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Jonathan Sigmon
Based on 62 Users
Professor Sigmon is one of those Professors that you either love or hate. His lecture style consists of mainly reading off his slides, adding comments on the slides, and rinse and repeat. Occasionally he will show a video to demonstrate the concept that is he is going over, but they are really rare. Do I like his lecture style? At first no, I thought it was really boring. Then, the more you realize you don't need to read at all for his class AND his comments usually summarize the slides in a succinct way, the class just clicked for me. This is not universal though. Not everyone will have it "click" like it did for me and be wary that this is how he will lecture for the entire quarter. He tells you everything he needs to tell you and you honestly only need the slides to get through the course.
Structure of the class was midterm, paper, and then final with the paper due a few days prior to the final. For both exams, it's going to be short answer question. Since the TA strike happened, the final became multiple choice. As long as you study the slides you really don't need to worry. The paper was just a compare and contrast analysis of two sociologists that Sigmon asks you to compare. Not hard at all. I'd recommend the guy; he's genuinely a cool dude, but his lecture style is not for everyone.
Sigmond was a pretty good professor, I enjoyed the small tangents and personalization in his lectures. Everything on the final exam was on the slides, I would be cautious on the exams because there is accurate and false questions in which you have to write why something may or may not be wrong and the short answers. But the majority is multiple choice and there's one research paper. The class can most def drag on, but he's def one of the better sociology professors.
I really loved sigmon’s class. A king. I’ve taken theory courses before & absolutely remembered NOTHING but in sigmon’s class I have retained almost 90% of the information. I, for some reason, never understood concepts by theorists like Marx & Nietzsche, but he made me be able to understand everything. It was an interesting class... sometimes boring tho haha
Some people were complaining about his exam this year (it was all multiple choice) & how it didn’t test on conceptual facts but rather specific facts directly from his lecture... but personally I think this is easier. I took detailed notes in class & copied his lecture down word for word then read my notes after every class.
I mean I don’t like short answer exams so maybe I’m biased towards his exams.
Professor Sigmon also does an excellent job at summarizing & going into detail about the specific readings we had to do. A lot of the readings are dense so even after reading, I tended to not understand everything that was talked about but after watching the lectures, everything made sense.
We also had an essay which really just depends on who you have for your section TA.
Basically, if you want to pass this class, watch & take notes on all the lectures (don’t procrastinate) & then read the lecture notes so you can retain the info. Skim the readings before lecture though so that lecture makes more sense rather than you trying to learn all this new info by yourself.
Sigmon wants us to succeed!! Good luck
I really loved his slides and how he broke down each concept into really digestible pieces. Sometimes the readings that were assigned were dense and hard to understand, but after his lectures were super clear and helped a lot. Took this class during Spring 2020 online amidst social turmoil and Professor Sigmon was really understanding about everything. Definitely would recommend him and TA Justin Breck!
Selling book:
mapping the social landscape 7th edition — bought used from former student for $50, selling for $25
$5 shipping
Text me: **********
This class was super interesting. The readings were a little boring at first but they get far more interesting as the quarter goes on. We have to do a weekly journal based on the readings but they are fairly short. You must buy the books though!! Professor Sigmon is super nice and pretty engaging but he can be a little boring since he does not use a mic and his class was late in the day. He gave us study guides for the midterm and final which were extremely helpful. There is also a term paper due at the end of the quarter but you choose your own topic so it is fairly interesting. Overall, I would recommend this class with Professor Sigmon. I am also selling hard copies of the following books for this class: The Meaning of Sociology (9th edition), Mapping the Social Landscape (7th edition), and Readings for Sociology (9th edition). Text me at ********** for prices!!
Sigmon is literally the easiest professor ever. His lectures are lowkey boring but he says the information necessary to get an A on the midterm and exam, and that's all that really matters. There's no homework besides weekly reflections that only need to be 250 words. He wears the same button-up flannel every day and I love it. I'm also taking SOCIOL 102 with him this quarter so I would totally recommend taking him again. I've seen some mixed reviews about it and I guess you either love Sigmon or you don't, but tbh as long as you pay attention during lectures, you literally don't have to do anything else.
