take this class as a lab GE because the labs mainly consisted of presentations expanding on future lecture material and the lifestyle project, a fairly easy but incredibly tedious compilation of an assessment of your diet and fitness, what diseases you may be more prone to, and recommendations of how you can improve. I'd say that I learned a lot that can be applicable to my daily life from this course and it is clear that Professor Esdin cared about the health of students. He shared a lot about his personal life, made good analogies to explain material, and overall made the biology we covered a lot more enjoyable. Also, his lectures are Bruincasted so it's fine if you can't attend in-person lectures some days (there is iClicker for attendance but its pretty easy to do if you're outside of class). Also, Ingrid Cely is a great TA!! Very knowledgeable, has detailed slides, and wants to become a professor so she's very easy to ask questions to!


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 16, 2023

By now, you've probably gone through the 7 series and you are over the badly worded and weirdly written tests. 7C is definitely the hardest, but imo it's the most interesting of the 3 because it involves human physiology.

- You return to genome browser in Weeks 8-10 and it shows up quite a sizable chunk on the final. This could be a con if you hate genome browser, but I preferred the test questions involving genome browser compared to the body/organ systems.
- Esdin is very clear during lecture and he's engaging. I'm the type of person to not pay much attention during lecture, but Esdin managed to make me pay attention
- Some lectures are "buffers" where Esdin will talk about exam-related material (how to approach problems, examining diagrams)
- You can get extra credit for things such as Campuswire engagement and surveys
- The final is slightly curved in the sense that the total number of points (when you add all the questions) is different from what's put in the gradebook

- None for the professor
- The course in general is similar to 7A and 7B in terms of the structure - there's pre-class reading guides, PEQs, Clickers, discussion worksheets, etc
- Midterm 1 for 7C is usually the most brutal, but it definitely gets better. For me, in terms of difficulty, it went like this: M1 >>>>> M2 >= Final (the Final felt the most straightfoward imo, but ymmv). On Midterm 1, I got a C, but I got As on Midterm 2 and the Final
- There's a 2-part Group Phase for M1 and M2. First part is on Gradescope where you look back on 10 of the most commonly missed questions and try to revise your answer, while the Second part is a 15 minute Canvas Quiz. As you may guess, the 15-minute second part was high-blood pressure inducing.

- Go to Problem Solving Sessions and look at the Learning Objectives

You will definitely learn a lot in terms of how to study for this class. It's a lot more of "If you did x y z, what would happen to this process" and "what are the effects if you removed something from the system". Make sure you understand the diagrams and what they're telling you - my advice for you is to have a general understanding of each system/process, but it matters more if you understand what that means on the diagram.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Dec. 5, 2023

Solid GE course! Taught me a lot about diet, nutrition, and general health! selling physical coursereader for $20! email ************* if interested!


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45 of 45

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