
Joseph Esdin

Overall Ratings
Based on 594 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (594)

17 of 45
17 of 45
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Dec. 19, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A



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June 20, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

*Course: LIfe Science 2.* Spring 2012. Bok/Esdin.

I really enjoyed having Prof. Esdin! He seems like a good guy and he lays out the material very nicely in lectures. In my first year at UCLA, he would definitely rank in my top 3 favorite professors. I would definitely recommend trying to get into his class. I wish I had gone to his office hours and, according to my roommate, he is very helpful if you come prepared with good questions.

I had both Bok and Esdin for LS2, so the first midterm was all of the intro/basic bio that I was really familiar with that Bok taught, but then the second midterm was four chapters of material that Esdin taught. I would say that both tests were fair, but I did a lot better on Bok's test, even though I found his lectures to be boring. The final was not cumulative. If you take Esdin, he writes the questions so that you truly have to understand the material AND can apply it to a situation that you haven't necessarily thought of before. For example, we were asked on the final something like: what are the effects of hyperventilation on the body? After studying the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, we were supposed to connect the dot and apply the various concepts to the question.

You should give yourself plenty of time to study for LS2, regardless of which professor you get. I took Biology Honors and AP in high school, which helped a lot, and made it more like a review in the beginning, but the is still a TON of information to be absorbed in 10 weeks. Do not let yourself fall behind, especially if you haven't taken advanced biology in high school.

The take home message for doing well in LS 2 is:
---learn the material based on the lectures. (Esdin will only test what he lectures on- its a good idea to print and bring his lecture notes to class)
---Use the lecture schedule as a tentative study schedule, so you don't end up cramming right before the exams.
---*RECORD* Esdin's lectures!!! (this is very, very important. He does NOT podcast, at least during my quarter, so bring a lap top/ recording device. The lectures go FAST, so take notes in lecture, then re-listen and take notes in a different color at home... I did this before the final, and I generally only got down half of what he said during the actual class. The exam questions are detail oriented, so definitely listen to his lectures again)
---Try to go to discussion prepared. (I think you probably will get more out of it if it feels like a review...and that way you can ask your TA questions. I really liked my TA, Brian Mullen. I was in his third discussion of the day, so he always had coffee by the time we got there, but he does a great job condensing the material)
--- Figure out a study method that works for you, and do it. (This may seem obvious, but if you don't do so well on the first midterm or whatever, do something differently for the next exam)
--- Try to find a good study group... Even though asking question to the prof and TA is great, if you find a couple fellow classmates to digest and review the material, it will help a lot. I know I liked studying the material first on my own, and then talking through everything gave me a good grasp on the details.


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March 12, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Dr. Esdin is a great professor. He makes all of the material really accessible and easy to understand in his lectures. As long as you attend lecture and read the course reader before the exams, you'll do well. I think he is more than a fair professor and I highly recommend taking the class. His exams can be tricky, but he gives you a lot of opportunities to improve your grade and review slides to study that are *debatably* helpful.


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March 12, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Best GE ever. An easy-A if you do the work! An interesting and valuable course too. 2 midterms and a final, homework,participation, and a project. But all work is very straightforward and easy! Overall, great class.


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Sept. 26, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

This class was super interesting but it does take a lot of memorization and work. I've heard that it's harder than it was before when my friends took it but I still got an A- so its all good.

Email me if you're interested in buying my course reader for this class. It's in LIKE NEW condition. Absolutely no markings, tears, or notes in the course reader. Spring 2013 edition, the brand new one he just introduced last quarter (bright pink cover). Would also be willing to include my project for the class (worth 1/4 of the grade), called the Lifestyle Assessment Report. That report takes a long time, it really helps to have an example and I got a 98 on it. I also have saved screenshots of the online quizzes that I'd include in the purchase. Save yourself the walk to Westwood (the only place that sells it, not sold in UCLA bookstore)


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Sept. 26, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Sorry, my post is below and my email is *************


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Aug. 23, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Dr. Esdin is a sack of shit in disguise. His exams are not there no test you for what you know, but rather trip you into mistakes. His questions are worded horribly! I would not recommend this teacher to anybody, avoid at all costs. It seems as though only the people who got A's are taking the time to review him, please think of the other the other 98% of the class who did not leave with an A. Hard as hell.


