Joseph Almog
Department of Philosophy
Overall Rating
Based on 97 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.2 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (92)

9 of 10
9 of 10
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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 27, 2002

Almog exudes arrogance. His lectures are tediously redundant and repetitive. His claims that he "doesn't understand some of this stuff" is disconcerting. The class, howerever, is incredibly easy and the material can be learned the day of exams. As far as approaching Almog is concerned, he is closeminded and can be very unreasonable. I would not recommend him as a professor, and question the philosophy department for hiring him.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 11, 2002

His philosophy 7 class was really, really, really easy...but I wonder if the boredom was really worth it. Almog has no direction (at least to engineering major), no syllabus, no plan at the beginning of every lecture....and the fact that at the beginning of every lecture he asks "where did we leave off..." shows that he just he just improvises every lecture. Lots of energy though..he can be quite amusing..if you're not freezing to death in Haines A18.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 1, 2002

I thought this class was quite boring. Like others who rated Professor Almog, I believe his lectures are extremely scattered. It's easy to get lost just when you think you are starting to understand what he is talking about. It is easy to get an A in this class, however, if you attend discussions and the review sessions prior to the exams. You could be lost the whole quarter in lecture, but as long as you have a good TA, you will be fine. Do not despair if you do end up in this class. Your TA will save the day!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 6, 2002

definitely try and have an interest in the subject if you are going to take this class. Otherwise, you can skip all of the lectures, attend section and review sessions and do fine. Not a challenging class at all unless you mean staying awake in class. Not interesting either unless you like easy points expanded into hour long lectures. It is also really important to get a really good TA in this class so you really understand the material well. My TA was excellent, so of course, easy A.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 22, 2002

Prof. Almog's class was ok. Its obvious from the start that he is an intelligent man with a desire to explain to others. I don't think classifying his class as boring is ok because its philosophy!!! We all know that some aspects of philosophy may be interesting as well as not so interesting. I do however agree with the majority that going to section is vitally important, THANKS SACHIN!!, your TA helps you break everything down. The review section for the mid-term and final is kick ass, so if you do nothing at all the entire quarter then the review sections alone will help u out. This class was cool and so was the prof. and TA's.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 20, 2002

Have to attend all lectures/ TA sessions/ review sessions
Can get at least A- if you study
Midterm is very easy but final is a little bit challenging

Anyway, I got an A in this class, just to response to some previous message that it is hard to get an A

No as difficult as other people say


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 9, 2002

Almog is a so-so teacher. The truth is, however, that with Philosophy 7, the most vital part of the course are the discussions. Go to discussions and especially, above all else, go to the TA's review sessions. They are needed to get a decent grade in the class. The lectures alternate between being dull (first hour- review of yesterday's second hour) and interesting (second hour- new material that is being reviewed). Almog has a brilliant mind, however, I wouldn't say that going to lectures really improve your grade.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 23, 2001

I would not say that this is a great class by any means. First off the title of the course is misleading. The professor only approaches the subject - philosphy of the mind - from one perspective: that of his hero and seemingly pet idea guy, Kripke. All you do is read from Kripke and discuss Kripke and try to thwart Kripke. The "idea" of what philosophy of the mind entails is never even mentioned, or any other philosophers and/or their approaches to the subject - apparantly to Almog there are none. The one saving grace for this course are the T.A.'s. Truly intelligent and interesting, they may save you from utter madness. Get Louis deRosset if possible, he's the best T.A. ever! Viva tigers, podium, and water!!!!!!!!!!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 23, 2001

This is probably the most entertaining person I've ever had as a teacher. I loved going to lecture. Unfortunately, he's also arrogant and closed-minded enough to really turn you off to Philosophy. As a lecturer, he's fantastic, but as a person, he really sucks. My advice is just to stop trying to pursue any questions outside of the lecture, it almost inevitably leads to bitterness. As for the class, I found it fantastically interesting, but I could see how someone who didn't go to lecture could find it mind-numbing. Either way you could easily end up with an A, it's just a matter of whether you decide to enjoy the road or despise it. The problem is this: taking this class is like building a house of cards. You can invest hours of patient energy into it and end up with an extraordinary result. Then, you can ask "so what", and the question is like a strong breath at the base of the house: the whole foundation will collapse. Philosophy is a fragile art, maybe even a pointless one, but despite this truth it can be quite beautiful. Almog certainly does his part to show you.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 15, 2001

I learned one thing in this class: I will never take another philosophy class again. This class is the biggest waste of time ever. You would learn more if you watched "Married with Children" than if you attended almog's class. And did i mention that it is unbearably boring. Don't tkae this class. Just don't do it!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 27, 2002