Awesome class. One assignment a week graded on completion. I just skimmed the readings and found topics I knew I could expand on/ give my thoughts on to write about for the assignments. One discussion a week where you discuss what you wrote for the weekly assignment.
Exams: Soooooooo easy if you just look at the slides. I attended the first 2 classes and after that I stopped going. I didn't study til the day before the exam. I used the study guide and rewrote the slides verbatim. Got 100% on the midterm and 97% on the final.
He's funny too. Made me laugh for those two classes I attended.
HE IS EXTREMELY BORING. he's like a robot and his voice makes me so sleepy. I went to every class before midterm but i didn't think it was useful. after midterm I basically skipped all the classes (Luckily he didn't take attendance LOL). However, his slides are clear and studying his slides on your own after class will get you an A in midterm and final. His discussion grade depends on how the TA evaluates it. The weekly assignment is to read the material and answer questions on canvas. Honestly, I don't think my TA was any help. But I would still take soc102 with him because his SLIDE IS EVERYTHING.
i loveddd taking this class with Professor Sigmon! don't let the grading breakdown on the syllabus scare you (two exams worth 35% of your grade each, section attendance/participation worth 30%, with no extra credit and nothing dropped) - the exams cover exactly what was on the study guide and are designed in a way that isn't meant to trick you or make it overly difficult. the only con is that sometimes the content during lecture felt like common sense and that there was no need to spend 1hr and 15mins lecturing on it, but as the person below me stated - it's really not much of a con / a great con to have lol. definitely take this if you need a GPA boost or an easy elective!
-easy content
-reasonable workload (weekly 1 page paper on assigned readings graded on completion)
-gives a study guide for exams
-super nice guy
-chill class environment
-can find free pdfs of the textbook online
-boring at times
-content can be pretty common sense/too easy (not really a con though haha)
Professor Sigmon is a super cool guy. He's very chill and will gladly chat with you after class. He's super passionate about the content, and you can tell he loves his job. The exams are extremely fair - he literally posts study guides for them on Bruin Learn, and the study guides give you exactly what you need to know for the exam. I only studied the day of the midterm and the day before the final and I got A's on both. By far my easiest class of the quarter, and it was so refreshing to have such a down to Earth prof
Professor Sigmon is one of those Professors that you either love or hate. His lecture style consists of mainly reading off his slides, adding comments on the slides, and rinse and repeat. Occasionally he will show a video to demonstrate the concept that is he is going over, but they are really rare. Do I like his lecture style? At first no, I thought it was really boring. Then, the more you realize you don't need to read at all for his class AND his comments usually summarize the slides in a succinct way, the class just clicked for me. This is not universal though. Not everyone will have it "click" like it did for me and be wary that this is how he will lecture for the entire quarter. He tells you everything he needs to tell you and you honestly only need the slides to get through the course.
Structure of the class was midterm, paper, and then final with the paper due a few days prior to the final. For both exams, it's going to be short answer question. Since the TA strike happened, the final became multiple choice. As long as you study the slides you really don't need to worry. The paper was just a compare and contrast analysis of two sociologists that Sigmon asks you to compare. Not hard at all. I'd recommend the guy; he's genuinely a cool dude, but his lecture style is not for everyone.
Sigmond was a pretty good professor, I enjoyed the small tangents and personalization in his lectures. Everything on the final exam was on the slides, I would be cautious on the exams because there is accurate and false questions in which you have to write why something may or may not be wrong and the short answers. But the majority is multiple choice and there's one research paper. The class can most def drag on, but he's def one of the better sociology professors.
I really loved sigmon’s class. A king. I’ve taken theory courses before & absolutely remembered NOTHING but in sigmon’s class I have retained almost 90% of the information. I, for some reason, never understood concepts by theorists like Marx & Nietzsche, but he made me be able to understand everything. It was an interesting class... sometimes boring tho haha
Some people were complaining about his exam this year (it was all multiple choice) & how it didn’t test on conceptual facts but rather specific facts directly from his lecture... but personally I think this is easier. I took detailed notes in class & copied his lecture down word for word then read my notes after every class.
I mean I don’t like short answer exams so maybe I’m biased towards his exams.
Professor Sigmon also does an excellent job at summarizing & going into detail about the specific readings we had to do. A lot of the readings are dense so even after reading, I tended to not understand everything that was talked about but after watching the lectures, everything made sense.