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June 2, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I loved this class!! I'm a life sciences major, and I already know a lot of this stuff in detail, but it was SO USEFUL to learn about everything in a border context. Esdin is an amazing lecturer. It makes going to class every lecture fun (even though it is required and he has sign in sheets for credit, so it's essential that you go to lecture).

Also, the workbooks are really helpful with staying up to date with lecture and are a great guide for studying for the exams.


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Sept. 20, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Dr. Esdin's class is very informative. He really lectures talking to students not at them. You can tell from the detailed powerpoints he has that he puts a lot of time into his lectures. Definitely attend office hours. They are so helpful and he is so welcoming. You never fall asleep in his lecture.
Physiology is very difficult but he makes it so simplified and easy to comprehend. He is also so generous with the grades. He gives about 35% of the students A range. Out of all the instructors at UCLA, you should take him. He is awesome. His exams are detailed, but if you take good notes, you will ace the exams.


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Sept. 20, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Took LS2

Dr. Esdin is a smart, qualified professor. His accent was cute, and he put some pictures of attractive girls on his lecture slides sometimes to wake people up. He is funny without trying to be funny, which I appreciate. However, his tests are difficult! For example, if you don't know how the blood travels through the heart (naming all the valves and chambers and special vessels) before the second midterm, you might be curve-crushed.
Another thing I would like to impart upon his future students is that the tests are 100% from his lectures. Nothing comes from the book. So, if you are thinking about buying the LS2 book for Esdin's class, don't. You only need the lab manual. If you need to brush up on something that wasn't clearly explained in the lecture, go to Wikipedia!
Another advice: review the lectures and concepts right after lecture! And make a study guide for yourself of things you are iffy on, and stuff you think is important that might be on the test. Helps a whole deal when studying for midterms :)
P.S. He is much nicer (in terms of difficulty) during Summer Session C.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 19, 2015



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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 20, 2012

*Course: LIfe Science 2.* Spring 2012. Bok/Esdin.

I really enjoyed having Prof. Esdin! He seems like a good guy and he lays out the material very nicely in lectures. In my first year at UCLA, he would definitely rank in my top 3 favorite professors. I would definitely recommend trying to get into his class. I wish I had gone to his office hours and, according to my roommate, he is very helpful if you come prepared with good questions.

I had both Bok and Esdin for LS2, so the first midterm was all of the intro/basic bio that I was really familiar with that Bok taught, but then the second midterm was four chapters of material that Esdin taught. I would say that both tests were fair, but I did a lot better on Bok's test, even though I found his lectures to be boring. The final was not cumulative. If you take Esdin, he writes the questions so that you truly have to understand the material AND can apply it to a situation that you haven't necessarily thought of before. For example, we were asked on the final something like: what are the effects of hyperventilation on the body? After studying the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, we were supposed to connect the dot and apply the various concepts to the question.

You should give yourself plenty of time to study for LS2, regardless of which professor you get. I took Biology Honors and AP in high school, which helped a lot, and made it more like a review in the beginning, but the is still a TON of information to be absorbed in 10 weeks. Do not let yourself fall behind, especially if you haven't taken advanced biology in high school.

The take home message for doing well in LS 2 is:
---learn the material based on the lectures. (Esdin will only test what he lectures on- its a good idea to print and bring his lecture notes to class)
---Use the lecture schedule as a tentative study schedule, so you don't end up cramming right before the exams.
---*RECORD* Esdin's lectures!!! (this is very, very important. He does NOT podcast, at least during my quarter, so bring a lap top/ recording device. The lectures go FAST, so take notes in lecture, then re-listen and take notes in a different color at home... I did this before the final, and I generally only got down half of what he said during the actual class. The exam questions are detail oriented, so definitely listen to his lectures again)
---Try to go to discussion prepared. (I think you probably will get more out of it if it feels like a review...and that way you can ask your TA questions. I really liked my TA, Brian Mullen. I was in his third discussion of the day, so he always had coffee by the time we got there, but he does a great job condensing the material)
--- Figure out a study method that works for you, and do it. (This may seem obvious, but if you don't do so well on the first midterm or whatever, do something differently for the next exam)
--- Try to find a good study group... Even though asking question to the prof and TA is great, if you find a couple fellow classmates to digest and review the material, it will help a lot. I know I liked studying the material first on my own, and then talking through everything gave me a good grasp on the details.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 12, 2015

