
Joseph Esdin

Overall Ratings
Based on 579 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (579)

28 of 45
28 of 45
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Dec. 9, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A

Selling coarse reader for 40$
text me if interested **********


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Dec. 15, 2017
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A

sell Course Reader for only $35,(the original price of a completely new one is about $100) There are also clear notes on it;
text ********** if interested


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Dec. 15, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A

I feel this was a life changing course for me. Being a psychology major going into Pre-Med, this class was everything I needed to know. the information was fun and the way Dr. Esdin presents it is so clear and concise. The labs only meet once every 2 weeks and they're always a blast.

Esdin doesn't want to make the class about the grade so he does everything he can to help. This class was not hard. At all. And if you really want to learn all the cool stuff about the heart and other parts of your body (without it being LS), take this!!!!

We also have a lifestyle assessment, which is really cool because you can track your own diet and exercise habits for a whole week (and even longer, if you really do enjoy it).

You just need to take this class. Simply put. Professor Esdin is the most caring professor I've ever come across, and he has actually worked with me to help me succeed. He incorporates humor into his lectures, which made me look forward to my 9am's. He cares about his students a lot, and will always make the effort to have them do well in his course (if they show an equal amount of effort back). I just want to end it at this: if you have the opportunity to take PS5, do it. 100%. The best part of this course is that it's all actually information that you're going to use in your life all the time, and it's something you can take with you anywhere you go. Best decision I've ever made. Personally, I enjoyed this class 100% more than any class I've taken at UCLA because not only was it relaxed with an easy workload, it was fun learning about all these subjects and getting a head start on them by one of the best professors at UCLA!



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Jan. 3, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A-

Overall easy GE for life science and lab requirement. Make sure to actually study and it'll be an easy A. However, course materials are a bit pricey (over $100 I think)

A total of 631 points in the class and 150 each from the midterm and final. Final is noncumulative which is nice. Questions are all online multiple choice with one or two freebies (what is 1+1? what is this test? etc) taken at a computer lab. The tests are really meh because they include specifics from the course reader so it really tests your memorization vs your conceptual understanding.

I screwed myself over in this class by expecting the first midterm to be super simple from prior reviews and not really paying attention in lecture and not studying and ended up scoring a little bit below the median. I studied for a few hours the day before the final and scored a few points above the median. My raw score in the class was about 88.9% and I finished with an A- in the class when I definitely could've gotten an A.

**My advice is that you actually put time in to read the course reader and take notes as all of the questions will test you on info from the reader

Labs are every other week and have worksheets and tests/experiments you have to complete. They're really easy so they're nothing to worry about, just make sure to go because there is attendance checks.

2 online lecture quizzes that you do on your computer at home that are open note and shouldn't be an issue.

Lecture attendance is checked. One day he took a sign in sheet from the back of the class and called out the names to see if people were actually there (if you weren't you got an email and no points for attendance). He checked if someone signed you in or if you just signed in and left early bc that was a pretty normal thing some people would do.

Lecture quality is decent, a bit boring, 9 am makes it easy to fall asleep. Taking notes will keep you engaged.

The project is a bit of work but should be no problem if you start early. Make sure to include all surpluses and deficiencies too bc I forgot two and lost points.

Workbook is really bs, its easy and they check for completion not accuracy (there's too many for them to grade for accuracy). It should take a few hours to do the whole thing if you leave it to last minute.

Course reader is mandatory to do well on exams. It's a bit boring to read at times and repetitive too but you should read and take notes to get good exam grades.


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Jan. 16, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

Coming to the class, I was really interested in the subject. I'm a south campus major, and this class was the hardest class my last quarter(I guess I'm bad at memorization). . You just have to memorize and read on your own. The course reader is really unorganized. Not sure if I would call it an easy A


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Jan. 20, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

Selling his course reader from Fall 2017 along with iProfile account (can be used).
If you're worried about the workbook, just buy it separate from the shop.
This method is much cheaper, as he only changes a couple of things from preceding course reader editions.
Selling for $40, so message me if interested.