Almog exudes arrogance. His lectures are tediously redundant and repetitive. His claims that he "doesn't understand some of this stuff" is disconcerting. The class, howerever, is incredibly easy and the material can be learned the day of exams. As far as approaching Almog is concerned, he is closeminded and can be very unreasonable. I would not recommend him as a professor, and question the philosophy department for hiring him.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 11, 2002

His philosophy 7 class was really, really, really easy...but I wonder if the boredom was really worth it. Almog has no direction (at least to engineering major), no syllabus, no plan at the beginning of every lecture....and the fact that at the beginning of every lecture he asks "where did we leave off..." shows that he just he just improvises every lecture. Lots of energy though..he can be quite amusing..if you're not freezing to death in Haines A18.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 1, 2002

I thought this class was quite boring. Like others who rated Professor Almog, I believe his lectures are extremely scattered. It's easy to get lost just when you think you are starting to understand what he is talking about. It is easy to get an A in this class, however, if you attend discussions and the review sessions prior to the exams. You could be lost the whole quarter in lecture, but as long as you have a good TA, you will be fine. Do not despair if you do end up in this class. Your TA will save the day!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 6, 2002

definitely try and have an interest in the subject if you are going to take this class. Otherwise, you can skip all of the lectures, attend section and review sessions and do fine. Not a challenging class at all unless you mean staying awake in class. Not interesting either unless you like easy points expanded into hour long lectures. It is also really important to get a really good TA in this class so you really understand the material well. My TA was excellent, so of course, easy A.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 22, 2002

Prof. Almog's class was ok. Its obvious from the start that he is an intelligent man with a desire to explain to others. I don't think classifying his class as boring is ok because its philosophy!!! We all know that some aspects of philosophy may be interesting as well as not so interesting. I do however agree with the majority that going to section is vitally important, THANKS SACHIN!!, your TA helps you break everything down. The review section for the mid-term and final is kick ass, so if you do nothing at all the entire quarter then the review sections alone will help u out. This class was cool and so was the prof. and TA's.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 20, 2002

Have to attend all lectures/ TA sessions/ review sessions
Can get at least A- if you study
Midterm is very easy but final is a little bit challenging

Anyway, I got an A in this class, just to response to some previous message that it is hard to get an A

No as difficult as other people say


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 9, 2002

Almog is a so-so teacher. The truth is, however, that with Philosophy 7, the most vital part of the course are the discussions. Go to discussions and especially, above all else, go to the TA's review sessions. They are needed to get a decent grade in the class. The lectures alternate between being dull (first hour- review of yesterday's second hour) and interesting (second hour- new material that is being reviewed). Almog has a brilliant mind, however, I wouldn't say that going to lectures really improve your grade.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 23, 2001

I would not say that this is a great class by any means. First off the title of the course is misleading. The professor only approaches the subject - philosphy of the mind - from one perspective: that of his hero and seemingly pet idea guy, Kripke. All you do is read from Kripke and discuss Kripke and try to thwart Kripke. The "idea" of what philosophy of the mind entails is never even mentioned, or any other philosophers and/or their approaches to the subject - apparantly to Almog there are none. The one saving grace for this course are the T.A.'s. Truly intelligent and interesting, they may save you from utter madness. Get Louis deRosset if possible, he's the best T.A. ever! Viva tigers, podium, and water!!!!!!!!!!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 23, 2001

This is probably the most entertaining person I've ever had as a teacher. I loved going to lecture. Unfortunately, he's also arrogant and closed-minded enough to really turn you off to Philosophy. As a lecturer, he's fantastic, but as a person, he really sucks. My advice is just to stop trying to pursue any questions outside of the lecture, it almost inevitably leads to bitterness. As for the class, I found it fantastically interesting, but I could see how someone who didn't go to lecture could find it mind-numbing. Either way you could easily end up with an A, it's just a matter of whether you decide to enjoy the road or despise it. The problem is this: taking this class is like building a house of cards. You can invest hours of patient energy into it and end up with an extraordinary result. Then, you can ask "so what", and the question is like a strong breath at the base of the house: the whole foundation will collapse. Philosophy is a fragile art, maybe even a pointless one, but despite this truth it can be quite beautiful. Almog certainly does his part to show you.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 15, 2001

I learned one thing in this class: I will never take another philosophy class again. This class is the biggest waste of time ever. You would learn more if you watched "Married with Children" than if you attended almog's class. And did i mention that it is unbearably boring. Don't tkae this class. Just don't do it!


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9 of 10
Overall Rating
Based on 97 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.2 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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