Dr. Esdin is a great professor. He makes all of the material really accessible and easy to understand in his lectures. As long as you attend lecture and read the course reader before the exams, you'll do well. I think he is more than a fair professor and I highly recommend taking the class. His exams can be tricky, but he gives you a lot of opportunities to improve your grade and review slides to study that are *debatably* helpful.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 12, 2015

Best GE ever. An easy-A if you do the work! An interesting and valuable course too. 2 midterms and a final, homework,participation, and a project. But all work is very straightforward and easy! Overall, great class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 26, 2013

This class was super interesting but it does take a lot of memorization and work. I've heard that it's harder than it was before when my friends took it but I still got an A- so its all good.

Email me if you're interested in buying my course reader for this class. It's in LIKE NEW condition. Absolutely no markings, tears, or notes in the course reader. Spring 2013 edition, the brand new one he just introduced last quarter (bright pink cover). Would also be willing to include my project for the class (worth 1/4 of the grade), called the Lifestyle Assessment Report. That report takes a long time, it really helps to have an example and I got a 98 on it. I also have saved screenshots of the online quizzes that I'd include in the purchase. Save yourself the walk to Westwood (the only place that sells it, not sold in UCLA bookstore)


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 26, 2013

Sorry, my post is below and my email is *************


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Aug. 23, 2011

Dr. Esdin is a sack of shit in disguise. His exams are not there no test you for what you know, but rather trip you into mistakes. His questions are worded horribly! I would not recommend this teacher to anybody, avoid at all costs. It seems as though only the people who got A's are taking the time to review him, please think of the other the other 98% of the class who did not leave with an A. Hard as hell.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 2, 2014

I loved this class!! I'm a life sciences major, and I already know a lot of this stuff in detail, but it was SO USEFUL to learn about everything in a border context. Esdin is an amazing lecturer. It makes going to class every lecture fun (even though it is required and he has sign in sheets for credit, so it's essential that you go to lecture).

Also, the workbooks are really helpful with staying up to date with lecture and are a great guide for studying for the exams.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 20, 2011

Dr. Esdin's class is very informative. He really lectures talking to students not at them. You can tell from the detailed powerpoints he has that he puts a lot of time into his lectures. Definitely attend office hours. They are so helpful and he is so welcoming. You never fall asleep in his lecture.
Physiology is very difficult but he makes it so simplified and easy to comprehend. He is also so generous with the grades. He gives about 35% of the students A range. Out of all the instructors at UCLA, you should take him. He is awesome. His exams are detailed, but if you take good notes, you will ace the exams.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 20, 2011

Took LS2

Dr. Esdin is a smart, qualified professor. His accent was cute, and he put some pictures of attractive girls on his lecture slides sometimes to wake people up. He is funny without trying to be funny, which I appreciate. However, his tests are difficult! For example, if you don't know how the blood travels through the heart (naming all the valves and chambers and special vessels) before the second midterm, you might be curve-crushed.
Another thing I would like to impart upon his future students is that the tests are 100% from his lectures. Nothing comes from the book. So, if you are thinking about buying the LS2 book for Esdin's class, don't. You only need the lab manual. If you need to brush up on something that wasn't clearly explained in the lecture, go to Wikipedia!
Another advice: review the lectures and concepts right after lecture! And make a study guide for yourself of things you are iffy on, and stuff you think is important that might be on the test. Helps a whole deal when studying for midterms :)
P.S. He is much nicer (in terms of difficulty) during Summer Session C.


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17 of 45

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