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Feb. 11, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

Relatively easy GE, midterm and final requires a lot of studying of the course reader but the quizzes and project are easy 100% grades.

With some effort an A is very likely.


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Jan. 8, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A

I know a lot of people say that this class is easy, but here's my opinion: if you are not interested in bio/chem and you are an international student who didn't take your bio/chem class in English in high school, DO NOT COME TO THIS CLASS. I chose this class because for me other classes in this quarter is super stressful, so for my fourth class, I decided to follow the comment and chose a "easy A class". However, this class turns out to be the hardest one for my quarter. Professor is indeed a nice and charming guy, however, you will find that going to the lectures is not enough at all. The questions in the mid term and final are from content in course reader, and the professor didn't cover everything in his class. So you still need to read that 100 something pages of course reader and remember EVERY SINGLE DETAIL. As an international student, I find it very hard to remember all those terms and it's not just me - almost all the other students from my home country were complaining about this during the whole quarter.


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March 1, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A-

PHYSCI 5 is a relatively manageable GE, just that it can be rather tedious in that there are quite a few reports to do and places that you can lose points in. Professor Esdin is a clear and concise lecturer, and most of the material he covers is in the textbook, so make sure to study the textbook closely for the midterm and final because he will also test some of the numbers that come out. He also takes attendance, so make sure to go for lecture or lose a sizeable part of your attendance grade. Ensure you do all the nitty-gritty work or risk losing points in unnecessary areas.


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March 22, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B+

If you just need a GE this is a good one to take! It's relatively easy, but he does take attendance so its important to show up to lecture. The midterm and final are slightly challenging but if you study you'll do fine. I really liked him as a lecturer, and the homework was easy enough and came right out of the course reader. The discussions were super easy and only a few times a quarter, and there is only one final project at the end of the quarter, but its really not difficult (everyone I know got 100% or close to it)


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A
Dec. 9, 2017

Selling coarse reader for 40$
text me if interested **********


0 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A
Dec. 15, 2017

sell Course Reader for only $35,(the original price of a completely new one is about $100) There are also clear notes on it;
text ********** if interested


0 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A
Dec. 15, 2017

I feel this was a life changing course for me. Being a psychology major going into Pre-Med, this class was everything I needed to know. the information was fun and the way Dr. Esdin presents it is so clear and concise. The labs only meet once every 2 weeks and they're always a blast.

Esdin doesn't want to make the class about the grade so he does everything he can to help. This class was not hard. At all. And if you really want to learn all the cool stuff about the heart and other parts of your body (without it being LS), take this!!!!

We also have a lifestyle assessment, which is really cool because you can track your own diet and exercise habits for a whole week (and even longer, if you really do enjoy it).

You just need to take this class. Simply put. Professor Esdin is the most caring professor I've ever come across, and he has actually worked with me to help me succeed. He incorporates humor into his lectures, which made me look forward to my 9am's. He cares about his students a lot, and will always make the effort to have them do well in his course (if they show an equal amount of effort back). I just want to end it at this: if you have the opportunity to take PS5, do it. 100%. The best part of this course is that it's all actually information that you're going to use in your life all the time, and it's something you can take with you anywhere you go. Best decision I've ever made. Personally, I enjoyed this class 100% more than any class I've taken at UCLA because not only was it relaxed with an easy workload, it was fun learning about all these subjects and getting a head start on them by one of the best professors at UCLA!



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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A-
Jan. 3, 2018

Overall easy GE for life science and lab requirement. Make sure to actually study and it'll be an easy A. However, course materials are a bit pricey (over $100 I think)

A total of 631 points in the class and 150 each from the midterm and final. Final is noncumulative which is nice. Questions are all online multiple choice with one or two freebies (what is 1+1? what is this test? etc) taken at a computer lab. The tests are really meh because they include specifics from the course reader so it really tests your memorization vs your conceptual understanding.