We also had an essay which really just depends on who you have for your section TA.
Basically, if you want to pass this class, watch & take notes on all the lectures (don’t procrastinate) & then read the lecture notes so you can retain the info. Skim the readings before lecture though so that lecture makes more sense rather than you trying to learn all this new info by yourself.
Sigmon wants us to succeed!! Good luck
I really loved his slides and how he broke down each concept into really digestible pieces. Sometimes the readings that were assigned were dense and hard to understand, but after his lectures were super clear and helped a lot. Took this class during Spring 2020 online amidst social turmoil and Professor Sigmon was really understanding about everything. Definitely would recommend him and TA Justin Breck!
Selling book:
mapping the social landscape 7th edition — bought used from former student for $50, selling for $25
$5 shipping
Text me: **********
This class was super interesting. The readings were a little boring at first but they get far more interesting as the quarter goes on. We have to do a weekly journal based on the readings but they are fairly short. You must buy the books though!! Professor Sigmon is super nice and pretty engaging but he can be a little boring since he does not use a mic and his class was late in the day. He gave us study guides for the midterm and final which were extremely helpful. There is also a term paper due at the end of the quarter but you choose your own topic so it is fairly interesting. Overall, I would recommend this class with Professor Sigmon. I am also selling hard copies of the following books for this class: The Meaning of Sociology (9th edition), Mapping the Social Landscape (7th edition), and Readings for Sociology (9th edition). Text me at ********** for prices!!
Sigmon is literally the easiest professor ever. His lectures are lowkey boring but he says the information necessary to get an A on the midterm and exam, and that's all that really matters. There's no homework besides weekly reflections that only need to be 250 words. He wears the same button-up flannel every day and I love it. I'm also taking SOCIOL 102 with him this quarter so I would totally recommend taking him again. I've seen some mixed reviews about it and I guess you either love Sigmon or you don't, but tbh as long as you pay attention during lectures, you literally don't have to do anything else.
Awesome class. One assignment a week graded on completion. I just skimmed the readings and found topics I knew I could expand on/ give my thoughts on to write about for the assignments. One discussion a week where you discuss what you wrote for the weekly assignment.
Exams: Soooooooo easy if you just look at the slides. I attended the first 2 classes and after that I stopped going. I didn't study til the day before the exam. I used the study guide and rewrote the slides verbatim. Got 100% on the midterm and 97% on the final.
He's funny too. Made me laugh for those two classes I attended.
HE IS EXTREMELY BORING. he's like a robot and his voice makes me so sleepy. I went to every class before midterm but i didn't think it was useful. after midterm I basically skipped all the classes (Luckily he didn't take attendance LOL). However, his slides are clear and studying his slides on your own after class will get you an A in midterm and final. His discussion grade depends on how the TA evaluates it. The weekly assignment is to read the material and answer questions on canvas. Honestly, I don't think my TA was any help. But I would still take soc102 with him because his SLIDE IS EVERYTHING.
i loveddd taking this class with Professor Sigmon! don't let the grading breakdown on the syllabus scare you (two exams worth 35% of your grade each, section attendance/participation worth 30%, with no extra credit and nothing dropped) - the exams cover exactly what was on the study guide and are designed in a way that isn't meant to trick you or make it overly difficult. the only con is that sometimes the content during lecture felt like common sense and that there was no need to spend 1hr and 15mins lecturing on it, but as the person below me stated - it's really not much of a con / a great con to have lol. definitely take this if you need a GPA boost or an easy elective!
-easy content
-reasonable workload (weekly 1 page paper on assigned readings graded on completion)
-gives a study guide for exams
-super nice guy
-chill class environment
-can find free pdfs of the textbook online
-boring at times
-content can be pretty common sense/too easy (not really a con though haha)
Professor Sigmon is a super cool guy. He's very chill and will gladly chat with you after class. He's super passionate about the content, and you can tell he loves his job. The exams are extremely fair - he literally posts study guides for them on Bruin Learn, and the study guides give you exactly what you need to know for the exam. I only studied the day of the midterm and the day before the final and I got A's on both. By far my easiest class of the quarter, and it was so refreshing to have such a down to Earth prof