I screwed myself over in this class by expecting the first midterm to be super simple from prior reviews and not really paying attention in lecture and not studying and ended up scoring a little bit below the median. I studied for a few hours the day before the final and scored a few points above the median. My raw score in the class was about 88.9% and I finished with an A- in the class when I definitely could've gotten an A.

**My advice is that you actually put time in to read the course reader and take notes as all of the questions will test you on info from the reader

Labs are every other week and have worksheets and tests/experiments you have to complete. They're really easy so they're nothing to worry about, just make sure to go because there is attendance checks.

2 online lecture quizzes that you do on your computer at home that are open note and shouldn't be an issue.

Lecture attendance is checked. One day he took a sign in sheet from the back of the class and called out the names to see if people were actually there (if you weren't you got an email and no points for attendance). He checked if someone signed you in or if you just signed in and left early bc that was a pretty normal thing some people would do.

Lecture quality is decent, a bit boring, 9 am makes it easy to fall asleep. Taking notes will keep you engaged.

The project is a bit of work but should be no problem if you start early. Make sure to include all surpluses and deficiencies too bc I forgot two and lost points.

Workbook is really bs, its easy and they check for completion not accuracy (there's too many for them to grade for accuracy). It should take a few hours to do the whole thing if you leave it to last minute.

Course reader is mandatory to do well on exams. It's a bit boring to read at times and repetitive too but you should read and take notes to get good exam grades.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
Jan. 16, 2018

Coming to the class, I was really interested in the subject. I'm a south campus major, and this class was the hardest class my last quarter(I guess I'm bad at memorization). . You just have to memorize and read on your own. The course reader is really unorganized. Not sure if I would call it an easy A


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
Jan. 20, 2018

Selling his course reader from Fall 2017 along with iProfile account (can be used).
If you're worried about the workbook, just buy it separate from the shop.
This method is much cheaper, as he only changes a couple of things from preceding course reader editions.
Selling for $40, so message me if interested.


0 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
Feb. 11, 2018

Relatively easy GE, midterm and final requires a lot of studying of the course reader but the quizzes and project are easy 100% grades.

With some effort an A is very likely.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A
Jan. 8, 2018

I know a lot of people say that this class is easy, but here's my opinion: if you are not interested in bio/chem and you are an international student who didn't take your bio/chem class in English in high school, DO NOT COME TO THIS CLASS. I chose this class because for me other classes in this quarter is super stressful, so for my fourth class, I decided to follow the comment and chose a "easy A class". However, this class turns out to be the hardest one for my quarter. Professor is indeed a nice and charming guy, however, you will find that going to the lectures is not enough at all. The questions in the mid term and final are from content in course reader, and the professor didn't cover everything in his class. So you still need to read that 100 something pages of course reader and remember EVERY SINGLE DETAIL. As an international student, I find it very hard to remember all those terms and it's not just me - almost all the other students from my home country were complaining about this during the whole quarter.


1 2 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A-
March 1, 2018

PHYSCI 5 is a relatively manageable GE, just that it can be rather tedious in that there are quite a few reports to do and places that you can lose points in. Professor Esdin is a clear and concise lecturer, and most of the material he covers is in the textbook, so make sure to study the textbook closely for the midterm and final because he will also test some of the numbers that come out. He also takes attendance, so make sure to go for lecture or lose a sizeable part of your attendance grade. Ensure you do all the nitty-gritty work or risk losing points in unnecessary areas.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B+
March 22, 2018

If you just need a GE this is a good one to take! It's relatively easy, but he does take attendance so its important to show up to lecture. The midterm and final are slightly challenging but if you study you'll do fine. I really liked him as a lecturer, and the homework was easy enough and came right out of the course reader. The discussions were super easy and only a few times a quarter, and there is only one final project at the end of the quarter, but its really not difficult (everyone I know got 100% or close to it)


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28 of 45

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